Buddhist glossary : math and applied math : medicine : communication engineering : facial : cantonese, spoken in Guangdong > lakh
No. 1
  Large number of minority is subordinate to the overwhelming ~ Your ~ Your ~ in favor of the proposal.
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duō shù
  More than half; number of large
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No. 3
  Accounted for a large proportion of the overall number. Lao She, "Rickshaw" 15: "Most of the shop had opened the city, but also some family closed the door." Such as: the majority; unite the majority.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  lakh,  mort,  multiplicity,  multitude,  numerousness,  population,  preponderance,  quiverful,  regiment,  throng,  troop,  majority
  2. adj.:  many,  most
French Expression
  1. n.  la majorité
Containing Phrases
mostthe many