zhōng guó zhé xué rén : wén xué xiě zuò : shǐ rén : míng rén : wén : xíng : zhōng guó zhì shǐ : zhōng guó lún xué > sūn zhōng shān
·zuòzhě: sūn zhōng shān Sun Zhongshan·zuòzhě: sūn zhōng shān Sun Yat-sen·jiǎn jiè Introduction
·guó míng chēng de yóu lái The origin of the name of the father·jiā Pedigree·míng yóu lái Origin of name
·zǎo nián shēng Early career· mìng shēng Revolutionary Life·chū rèn lín shí zǒng tǒng Serve as interim president
·èr sān mìng The second, third revolution·lián 'é róng gòng Total capacity of United Russia· mìng shàng wèi chéng gōng Revolution is not successful
· shū Suicide note· xiǎng jīng shén Thought and Spirit·gōng guò píng jià S Evaluation
· wén shì Anecdotes·sūn zhōng shān nián biǎo Chronology of Sun Yat-sen·sūn zhōng shān de shū shù Sun's Art of Calligraphy
·sūn zhōng shān shēng píng Sun Life· shū Suicide note·sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng yīn Sun Yat-sen death
· wén shì Anecdotes·xiāng guān yǐng shì zuò pǐnhán sūn zhōng shān bàn yǎn zhě): Related to film and television work (including Sun Yat-sen actor):·bǎi diǎn Encyclopedia
·bāo hán cí·fēnlèixiángqíng·gèngduōjiéguǒ...
sūn zhōng shān Sun Zhongshan (1866~1925) 

孙中山 孫中山
孙中山 孫中山
孙中山 孫中山
孙中山 Sun Zhongshan
幼名帝象,学名文,号日新,后改号逸仙,旅居日本时曾化名中山樵,“中山”因而得名。1866年11月12日生于广东省香山县(今中山市)翠亨村一个农民家庭,1892年毕业于香港西医书院。赴檀香山成立兴中会,誓推翻满清。1905年在日本联合华兴会、光复会等革命团体成立中国同盟会,被推为总理。 1911年辛亥革命后被十七省代表推举为中华民国临时大总统。


 祖父孙敬贤(1789年~1850年), 祖母黄氏(1792年~1869年), 父亲孙达成(1812年~1888年), 母亲杨氏(?年~1910年)。


 长兄孙眉, 姊孙妙茜, 妹孙秋绮, 另有一兄一姐早殇。


 首任妻子卢慕贞(1867年~1952年),(1884年与孙中山结婚、1915年离婚。) 妾陈粹芬。 日本妻子大月薰(1901年于横滨结婚,1905年最后一次回去后,没有再回来) 妻宋庆龄 (被尊称为国母)(1893年~1981年),(1915年与孙中山结婚)


