idiom > Plain county inspector
Plain county inspector
  Explanation: Plain: the ancient names; county inspector: Ancient Guan Ming. Liejiu, of liquor in the argot.
  Source: Southern Song Liu Yiqing "Shi technical solutions" Duke Huan of the Lord of good books do not wine, a wine made to taste Noir, well is that the 'Green Island in the' evil that the 'plain county inspector. '"
  Examples: Qingzhou in full, and that there ~. (Qing Li Ruzhen "Flowers in the Mirror," the ninety-sixth back)
Liejiu the argot
  Liejiu's insinuations. Southern Song Liu Yiqing "Shi surgery Solution": "Duke Huan (Huan Wen) do not have the main book of good wine, have precipitated an order to taste wine, good people argue that in Qingzhou, the evil that plain county inspector. Qingzhou with Dean Qi, Plain Ge County, in words to the navel, the inspector made to live in the Tripod on. "engage in, the inspector, are Guan Ming.
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No. 3
  平原督邮 ( píng yuán dū yóu )
  解 释 平原:古代地名;督邮:古代官名。劣酒、浊酒的隐语。
  出 处 南朝宋·刘义庆《世说新语·术解》:“桓公有主簿善别酒,有酒辄令先尝,好者谓‘青州从事’,恶者谓‘平原督邮。’青州有齐郡,平原有鬲县。从事,言到脐;督邮,言在膈上住。”
  示 例 尽是青州从事,那有~。(清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第九十六回)
  反义词 青州从事