idiom > Jiayuqiaojin
  Explanation: To describe the rhythmic and loud tone nicely.
  Usage: The main predicate; as predicate; describe the sonorous voice ringing or syllable
  Source: Luo Ye Song, "recorded about the novel primer Drunkard": "jade knock Chrysostom Hom test drive, said people with the East and West."
  Examples: Can Ya ridiculed the fly gear, high-Yin is ~. ★ Qing Pu "Liao eight King"
No. 2
  Utah Hom Yu knock the ice. Describe the sound or syllable loud and crisp. Luo Ye Song "tippler novel primer on record": "test drive Jia Yu knock Chrysostom, said people with the East and West." Qing Pu "Liao Wang Eight": "Can Ya ridiculed the fly gear, high-Yin then Hom Yu struck gold. "also for" Hom Yu Qiang-Jin. "
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No. 3
  Hom: percussion. Beat jade and gold. Describe the rhythmic and loud tone nicely. Also described the popular stern section.
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No. 4
  词目 戛玉敲金
  发音 jiá yù qiāo jīn
  释义 戛,轻轻敲打。敲击金玉发出的声音,形容声调有节奏而响亮好听。
  出处 清·蒲松龄《聊斋志异·八大王》:“雅谑则飞花粲齿,高吟则戛玉敲金 。”
Hom Yu-Qiang Jin