People drinking water, Lengnuanzizhi
  Explanation: Refers to his experience things that stand by themselves.
  Usage: Complex sentence; for clause; that own direct experience of things that he knows best
  Source: Song, Buddhism, Taoism original "Yuanzhou Meng Jing Chuan Deng Dominican Jackson recorded": "I am with the public, although in Huangmei, province of his face is not real. This means a grant of Mongolia into place, such as human drinking water, Lengnuanzizhi. Today Walker, that is, person A teacher also. "
No. 2
  That their direct experience with, and they are most understanding. Zen metaphor inner enlightenment card.
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Also for "such as fish, water, Lengnuanzizhi"
  Also for "such as fish, water, Lengnuanzizhi."
   That their own direct experience with, and they are most understanding. Zen metaphor inner enlightenment card. "Yellow tillers hill off to the international Master Chuan Center of Velocity": "Ming in again revealing a sudden understanding, we worship goes: 'If people drinking water Lengnuanzizhi, person A would be in the Fifth Patriarch, with three years of effort spent in vain.'" "Jing Photobucket Yuanzhou Mengshan Dominican Jackson recorded": "Although Huang Mei person A with the public, really did not face their own province. this means the grant of Mongolia into the office, such as human drinking water, Lengnuanzizhi. today entrants, that is a A teacher also. "Songyue Ke" bedside stand sleeping Sea Dragon Records will map ":" As the law can not, there is no phase-phase, such as fish, water, Lengnuanzizhi. "Lu Xun" <"Worrisome Old Man Preface": "What 'such as fish, water, Lengnuanzizhi', with vulgar words, is 'home sick, home to know' strike. "
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No. 4
  词 目 如人饮水,冷暖自知
  发 音 rú rén yǐn shuǐ,lěng nuǎn zì zhī
  释 义 泛指自己经历的事,自己知道甘苦。
  出 处 唐·裴休《黄蘖山断际禅师传心法要》:“明于言下忽然默契,便礼拜云:‘如人饮水,冷暖自知,某甲在五祖会中,枉用三十年工夫。’”
  示 例 某甲虽在黄梅随众,实未省自己面目。今蒙指受入处,~,行者即是某甲师也。 ——宋·释道原《景德传灯录》。明·鹿善继《答范景龙书》:“惟是世变滔滔,党同伐异,任重道远,谨始虑终,往常书本生活,到此躬行实践,别有光景,如人饮水,冷暖自知。”
  用 法 复句式;作分句;指自己直接经历的事,自己最了解
  近义词 如鱼饮水,冷暖自知
  【如人饮水,冷暖自知】  这是一个富有哲理性的比喻,是说通过直接的亲身体验,才能理解得明白亲切。《坛经·行由品》:“慧能曰:‘不思善,不思恶,正与么(犹恁么)时,那(哪)个是明上座本来面目?’惠明言下大悟……曰:‘惠明虽在黄梅,实未省自己面目。今蒙指示,如人饮水,冷暖自知,今行者即惠明师也。’”后亦作“如鱼饮水,冷暖自知”。鲁迅《热风·题记》:“对于周围的感受和反应,又大概是所谓‘如鱼饮水,冷暖自知’的。”这是因文章内容而活用成语的例子。(禹振声)
Such as fish, water, have a profound knowledge of sth.