Breast began to develop in adolescence, changes in the age and physical condition of the structure varies. Secretion of breast milk during pregnancy and lactation, said the activities of the breast. No mammary secretion, called resting mammary gland. (A) The general structure of the breast Breast tissue is separated by 15 to 25 leaves, each leaf is divided into a number of leaflets, each of the leaflets is a complex Bubbly gland. Alveolar epithelium is simple cuboidal or columnar epithelial cells and the basement membrane has myoepithelial cells. Catheter includes a catheter within the lobule, the conduit between the conduit and the total. Multi-lobular duct epithelium is simple columnar or cubic interlobular duct is stratified columnar epithelium, also known as the milk ducts total duct openings in the nipple, the wall is stratified squamous epithelium, with continued under the nipple epidermis. (B) Mammary Gland Resting mammary gland is the female breast is not pregnant, glands developed, see only a small amount of alveolar ducts and small, rich in fatty tissue and connective tissue. After ovulation, acinar and ductal hyperplasia slightly. (C) the activities of the breast Pregnancy in the role of estrogen and progesterone, breast ducts and acini rapid proliferation of small acinar increases, simple columnar epithelium or cubic cells, connective tissue and fat tissue is reduced accordingly. To late pregnancy, under the influence of pituitary prolactin secretion, acinar begin secretion. Mammary glands of apocrine secretions contain lipid droplets, milk protein, milk call antibodies, called colostrum. There colostrum within macrophages engulf fat, called colostrum corpuscles. Lactating mammary gland during pregnancy and breast structure similar to, but better growth gland acinar lumen increases. Acinar secretion at different times, and some pre-acinar secretion was, glandular cells were high columnar; others in the late secretory acini, Zhu cells were cuboidal or flattened shape, glandular filled milk. Gland cells rich in rough endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria with the present state of the gland cells secrete many secretory granules and lipid droplets. After weaning, prolactin levels fall, stop breast secretion, glandular tissue gradually atrophy, increased connective tissue and adipose tissue, breast and into the stationary phase. After menopause, estrogen and progesterone levels drop, breast tissue atrophy degeneration, fat is reduced.
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Differential diagnosis of breast fibroma
Fibroadenoma of the breast lumps should be the same in the other breast lumps as the main clinical manifestations of the disease with identification, such as mammary glands, breast cysts and breast cancer. (1) fibroadenoma and mammary glands: both can see breast lumps, single or multiple, real tough texture. But fibroadenoma lumps unilateral single person is more common, mostly round or oval, clear boundary, the activity of large lumps without pain and tenderness, no significant relationship with the menstrual cycle, age of on_set_ 30 years of age were more common; mammary glands lumps in bilateral multiple tumors are more common, can be nodular, massive or granular tablets, soft or hard and tough texture, lumps often obvious pain and tenderness, and may change with the menstrual cycle, premenstrual entire breast is often a sense of expansion, after mitigation, age 30 years and older were more common. When necessary, additional tests concerning possible to be identified, such as breast X-ray mammography, breast fibroadenoma can often see the round or oval shadow of uniform density, which can be seen around a circle of transparent halo ring, pursuant to the differentiated mammary glands. (2) fibroadenoma and breast cysts: both can be seen painless breast lump, mostly unilateral single, clear boundary, smooth surface. But fibroadenoma lumps cysts slightly harder texture than tough, no sac sexy activity than the cyst is large, and age 18 to 25 years old is the most common; breast milk product cyst cystic mass sexy, no activity like as big as adenomas and multiple pregnancy lactation, breast cyst cyst in addition there outside of the clinical features of mammary glands. In addition, viable tumor puncture be identified, adenoma solid mass, no liquid; while cysts can milk sample or serous fluid extraction. (3) fibroadenoma and breast cancer: both can be seen painless breast lump, mostly single. Fibroadenoma of the breast lumps were round or oval, real tough texture, smooth surface, clear boundary, the activity of large, slow-growing tumor, generally 1 ~ 3cm greater than the common, more than 5cm are rare, ipsilateral axillary lymph node enlargement, age of on_set_ of 30 years of age is more common; breast cancer breast lumps can be round or oval, irregular shape can, hard as stone, tumor surface less smooth, activity poor, easy adhesion occurs with skin and surrounding tissue, tumor may grow rapidly, unlimited growth can be presented to a large and long, often ipsilateral axillary lymph nodes, age 35 years and older were more common, especially in more common in older women. Breast X-ray mammography, fibroadenomas visible round or oval shadow of uniform density and transparent halo around the ring; while breast visible mass in small calcifications, abnormal vascular shadow and burrs. Necessary clockwise aspiration cytology and biopsy provides histological evidence of identification.
