glossary of Chinese Philosophy : metallurgy : Department of knives words : Eight > part
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abstraction off Devicesingle stage batch extractionDance dock branching
disc sorterOrientation partition multiplexingDetach express craft
Cipher CDMA Time Division-Code Division Multiple Access (TD-CDMA) networkCi off_set_ junctiondisengaging Shielded Cable
part feeder amplifierDelaminate ShiqibaoluDuopu thermal analyzer
odd Twin twisted Branching boardFengushi annealerHigh molecular ductility
Sixianfen Band lawfourier analyserdissociability bonder
split Guide thread spacingpercent conductivityMode aeration technology
Far end allocate boxAllowance off_set_ junctionbays chiasm interconnected
disengaging lead covered cableBurden Bifurcate cableFenbu finite element method
intensity strain branchingFenjie insulated cablelinearity stress distribution
High Accuracy micrometerCDMA Time Division-Code Division Multiple Access (TD-CDMA) multiplexing couple inErxiangsefenshuqi
branch box outletLight power dividersector optical branching device
Duogen split bushingShunyi highway subofficeShunyi industry and commerce suboffice
Shunda brain FenchangShunyi commonweal subofficeDragon river industry and commerce suboffice
decline Probe analyserHuayi Party school Branch Schoolfire control extension
Carp City commonweal subofficeboil off DeviceAshi Lump grading
Machinery impetus analyzedynamic analyze designfunctional analysis design
to be unbearable Activation of filament __select__ivityElectric power cable Fenchangdetention time branching
Disengaging Qiantao cableDistributing use Offset Boxpressing disk classifier
Information part to join planpolyline extensionSoutheastern University Branch School
Part substring DezhihuaOptical fiber sector off_set_Analyze alive body tissue
breakdown generatorFenguangzhanyingmijiDiverted Fapao remove the theatrical makeup and costume
Separated flow mete capitulationTiezhi dichotomy gloveaeration potential bight
decomposition voltage extentdelaminate twisted cabledecomposition voltage bight
Metamerism ci boilersegmented rod laserbreakdown discriminator
Gan'erge Analystallotter accommodatorBatch metage device
Yinfenni'en Yuan ShiFlap ceremony Branching boardBillabong ceremony turbine
Martial arts Yaoseng spare time from one's main work to attend to sth.elseSplit field comparatorDiverter use manganin
Meizi Knife spare time from one's main work to attend to sth.elseNo ever deemdecimeter wave alternator
Taorenyande distractbridging employment linkBridging transmit table
Fractionate liquid concentrationfractional horsepower electric motorbridging flyover
WuqiguanzhongfenchangBenevolence Wufang Branchdebris element off
Feimi distribution curveDivision compilerFenbu sequence of crystallization
Fenbu Repetition procedureeducate sectordynamic allocator
(bob) dole model gradercohobate approbate branchingDingfang Part diam
Corona ceremony Grading apparatusDianfenzhuang Aluminaelectricity chromatography
two Division circularity angulationperforated plate fractionatormore Disperse system powder
Multiple Puxian ingredientMultiple Jiagui analyzeDuowei probability distribution
Beifen Rayleigh Communityspectrometer spectrographFenguang chemical analysis
spectroscope analytical methodCompartmentalize ceremony soakerCable about sector
Distributed functional plane (DFP)class chilling disposeclass isothermal hardening
Class Chilling Yongyoutransfer case outtakeBifurcate Shizuzhongqi
Delaminate banket tampBifurcate drapery chutebays coiling
Bays ceremony heating furnaceBays blanking piercerDivision ceremony mill accommodation
Bays layers brazingBranching to reach systematicsDinosaur sign breakdown
thermogravimetric analysisThermodiffusion Off tubeCoolant Split trough
molten metal analyzeZero part Nineteen (a measure word)coolant Aeration trough
Zero part Score (a measure word)Zero part The number 40 *40 (a measure word)bays display file
traditional Chinese medicine chemical compositionBranching AND habitatBranching and habitat
Zero part Thirty (a measure word)Zero part Ten San Miaobolting particle size distribution
Zero part Myristic acid (a measure word)Device department part clauseAgglutination stuff ingredient
beam activation analysisWeinan college courses broadcast on television Branch SchoolZero part Eleven (a measure word)
Zero part Troubadour (a measure word)flash x ray analysis xZero part Seventeen (a measure word)
allocation of resources issuetea produced in Yunnan province of Breakdownhose lengthen sector
Zero part The number 18 (a measure word)Hypsometric layer off agencyZero part Caroche (a measure word)
three Equity in a to join chuteAttenuation background analyzeZero part Fifteen (a measure word)
Sanzhaofendong chuckshatter screening plantCommon division device
Escape disperse diaphragmAbalone nutrition analyzeescape generate ingredient
air Solid phase Demarcation webbingZero ace ErmiaoPinfen Multiplex (MUX)
zero ace San MiaoZero ace Lingmiaozero Ace Yimiao
Zero ace SimiaoZero ace Liumiaoflakiness tissue ingredient
Zero ace QimiaoZero ace Wumiaofrequency Time Between analyze
ferquency response analyzeglobosity extensionZero part zero San Miao
fascicle sieve analysisZero part Threescore (a measure word)Zero part Lingyimiao
Zero part Ling'ermiaoZero part LingsimiaoZero part Lingqimiao
Zero part LingbamiaoZero part LingjiumiaoZero part Lingwumiao
fascicle chemical compositionZero part Lingliumiao