Governor dū look; supervision: supervision. Supervision. Supervision. Inspector. Supervision. Governor division. Dulv (shu Chan) (also known as "Doc handsome"). Supervise operations. Inspectors. Punishment: the Governor too (Inspector blame.) Rebuke. Guan Ming ancient times: the military governor. County inspector. Viceroy. Governor. Prefect. Governors. Stroke: 13; radicals: Head; stroke order code: 2112345425111
Governor dū 【Activity】 (Phonetic. From the head, Uncle sound. Original meaning: look supervision, supervision) 〗 〖Superintendanddirect with the original meaning Governor, the police also. - "Said the text" Ban against the worship life by the Governor. - "Rites of Spring Ta-Wish" Plant center, established the Governor considered. - "Tai Xuan paper a week" Line rebuke of the surgery. - "Shi Ji Li Si Chuan" Lou Governor rope. - "Han Wang Bao Chuan" Rebuke ministers. - "He Chuan Han Kung-sun" Governor General intends to have heard of. - "Han Ji Gotti" Liang Ma Su Governor armies to the front. - "Three Kingdoms" Another example: County inspector (officials. Prefecture Department inspectors under the Han Xian Li on behalf of the merits of performance, preaching the church, etc. Zuoli); Rebuke (Inspector punishment); Governor had (Inspector punishment); Governor Training (Inspector of Education); Governor Participation (IP reference inspection); Governor's long (inspectors questioned); Governor entire (Dulv consolidation); Governor Qi (Dulv consolidation); Steering (encouraged); Governor governance (Dulv governance); Du Li (supervisory control; Dulv management); Governor Yu (supervisory control); Doc system (Command Authority; led); Governor pressure (monitored overpower); Governor, as the (monitoring); Urge the Governor (Governor rushed the line. Urge: to speed up); Governor Jin (urging forward); Governor urged (urging exhortation); Governor Calligraphists (supervise repairs); Governor reminder (Utah supervision); Governor Policy (urging spur); Governor ordered (supervision orders); Governor forced (still urging, urging); Governor cut (supervision; rebuke); Governor cable (Dunning); Doc was (corrected; corrected); Governor to listen to (positive listen; not partial to listen) Blame; chastisement 〖reproach; censure〗. Such as: the Governor and (tied spanking); Governor bamboo cane (stick penalty; spanking) Command, the command command〗 〖 Rotary saw a white pawn Emirates Governor about a hundred people in India. - Qingxu Ke "clean barnyard class notes class war" Governor dū 【Name】 Commander of the armies of the generals, governor〗 〖 Therefore, the trial known martyrs of the Governor Division Matsuyama Hong public fruit die Yeah? - Qing Quan "Plum Ridge mind" Then submitted Zhou Yu, Cheng Pu is about Christ, and prepare brook a reverse effect officers operate. - "Mirror" Such as: Doc Town (Qing Dynasty term for civil and military officials at the provincial level); Duchen (the Governor); Du Shu (Viceroy); Governor seal (the seal of the Governor) In medical terminology. Du〗 〖Dupulse. Another example: His office (Governor Vessel and Conception Vessel body) Name Supervision dūbàn 〗 〖Urgetohandle To supervise the handling; Inspector for Supervision forage Supervise the handling of the inspector for the Formal Names and institutional names. The late Qing Dynasty _set_ up the central and local temporary Doc Standard dūbiāo 〗 〖Armycommandedbygovernor-general of the army commanded by the Governor. Qing military system, the governors of the Green Standard Army under the jurisdiction of the "standard" The city marked the flag over the Governor ask the officers and men marked. - "Guangzhou Military Affairs in mind" Inspector dūchá 〖Superintendanddirect; superviseandinspect〗 supervision Supervise dūdǎo 〗 〖Supervise supervision and guidance Urge