Do not get sick of living law 2
  (Practice papers)
  Author: (date) with new custom Hiromi; Yang Xiaoqing translation
  Publisher: Oriental Press
  Published: 2008-8-1
  Revision: 1
  Pages: 183
  Folio: 16
  Impressions: 1
  Paper: off_set_ paper
  ISBN: 9787506029131
  Packaging: Paperback
  Category: Books >> Health / Mental Health >> Health & Fitness
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Editor's Choice
  Doctors said under the new valley, start now! In the pursuit of health, happiness journey, this book will enable you to benefit from my life!
  Active aging and healthy living; gastrointestinal can think independently, "second brain"; factory-made food no life; I advocate "all food intake" grounds; Why is salt "bad for health"; low body temperature people tend to get cancer.
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  The book detailed the health and longevity practices are divided into seven parts, my "proper diet", "drink well water", "discharge", "Breathe", "moderate exercise", "good rest and sleep "," smile and happiness "have made a specific description. These health rules, each one able to prevent consumption of enzymes, enzyme increases the generation and biological activity of.
  The human body can not have been sick, though, so there are still many people with pain, it is because the relationship between the body's immune system does not work well. On the contrary, those who practice I advocate "enzyme therapy" can be health and longevity of people alive because of their body's immune system to function normally.
  Mention of health law or the law of treatment, many people may think that some of the issues requiring special attention, it is not. Life is a product of nature, in order to make it function itself has come to play a hundred percent and to maintain good health, it is necessary to conform to God's nature.
  We as humans and other animals and plants, nature is just part of it. Of course, obey God's nature, not simply more like an animal alive.
  Advocate of civilization, love culture, enjoy life and obedience rich diet does not contradict the nature of God. Importantly, should consume the right foods in nature according to the body's needs, conform to the laws of nature and enjoy life.
  If you learn from this book how the medical principle of human organs functioning, believing that "life forms" You must be constructed in various parts of the body to produce unlimited enthusiasm.
  If you can be thankful for these beings, then you will benefit they be subjected immune system, your life will also be missed with the illness. Due to fear of the disease, everything that "we must do the job," excessive tension is actually not necessary.
  Studying this book, you will enjoy reading the side, while trying to understand the health benefits of eating habits, and thus it is the book "Practical papers." We have to remember, know your body tolerance range, grasp and accumulate more beneficial to health habits, and each person's lifestyle, combining individual differences will be applied to our health laws based on the basis of enzyme therapy Among everyday life to go.
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About the Author
  Hiromi Shintani, 1935 Born in Fukuoka, Japan, Juntendo University School of Medicine after graduation went to America to study, to become a pioneer in gastrointestinal endoscopy science, current U.S. • Albert Einstein Professor of Medical Surgery, is the most authoritative U.S. Endoscopic Surgeons. He has worked in the medical community for the first time using the new type of colorectal endoscopic _insert_ion Valley, will not open directly gastrointestinal endoscopy in patients with deep and successful removal of the tumor, the medical profession has made tremendous contributions.
  "New Valley" type colonoscopy _insert_ion without laparotomy, just use colonoscopy can be successful resection of colorectal polyps, reducing the patient's pain. The medical advances have global significance, Hiromi Shintani medical profession has made tremendous contributions. United States, Japan, about gastrointestinal endoscopy 300,000 cases, and more than 90,000 cases of polyps surgery benefit from the new Valley of the invention Hiromi.
  As authority figures in the field, Hiroshi Shintani • Dustin Hoffman got real, Sting Siegel, Locke • Hudson, Yasuhiro Nakasone, Masahiko Tsugawa celebrities such as trust and appreciation, they use personal therapy experience, proven Hiromi Shintani superb medical technology.
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  The human body can not otherwise be sick
  Clean up the stomach "enzyme therapy"
  Is a collection of countless human lives
  The first chapter preservation Tianshou living law
  Hideyo Noguchi become like that great doctor! - Mother's mantra
  Do not "short life", to lead a "longevity of life."
  Do not be fooled by the average life of secrets
  The reason Okinawans eat pork longevity
  Secretly live to 90-year-old smoker longevity
  Our family is a family of cancer this is not the fate of one tease
  Note that "anti-aging"
  Active aging and healthy living
  Enzyme teach us "longevity" and "health" of the secret
  Second Chapter of enzyme password
  Constipation can cause cancer
  Ignore some small exceptions disease can cause large
  20 harbinger of danger signals enzyme deficiency
  Intake of "good genes."
  Gastrointestinal can think independently, "the second man brain"
  Genetic narrative of "life history."
