Explanation: Analogy bottom line accountability. Usage: Joint type; as predicate, attributive; metaphor bottom line accountability Source: Lao She, "Mr. Chang's philosophy": "Who inquisitive to evidence." Examples: ~ You are What do you mean? You are not head of law and order, but not the militia captain! ★ Liu Qing 'business history' first Chapter
páo gēn wèn dǐ
Serious inquiries plate study and understand the foundation Reasons. Also as "inquisitive"
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No. 3
She dug the Root of the Matter the end to ask: "I see, you are afraid of a little thing, instead of hiding me"
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Bottom line accountability
Bottom line accountability. Lao She "s Philosophy" Third 2: "a car hit in an old trees, did not hurt ... ... Who probing to the evidence." Liuqing "Pioneering" Part IX: "You're inquisitive, is valid and does that mean? your head is neither a law and order, it is not a militia captain!" also for "Everlasting." "Harvest" 1981, No. 4: "I never like to find out what the girls, do not bother to do this to Everlasting."
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刨根问底 ( páo gēn wèn dǐ )
【示例】:你~,是啥意思?你既不是治安组长,又不是民兵队长! ◎柳青《创业史》第一部第九章
【英文】:inquire into the root of the matter
English Expression
n.: an inquiring (turn of) mind, inquire into the root of the matter
run to ground, dig Make a thorough investigation of basio-, plate Make a thorough investigation of basio-, Sougentichi, Digging to find the source of the, Pursuit ray tracing