 子孙科(1891年~1973年) ,长女孙娫 ,次女孙婉(又作孙琬) 。三人都是卢慕贞所生。宫川富美子,大月薰所生1906年所生(“富美”的另一个汉字写法是“文”字)
孙文使用过不少名字,多数是为了宣扬革命或摆脱通缉而取的,部分则在于表达人生期望。除了下列实际使用的名字外,孙文还用过陈文、山月、杜嘉偌、公武、帝朱、高达生、吴仲等化名,以及杞忧公子、中原逐鹿士、南洋小学生、南洋一学生等笔名。1912年民国成立之后,孙氏本人于所有公私档案均以“孙文”署名。在西方,孙氏以“Sun Yat-Sen”(即孙逸仙的粤语的英文音译)之名闻于世。
孙中山在清同治五年十月初六日寅时(1866年11月12日)出生于中国广东省香山县(今中山市)翠亨村农民之家,为家中季子。七岁时入私塾接受传统教育。1879年,十四岁的孙中山受长兄孙眉接济,随母乘轮船赴夏威夷,始见“沧海之阔,轮舟之奇”。孙在当地英国国教会开办的用英语授课的小学“意奥兰尼书院”(Iolani School)修读英语、英国历史、数学、化学、物理、圣经等科目。1881年毕业,获夏威夷王亲颁英文文法优胜奖。之后进入当地最高学府、美国教会学校“奥阿胡学院”(Oahu College)(相当于中学程度)继续学业。1883年由于孙中山有信奉基督教的意向,被兄长送回家乡。同年冬天到香港,与陆皓东一同于公理会受洗入基督教,并就读于拔萃书屋(今日之拔萃男书院)。次年进入中央书院(今日之皇仁书院)。1887年进入香港西医书院(香港大学的前身),1892年7月以首届毕业生中第二的成绩毕业,并获当时之香港总督威廉·罗便臣亲自颁奖。之后他在澳门、广州等地行医。
孙中山 孙中山最初未言革命,尝于1894年《上李鸿章万言书》中,提出多项改革建议,惟李鸿章断拒。失望之余,孙中山11月24日赴檀香山茂宜岛募款组织兴中会,提出了“驱逐鞑虏,恢复中华,创立民国,平均地权”的口号,计划以排满思想为其革命事业铺路。1895年孙中山到香港,会见旧友陆皓东、郑士良、陈少白、杨鹤龄等人,准备筹划生平第一个革命组织兴中会,以“驱除鞑虏、恢复中华、创立合众政府”为目标。同年2月12日,孙中山在中环士丹顿街13号正式成立了“香港兴中会总会”。其时,杨衢云、谢缵泰等人已先以“开通民智、改造中国”为宗旨创立“辅仁文社”。孙中山以志业相近,遂与辅仁会社接洽,衢云等欣然同意举全社并入兴中会;于是租赁总会所一处,托名“干亨行”。2月20日,孙中山在香港大学作公开演讲,并提到他的革命思想源于香港。
1895年2月21日(正月二十七日),兴中会总会在香港成立,与会者皆以“驱除鞑虏,恢复中华,创立合众政府”为誓,兴中会选出杨衢云为会办(当时称为伯理玺德天,即 President),孙为秘书。3月16日(二月二十日)首次干部会议决定先攻取广州为根据地,并采用陆皓东所设计之青天白日旗为起义军旗,即分工展开各种活动,孙中山主持前方发难任务,衢云主持后方支援工作。
同年秋天,孙中山转往英国伦敦,在当地被清廷特务缉捕入中国使馆,成为国际事件。事件后来被称为“伦敦蒙难记”(Kidnapped in London),孙并被邀出书描述其遭遇,亦因此事而名声大噪。1897年,孙经加拿大,转往日本。先结识宫崎寅藏、平山周,二人后来成为孙中山的长期支持者;透过宫崎及平山,孙再结识日本军政、帮会中人,包括犬养毅、大隈重信、山田良政等人;并一度接触梁启超等保皇派。1900年庚子国变引来八国联军,孙中山借机联系时任两广总督的李鸿章,希望能筹划南方诸省独立,成立类似美国的合众国政府,李也答应与其会见。但在日本友人协助下却发觉不过是个清廷陷阱。而后李赴北京协调条约之事,此会面也无疾而终。同年9月,孙中山与日本友人及原兴中会骨干人物先赴香港,被禁入境后转往台湾,得当地日本官员答允支持在广东发动起义(称惠州三洲田起义)。后因日本官员临时改变态度而失败,孙亦返回日本。
孙中山就任临时大总统 当时孙中山领导的临时政府实力有限;虽然大部分的省份已脱离清政府的控制,可主要的军事凭借却是各地的团练与新军,或是混入部分华侨以及洪门与旗下哥老会的成员,无论在装备与士兵素质上,皆无法与清朝主力北洋军抗衡。此外由于孙并未实际投入革命战事,故各省的革命势力纷纷推出自己的领导,使革命势力呈现多头马车的情形。革命军被北洋军接连击败后,孙中山决定与北洋军的统帅袁世凯和谈,希望通过给予袁临时大总统的职位,让袁成为清朝垮台的最后关键。最后孙与袁达成协议:孙中山的临时大总统由袁接任,袁则以实际行动迫使清朝皇帝退位。同年2月12日,清朝皇帝接受袁的条件,下旨逊位,中华民国终完全取代过去的帝国体制。隔日2月13日孙辞去临时大总统,向临时参议院推荐袁世凯接任。
孙中山1925年1月抵京后即开始病发,1925年1月26日,先生被确诊为肝癌,在协和医院接受手术。2月18日,先生移至行馆接受中医治疗;3月11日,先生自知不起,由夫人扶腕,在《孙中山国事遗嘱》、《孙中山致苏联遗书》上签字。最终于1925年3月12日因肝癌病逝于北京协和医院,享年58岁,孙中山临终时同意汪兆铭所代笔的《总理遗训》及《致苏联政府书》。香港《华字日报》翌日报道了 孙中山的死讯:“孙文吐呕大作。不能进食。脉搏骤增至一百六十度。呼吸十八次。极危险。克礼医生在左右看护。终夜不离。戴天仇为孙草遗嘱。唯孙尚未签字……孙文病至十日晚大变。腹胀加增。克礼为之打针放水。今日上午九点三十五分钟逝世。当弥留时。戴天仇代草遗嘱。孙科急电粤民党要人来京。”1920年孙中山在上海

1 家事遗书


2 政治遗书


3 致苏联遗书




事迹:建设南方大港口 孙中山夙愿未竟







孙中山与历代反抗封建王朝的农民起义英雄和同代资产阶级改良派代表人物之显著不同之处在于:一是通过他方式独到的认真学习和深入思考,将欧美资本主义制度之精华与中国落后封建专制制度之国情相结合,从“以民为本” 的宗旨出发,不仅提出了“三民主义”基础学说,同时还就改造落后旧中国的伟大目标,从国体、政治、经济、文化、军事、外交诸方面作出了资产阶级民主革命的纲领、设想和规划,形成了系统化的革命理论;二是他自发动和组织革命伊始,终其一生,在领导整个资产阶级民主革命的历程中,始终不渝地坚持彻底的反封建立场和坚定的革命方向,面对满清朝庭的通揖、反动军阀的围攻、帝国列强的威逼、维新保皇派的论战、阵营内部的叛乱、同党战友的分歧,在极其艰难充满风险的环境中,几番组织和改造革命政党,多次发动武装起义,“愈挫愈奋,再接再厉”,不屈不挠,战斗不息;三是他始终坚守“一心为公” 的崇高精神境界,从建立兴中会、同盟会,发动广州、惠州、黄花岗等十次武装起义,到领导辛亥革命、建立临时政府、举行二次革命,到组织和改造国民党、组建黄埔军校、实施国共合作,直至积劳成疾英年早逝,抛却个人名利,彰显博大胸怀,大公无私,一生操劳,鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。孙中山的理论学说、立场信念和品德情操,可说是独秀一枝前无古人 ,也正是由于孙中山的坚持不懈的努力与革命理论的宣扬,才使得广大中国民众摆脱封建思想的束缚,走出对民主共和的“反动”政治思想认识误区,有力的促进了中国民主革命运动的发展,扩大了民主革命运动的影响,使得民主共和深入人心。即便是后来的“新民主主义革命运动”也是在孙中山工作的基础上才得以发展。
过去国民党宣传孙中山毕业于香港西医书院(College of Medicine for Chinese),并且在学成绩满分,第一名毕业,由教务长康德黎博士(Dr. James Cantlie)颁发毕业证书。但事实上当年的毕业生只有二位,孙氏及江英华。香港西医书院在当时是一个未获立案的学校,未能获得香港当局的承认,必然无法取得香港的行医执照。

