idiom > Irrelevant
  Explanation: With: contact, finish the long march; margin: the edge boundaries. Suffer vain edges, unfunded. Not really more than that, vague or irrelevant Miles
  Usage: Verb-object type; as predicate, attributive, adverbial; containing derogatory remarks to describe vague, irrelevant million
  Source: Ming Shinai "Water Margin" 19 back: "He Taosi thought: In this far-fetched, Zensheng regrettable! Born, I have to go with the self."
  Examples: His speech was really, no one ~ words.
  Results: Scratching across the quilt
  Postscript: Scratching across the quilt
  Riddle: Also; mandrel; center; angry
That to suffer is not on top, left destitute
  That to suffer is not on top, being met. "Water Margin" 19th back: "He Taosi thought: In this far-fetched, Zensheng is regrettable! Born, I have to go with self."
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Does not really describe, vague, or too far afield
  Does not really describe, vague, or went too far. Summer hideaway respect tao "Oncidium" 31: "Big Man just watched it again," Poetry "; has figured out the some masculine, feminine, mind of the ambiguous manner, as if an understanding, it is irrelevant." Liu Green "Pioneering" the first chapter: "It was Hula Luanche, too unrealistic, said."
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No. 4
  A: contact; margin: border, edge. Suffer vain orgy. That speak more than vague, non-contact practice.
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No. 5
  Irrelevant (bù zhuó biān jì)
  Explained in the: contact, finish the long march; margin: the edge boundaries. Suffer vain edges, unfunded. Not really more than that, vague or irrelevant miles.
  Source Ming Shinai "Water Margin" 19 back: "He Taosi thought: In this far-fetched, Zensheng regrettable! Born, I have to go with self.
  Use of verb-object type; as predicate, attributive, adverbial; containing derogatory remarks to describe vague, irrelevant miles.
  Example Liuqing "Pioneering" the first chapter: "It was Hula Luanche that too ~ the.
  Synonyms pointless, empty, irrelevant Miles
  Antonyms gave away the point, in the phrase
  Twisters across the quilt scratching
  Riddles also; mandrel; center; angry
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  Idioms name irrelevant idiom Pinyin bù zhuó biān jì interpretation of the: contact; margin: border, edge. Suffer vain edges. Means more empty words, no contact with reality. Source ming idioms Shinai "Tales of" Nineteenth back: "He Taosi thought: In this far-fetched, Zensheng regrettable! I have been using since last one." Zhou and Zhang and use listen about some vain marginal gossip.
  ★ Ba Jin "Spring" fifth
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French Expression
  1. adj.  parler dans le vague, passer à côté de la question, s'en tenir à des généralités
  2. adj.  parler dans le vague / passer à côté de la question / s'en tenir à des généralités
guiltless inside, scratch only the surface; be perfunctory; superficial, circuity, cannot stand the harassment, nuisance, etc., long and tedious, Cats and dogs, for the sake of ulterior ends, Bo and few to, hundred Differ Storage, the words fail to convey the idea, The least bit miles, beat about the bush, reticence, equivocate, speak at, Ambiguity The speech, Wink The speech, have seen not much and heard little scarcity, useless attempt as scratching an itch from outside one's boots, stutter, Bits of fragmented, Initiatives misconduct, Secret and not disclosed, Inexplicably, wordy, have an indistinct picture of, Or hidden, or are, adumbrate, equivocate, obscure anfractuosity, be an armchair strategist, Prevaricate, speak evasively, tortuosity, make an inane remark, Yannacizhi, Sang said that Huai, finger Mulberry Scold Ash, statement that expresses an idea, etc too weakly
constancy unyielding, take a share of the spoils without participating personally in the robbery, long article, affording general satisfaction, Remarkable work Rose sentence, not to be subdued by force, rather die than submit, Inch iron murder, Monumental work Hong articles, eat the bread of idleness, graft, In the phrase, hit the mark with a single comment, hit the nail on the head, hit sb.on the raw, the public sentiment is satisfied, To a holding 10,000, have appeal, come straight to the point, sublime words with deep meaning, Outspoken, the point, hit the nail on the head, An aftertaste that lingers., Jietai delight, Flash in the pan, Bixiashenghua, when the headrope of a fishing net is pulled up,all its meshes open, satisfying in every respect, be outspoken in one's remarks, come from the shoulder, Words do not shoot without hitting the target, Less in simple, Made almost that much, be simple in language but profound in meaning, Yanjinyiyuan, integrated, Sharp sense of integrity, with sin cere words and earnest wishes, s nest, a masterpiece, Hong articles monumental work, tainted money, blunder out, Hearty, Masato deep To, To clear Masato, Anchamingfang, Compendia Qie collar, hit the (right) nail on the head, the hard-won possession of the people, Mingaominzhi, be most incisive and vivid, s Deli, The whole course of an event from beginning to end Phase along, Thorough investigation, Ming Zha make secret inquiries, Striking come out as an article, Needless to say, Bravo!&rdquo, clap hands for joy, the whole world or nation joins in the jubilation
Containing Phrases
ramblingtalk round [around]hoopla