【面积】 196722平方公里。
【人口】 1085万(2005年)。全国有20多个民族,主要是沃洛夫族(占全国人口的43%),颇尔族(24%)和谢列尔族(15%)。官方语言为法语,全国80%的人通用沃洛夫语。94%的居民信奉伊斯兰教,5%信奉拜物教,1%信奉天主教。
【首 都】 达喀尔(Dakar),人口235.2万(2005年)。9~10月气温最高,平均为24~32℃,1月气温最低,平均为18~26℃。
【国家元首】 现任总统阿卜杜拉耶·瓦德(Abdoulaye Wade), 2000年3月当选,4月1日就职。
【重要节日】 国庆节:4月4日。
【简 况】
【政 治】
【宪法】 现行宪法于1963年经公民投票通过,后于1970年、1976年、1983年、1984年、1991年、1993年、1998和2001年八次修改。宪法规定:总统是国家元首、政府首脑和武装部队最高统帅,由直接普选产生,任期5年,只能连任一次 。总统缺位,由议长代理,并在三个月内举行大选。总理职位在1970年修宪时设立,1983年撤消,1991年复设。1998年2月修宪时决定增设参议院。2001年1月修宪时,参议院撤销。
【议会】国民议会由普选产生,任期5年。本届国民议会于2001年5月18日成立,共120个席位。其中塞内加尔民主党占89席,进步力量联盟11席,社会党10席,民主复兴联盟3席,非洲争取民主与社会主义党2席,其余各小党共5席。议长帕普·迪奥普( Pape Diop,民主党),2002年6月当选。2005年12月,国民议会通过延长议员任期的法案,将下届立法选举与2007年进行的总统选举衔接。
【政府】 本届政府于2004年4月22日组成,后多次改组。成员有:总理麦基·萨勒(Macky Sall),外交国务部长谢赫·蒂迪亚内·加迪奥(Cheikh Tidiane Gadio),经济和财政国务部长阿卜杜拉耶·迪奥普(Abdoulaye Diop),掌玺和司法国务部长谢赫·蒂迪亚内·西(Cheikh Tidiane Sy),海事经济和国际海运国务部长吉博·莱蒂·卡(Djibo Leïty Kâ),基础设施、装备、陆路和内海运输国务部长哈比卜·西(Habib Sy),国防部长贝卡耶·迪奥普(Bécaye Diop),内政和地方行政部长奥斯曼·恩戈姆(Ousmane Ngom),教育部长穆斯塔法·苏朗(Moustapha Sourang),旅游和空中运输部长奥斯曼·马赛克·恩迪亚耶(Ousmane Masseck Ndiaye),能源和矿产部长马迪克·尼昂(Madické Niang),贸易部长马马杜·迪奥普(Mamadou Diop),卫生和医疗预防部长阿卜杜·法勒(Abdou Fall),农业、农村水利和食品安全部长法尔巴·桑戈尔(Farba Senghor),国际和地方合作部长拉明·巴(Lamine Bâ),妇女、家庭和社会发展部长艾达·姆博吉女士(Aïda Mbodj),文化和历史遗产部长马姆·比拉梅·迪乌夫(Mame Birame Diouf),公职、劳动、就业和职业组织部长阿达马·萨勒(Adama Sall),体育部长达乌达·法耶(El Hadj Daouda Faye),城市规划和领土整治部长阿萨内·迪亚涅(Assane Diagne),建筑遗产、住房和建设部长奥马尔·萨尔(Oumar Sarr),邮政、电信和信息、通讯新技术部长约瑟夫·恩东(Joseph Ndong),工业和手工业部长比内塔·巴·桑布女士(Bineta Bâ Samb),预防、公共防疫、清洁和城市水利部长伊萨·姆巴耶·桑布(Issa Mbaye Samb),环境和自然保护部长蒂埃诺·洛(Thierno Lô),信息部长、政府发言人巴卡尔·迪亚(Bacar Dia),非洲新伙伴计划、非洲经济一体化和良政部长阿卜杜·阿齐兹·索乌(Abdou Aziz Sow)生活质量和娱乐部长迈穆娜·苏朗·恩迪尔女士(Maïmouna Sourang Ndir),中小企业、妇女企业和微观金融部长玛丽-皮埃尔·萨尔·特拉奥雷女士(Marie-Pierre Sarr Traoré),青年部长阿利乌·索乌(Aliou