dūcù 〖Superviseandurge; press〗 oversight urged Urge the boy to finish my homework Governors dūfǔ 〖Governor-generalandprovincialgovernor; civilandmilitarygovernors〗 the Governor and the governor, the highest in the Ming and Qing dynasties Chief Executive Competition on the Furui governors Dali. - "Mingshihairui Biography" Government House dūfǔ 〗 〖Amilitaryoffice Military Government Supervise dūgōng 〗 〖Overseer supervision Doc had dūguò 〗 〖Overlookandpunish supervision of punishment; blame Governor King had heard of the intention, to get out alone, have to carry on the military. - "Shi Ji Xiang Yu of the mind" Warlord dūjūn 〖Tuchun; militarygovernorofaprovince〗 ancient China, local military and Executive. Censor warlord who established the Han Dynasty, three fashion has, for the jianjun the officer. Northern Warlords will change the local military and political Executive captaincy long military governor (such as the provincial military governor.) In the beginning the highest military officer Province Du dūmài 〗 〖Duimpulse in medical terminology. One kidneys. Among the pulse behind the Governor Vessel Du Shu dūshǔ 〗 〖Governor-generaloffice Viceroy Xinhai March 29 to Guangdong and Guangxi Dushu siege battle for the most. - Sun "yellow Gang seventy-two Martyrs birthplace order" Dushuai dūshuài 〗 〖Command oversight led Doc Phase dūxiàng Duli〗 〖superintendmilitaryaffairsgeneral commander of Military Affairs Phase Shi Zhonglie Governor situation was beyond public knowledge. - Qing Quan "Plum Ridge mind" Inspectors dūxué 〖Supervisor; educationalinspector〗 old department in charge of education in charge of inspection and supervision of school work, who are political science or inspector Admiral messenger abbreviation Music supervisors Supervise operations dūzhàn 〖Superviseoperations; directcampaign; superintendsoldiers〗 supervision of operations at the front Personally supervise operations Doc Matrix dūzhèn 〗 〖Superintendsoldiersatthefront supervision or supervision of operations
Governor (phonetic. From the head, Uncle sound. Look at the original meaning of supervision, monitoring) with the original meaning of the Governor, the police also. - "Said the text" cut against the worship life by the Governor. - "Rites of Spring official big wish," the central plant, established the Governor considered. - "Tai Xuan paper a week" line rebuke of the surgery. - "Shi Ji Li Si Chuan" Lou Governor rope. - "Han Wang Bao Chuan" rebuke ministers. - "He Chuan Han Kung-sun" had heard of the Governor General intends. - "Han Ji Gotti" bright armies to the former Governor Ma Su. - "Three Kingdoms" Another example is the county inspector (officials. Prefecture Department inspectors under the Han Xian Li on behalf of the merits of performance, preaching the church, etc. Zuoli); rebuke (Inspector of punishment); Governor had (Inspector of punishment); Governor Training (Inspector of Education); Governor Participation (Inspector reference inspection); Governor dū ① <Ancient> Central; that by the middle of edge ~. ("Primary health Zhuangzi") ② Monitoring urge ~ war, the total ~. 【】 Supervision urged to press. 【】 Governor and governor governors. Ming and Qing dynasties the highest local officials. Guan Ming】 【military governor. Initially _set_ by the Three Kingdoms of Wei. Dynasties or military officer to lead the troops are all generals. Northern Government, the highest military and the local Executive. Government】 【Christ the bourgeoisie during the French bourgeois revolution, the republican government. November 3, 1795 established. Administrative Supervision Officer by 5 components. King has crushed the rebellion and the Equality Party revolt. Implementation of foreign policy of expansion. Council is very unstable. November 1799 replaced by executive government.