1866年 11月12日,生于广东省香山县(今中山市)翠亨村
1877年 兄孙眉回乡完婚,9月,再返夏威夷创业
1884年 与卢慕贞夫人结婚
1888年 父孙达成逝世
1891年 初识陈粹芬夫人
1894年 长女孙娫(瑗)出生
1896年 次女孙婉(琬)出生
1902年 与大月薰结婚(存疑)
1906年 宫川富美子出生(存疑)
1910年 母亲杨氏逝世
1912年 陈粹芬夫人离开
1913年 长女孙娫(瑗)病逝于澳门
1914年 陈粹芬收养孙容
1915年 兄孙眉逝世
1925年 中山先生逝世
1952年 卢慕贞夫人逝世
1958年 孙容病逝
1960年 陈粹芬夫人逝世
1973年 子孙科逝世
1979年 次女孙婉逝世
1981年 宋庆龄夫人逝世


1883年 与陆皓东捣毁神像
1884年 “始有志于革命”
1894年 《上李鸿章书》
1895年 香港密谋起义失败,陆皓东等就义
1896年 伦敦蒙难
1898年 拜会康、梁
1899年 两党合作失败
1900年 惠州起义失败
1904年 加入致公会
1905年 同盟会成立
1906年 提出“五权宪法”
1907年 潮州黄冈起义
1908年 钦州、廉州起义
1910年 广州新军起义
1911年 武昌起义
1912年 1月1日中华民国临时政府在南京成立,孙中山被推举为临时大总统
1913年 宋教仁被刺
1914年 成立中华革命党,任总理
1915年 发表《讨袁声明》,发动“护国运动” 
1916年 发动护法运动
1917年 被迫辞去大元帅职,
1918年 《建国方略 心理建设》付梓
1921年 就任非常大总统,再次在广州建立政权
《建国方略 物质建设》付梓
1922年 以大元帅名义发动员令,命令各军分路出师北伐
1923年 发表《中国国民党宣言》,公布《中国国民党党纲》,《中国国民党总章》
1924年 中国国民党召开第一次全国代表大会
1925年 病危,口授遗嘱、《致苏联遗书》
1885年 19岁 与卢慕贞(18岁)结婚,后育有三子
1891年 24岁 认识陈粹芬(18岁),后成为侧室
1894年 28岁 初次见到宋庆龄(1岁岁女婴)开始光源氏计划
1897年 31岁 流亡日本,认识浅田春(15岁女仆)
1898年 32岁 认识大月熏(10岁罗莉)
1900年 34岁 9月20日上午在神户市相生町加藤旅馆跟浅田春(18岁)
1901年 35岁 向卢慕贞(34岁)提出离婚(当时似乎还没正式离婚,不过民国的民法颁布于孙某死后,故忽略)
1902年 36岁 向大月熏(14岁)父亲提亲被拒绝
1903年 37岁 8月与大月熏(15岁)订婚
1904年 38岁 7月19日与大月熏(16岁)正式成亲
1915年 49岁 与卢慕贞(48岁)正式离婚 与宋庆龄(22岁)结婚

Sun Yat-sen (12 November 1866 – 12 March 1925) was a Chinese revolutionary and first president and founding father of the Republic of China ("Nationalist China"). As the foremost pioneer of Republic of China, Sun is referred to as the "Father of the Nation" in the Republic of China (ROC), and the "forerunner of democratic revolution" in the People's Republic of China. Sun played an instrumental role in the overthrow of the Qing dynasty during the Xinhai Revolution. Sun was the first provisional president when the Republic of China was founded in 1912 and later co-founded the Kuomintang (KMT), serving as its first leader. Sun was a uniting figure in post-Imperial China, and remains unique among 20th-century Chinese politicians for being widely revered amongst the people from both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

Although Sun is considered[by whom?] one of the greatest leaders of modern China, his political life was one of constant struggle and frequent exile. After the success of the revolution, he quickly fell out of power in the newly founded Republic of China, and led successive revolutionary governments as a challenge to the warlords who controlled much of the nation. Sun did not live to see his party consolidate its power over the country during the Northern Expedition. His party, which formed a fragile alliance with the Communists, split into two factions after his death. Sun's chief legacy resides in his developing of the political philosophy known as the Three Principles of the People: nationalism, democracy, and the people's livelihood.

The original name of Sun Yat-sen was Sun Wen (孫文) and his genealogical name was Sun Deming (孫德明). As a child, his "milk name" was Dixiang (帝象). The courtesy name of Sun Yat-sen was Zaizhi (載之), and his baptized name was Rixin (日新). While at school in Hong Kong he got the name Yat Sen (逸仙; Hanyu pinyin: Yìxiān). Sun Zhongshan (孫中山), the most popular of his Chinese names, came from the "Nakayama" (中山) of Nakayama Shō (中山樵), the Japanese name given to him by Miyazaki Touten.

Early years
Sun Yat-sen (back row, fifth from left) and his family. Farm lifeSun Yat-sen was born on 12 November 1866 to a Cantonese Hakka family.His birthplace was the village of Cuiheng, Xiangshan (later Zhongshan county), Guangzhou prefecture, Guangdong Province. He was the third son born in a family of farmers, and herded cows along with other farming duties at age 6.

Education years
Statue of Sun Yat-sen as a school boy in Honolulu, Hawaii, age 13At age 10, Sun Yat-sen began seeking schooling. It is also at this point where he met childhood friend Lu Hao-tung. By age 13 in 1878 after receiving a few years of local schooling, Sun went to live with his elder brother, Sun Mei (孫眉) in Honolulu.

Sun Yat-sen then studied at ʻIolani School where he learned English, British history, mathematics, science, and Christianity. Originally unable to speak the English language, Sun Yat-sen picked up the language so quickly that he received a prize for outstanding achievement from King David Kalākaua. Sun graduated from Iolani in 1882. Then attended Oahu College (now known as Punahou School), for one semester. In 1883 he was soon sent home to China as his brother was becoming afraid that Sun Yat-sen would embrace Christianity.