Sow),科学研究部长亚耶·凯纳·加萨马·迪亚女士(Yaye Kène Gassama Dia),计划和持续发展部长马马杜·西迪贝(Mamadou Sidibé),海外侨民部长阿卜杜·马拉勒·迪奥普(Abdou Malal Diop),畜牧业部长乌穆·哈伊里·盖伊·塞克女士(Oumou Khaïry Guèye Seck),技术教育和职业培训部长乔治·滕登(Georges Tendeng),同机构关系部长阿娃·法勒·迪奥普女士(Awa Fall Diop),总理府负责地方发展的部长级代表索赫纳·杜尔·法勒女士(Sokhna Touré Fall),经济和财政部负责预算的部长级代表谢赫·哈吉布·苏马雷(Cheikh Hadjibou Soumaré),教育部负责教学的部长级代表易卜拉希马·法勒(Ibrahimn Fall),教育部负责扫盲、全国性语言和法语国家的部长级代表迪埃加内·塞内(Diégane Sène)。
【司法机构】司法权由最高法院、最高检察院、上诉法院、预审法庭、重罪法院和治安裁判所等各级法院行使。1992年,塞司法体制改革,取消国家安全法庭,成立立宪委员会、行政法院。现任最高法院院长贾布里勒·卡马拉(Guibril Camara),总检察长阿卜杜拉耶·盖伊(Abdoulaye Gaye)。
(1)塞内加尔民主党(Le Parti Démocratique Sénégalais):执政党。1974年7月31日成立。宗旨是通过民主手段建立一个民主、社会主义和全面发展的社会。组织机构健全。瓦德总统和萨勒总理分任总书记和副总书记。
(2)塞内加尔社会党(Le Parti Socialiste du Sénégal):塞独立后曾长期执政,2000年3月沦为在野党。主张在保留非洲特性的同时,建立一个开放、民主和人道主义的社会。党主席为前总统阿卜杜·迪乌夫(Abdou Diouf ),第一书记为乌斯曼·塔诺·迪昂(Ousmane Tanor Dieng)。
(3)进步力量联盟(Alliance des Forces de Progrès) :由部分原社会党成员于1999年8月组建,主张建立民主政治,依靠政治方式维护社会稳定。总书记为前政府总理穆斯塔法·尼亚斯(Moustapha Niasse )。
【经 济】
农业国。是联合国公布的最不发达国家之一。经济门类较齐全,具备一定的工业基础,三大产业发展较平衡。农业以种植花生、棉花、小米、高粱、玉米、木薯等为主。渔业、花生、磷酸盐出口以及旅游业是塞四大传统创汇产业。1984年以来,塞政府推行新农业和工业政策,减少国家干预,逐步实行国营企业私有化,鼓励企业间自由竞争;强调优先发展农业, 争取粮食自给;重视对生产项目的投资,提高工业生产水平,增强出口创汇能力;设立自由工业区,以引进外资和技术。瓦德上台后,把增加就业、减贫作为经济政策中的首要目标,同时努力扩大税源,保持财政平衡。近年来,塞经济稳步增长。2006年初,瓦德总统提出“加速增长战略”,目标是今后10年内年均经济增长7-8%,实现国内生产总值翻番。
货币名称 :非洲金融共同体法郎,简称非洲法郎(FCFA)。
2003/2004 2004/2005 2005/2006
花生 44.1 60.3 82.0
棉花 5.5 4.0 4.7
小米、高粱 81.8 45.0 84.0
稻谷 23.2 23.3 25.7
玉米 40.1 40.1 42.0
在塞内加尔,若有贵宾来临,他们常以烤全来热情款待。用来作烤全的都是小羊羔。烤熟后,放在金属的大盘子里端上餐桌。待客人们洗手后,一般习惯用右手先从羊的背部、胁部开始撕食。 V 塞内加尔人一般是以玉米、大米、高粱等为主食,其副食以牛羊肉为主,其中尤以羊肉居多。他们习惯吃大块的牛、羊肉,不爱吃以肉片、肉丁或肉丝烹制的菜肴。
空运:达喀尔列奥波尔德·塞达·桑戈尔机场为国际机场,年均客运量120万人次,货运量超过3万吨。自1998年起,圣·路易有包机飞往法国。另有12个二级机场,其中较重要的有济金朔尔机场。1999年,塞航空公司将其51%的股份卖给摩洛哥皇家航空公司,并于2001年组成塞内加尔国际航空公司。2001年该公司客运量为12.5万人次, 2004年上升至42万人次。2003年曾被评为非洲最佳航空公司。