Governor du Head Radical 05 Radical total strokes 13 strokes Governor superintend and director; Governor dū (1) (Phonetic. From the head, Uncle sound. Look at the original meaning of supervision, supervision) (2) With the original meaning of [superintend and direct] Governor, the police also. - "Said the text" Ban against the worship life by the Governor. - "Rites of Spring Ta-Wish" Plant center, established the Governor considered. - "Tai Xuan paper week" Line rebuke of the surgery. - "Shi Ji Li Si Chuan" Lou Governor rope. - "Han Wang Bao Chuan" Rebuke ministers. - "He Chuan Han Kung-sun" Governor General intends to have heard of. - "Han Ji Gotti" Liang Ma Su Governor armies to the front. - "Three Kingdoms" (3) Another example (4) County inspector (officials. Prefecture Department inspectors under the Han Xian Li on behalf of the merits of performance, preaching the church, etc. Zuoli); (5) Rebuke (Inspector punishment); (6) Governor had (Inspector punishment); (7) Governor Training (Inspector of Education); (8) Governor Participation (IP reference inspection); (9) Governor's long (inspectors questioned); (10) Governor entire (Dulv consolidation); (11) Governor Qi (Dulv consolidation); (12) Steering (encouraged); (13) Governor governance (Dulv governance); (14) Du Li (supervisory control; Dulv management); (15) Governor Yu (supervisory control); (16) Doc system (Command Authority; led); (17) Governor pressure (monitored overpower); (18) Governor, as the (monitoring); (19) Urge the Governor (Governor rushed the line. Urge to speed up); (20) Governor Jin (urging forward); (21) Governor urged (urging exhortation); (22) Governor Calligraphists (supervise repairs); (23) Governor reminder (Utah supervision); (24) Governor Policy (urging spur); (25) Governor ordered (supervision orders); (26) Governor forced (still urging, urging); (27) Governor cut (supervision; rebuke); (28) Governor cable (Dunning); (29) Doc was (corrected; corrected); (30) Governor to listen to (positive listen; not partial to listen) (31) Blame; chastisement [reproach; censure]. If the Governor and (tied spanking); Governor bamboo cane (stick penalty; spanking) (32) Command, the command [command] Rotary saw a white pawn Emirates Governor about a hundred people in India. - Qingxu Ke "clean barnyard class notes class war" Governor dū (1) Commander of the armies of the generals [governor] Therefore, the trial known martyrs of the Governor Division Matsuyama Hong public fruit die Yeah? - Qing Quan "Plum Ridge mind" Then submitted Zhou Yu, Cheng Pu is about Christ, and prepare brook a reverse effect officers operate. - "Mirror" (2) If Christ Town (the Qing Dynasty at the provincial level civil and military officials referred to); Duchen (ie the Governor); Du Shu (Viceroy); Governor seal (the seal of the Governor) (3) In medical terminology. Du [du pulse]. And if any Governor (Governor Vessel and Conception Vessel body) (4) Name Supervision dūbàn (1) [Urge to handle] (2) To supervise the handling; Inspector for Supervision forage (3) Supervise the handling of the inspector for the Formal Names and institutional names. The late Qing Dynasty _set_ up the central and local temporary Doc Standard dūbiāo [Army commanded by governor-general] army commanded by the Governor. Qing military system, the jurisdiction of governors of the Green Standard Army, said standard " The city marked the flag over the Governor ask the officers and men marked. - "Guangzhou Military Affairs in mind" Inspector dūchá [Superintend and direct; supervise and inspect] supervision and inspection Supervise dūdǎo [Supervise] supervision, guidance Urge dūcù [Supervise and urge; press] oversight urged Urge the boy to finish my homework Governors dūfǔ [Governor-general and provincial governor; civil and military governors] the Governor and the governor, the highest in the Ming and Qing dynasties Chief Executive Competition on the Furui governors Dali. - "Mingshihairui Biography" Government House dūfǔ [A military office] Military Government Supervise dūgōng [Overseer] supervision Doc had dūguò [Overlook and punish] supervision of punishment; blame Governor King had heard of the intention, to get out alone, have to carry on the military. - "Shi Ji Xiang Yu of the mind" Warlord dūjūn [Tuchun; military governor of a province] In ancient China, local military had _set_ up military governor on behalf of Executive 『censor, there are three fashion for jianjun the