n.: before long, take to, very quickly, very fast or hard, vigorously, very fast, like a `flash very quickly, immediately, quick as `lightning very fast, with lightning `speed very fast
v.: very fast, hard, much, etc
adv.: soon, at once, quickly
very fling, forcefully overnight, at a brush, stroke anon, anon, anon, anon, erelong, right away, little delay, Became an instant, exact point of time, hourly, awhile persistent, durable, robust, adamantine, stable, purposeful, Budiaoyiqing commiserative, extremely, persistent, absolute, deep, very, by a very great amount, vitally, exceedingly, high, infinitely, infinitely, infinitely, very endeavor, abominably, bold, manful, extremely, badly, ever, suddenly, longitudinal, absolutely, solid, continual, persistent, stubborn, deep, deep, barely, purely, walloping, ceaseless, that does not slacken, drastically, from the word go, ceaseless, never slackening or stopping, arbitrary, badly, adequately, soundly, soundly, ambition plain, courageous, stable, ceaseless, done, happening, working, etc in an even and regular way, balky, stubborn, extreme, supremely, extempore, on the spot, unbending, conspicuously, Indubitability of, certain, endless, unrelenting, no inactive, abnormally, charming, then, then odd, one, as soon as, meanwhile, anymore, once, now, Mashang Village