2003 2004 2005
收入 7977 8648 9590
支出 8500 9655 10060
差额 -523 -1007 -470
【对外贸易】主要出口渔业产品、磷酸盐、花生和石油产品,进口产品主要是粮食、原油、机电和日常消费品等。主要贸易伙伴是法国(2004年分别占塞进、出口总额的25%和10.2%)、印度、尼日利亚、马里、意大利、德国、日本、科特迪瓦等。 近年进出口贸易情况如下(单位:亿非洲法郎):
2003 2004 2005
出口额(离岸价) 7310 6745 7309
进口额(离岸价) 12010 15008 16853
贸易逆差 4700 8263 9544
2004年总兵力13620人。陆军11900人,编有步兵部、工兵营、总统卫队、炮兵群、侦察中队、伞兵连等部队;海军950人;空军770人;准军事部队5000人。现任总参谋长阿卜杜拉耶·法勒少将(Abdoulaye Fall)。
【文化教育】教育发展较快。2003年,小学入学率为85.1%。成年人识字率为40.2%。4%的适龄人口接受高等教育。全国有高等院校10 所,其中达喀尔大学创立于1957年(前身是“法属黑非洲研究院”),是黑非洲历史最悠久的高等学府之一,设有5个系和一些附属学院及研究所。在国外的留学生和研究生约5000人。2004年教育开支占预算总支出的35%。
塞内加尔通讯社是国家通讯社,成立于1957年。国内有7个分社,国外无分社。同20个外国通讯社签有新闻交流协定。1999年8月,第一家私营通讯社Ava Presse成立。
1973年建立广播电视局,1992年改为国营公司,名为“塞内加尔广播电视”,统管广播电视工作。从1992年开始,塞与法国合作开办调频台可收听法国国际台和设在加蓬的“非洲第一台”的广播。国家电视台的节目尚不能覆盖全国,覆盖面积为80%。在达喀尔,通过卫星天线,可收到美国CNN、法国国际台、Canal Horizon和TV5等西方电视台的节目。
中国驻塞内加尔大使:卢沙野。馆址:RUE 18 PROLONGEE,FANN RESIDENCE,DAKAR, REPUBLIQUE DU SENEGAL。信箱:B.P.342。国家地区号:00221。电话:8647775。传真:8647780。
塞内加尔驻华大使:帕帕·哈利卢·法勒(Papa Khalilou Fall)。馆址:暂无。
Senegal (French: le Sénégal), officially the Republic of Senegal, is a country south of the Sénégal River in western Africa. Senegal is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the west, Mauritania to the north, Mali to the east, and Guinea and Guinea-Bissau to the south. The Gambia lies almost entirely within Senegal, surrounded on the north, east and south; from its western coast, Gambia's territory follows the Gambia River more than 300 kilometres (186 miles) inland. Dakar is the capital city of Senegal, located on the Cape Verde Peninsula on the country's Atlantic coast.
Archaeological findings throughout the area indicate that Senegal was inhabited in prehistoric times.