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The physiological response of female breast
Breasts are an important symbol of female sexual maturity, is one of the most important female erogenous zones, but also the secretion of milk, feeding offspring organs. Breast is a symbol for children motherhood; for men is beautiful and thirst (desire) desired object. So women in film, television, magazines, literary works always have large breasts. Breasts for women is an important organ, it also plays an important role in sexual activities, but people tend to ignore this point. The number of nerve endings in the breast and is very rich, breasts and other sexual organs relationship is very close. In the excitement of the sexual response cycle period, breast enhancement response to sexual tension first evidence that nipple erection response, which is the result of involuntary contraction of smooth muscle fibers within the nipple rich occurs after subjected to sexual stimulation. Two reactions are often not synchronized nipple appears, may have reached a full erection and swelling, and the other is a lag phenomenon. Anti protruding nipple retraction may be by their quiescent state, as if in a semi-erect position, if such a retraction is difficult to recover, it did not see indications of a reaction nipple. The full length of the erectile response can make the nipple unstimulated increase over the previous general increase of 0.5-1.0 cm, the reaction can be increased so that the nipple base diameter 0.25-0.5 cm. Usually large nipples protrude forward who often have smaller than the size of swollen erection normal trend. Special hours nipple stimulation is also difficult to make a strong response, but particularly small nipple situation is rare. The second physiological changes is to increase the excitement of the delimitation and expansion breast vein tree pattern. If the breast has a sufficient volume will appear beneath the superficial venous congestion, but probably only going to become more clear late excitement. Generally exhibit large breasts obvious expansion vein tree pattern. Breast venous congestion to the center of the tree is not usually reached when the expansion of the areola area. Near the plateau, the actual volume of the breast will be significantly increased, which is a result of breast deep venous congestion response. Women's status in response occurs when the erectile response, overhanging the lower part of the breast congestion is more readily observed, if the woman supine position, an overall increase in breast volume will be more apparent. Late in the excitement of the areola can be seen clearly congestion phenomenon. Differences in the degree of expression of excitement and time of occurrence of the reaction is large, because people tend to vary over time. In the next period the platform will erect nipple areola enlargement, then often people create the illusion seems to have been part of the nipple erection subsided. After the swelling subsided until the areola period subsided, people can see again later subsided yet maintain an erection of the nipple. In the final climax before women undergo impulse, not the size of the female breast feeding can be had than usual increase 1/5-1/4, breast feeding women had significantly increased breast size usually does not occur. This performance difference may be due to anatomical fed breast milk, is generated in the milk increased during shunting. Baby sucking will increase venous shunt and congestive reaction tends to make sexual tension deep vein mitigation. Obviously, the impact of the increase in breast size tensions not only physiological responses related to vascular congestion, but also to enrich the composition of breast lobules degree from fibrous tissue and support the role of the relevant components. In the early common breast feeding excessive expansion, which would damage the effectiveness of the support of fibrous tissue. Therefore, you can understand the female breast after breast-feeding is difficult to make due to sexual stimulation than the obvious reaction. After the sexual tension into the plateau, before the breast, side, or even below the often pink mottled appearance. In fact this spot hummocky rash appears first on the abdomen, and then spread to the breast surface, this skin surface blood vessels called Xing Hongyun reactive hyperemia. During the climax of the breast is no specific reaction. Swelling of the nipple and areola erections have been identified, veins protruding tree is very eye-catching, not breast-feeding over breast unstimulated baseline before a significant expansion, Xing Hongyun very clear. Breasts may even shaking phenomenon. Coming period is dissipated quickly subsided Xing Hongyun areola and synchronization signals swelling disappears. But nipple erection subsided slowly, when the nipple and areola swelling subsided after erection and becomes striking, and gives the impression that they have secondary experience erectile response by the impact of the new stimulus caused or vested stimulating effect, people called it kind of illusion "false erection." Generally, not sucking off the breast deep vascular congestion subsided slowly, while breast-feeding over breast congestion subsided rapidly. Often you can see that after orgasm breast swelling will remain for 5-10 minutes, as superficial venous tree breast surface Traveling can even persist for a long time. In the vein tree completely dissipated before they normally do not reveal the state of the erection of the nipple has been completely restored. This not only persists but also deeply superficial vascular congestion impacts, is not a unique phenomenon sucking off the breast, areola may be due to the platform of the excessive expansion of the venous plexus. In the resolution phase, which leads to excessive expansion of the venous plexus venous drainage slows blood flow to the deeper veins. Areola swelling