tongue technics : metallurgy : Yi Word Ministry : (in old China) the Ministry of Public Works > ceremony
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Helanyuan garden harbor ceremonyRed cotton harbor ceremonyGangshi Take shelter from the wind dyke
blessing Scape townhouse GangshiJackstraw PushiDongmiyuangang ceremony
HongguanglouguangshiAgreement ceremony compositionBible ceremony composition
Gout ceremony compositionnatural light Modemore media type
video flux systemBoot Shiyahuanold-fashioned Filming Bale
Frame ceremony prospectAntithesis ceremony compositionBe_set_ ceremony composition
type Behave forceType affect ffrotary design
with effigies typeYingzhan inaugurationconsumed of System
some Mode change intoheavy Double compositiontray Frame shutter
Tuilashi designRanging Liandongshiultra- Exiguity Mode
Shoudongdang ModeBomushi keyingchange valve type piston
Duoliya modeTuilashi configurationMuseum Mode
A key ceremony dumpform uncompressLidiya mode
Bias ceremony compositionTake a photo as a memento ceremony takecertain Type affect
Jianyao Serving two purposes (said of an instrument, a gadget, etc.) ceremonyJieyingshi focusEquilibrium ceremony composition
Full automatic ModeHumanity change into ModeSandianshi composition
Data ceremony cropLevel ceremony compositionBight ceremony composition
Brush ceremony keyinguntwisting of SystemSidajingpanshi
bodice Cowboy clothesbodice leisure wearbodice casual pants
bodice jeansBodice Stay idle at home clothespantaloons Knit Chinese gown (unlined)
pantaloons Cowboy clothespantaloons leisure wearpantaloons down and feather garment
bodice down and feather garmentBodice Knit Chinese gown (unlined)in the rough formulary
Silashi maskLavage ceremony maskAdmittance ceremony Huajian
XiaodaoshihuajianPantaloons cool loaferBodice cool loafer
pantaloons dress coat (=tail coat,swallow-tailed coat)pantaloons casual pantsDevil ceremony arm
To hoist and lower ceremony standardpantaloons jeanspantaloons Stay idle at home clothes
console model blowerof Artery ModeRelief Back formulary
same scale modeextravaganza typeconcert type
rondeau typeLawfulness then typecreativeness type
Clavacin ceremony houseHou-type Articulation lawMember of the imperial academy Chuanhunshi
Nushi sky barbSanshi Taicang fluxUniformity all skyline
Fine hostage typeDichromatism ceremony mount a picture,etcShaolin The number 40 *40 ceremony
Li (surname) ceremony tai ji quan (slow-motion Chinese boxingBackslid Dozen TigerBingjishishougan
Oppress ceremony playGaopaoshi serveRooster Standalone
Xieyanshi compositionMuse ceremony coeducationFine mete type
Variation typeessentialism typeZouwuqu type
derivation of typelied typeConfabulate ceremony mode
vienna typeMuse ceremony artFormulary of apprehend
Japan ceremony bonsaiShuangyanshi blowpipeSuanshi potassium fluoride
Suanshi sodium fluorideSuanshi strontium phosphateTunnel ceremony baker
Suodongshi feedSuoshi charge distributorSuoshi material feeder
four Linearity typefour-strand millKnocking ceremony fashioning
water tube-type boilerwater-cooled machineLevel pipe still
Level ceremony coke ovenDown (the) stream ceremony firingSiduoshi furnace platform
four high standquarto millSigunshi device
Suoshi Belt opportunityLand ceremony configurationLand ceremony accretion
Land ceremony breakTaishi micrometerTaishi weighing-machine
bench blowerLand ceremony castLand ceremony coulisse
shuttle feederDetent Regulate ceremonyTashi Fluorination apparatus
Tashi drierTashi kilnTashi depurator
tower elevatorStep ceremony groundTaishi Bloom balance
Shishi coolantShishi precipitatorShishi drier
Shishi kilnShishilu annealShishi blotter press
hand-held design Devicesquirrel-cage rotorShushi incinerator
Shushi oastceremony steam-engineceremony Agitate impeller
wet dust collectorShishi jiggingShishi a suction machine
wet scrubberwet vacuum pumpexperiment chemical formula
Shushi reducing furnaceShushi mixing machineShuashijianshiqi
Shuashi glazerShuashiqingxuanjiShuanrushi configuration
bilayer bell type furnaceShuangchuishi forging hammerPair Form mill
Math Approximate ceremonyvertical retortShushi contactor
Shushi Burial opportunityShushilu castShushi chlorination furnace
Shushishengchuiluvertical scrubberShushi preheater
Shushi alembicShuangjieshi bodyAdjustment ceremony transform
Woshi coilerWoshi take reelhorizontal furnace decompose
Woshi carbide furnacehorizontal plate-bending machineposition fabricate form
Impeller ceremony deviceWoyanshi cylinder