加拿大非營利組織 > 北美華人文學社  貢獻者: maplereview
簡介 A Brief Introduction
   * 管理文學期刊《北美楓》的出版發行。
   * 加強中加兩國文學的合作和交流。
   * 建立東西方詩歌文學橋梁。
   * 合理利用資源。
   * 管理透明化。
   * 財務透明化。
   * 管理充分體現靈活性。
  理事年費 $50, 一般會員$20。中國的理事100元人民幣, 一般會員50。會員有發表作品的優先權。

  The North American Maple is a leading bilingual literary journal in both the languages of Chinese and English, published by a non-profit organization, the Chinese Literature Society of North America. The journal is developed from the beimeifeng website.
  Chinese Literature Society of North America
  The Chinese Literature Society of North America is a non-profit organization registered in BC, Canada.
  The purposes of the society are:
   * To manage the publication of the literary journal of "North American Maple".
   * To promote the culture exchange between Canada and China in the respect of literature.
   * To build a literature bridge between the English and the Chinese poetry around the world.
  The society is dedicated to developing the journal and promoting its cultural value. Its directors and members are volunteer workers for the journal. The board of directors will be reelected every two years. The president of the society, with the help from other directors of the society, will appoint editors and invite advisors for the journal.
  Some guidelines include:
   * making good use of resources.
   * transparency of administration.
   * transparency of financing.
   * flexibilities of management tactics.
  Annual fee is $50 for a director, $20 for a member. The fee will be 100 RMB for a Mainland director, and 50 RMB for a Mainland member. Members have the privileges of publishing works over non members.
  The main sources of financing come from membership fees, personal donations, multi-culture grants from the governments, sponsorships and/or donations of corporations, advertisement fees, and minor translation charges.
  1. n.:  Chinese Literature Society of North America