When he returned home in 1883 at age 17, Sun met up with his childhood friend Lu Hao-tung at Beijidian (北極殿), a temple in Cuiheng Village. They saw many villagers worshipping the Beiji (literally North Pole) Emperor-God in the temple, and were dissatisfied with their ancient healing methods. They broke the statue, incurring the wrath of fellow villagers, and escaped to Hong Kong. While in Hong Kong in 1883 he studied at the Diocesan Boys' School and from 1884 to 1886 he was at the government Central school.

In 1886 Sun studied medicine at the Guangzhou Boji Hospital under the Christian missionary John G. Kerr. Ultimately, he earned the license of Christian practice as a medical doctor from the Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese (the forerunner of The University of Hong Kong) in 1892. Notably, of his class of 12 students, Sun was one of only two who graduated.

Christian baptismSun was later baptized in Hong Kong by an American missionary of the Congregational Church of the United States to his brother's disdain. The minister would also develop a friendship with Sun. Sun attended To Tsai Church (道濟會堂, founded by the London Missionary Society in 1888) while he studied Western Medicine in Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese (香港華人西醫書院). Sun pictured a revolution as similar to the salvation mission of the Christian church. His conversion to Christianity was related to his revolutionary ideals and push for advancement. Sun later became the godfather of Paul Linebarger, a science-fiction writer.

Transformation into a revolutionary
Photograph of Sun Yat-sen (seated, second from left) and his revolutionary friends, the Four Bandits, including Yeung Hok-ling (left), Chan Siu-bak (seated, second from right), Yau Lit (right), and Guan Jingliang (關景良) (standing) at the Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese. Four BanditsDuring the Qing Dynasty rebellion around 1888 Sun was in Hong Kong with a group of revolutionary thinkers that were nicknamed the Four Bandits at the Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese. Sun, who had grown increasingly frustrated by the conservative Qing government and its refusal to adopt knowledge from the more technologically advanced Western nations, quit his medical practice in order to devote his time to transforming China.

Furen and Revive China SocietyIn 1891 Sun met revolutionary friends in Hong Kong including Yeung Kui-wan who was the leader and founder of the Furen Literary Society. The group was spreading the idea of overthrowing the Qing. In 1894, Sun wrote an 8,000 character petition to Qing Viceroy Li Hongzhang presenting his ideas for modernizing China. He traveled to Tianjin to personally present the petition to Li but was not granted an audience. After this experience, Sun turned irrevocably toward revolution. He left China for Hawaii and founded the Revive China Society, which was committed to revolutionize China’s prosperity. Members were drawn mainly from Chinese expatriates, especially the lower social classes. The same month in 1894 the Furen Literary Society was merged with the Hong Kong chapter of the Revive China Society. Sun became the secretary of the newly merged Revive China society, which Yeung Kui-wan headed as president. They disguised their activities in Hong Kong under the running of a "Qianheng Company" (乾亨行).

First Sino-Japanese WarIn 1895 China suffered a serious defeat during the First Sino-Japanese War. There were two types of response. One group of intellectuals contended that the Manchu Qing government could restore its legitimacy by successfully modernizing. Stressing that overthrowing the Manchu would result in chaos and would lead to China being carved up by imperialists, intellectuals like Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao supported responding with initiatives like the Hundred Days' Reform. In another faction, Sun Yat-sen and others like Zou Rong wanted a revolution to replace the dynastic system with a modern nation-state in the form of a republic. The Hundred Day's reform turned out to be a failure by 1898.

From uprising to exile
Plaque in London marking the site of a house where Sun Yat-sen lived while in exile
Letter from Sun Yat-sen to James Cantlie announcing to him that he has assumed the Presidency of the Provisional Republican Government of China. Dated 21 January 1912. First Guangzhou uprisingIn the second year of the establishment of the Revive China society on 26 October 1895, the group planned and launched the First Guangzhou uprising against the Qing in Guangzhou. Yeung Kui-wan directed the uprising starting from Hong Kong. However, plans were leaked out and more than 70 members, including Lu Hao-tung, were captured by the Qing government. The uprising was a failure.

Exile in JapanSun Yat-sen spent time living in Japan while in exile. He befriended and was financially aided by a democratic revolutionary named Miyazaki Toten. Most Japanese who actively worked with Sun were motivated by a pan-Asian fear of encroaching Western imperialism. While in Japan, Sun also met and befriended Mariano Ponce, then a diplomat of the First Philippine Republic.

Huizhou uprisingOn 22 October 1900 Sun launched the Huizhou uprising to attack Huizhou and provincial authorities in Guangdong. This came five years after the failed Guangzhou uprising. This time Sun appealed to the triads for help. This uprising was also a failure. Miyazaki who participated in the revolt with Sun wrote an account of this revolutionary effort under the title "33-year dream" (三十三年之夢) in 1902.

Further exileSun was in exile not only in Japan, but also in Europe, the United States, and Canada. He raised money for his revolutionary party and to support uprisings in China. In 1896 he was detained at the Chinese Legation in London, where the Chinese Imperial secret service planned to kill him. He was released after 12 days through the efforts of James Cantlie, The Times, and the Foreign Office, leaving Sun a hero in Britain. James Cantlie, Sun's former teacher at the Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese, maintained a lifelong friendship with Sun and would later write an early biography of Sun.

Heaven and earth society, overseas travelA "Heaven and Earth Society" sect known as Tiandihui has been around for a long time. The group has also been referred to as the "three cooperating organizations" as well as the triads. Sun Yat-sen mainly used this group to leverage his overseas travels to gain further financial and resource support for his revolution.

According to Lee Yun-ping, chairman of the Chinese historical society, Sun needed a certificate to enter the United States at a time when the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 would have otherwise blocked him. But on Sun's first attempt to enter the US, he was still arrested. He was later bailed out after 17 days. In March 1904, Sun Yat-sen obtained a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth, issued by the Territory of Hawaii, stating he was born on 24 November 1870 in Kula, Maui. Official files of the United States show that Sun had United States nationality, moved to China with his family at age 4, and returned to Hawaii 10 years later.