Eastern Senegal was once part of the Empire of Ghana. It was founded by the Tukulor in the middle valley of the Senegal River. Islam, the dominant religion in Senegal, first came to the region in the 11th century. In the 13th and 14th centuries, the area came under the influence of the Mandingo empires to the east; the Jolof Empire of Senegal also was founded during this time.
Various European powers—Portugal, the Netherlands, and Great Britain—competed for trade in the area from the 15th century onward, until in 1677, France ended up in possession of what had become an important slave trade departure point—the infamous island of Gorée next to modern Dakar. Millions of West African people were shipped from here. It was only in the 1850s that the French began to expand their foothold onto the Senegalese mainland, at the expense of native kingdoms such as Waalo, Cayor, Baol, and Jolof.
In January 1959 Senegal and the French Sudan merged to form the Mali Federation, which became fully independent on June 20, 1960, as a result of the independence and the transfer of power agreement signed with France on April 4, 1960. Due to internal political difficulties, the Federation broke up on August 20. Senegal and Sudan (renamed the Republic of Mali) proclaimed independence. Léopold Senghor was elected Senegal's first president in September 1960.
After the breakup of the Mali Federation, President Senghor and Prime Minister Mamadou Dia governed together under a parliamentary system. In December 1962 their political rivalry led to an attempted coup by Prime Minister Dia. Although this was put down without bloodshed, Dia was arrested and imprisoned, and Senegal adopted a new constitution that consolidated the president's power. In 1980 President Senghor decided to retire from politics, and he handed power over in 1981 to his handpicked successor, Abdou Diouf.
Senegal joined with The Gambia to form the nominal confederation of Senegambia on February 1 1982. However, the union was dissolved in 1989. Despite peace talks, a southern separatist group in the Casamance region has clashed sporadically with government forces since 1982. Senegal has a long history of participating in international peacekeeping.
Abdou Diouf was president between 1981 and 2000. He encouraged broader political participation, reduced government involvement in the economy, and widened Senegal's diplomatic engagements, particularly with other developing nations. Domestic politics on occasion spilled over into street violence, border tensions, and a violent separatist movement in the southern region of the Casamance. Nevertheless, Senegal's commitment to democracy and human rights strengthened. Diouf served four terms as president.
In the presidential election of 2000, opposition leader Abdoulaye Wade defeated Diouf in an election deemed free and fair by international observers. Senegal experienced its second peaceful transition of power, and its first from one political party to another. On December 30, 2004 President Abdoulaye Wade announced that he would sign a peace treaty with the separatist group in the Casamance region. This, however, has yet to be implemented. There was a round of talks in 2005, but the results did not yet yield a resolution.
Abdoulaye Wade, current president of Senegal.Main article: Politics of Senegal
Senegal is a republic with a powerful presidency; the president is elected every seven years, amended in 2001 to every five years, by universal adult suffrage. The current president is Abdoulaye Wade, re-elected in March 2007.
Senegal has more than 80 political parties. The unicameral National Assembly has 120 members elected separately from the president. An independent judiciary also exists in Senegal. The nation's highest courts that deal with business issues are the constitutional council and the court of justice, members of which are named by the president.
Today Senegal has a democratic political culture, being one of the more successful post-colonial democratic transitions in Africa. Local administrators are appointed by, and responsible to, the president. The marabouts, religious leaders of the various Senegalese Muslim brotherhoods, also exercise a strong political influence in the country, most notably the leader of the Mouride brotherhood, Serigne Mouhamadou Lamine Bara Mbacke.
Senegal is located on the west of the African continent. The Senegalese landscape consists mainly of the rolling sandy plains of the western Sahel which rise to foothills in the southeast. Here is also found Senegal's highest point, an otherwise unnamed feature near Nepen Diakha at 584 m (1926 ft). The northern border is formed by the Senegal River, other rivers include the Gambia and Casamance Rivers. The capital Dakar lies on the Cap-Vert peninsula, the westernmost point of continental Africa.