during pregnancy pregnancy development is characterized by an early influence. After a month of pregnancy the breast surface clear venous tree distribution, they will remain throughout pregnancy and post-partum period. Pregnant women will appear the first time the breast side of the sensitive area, the scope of this region will be enlarged with the progress of pregnancy. After 3 months of pregnancy will quickly increase breast size, breast blood vessels and glands which is a significant increase in results. When prenatal stimulation, pregnant women will be the first serious tenderness in the breast orgasm stage, particularly in parts of the nipple and areola swelling more obvious. In the mid-and later three months of pregnancy when this will significantly reduce breast tenderness. Since three months of pregnancy and after the time of breast feeding has been rendered conical shape features, its volume has increased more than non-pregnant Phase 1/3, so a high level of sexual tension often can not make further significant increase breast size. But the nipple and areola swelling erectile response is present throughout the period of pregnancy. In the 2nd and 3rd postnatal months, the response to sexual stimulation breast feeding or not depends. The same is true if the milk to artificially suppress the generation, then in addition to still erect nipples, other reactions will significantly inhibited breast phenomenon, even in the sexual tension reached a plateau bound by hormonal control or methods of oppression. Until 6 months postpartum, breast reactions to these women be restored. While breast-feeding women in sexual response in breast volume will not have significantly increased, but they often appear an unusual way to respond. Many breastfeeding women in the response to sexual stimulation is often not controlled eject milk. After the climax of the occasion or breast milk from the nipples overflow, this phenomenon is not only seen during intercourse, masturbation is also seen in the course.
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Breast disease
Female breast disease is common type of disease, especially a serious threat to the lives of women with breast cancer. General breast disease will have symptoms of breast mass, but not all feels like the feeling of mass means suffering a breast disease. Some women, especially young, unmarried woman, mammary glands and connective tissue thickness uneven, lumpy or granular feels there is a feeling that this may be normal, no need to worry. If the new growth would need to pay particular attention to the mass, because after puberty breast lumps, breast disease is likely to be due. Therefore, learn breast self-examination and early detection of disease, early treatment is very important. (1) breast self-examination. After each menstrual 7 a 10 days is the best time for breast self-examination, because the mammary nodules and tenderness of the most obvious, is conducive to confirm the diagnosis. Women 30 to 35 years after a three months should make a self-examination once inspected once every six months by a doctor. (2) mammary gland hyperplasia. The disease can be called breast disease is extremely common in adult women. It is currently unknown etiology may be related to estrogen levels. Breast pain and breast mass is its common symptoms. Breast pain often associated with the menstrual cycle. Usually presents premenstrual breast pain worsened after menstrual pain relief, but also those who have pain irregular. Breast mass often multiple, generally small, uncertain shape, boundaries are sometimes not clear. This symptom can be prolonged stable at a certain stage. If a female friend found to have these symptoms, you should first hospital examination, diagnosis, to rule out breast cancer. Diagnosed with breast disease, despite the lower rate of malignant disease, should also be long-term adherence to the hospital follow-up. Western medicine is no special treatment of the disease, Chinese medicine is mainly liver qi, soft-kin of the knot. For example, is now more recognized Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of retired experts developed "five of integration therapy," This therapy is based on the modern high-tech technology combines traditional medicine, after several years of scientific research, and ultimately the creation of the latest generation developed the treatment of breast hyperplasia, breast fibroma effects of pure natural pentavalent native integration swelling, of the tumor law. This mixture of various methods to cure breast disease has been a major breakthrough. (3) breast fibroma. Age disease occurs highest frequency of 20-50 years old, is the most common benign breast a. The main reason is that the incidence of fibroblasts lobules abnormally high sensitivity to estrogen, so that the fibers from excessive proliferation of tumor cells. So common fibroadenoma young children. The disease with estrogen. As women, although drugs and contraceptives or plug can be done progesterone may play a protective role, but not excessive eating. Painless breast lump. Single or multiple, tumor border clearance, movable, smooth surface, no adhesion with the surrounding, course level: slow, a few years or even longer can maintain the status quo, which is the main symptom of breast fibroma. Although malignant breast fibroadenoma rate of only 0.2%, but should still be wary. If you take fibroid resection, postoperative sent to conventional biopsy. Molybdenum principles and methods of breast examination 1, mammography imaging principle: the use of soft X-ray projection of the breast tissue, conducted by photographic film, after developing, fixing and other imaging procedures. 