officer. Northern Warlords will change the local military and political Executive captaincy long military governor (such as the provincial military governor.) In the beginning the highest military officer Province Du dūmài [Du impulse] in medical terminology. One kidneys. Among the pulse behind the Governor Vessel Du Shu dūshǔ [Governor-general office] Governor's Yamen Xinhai March 29 to Guangdong and Guangxi Dushu siege battle for the most. - Sun "yellow Gang seventy-two Martyrs birthplace order" Dushuai dūshuài [Command] oversight led Doc Phase dūxiàng [Superintend military affairs general] Duli commander of Military Affairs Phase Shi Zhonglie Governor situation was beyond public knowledge. - Qing Quan "Plum Ridge mind" Inspectors dūxué [Supervisor; educational inspector] old department in charge of education in charge of inspection and supervision of school work, who are political science or inspector Admiral messenger abbreviation Music supervisors Supervise operations dūzhàn [Supervise operations; direct campaign; superintend soldiers] fighting in the front line supervision Personally supervise operations Doc Matrix dūzhèn [Superintend soldiers at the front] supervision or supervision of operations Governor dū ㄉ ㄨ ˉ (1) Look; regulatory monitoring ~. ~ Do. ~ Lead. ~ Police. ~ Promoting. ~ Division. ~ Rate (shuài) (also as Governor handsome "). ~ War. ~ School. (2) Chastisement ~ over (Inspector blame.) ~ Responsibility. (3) Formal Names of ancient times were ~. ~ Post. ~ Care. Total ~. Put ~. ~ Ask. Zheng code idxl, u7763, gbkb6bd 13 number of strokes, radical head, stroke number 2112345425111
Tang Yun】 【【_set_ of winter cut drug Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 are toxic Rhymes cut, ???? sound Benedict. Wen】 【said police also. Guangyun】 【rate, advised also. Yun】 【reminder trend is also increasing. Rhymes】 【Directors also. Youchi ring also. 【Fax】 before the ages of Chinese cars Teaching with the Governor should have to. 【Fax】 Please Don Day Peidu body supervise operations. Wen】 【said head and the pain also. 】 【Tongxun they are too. Zuo Xi】 【years that the Governor did not forget. 】 【Sparse and not forget that the tube is also Zhonggong De. Responsibility by Rhyme】 【they are. Xiang Yu Ji】 【Records intends to Governor King had heard of. 【Note】 supervision, responsible also. And test also. 【Han Fei Yang Ju right to participate in the Governor】 articles. 【Note】 to do the test also. And also. 【Zhou Dong official Kaogongji next Governor of the builders NB repair. Central to dredging】 【Christ, so Dulv both sides. 【】 Edge of the main health Zhuangzi thought by the Governor. 【Note】 Governor, also. That the two free standing, commonly called straddle too. 【】 Personal Liu Shu Du when the body into, and implementing the up and down, back into it when sewing clothes, up and down those, too, said the Governor. Do not be Du. After another test】 【Christ Church who are also, for the positive pulse of both Du Gang. And supervision at home, the eldest son also. The more family】 【Zhu Public Records eldest said: Confucius said family has a long family supervision. Also general said the Governor. 【Fax】 Later Han Gong-Guo Zheng Army Captain, unity in Christ. And county inspector, viceroy, viceroy, all Guan Ming. And names. Zuo】 【Sixteen years into my teacher inferior to Governor Yang. 【Note】 calipering Wish Ko county, this is Jinan County. Yan and family】 【Records Governor Xian Jing Ke Qin Kang map. 【Note】 Governor Kang, Yan land. Xu Guang said: Governor Kang Ting Zhuo there. Another name. Look out of Berkshire, a Governor Jin Rong. Benedict has made drug Zhu Tong. 【Books】 micro of the child said Benedict did not forget. Benedict】 【hole mass, thick too. This has made Zhu. Zuo said that: the Governor did not forget. Note that the Forest: Governor can not forget it thick. Former Han Zhang Qian Chuan 【】 body is in large Xiadong Nan. 【】 One day Benedict Leach said. 【Normal】 now the old saying, Tianzhu, cover body is, the sound became days Tuk, Tuk Xingwen for Zhu, and sound into the bamboo. After the Han Tu Tu 【】 destroy days of Du Fu, Governor. 【Note】 calipering Tianzhu country. With the Tuk Tuk here is the drug of ancient ???? Zhu Tong. Research: the official Winter 〔【Zhou craftsmen NB Kaogongji next Governor of repair. Alterations to the original 㫦〕 would like to license. 〔Zuo that Benedict did not forget. 〕 Would like to change according to Governor Benedict Xi original twelve.