The local climate is tropical with well-defined dry and humid seasons that result from northeast winter winds and southwest summer winds. Dakar's annual rainfall of about 600 mm (24 in) occurs between June and October when maximum temperatures average 27 °C (81 °F); December to February minimum temperatures are about 17 °C (63°F). Interior temperatures can be substantially higher than along the coast, and rainfall increases substantially farther south, exceeding 1.5 m (59.1 in) annually in some areas. The far interior of the country, in the region of Tambacounda, particularly on the border or Mali, temperatures can reach as high as 130 °F (54 °C).
The Cape Verde islands lie some 560 kilometers (348 mi) off the Senegalese coast, but Cap Vert ("Cape Green") is a maritime placemark, set at the foot of "Les Mammelles" , a 105-metre (344 ft) cliff resting at one end of the Cap Vert peninsula onto which is settled Senegal's capital Dakar, and 1 kilometre (1,100 yd) south of the "Pointe des Almadies", the western-most point in Africa.
Population of major cities
City Population
Dakar 1,998,635
Touba 428,059
Thiès 240,152
Rufisque 187,203
Saint-Louis 178,782
Kaolack 173,782
M'Bour 170,699
Ziguinchor 130,750
Regions, departments, and arrondissements
Regions of SenegalMain articles: Regions of Senegal, Departments of Senegal, and Arrondissements of Senegal
Senegal is subdivided into 11 regions, each administered by a Conseil Régional (Regional Council) elected by population weight at the Arrondissement level. The country is further subdivided by 34 Départements, 103 Arrondissements (neither of which have administrative function) and by Collectivités Locales, which elect administrative officers.
Regional capitals have the same name as their respective regions:
Grand Market in KaolackMain article: Economy of Senegal
In January 1994 Senegal undertook a bold and ambitious economic reform programme with the support of the international donor community. This reform began with a 50 percent devaluation of Senegal's currency, the CFA franc, which was linked at a fixed rate to the former French franc and now to the euro. Government price controls and subsidies have been steadily dismantled. After seeing its economy contract by 2.1 percent in 1993, Senegal made an important turnaround, thanks to the reform programme, with real growth in GDP averaging 5 percent annually during the years 1995–2001. Annual inflation had been pushed down to less than 1 percent, but rose to an estimated 3.3 percent in 2001. Investment rose steadily from 13.8 percent of GDP in 1993 to 16.5 percent in 1997.
The main industries include food processing, mining, cement, artificial fertilizer, chemicals, textiles, refining imported petroleum, and tourism. Exports include fish, chemicals, cotton, fabrics, groundnuts, and calcium phosphate, and the principal foreign market is India at 26.7 percent of exports (as of 1998). Other foreign markets include the US, Italy, and the UK.
As a member of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), Senegal is working toward greater regional integration with a unified external tariff. Senegal also realized full Internet connectivity in 1996, creating a mini-boom in information technology-based services. Private activity now accounts for 82 percent of GDP. On the negative side, Senegal faces deep-seeded urban problems of chronic unemployment, socioeconomic disparity, juvenile delinquency, and drug addiction.
Senegal has a population of over 11 million, about 70 percent of whom live in rural areas. Density in these areas varies from about 77 inhabitants per square kilometre (199/sq mi) in the west-central region to 2 inhabitants per square kilometre (5/sq mi) in the arid eastern section. According to the World Refugee Survey 2008, published by the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, Senegal has a population of refugees and asylum seekers numbering approximately 23,800 in 2007. The majority of this population (20,200) is from Mauritania. Refugees live in N'dioum, Dodel, and small settlements along the Senegal River valley.
