yippee is to help you in the internet on a Chinese information retrieval tool, which contains mainly the Chinese mainland, including the world's various countries and regions, including the Chinese www pages. If you yippee search box on the home page and enter the keyword search will search the entire yippee repository. If you want to find a clear scope of the information, you can first access to the appropriate category, _select_ the "only search in this category" option to search after, so that search results can greatly reduce the time to read. Ian would like to yippee the same as old as your compass in the information world. yippee uses a keyword search mechanism, keywords are generally nouns, is the information you want is critical to find some of the basic vocabulary. Title of the page to participate in the system as a keyword search. You can enter more than one with words and a comma or a semicolon to connect, the conditions of retrieval, but can also choose whether to activate the thesaurus and _set_ the number of such URLs appear per page option. Comma is the logical and (and), the semicolon is the logical or (or), "and" priority is greater than "or." The comma and semicolon, Western and Chinese full-width half-width characters in the character equivalent. If you enter "Economic Daily; economy, the press," will be displayed in both key words "economic" and include "press" or include the "Economic Times" website, where No. priority score a comma. Synonyms in the yippee means: the same thing with different titles, such as computers and computer; full name and short name, such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Sciences; commonly used in Chinese and English terms, such as the Internet, Internet, internet. If the thesaurus search is started, every one of the words entered will be expanded to a _set_ of synonyms, to find a match, which can expand the scope of information retrieval. |