A letter with Sun's seal commencing the Tongmenghui in HK TongmenghuiMain article: Tongmenghui
In 1904 Sun Yat-sen came about with the goal "to expel the Tatar barbarians, to revive Zhonghua, to establish a Republic, and to distribute land equally among the people." (驅除韃虜, 恢復中華, 創立民國, 平均地權). One of Sun's major legacies was the creation of his political philosophy of the Three Principles of the People. These Principles included the principle of nationalism (minzu, 民族), of democracy (minquan, 民權), and of welfare (minsheng, 民生).

On 20 August 1905 Sun joined forces with revolutionary Chinese students studying in Tokyo, Japan to form the unified group Tongmenghui (United League), which sponsored uprisings in China. By 1906 the number of Tongmenghui members reached 963 people.

Interior of the Wan Qing Yuan featuring Sun's items and photo Malaya supportMain article: Chinese revolutionary activities in Malaya
Sun's notability and popularity extends beyond the Greater China region, particularly to Nanyang (Southeast Asia) where a large concentration of overseas Chinese reside in Malaya (Malaysia and Singapore). While in Singapore he met local Chinese merchants Teo Eng Hock, Tan Chor Nam and Lim Nee Soon, which mark the commencement of direct support from the Nanyang Chinese. The Singapore chapter of the Tongmenghui was established on 6 April 1906. Though some records claim the founding date to be end of 1905. The villa used by Sun was known as Wan Qing Yuan. At this point Singapore was the headquarter of the Tongmenghui.

Zhennanguan uprisingOn 1 December 1907 Sun led the Zhennanguan uprising against the Qing at Friendship Pass, which is the border between Guangxi and Vietnam. The uprising failed after seven days of fighting. In 1907 there were a total of four uprisings that failed including Huanggang uprising, Huizhou seven women lake uprising and Qinzhou uprising. In 1908 two more uprisings failed one after another including Qin-lian uprising and Hekou uprising.

Anti-Sun movementsBecause of these failures Sun's leadership was beginning to be challenged by elements from within the Tongmenghui who wished to remove him as leader. In Tokyo 1907–1908 members from the recently merged Restoration society raised doubts about Sun's credentials. Tao Chengzhang (陶成章) and Zhang Binglin publicly denounced Sun with an open leaflet called "A declaration of Sun Yat-sen's criminal acts by the revolutionaries in Southeast Asia". This was printed and distributed in reformist newspapers like Nanyang Zonghui Bao. Their goal was to target Sun as a leader leading a revolt for profiteering gains.

The revolutionaries were polarized and split between pro-Sun and anti-Sun camps. Sun publicly fought off comments about how he had something to gain financially from the revolution. In 1910 Sun took the time to establish the United Chinese Library in Singapore. But by 19 July 1910 the Tongmenghui headquarter had to relocate from Singapore to Penang to reduce the anti-Sun activities. It is also in Penang that Sun and his supporters would launch the first Chinese "daily" newspaper, the Kwong Wah Yit Poh on December 1910.

Soldiers of the Wuchang uprising 1911 revolutionMain articles: Wuchang Uprising and Xinhai Revolution
To sponsor more uprisings, Sun made a personal plea for financial aid at the Penang conference held on 13 November 1910 in Malaya. The leaders launched a major drive for donations across the Malay Peninsula. They raised HK$187,000.

On 27 April 1911 revolutionary Huang Xing led a second Guangzhou uprising known as the Yellow Flower Mound revolt against the Qing. The revolt failed and ended in disaster; only the bodies of 72 revolutionaries were found. The revolutionaries are remembered as martyrs.

On 10 October 1911 a military uprising at Wuchang took place led again by Huang Xing. At the time Sun had no direct involvement as he was still in exile. Huang was in charge of the revolution that ended over 2000 years of imperial rule in China. When Sun learned of the successful rebellion against the Qing emperor from press reports, he immediately returned to China from the United States accompanied by General Homer Lea on 21 December 1911. The uprising expanded to the Xinhai Revolution also known as the "Chinese Revolution" to overthrow the last Emperor Puyi. After this event 10 October became known as the commemoration of Double Ten Day.

Republic of China with many government Provisional governmentMain article: Provisional Government of the Republic of China (1912)
On 29 December 1911 a meeting of representatives from provinces in Nanking elected Sun Yat-sen as the "provisional president" (臨時大總統). 1 January 1912 was set as the first day of the First Year of the Republic. Li Yuanhong was made provisional vice-president and Huang Xing became the minister of the army. The new Provisional Government of the Republic of China was created along with the Provisional Constitution of the Republic of China. Sun is credited for the funding of the revolutions and for keeping the spirit of revolution alive, even after a series of failed uprisings. His successful merger of minor revolutionary groups to a single larger party provided a better base for all those who shared the same ideals. A number of things were introduced such as the republic calendar system and new fashion like Zhongshan suits.

Beiyang governmentMain article: Beiyang government
Yuan Shikai was in charge of the Beiyang Army, the military of northern China. He was promised the position of President of the Republic of China if he could get the Qing court to abdicate. On 12 February 1912 Emperor Puyi did abdicate the throne. Sun Yat-sen stepped down as President, and Yuan became the new provisional president in Beijing on 10 March 1912. The provisional government did not have any military forces of its own, its control over elements of the New Army that had mutinied was limited and there were still significant forces which still had not declared against the Qing.

Sun Yat-sen sent telegrams to the leaders of all provinces, requesting them to elect and to establish the National Assembly of the Republic of China in 1912. In May 1912 the legislative assembly moved from Nanjing to Beijing with its 120 members divided between members of Tongmenghui and a Republican party that supported Yuan Shikai. Many revolutionary members were already alarmed by Yuan's ambitions and the northern based Beiyang government.

