astronomical > Photoconduction star device
  [Chinese translation] photoelectric guider
  [Foreign Language] photoelectric guider entry
  [Who] Gu Yuhua for  
  Precise control of the telescope guide star tracking photovoltaic devices. Constant speed tracking telescope celestial equator devices, since the optical transmission error ﹑ ﹑ atmospheric refraction deformation mechanical components and certain celestial bodies (such as asteroids ﹑ comets, etc.) relative to the star's own motion, the field of view of the star image will have to move . Star photoconductive device is a device that uses a sensitive element of optoelectronic devices. It is constantly testing the star on the field as an off_set_ fixed point (crosshair), issue detection signal, the telescope tuned to the correct location. Star photoconductive device can be mounted on the guide star mirror, but the multi-telescope "off_set_ guide star", the photoelectric guider align the edges of a large field of view telescope guide star. Detection signal may be used to control the telescope or the receiver (such as a cas_set_te) movement. To find a local guide star in the field of view, the general requirements of the photovoltaic device can detect the sensitivity of 8 to 10, etc., or darker guide star. An early detection using a variety of mechanical components, the most common is to rotate the semicircular plate with its guide star modulated by the photomultiplier tube into an electrical signal when the off_set_ is less than half of the star image, the output signal of alternating respectively, the amplitude and phase deviation reflecting the size and direction of the guide star accuracy is generally 03 or less. In recent years, widespread adoption quadrant photomultiplier tubes, pipes and resolution optoelectronic devices such as a camera tube detection photoconductive element star, not a mechanical device, thereby improving the accuracy of the guide star. For example, with the dissector tube for automatic off_set_ guide star, Kitt Peak Observatory in the United States is 90 cm in diameter reflecting telescope test results showed that: derivable magnitude of 9.5, etc., precision 01. When photoconductive star with resolution camera tubes, pipes, but also to achieve a TV monitor and guide star on the monitor looking
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