佛教用语 : 孙子兵法 : 美容 > 不受
  1. n.  free of/from
  2. n.  independent of
  3. n.  rise above
  4. n.  be beyond one's cognizance
  5. n.  go beyond one's cognizance
  6. n.  be out of one's cognizance
  7. n.  free from
  8. n.  be independent of
  9. n.  insensitive to
  10. n.  protect from [against]
  11. n.  be sacred from
  12. n.  above [below, beneath, under] the salt
  13. n.  carry great [no] weight
  14. adj.  free
  15. adj.  uncommitted
  16. vt.  stand