idiom > Pain and heat in vain
Pain and heat in vain
  Explanation: Still made irrelevant.
  Source: Yuan Guan Hanqing "Butterfly Dream" off this second servant, will keep you begging for the son to the bollworm, pain and heat in vain, so his life for a life. "
  Examples: I think it's a great servant must be raised over your house bollworm begging son, ~. ★ Yuan Wang Zhongwen, "save the dutiful son," First off
No. 2
  犹言无关痛痒。 元 关汉卿 《蝴蝶梦》第二折:“这一个小厮,必是你乞养来的螟蛉之子,不着疼热,所以着他偿命。” 元 王仲文 《救孝子》第一折:“你左来右去则着大的个孩儿去,説他有膂力可去得;小的个孩儿软弱去不得。我想这大的个小厮必然是你乞养过房螟蛉之子,不着疼热。”
No. 3
  Still made irrelevant. That is not considerate care.
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