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Buddhism means the laity accept and uphold a night's eight precepts
  Buddhism means the laity an accept and uphold the eight precepts of day and night. "Sun Zi Zhi Tong Jian Qi Wudi first year": "conference at the Waring Park, located eight customs, fasting, and courtiers were expected." Hu provinces Note: The "Ring of Buddhism: First, do not kill; Second, do not steal ; 3, no sexual misconduct; 4, and no lying; 5, no alcohol, meat; 6, vain flower Man Ying Luo, sesame oil coated body, advocate Kabuki dance so listen to the view; 7, not sitting or bed; eight, not After eating too fast. more Pig, it is eight off. "Tingjian Song" show good title Wei Lu Department kitchen, "Poetry 2:" Days of the female indigenous non-human-color, eight Taoist off fast today. "also known as" The Eight Ring . " Kim Dong mountains never "West Chamber Tones" Volume I:, "Zhang Chinese Translation, coloring matter ring broken off eight."
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No. 2
No. 3
  八关斋,位于河南省商丘古城南门外的古宋河畔。唐朝大历七年(公元772年),河南节度使田神功为保卫睢阳,同安史叛军大战两天两夜,经殊死拼杀,终于救出睢阳全城兵民,保住了睢阳城。但田神功却因苦战成疾,生命垂危。睢阳百姓自发设“八关斋会”,捐粮捐款,请1000名僧人赴会祈祷田神功早日康复。一时,香供摆满郊野,经声佛号昼夜不息,四乡百姓云集,车马塞道。颜真卿有感于此,亲自撰写一篇 900多字的短文,题为《唐宋州八关斋会报德记》,刻于石壁。此中书法艺术为中外书法爱好者所倾倒,是河南省第一批重点文物保护单位。
  碑文记载,田神功在安史之乱中解了宋洲之围,唐大历七年(公元772年)四月田神功有病累月方愈,宋洲刺史徐向等 为逢迎田神功,在城南开元寺设八关斋会, 邀请一千僧人赴斋。石碑初称颜 鲁公碑,因碑文所记是八关斋的佛事,后人便逐渐将此碑叫成八关斋了。
  八关斋历千余载,几度兴废,新中国成立后,对八关斋进行了保护和 维修,十年动乱中,八关斋被拆除,石碑被砸坏。1993年,原商丘县人民政府据宋代拓片重刻此碑,1997年建成碑亭,1997年、1999年分两次对院内进行了绿化。
  【八关斋】 (术语)八斋戒之异名。三藏法数三十二曰:“关者禁也,谓禁闭盗杀淫等八罪使之不犯故也。”(参见:斋戒)
Containing Phrases
8 off fast pass throughThe Eight fast8 off fast poem8 off fast remember
girder 8 off fast8 off fast Shiba8 off fast Trans DejiA respectful form of address for a taoist priest today 8 off fast
girder 8 off fast