Nationalist party and Second RevolutionTongmenghui member Song Jiaoren quickly tried to control the parliament. He mobilized the old Tungmenghui at the core with the merger of a number of new small parties to form a new political party called the Guomindang (Chinese nationalist party) on 25 August 1912 at Huguang Guild Hall Beijing. The 1912–1913 National assembly election was considered a huge success for the KMT winning 269 of the 596 seats in the lower house and 123 of the 274 senate seats. The Second Revolution took place where Sun and KMT military forces tried to overthrow Yuan's forces of about 80,000 men in an armed conflict in July 1913. The revolt against Yuan was unsuccessful. Sun was forced to seek asylum in Japan. In retaliation the national party leader Song Jiaoren was assassinated under the secret order of Yuan Shikai on 20 March 1913.

Political chaosIn 1915 Yuan Shikai proclaimed the Empire of China (1915–1916) with himself as Emperor of China. Sun took part in the Anti-Monarchy war of the Constitutional Protection Movement, while also supporting bandit leaders like Bai Lang during the Bai Lang Rebellion. This marked the beginning of the Warlord Era. In 1915 Sun wrote to the Second International, an organisation of socialist based in Paris, asking it to send a team of specialists to help China set up the world's first socialist republic. At the time there were many theories and proposals of what China could be. In the political mess, even when Sun Yat-sen was announced as President, Xu Shichang was also announced as President of the Republic of China.

Path to Northern Expedition
Sun Yat-sen (middle, dressed in white) and Chiang Kai-shek (on stage in uniform) at the founding of the Whampoa Military Academy in 1924. Guangzhou militarist governmentChina had become divided between different military leaders without a proper central government. Sun saw the danger of this and returned to China in 1917 to advocate Chinese reunification. In 1921 he started a self-proclaimed military government in Guangzhou and was elected Grand Marshal. Between 1912 and 1927 three governments had been set up in South China: the Provisional government in Nanjing (1912), the Military government in Guangzhou (1921–1925), and the National government in Guangzhou and later Wuhan (1925–1927). The southern separatist government in the South was established to rival the Beiyang government in the north. Yuan Shikai had banned the KMT. The short lived Chinese Revolutionary Party was a temporary replacement for the KMT. On 10 October 1919 Sun resurrected the KMT with the new name Chung-kuo Kuomintang, basically "Chinese Nationalist party".

Sun Yat-sen (seated on right) and Chiang Kai-shek KMT CPC cooperationBy this time Sun had become convinced that the only hope for a unified China lay in a military conquest from his base in the south, followed by a period of political tutelage that would culminate in the transition to democracy. In order to hasten the conquest of China, he began a policy of active cooperation with the Communist Party of China (CPC). Sun and the Soviet Union's Adolph Joffe signed the Sun-Joffe Manifesto in January 1923. Sun received help from the Comintern for his acceptance of communist members into his KMT. Revolutionary and socialist leader Vladimir Lenin praised Sun and the KMT for their ideology and principles. Lenin praised Sun and his attempts at social reformation, and also congratulated him for fighting foreign Imperialism. Sun also returned the praise, calling him a "great man", and sent his congratulations on the revolution in Russia.

With the Soviet's help, Sun was able to develop the military power needed for the Northern Expedition against the military at the north. He established the Whampoa Military Academy near Guangzhou with Chiang Kai-shek as the commandant of the National Revolutionary Army (NRA). Other Whampoa leaders include Wang Jingwei and Hu Hanmin as political instructors. This full collaboration was called the First United Front.

Finance concernsIn 1924 Sun appointed TV Soong to set up the first Chinese Central bank called the Canton Central Bank. To establish national capitalism and a banking system was a major objective for the KMT. However Sun was not without some opposition as there was the Canton volunteers corps uprising against him.

Sun (seated, right) and his wife Soong Ching-ling (宋慶齡) (seated, center) in Kobe, Japan in 1924 Final speechesIn February 1923 Sun made a presentation to the Students' Union in Hong Kong University and declared that it was the corruption of China and the peace, order and good government of Hong Kong that turned him into a revolutionary. This same year, he delivered a speech in which he proclaimed his Three Principles of the People as the foundation of the country and the Five-Yuan Constitution as the guideline for the political system and bureaucracy. Part of the speech was made into the National Anthem of the Republic of China.

On 10 November 1924, Sun traveled north to Tianjin and delivered a speech to suggest a gathering for a "National conference" for the Chinese people. It called for the end of warlord rules and the abolition of all unequal treaties with the Western powers. Two days later, he traveled to Beijing to discuss the future of the country, despite his deteriorating health and the ongoing civil war of the warlords. On 28 November 1924 Sun traveled to Japan and gave a speech on Pan-Asianism at Kobe, Japan.

DeathSun died of liver cancer on 12 March 1925 at the age of 58 at the Rockefeller financed Peking Union Medical College. In keeping with common Chinese practice, his remains were placed in the Temple of Azure Clouds, a Buddhist shrine in the Western Hills a few miles outside of Beijing.

A mausoleum was built and completed in 1929. In 1 June 1929, Sun's remains were relocated from Beijing and buried in Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing.

Chinese Generals pay tribute to the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Beijing in 1928 after the success of the Northern Expedition. From right to left, are Generals Cheng Jin (何成浚), Zhang Zuobao (張作寶), Chen Diaoyuan (陳調元), Chiang Kai-shek, Woo Tsin-hang, Yan Xishan, Ma Fuxiang, Ma Sida (馬四達), and Bai Chongxi. Power struggleAfter Sun's death, a power struggle between his young protégé Chiang Kai-shek and his old revolutionary comrade Wang Jingwei split the KMT. At stake in this struggle was the right to lay claim to Sun's ambiguous legacy. In 1927 Chiang Kai-shek married Soong May-ling, a sister of Sun's widow Soong Ching-ling, and subsequently he could claim to be a brother-in-law of Sun. When the Communists and the Kuomintang split in 1927, marking the start of the Chinese Civil War, each group claimed to be his true heirs, a conflict that continued through World War II. His widow, Soong Ching-ling, sided with the Communists during the Chinese Civil War and served from 1949 to 1981 as Vice President (or Vice Chairwoman) of the People's Republic of China and as Honorary President shortly before her demise in 1981.

