idiom > take to itself wings
  Explanation: Wings: wings. Do not have wings but flew away. Analogy items suddenly lost. Also be used to spread it very quickly.
  Usage: Contraction type; as predicate, attributive, adverbial; metaphor something missing or news travels fast
  Source: Qi Guan Warring States "chapter ring pipe": "flying without wings who can sound; no solid roots and those feelings are."
  Examples: Full of hundred and sixty dollars to do it ~ the. (Guo "revolution to create years of the Spring and Autumn")
  Results: Balloon Heaven
  Postscript: Balloon Heaven
  Riddle: D; rocket; satellites; balloon heaven
No. 2
  ① has no wings and flew away. Described the award-winning news spread fast missing, early spread of the whole school. ② Articles that suddenly disappeared one ancient Yan, take on the case on, and how missing it?!
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No. 3
  Originally, "Wong Kar-chun Liang Yongsheng row" message, missing, back in the canal on both sides of the villages spread. - Guo Chengqing "Broadsword"
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No. 4
  He has not yet come to understand how the matter has been missing a fried donut. - Lao She, "Four Generations"
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Describe the run or spread rapidly
  Describe the run or spread rapidly. Language of the "pipe ring": "flying without wings who would have been; no roots and solid person, love is." Qing zhen "respect for hidden": "Hundred million in goods, people power elite, missing, Government in the Capital. "Guo Chengqing" Broadsword "Part Chapter X:" So yes, 'Liang Yongsheng Huang row town' news, missing, back in the various villages spread along the canal was . "
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Metaphor thing vanished
  Metaphor thing vanished. Shu "Wild Goose in mind," the second six chapters: "I and Faren to Shanghai, beginning between the taels learned lapel, have been missing." Lao She, "Four Generations Living Together" 92: "He did not come to understand how the matter has been missing a fried donut. "
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No. 7
  不翼而飞 ( bù yì ér fēi )
  解 释 没有翅膀却飞走了。比喻物品突然丢失。也比喻事情传播得很迅速。
  出 处 《管子·戒》:“无翼而飞者声也。”《战国策·秦策三》:“众口所移,毋翼而飞。”
  用 法 紧缩式;作谓语、定语、状语
  示 例 足足的一百六十块钱就那样便~了。(郭沫若《革命春秋·创造十年》)
  近义词 不胫而走、不知去向
  反义词 原封不动、失而复得
  歇后语 气球上天;火箭上天
  灯 谜 丁;火箭;人造卫星;气球上天
  英 文 take wings to itself <spread fast; spread like wildfire; vanish all of a sudden>
  典 故
  成语名称 不翼而飞 汉语拼音 bù yì ér fēi 成语释义 翼:翅膀。没有翅膀却飞走了。比喻物品忽然丢失。也比喻事情传播得很迅速。 成语出处 《管子·戒》:“无翼而飞者声也。”《战国策·秦策三》:“众口所移,毋翼而飞。” 使用例句 足足的一百六十块钱就那样便不翼而飞了。
English Expression
  1. n.:  take to itself wings,  spread fast,  vanish all of a sudden,  spread like wildfire,  disappear without trace
French Expression
  1. v.  s'envoler sans avoir besoin d'ailes, disparaître mystérieusement
spread far and wide, disappear into thin air, Flying without wings
recoup, Chu also Hepu