2, breast X-ray machine main equipment: 1) X-ray tube: is to obtain high-contrast images of breast major determinant. General X-ray machine, palladium anode surface tungsten bulb is the wavelength produced as 0.008 --- 0.031nm, wave length, penetration, hard rays. The wavelength of molybdenum produced as 0.063 --- 0.071nm, wavelength long, penetrating weak, soft rays. Rhodium, palladium produced wavelength range between the two, representing penetration of molybdenum strong. On the display is better than dense glandular molybdenum. Mammography is a special device-ray machine. Ray tube of the tube voltage is low, about 20 ~ ~ 40kv, by a molybdenum anode target face (part mammography grade molybdenum-rhodium alloy), in the lower kV X-ray wavelengths can be generated constant bombardment wavelength than Long, low penetrating power, strength, strong color, high-contrast labeling rays, subtle differences in soft tissue density high resolution. With line absorption rate, high contrast, sharpness, good special intensifying screens and photographic film on a special examination of the breast tissue multi-rack to photography, you can get a good breast images clearly show the mammary glands, conduit, fiber spacing, the skin, subcutaneous tissue, vascular structures and mass lesions, fine calcification. 2) breast compression device . a proper line of oppression can reduce the scattering contrast of the test object; b. reduce breast movement from within the structure of the breast so that intensifying screens --- the film closer together, reducing the ambiguity of the image. 3) grids: reduce lines and improve breast scattering contrast. 4) console. 3, the projection method: 1) Position of the patient When any film can stand, sitting, lateral position or prone position. General admission standing position, due to convenient projection, but the position is easy to move and affect image quality. According to the special requirements of the patient's condition and _select_ the appropriate position. 2) projection Location: conventional and special position: cc-bit, MLO bit, ML-bit, MOL bit tangential point pressure and large effect May have axial, lateral, skewed position, topical films and point-chip amplification photography. Axial (CC): also known as the upper and lower position or head, foot position the head and tail bits. X-ray beam from the top down projection. Lateral: Also known as the external position; X wire frame is rotated 90 degrees, the film is placed on the outside of the breast, outward projection X-ray beam from the inside. Skewed bits (MLO mediolateral oblique, MLO view): can be divided into internal and external oblique and the external oblique. Internal and external oblique outside the film is placed beneath the breast, from the top of the breast below the X-ray beam at 45 degrees outward projection; External oblique opposite. Generally more common internal and external oblique projection. Tablets and topical local amplification spot film: As an additional projection position, sometimes with great value. Generally can be cast in the following circumstances do the same position: a, clinical hit a hard object or lumps when, while X-ray failed to show; b, molybdenum sheet suspected microcalcifications but not entirely sure when; c, line the milk ducts angiography, suspected small branch duct lesions;
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Recommendations for treatment of breast hyperplasia
Treatment should be under a doctor's guidance. Western medicine has a 5% potassium iodide, severe pain may try methyl testosterone, in the week before menstruation began orally, in order to avoid further disrupt the fine balance between the human hormone. Can also be used in Chinese medicine or TCM prescription treatment guidance.
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Breast self breast disease prevention
See: After the Bath, standing in front of the mirror checking, hands on his hips, spin-like body to do so, whether bilateral breast symmetry observed in the mirror, without abnormal breast skin, nipple retraction or without. If the nipple retraction born, you do not need too much tension. Touch: Touch while palm to Stretch, four fingers close together, with circular way, the proper intensity, with the most sensitive index finger, middle finger, ring finger tip pulp in order palpable breast light on the inside, the outside under outside, the axillary tail region, the middle of the last examination of the breast nipple and areola area. Do not hand squeezes, so as not to be mistaken for normal breast tissue mass. Small lumps difficult to be touched, check availability breasts left hand with his right hand palpation. Sagging breasts breast lumps are often overshadowed by the lower part, may hold the breast or prostrate lifter arm, with the other hand to check, such as by less deep lumps, they can take preventive measures before Gongyao parity breast disease work.
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Normal breast development phenomenon
Girl's breast development is usually nipple begins to grow, around the age of 9-10 years old. 10-11 years old breast hyperplasia, breast nucleus formation, feels there is a nodule or small lumps, the pressure of pain. 12-13 years of age with breast duct the increasing subcutaneous fat, breast uplift gradually and elastic, areola and nipple darken. Mature breasts were basketball shape, located between 3 to 6 ribs. Nipple with erectile function, touch stiff conducive breastfeeding.
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Breast Means the gland within the breast. The breast to the nipple 15 to 20 are arranged radially centered gland. Within each lobe containing acinar and duct (milk ducts), the interval between the leaves of the connective tissue, duct openings in the nipple. There are inter-lobular interstitial fiber bundles, the thymus is closely linked with the chest tube fascia and dermis.
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English Expression
: lactiferous gland
n.: galactophore, mammograph, udder, the lacteal gland, mammary gland
adj.: mammary, the mammary gland, ie the one which produces milk