  Triangular relationship between genes, enzymes, microorganisms
  Body circulation and "Seven health law"
  The third chapter is not sick of eating habits
  Why Indians drink Ganges water
  Traditional foods hidden secrets of healthy living
  From the perspective of the decision ate enzyme
  Whether it is vegetables or meat, all the food is "life"
  Factory-made foods are not life
  The correct method of grain intake
  _Select_ "non-white", "whole grain" cereals
  Brown rice is actually very simple to cook
  Germinated brown rice can also be done at home
  Raw fresh food for the body is good reason
  Fruit is nature-generated "the gift of life."
  Did you know that the manufacturing process of concentrated juices do
  The reason I advocate "all food intake," the
  Looks very nice and vegetables can be considered
  "Derived from plant foods."
  An important component of "greenhouse vegetables" lacking
  Why salt "on health is not good."
  By Juice food to supply water is very foolish
  "Food additive is safe," Is it true
  Unknown hazards conversion of fatty acids
  I have a microwave oven, "a little uneasy."
  White sugar is a "terrorist foods"
  "White foods" is "inappropriate for health food."
  You can substitute margarine, milk, yogurt food
  Intake of meat is a skill
  "Hungry" is a barometer of the health
  Ignore "GI voice" people tend to get sick
  Chapter IV Practices Act to extend the life of
  Improved diet alone is unable to get healthy
  This can reduce the waste of biological enzymes
  People tend to have a low body temperature cancer
  Feces, urine, sweat is an important way to discharge toxins
  Detection of 50 questions toxin levels
  Four good for the body detox law
  Coffee enemas 30 years experience
  Distinction between "intestinal wash" and "coffee enemas," the
  Abdominal breathing is terrific health law
  Note that mouth breathing can cause disease
  Do sports at night, in the morning sports should
  In simple stretching exercises can be performed office
  Why lunch beneficial to health
  Let every cell in the body to survive well
  Brain and always listen to your body language
  Lifestyle can be reflected through the body
  The genes develop into "healthy genes"
  The body is definitely not lie
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Book Excerpt illustration
  The first chapter preservation Tianshou living law
  Hideyo Noguchi become like that great doctor! - Mother's mantra
  "To be like Mr. Hideyo Noguchi as great doctor, become a useful person to the people."
  As a child, these words became the mother of my earnest expectation, often ringing in its ears.
  I was born in that year (1935, Showa years), Hideyo Noguchi is admired role model for all Japanese nationals, we are trying to learn from his good deeds.
  After Hideyo Noguchi was born in a poor peasant family, a child left hand was severely burned, playing there since he assiduously medicine and become doctors went to the United States to study, with the help of people in Europe and America has made great achievements. Hideyo Noguchi later fell ill due to yellow fever. The story about his mother always taken the trouble to tell the young me. Finally, it developed into a mother's mantra: "To be like Mr. Hideyo Noguchi as great doctor, become a useful person to the people."
  I was growing up in such an environment up. I was still in elementary school, I had already started to think: "In the future, I have to become a doctor, became the society, the people useful person."
  But now it seems, when things seem a little weird. Why? My mother's house in Kyushu Yanagawa, home businesses are operating fabric. And I, as the eldest son should inherit the industry at home.
  I told Mr. Hideyo Noguchi, like childhood family was poor, so for my own future meteoric rise did not hold out much hope. Home to see my very good grades in school, but did not encourage me to become a doctor, I still prefer the heir home. After all, my mother said to me, "Do you want to become a great doctor" before I go to school, when I was about three years old.
  And my mother's grandmother's grandfather was a doctor Kurume U.S. court, so it must be because of this reason, the mother of the great achievements of the ancestors proud.
  Thus, in 1963, I went as a training doctors decided the United States, I was most pleased with is mother.
  When I went to the U.S., living in the United States must not be said to be relaxed and happy. ¥ 360 high-dollar exchange rate, even if it is very hard work can only get low wages, and I deeply felt racial discrimination. At that time, the only faith that my mother's stay in the United States is the mantra: "To be Mr. Hideyo Noguchi as a doctor."
  I grew up was planning to go to America to study, so I've been learning English. Thus, compared to the vast majority of Japanese, I can better withstand hard work to learn a foreign language than they are. In the U.S., there is a close relationship between the language (English) skills and social assessment (income and social status). The United States is a multiracial country inhabited by foreigners Needless to say, even the Native American people, people with low language skills is very difficult to have access to higher education, but education is directly associated with the individual's income and social status. Americans for foreigners to make achievements at work, it would be fair to give a high evaluation.
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