Cult of PersonalityA personality cult in the Republic of China was centered on Sun and his successor, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. Chinese Muslim Generals and Imams participated in this cult of personality and one party state, with Muslim General Ma Bufang making people bow to Sun's portrait and listen to the national anthem during a Tibetan and Mongol religious ceremony for the Qinghai Lake God. Quotes from the Quran and Hadith were used by Muslims to justify Chiang Kai-shek's rule over China.

Statue in the Mausoleum, Kuomintang flag on the ceiling Father of the NationSun Yat-sen remains unique among 20th century Chinese leaders for having a high reputation both in mainland China and in Taiwan. In Taiwan, he is seen as the Father of the Republic of China, and is known by the posthumous name Father of the Nation, Mr. Sun Zhongshan (Chinese: 國父 孫中山先生, where the one-character space is a traditional homage symbol). His likeness is still almost always found in ceremonial locations such as in front of legislatures and classrooms of public schools, from elementary to senior high school, and he continues to appear in new coinage and currency.

Forerunner of the revolutionOn the mainland, Sun is also seen as a Chinese nationalist and proto-socialist, and is highly regarded as the Forerunner of the Revolution (革命先行者). He is even mentioned by name in the preamble to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China. In recent years, the leadership of the Communist Party of China has increasingly invoked Sun, partly as a way of bolstering Chinese nationalism in light of Chinese economic reform and partly to increase connections with supporters of the Kuomintang on Taiwan which the PRC sees as allies against Taiwan independence. Sun's tomb was one of the first stops made by the leaders of both the Kuomintang and the People First Party on their pan-blue visit to mainland China in 2005. A massive portrait of Sun continues to appear in Tiananmen Square for May Day and National Day.

Lu Muzhen (1867–1952), Sun's first wife from 1885 to 1915Main article: Family tree of Sun Yat-sen
Sun Yat-sen was born to father Sun Dacheng (孫達成) and mother lady Yang (楊氏) on 12 November 1866. At the time his father was age 53, while his mother was 38 years old. By the time he was born, he already had an older brother Sun Dezhang (孫德彰), an older sister Sun Jinxing (孫金星) who died at the early age of 4. Another older brother Sun Deyou (孫德祐) also died at the age of 6. He had two other sisters Sun Miaoxi (孫妙茜), who was older and Sun Qiuqi (孫秋綺) who was younger.

Sun had an arranged marriage with fellow villager Lu Muzhen at the age of 20. She bore him a son Sun Fo and two daughters, Sun Jinyuan (孫金媛) and Sun Jinwan (孫金婉). Sun subsequently married Soong Ching-ling, one of the Soong sisters. They were married in Japan on 25 October 1915, though he did not divorce his first wife, Lu Muzhen, due to opposition from the Chinese community. The relation with the sisters' father Charles Soong would play a role in political affairs. Among Sun's descendants was Leland Sun, who spent 37 years working in Hollywood as an actor and stuntman.

Cultural references
Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing at 1 May 2011 Memorials and structures in AsiaIn most major Chinese cities one of the main streets is named Zhongshan Lu (中山路) to celebrate his memory. There are also numerous parks, schools, and geographical features named after him. Xiangshan, Sun's hometown in Guangdong, was renamed Zhongshan in his honor, and there is a hall dedicated to his memory at the Temple of Azure Clouds in Beijing. There are also a series of Sun Yat-sen stamps.

Other reference to Sun include the Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou and National Sun Yat-sen University in Kaohsiung. Other structures include Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, Sun Yat-sen subway station, Sun Yat-sen house in Nanjing, Dr. Sun Yat-sen Museum in Hong Kong, Chung-Shan Building in the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Taipei. Zhongshan Memorial Middle School has also been a name used by many schools. Zhongshan Park is also a common name used for a number of places named after him. The first highway in Taiwan is called the Sun Yat-sen expressway. Two ships are also named after him, the Chinese gunboat Chung Shan and Chinese cruiser Yat Sen. The old Chinatown in Calcutta (now known as Kolkata), India has a prominent street by the name of Sun Yat-sen street. In Penang, Malaysia, the Penang Philomatic Union had its premises at 120 Armenian Street in 1910, during the time when Sun spent more than four months in Penang, convened the historic "Penang Conference" to launch the fundraising campaign for the Huanghuagang Uprising and founded the Kwong Wah Yit Poh; this house, which has been preserved as the Sun Yat Sen Museum Penang (formerly called the Sun Yat Sen Penang Base), was visited by President designate Hu Jintao in 2002. The Penang Philomatic Union subsequently moved to a bungalow at 65 Macalister Road which has been preserved as the Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Centre in Penang.

As dedication, the 1966 Chinese Cultural Renaissance was launched on Sun's birthday on 12 November.

The Nanyang Wan Qing Yuan have since been preserved and renamed as the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall. A Sun Yat-sen heritage trail was also launched in 20 November 2010 in Penang.

Sun's US citizen Hawaii birth certificate that show he was not born in the ROC, but instead born in the US was on public display at the American Institute in Taiwan on US Independence day 4 July 2011.

A marker on the Sun Yat-sen Historical Trail on Hong Kong Island Memorials and structures outside of AsiaDr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden is located in Vancouver, the largest classical Chinese gardens outside of Asia. There is the Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Park in Chinatown, Honolulu. In Sacramento, California there is a bronze statue of Sun in front of the Chinese Benevolent Association of Sacramento. Another statue of Sun Yat-sen can be found at Riverdale Park in Toronto, Canada. There is also the Moscow Sun Yat-sen University. In Chinatown, San Francisco, there is a 12-foot statue of him on St. Mary's Square.