Senegal has a wide variety of ethnic groups and, as in most West African countries, several languages are widely spoken. The Wolof are the largest single ethnic group in Senegal at 43 percent; the Peul and Toucouleur (also known as Halpulaar, Fulbe or Fula) (24 percent) are the second biggest group, followed by others that include the Serer (15 percent), Lebou (10 percent), Jola (4 percent), Mandinka (3 percent), Maures or Naarkajors, Soninke, Bassari and many smaller communities (9 percent). (See also the Bedick ethnic group.) About 50,000 Europeans (1 percent) (mostly French) as well as smaller numbers of Mauritanians and Lebanese reside in Senegal, mainly in the cities. Also located primarily in urban settings are the minority Vietnamese communities. From the time of earliest contact between Europeans and Africans along the coast of Senegal, particularly after the establishment of coastal trading posts during the fifteenth century, communities of mixed African and European (mostly French and Portuguese) origin have thrived. Cape Verdeans living in urban areas and in the Casamance region represent another recognized community of mixed African and European background. French is the official language, used regularly by a minority of Senegalese educated in a system styled upon the colonial-era schools of French origin (Koranic schools are even more popular, but Arabic is not widely spoken outside of this context of recitation). Most people also speak their own ethnic language while, especially in Dakar, Wolof is the lingua franca. Pulaar is spoken by the Peuls and Toucouleur. Portuguese Creole is a prominent minority language in Ziguinchor, regional capital of the Casamance, where some residents speak Kriol, primarily spoken in Guinea-Bissau. Cape Verdeans speak their native creole, Cape Verdean Creole, and standard Portuguese.
The Mosquée de la Divinité in Ouakam
Ritual in Kaolack (1967)Islam is the predominant religion, practiced by approximately 95 percent of the country's population; the Christian community, at 4 percent of the population, includes Roman Catholics and diverse Protestant denominations. There is also a 1 percent population who maintain animism in their beliefs, particularly in the southeastern region of the country.
Islamic communities are generally organized around one of several Islamic Sufi orders or brotherhoods, headed by a khalif (xaliifa in Wolof, from Arabic khalīfa), who is usually a direct descendant of the group’s founder. The two largest and most prominent Sufi orders in Senegal are the Tijaniyya, whose largest sub-groups are based in the cities of Tivaouane and Kaolack, and the Murīdiyya (Murid), based in the city of Touba. The Halpulaar, a widespread ethnic group found along the Sahel from Chad to Senegal, representing 20 percent of the Senegalese population, were the first to be converted to Islam. The Halpulaar, composed of various Fula people groups, named Peuls and Toucouleurs in Senegal. Many of the Toucouleurs, or sedentary Halpulaar of the Senegal River Valley in the north, converted to Islam around a millennium ago and later contributed to Islam's propagation throughout Senegal. Most communities south of the Senegal River Valley, however, were not thoroughly Islamized until the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. During the mid-19th century, Islam became a banner of resistance against the traditional aristocracies and French colonialism, and Tijānī leaders Al-Hajj Umar Tall and Màbba Jaxu Ba established short-lived but influential Islamic states but were both killed in battle and their empires than annexed by the French.
The spread of formal Quranic school (called daara in Wolof) during the colonial period increased largely through the effort of the Tijaniyya. In Murid communities, which place more emphasis on the work ethic than on literary Quranic studies, the term daara often applies to work groups devoted to working for a religious leader. Other Islamic groups include the much older Qādiriyya order and the Senegalese Laayeen order, which is prominent among the coastal Lebu. Today, most Senegalese children study at daaras for several years, memorizing as much of the Qur'an as they can. Some of them continue their religious studies at informal Arabic schools (majlis) or at the growing number of private Arabic schools and publicly funded Franco-Arabic schools.
Small Roman Catholic communities are mainly found in coastal Serer, Jola, Mankanya and Balant populations, and in eastern Senegal among the Bassari and Coniagui. In Dakar Catholic and Protestant rites are practiced by the Lebanese, Capeverdian, European, and American immigrant population, and among certain Africans of other countries. Although Islam is Senegal's majority religion, Senegal's first president, Léopold Sédar Senghor, was a Catholic Serer.
Other religions
Animism is the other main religion practiced. There are also small numbers of adherents of Judaism and Buddhism. Judaism is followed by members of several ethnic groups, while Buddhism is followed by a number of Vietnamese.
Senegal's musical heritage is better known than that of most African countries, due to the popularity of mbalax, which is a form of Wolof percussive music; it has been popularized by Youssou N'Dour. Sabar drumming is especially popular. |