In late 2011, the Chinese Youth Society of Melbourne, in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Republic Of China, unveiled, in a Lion Dance Blessing ceremony, a memorial statue of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen outside the Chinese Museum in Melbourne's Chinatown, on the spot where their traditional Chinese New Year Lion Dance always ends.

In 1993 Lily Sun, one of Sun Yat-sen's granddaughters, donated books, photographs, artwork and other memorabilia to the Kapi`olani library as part of the "Sun Yat-sen Asian collection". During October and November every year the entire collection is shown. In 1997 the "Dr Sun Yat-sen Hawaii foundation" was formed online as a virtual library. In 2006 the NASA Mars Exploration Rover Spirit labeled one of the hills explored "Zhongsan".

The plaque shown earlier in this article is by Dora Gordine, and is situated on the site of Sun's lodgings in London in 1896, 8 Grays Inn Place. There is also a plaque commemorating Sun at The Kennels, Cottered, Hertfordshire, the country home of the Cantlies where Sun came to recuperate after his rescue from the legation in 1896.

In popular culture TV series, filmsThe life of Sun is portrayed in various films, mainly The Soong Sisters and Road to Dawn. A fictionalized assassination attempt on his life was featured in Bodyguards and Assassins. He is also portrayed during his struggle to overthrow the Qing dynasty in Once Upon a Time in China II. The TV series Towards the Republic features Ma Shaohua as Sun Yat-sen. In the 100th anniversary tribute of the film 1911, Winston Chao played Sun.
Sun Yat-sen tribute in Tiananmen Square, 2005. PerformancesIn 2010 a theatrical play "Yellow Flower on slopes" (斜路黃花) was made. In 2011 there is also a mandopop group called "Zhongsan road 100" (中山路100號) known for singing the song "Our father of the nation" (我們國父). In 2011 a three-act "Dr Sun Yat-sen opera" was announced by the Hong Kong Leisure and Cultural Services Department.

BooksThe 1992 novel China Mountain Zhang has a protagonist named Zhongsan of Chinese and Puerto Rican ancestry in a world dominated by the Communist party.

Controversy New Three Principles of the PeopleAt one time CPC General secretary and PRC president Jiang Zemin claimed Sun Yat-sen had a "New Three Principles of the People" (新三民主義) which consisted of "working with the soviets, working with the communists and helping the farmers" (聯俄, 聯共, 扶助工農). Lily Sun said the CPC was distorting Sun's legacy in 2001. She then voiced her displeasure in 2002 in a private letter to Jiang about the distortion of history. In 2008 Jiang Zemin was willing to offer US$10 million to sponsor a Xinhai Revolution anniversary celebration event. According to Ming Pao she could not take the money because she would no longer have the freedom to communicate the revolution. This concept is still currently available on Baike Baidu.

KMT emblem disappearance caseIn 1981 Lily Sun took a trip to Sun Yat-sen mausoleum in Nanjing, People's Republic of China. The emblem of the KMT had disappeared from the top of his tomb. On another visit in May 2011, she was surprised to find the four characters "General Rules of Meetings" (會議通則), a document that Sun wrote in reference to Robert's Rules of Order had disappeared from a stone carving.

Father of Independent Taiwan issueIn November 2004 the Taiwan Ministry of Education proposed that Sun Yat-sen was not the father of their independent country, Taiwan. Instead Sun was a foreigner from China. Taiwanese Education minister Tu Cheng-sheng and Examination Yuan member Lin Yu-ti (林玉体) were then attacked with eggs. At a Sun Yat-sen statue in Kaohsiung, a 70 year old ROC retired soldier slit his own throat to commit suicide as a way to protest the ministry proposal on the anniversary of Sun's birthday 12 November.

sūn zhōng shān Sun Yat-sen (1866~1925) guǎng dōng zhōng shān shì cuì hēng cūn

shè huì xué sociologysān mín zhù
zhuànjì biographylún dūn méng nán Kidnapped in London》

   sūn zhōng shān ( 1866.11.12 héng 1925.03.12), míng sūn wén zài zhīhào xiānzhōng guó jìn dài mín zhù zhù mìng de xiān xíng zhězhōng huá mín guó zhōng guó guó mín dǎng chuàng shǐ rénsān mín zhù de chàng dǎo zhěshǒu chè fǎn fēng jiàn de zhì,“ gòng 'ér zhōng zhì”。 1905 nián chéng zhōng guó tóng méng huì。 1911 nián xīn hài mìng hòu bèi tuī wéi zhōng huá mín guó lín shí zǒng tǒng。 1940 niánguó mín zhèng tōng lìng quán guózūn chēng wéizhōng huá mín guó guó ”。

  Sun Yat-sen (12 November 1866 – 12 March 1925) was a Chinese revolutionary and first president and founding father of the Republic of China ("Nationalist China"). As the foremost pioneer of Republic of China, Sun is referred to as the "Father of the Nation" in the Republic of China (ROC), and the "forerunner of democratic revolution" in the People's Republic of China. Sun played an instrumental role in the overthrow of the Qing dynasty during the Xinhai Revolution. Sun was the first provisional president when the Republic of China was founded in 1912 and later co-founded the Kuomintang (KMT), serving as its first leader. Sun was a uniting figure in post-Imperial China, and remains unique among 20th-century Chinese politicians for being widely revered amongst the people from both sides of the Taiwan Strait.
  Although Sun is considered one of the greatest leaders of modern China, his political life was one of constant struggle and frequent exile. After the success of the revolution, he quickly fell out of power in the newly founded Republic of China, and led successive revolutionary governments as a challenge to the warlords who controlled much of the nation. Sun did not live to see his party consolidate its power over the country during the Northern Expedition. His party, which formed a fragile alliance with the Communists, split into two factions after his death. Sun's chief legacy resides in his developing of the political philosophy known as the Three Principles of the People: nationalism, democracy, and the people's livelihood.
  The original name of Sun Yat-sen was Sun Wen (孫文) and his genealogical name was Sun Deming (孫德明). As a child, his "milk name" was Dixiang (帝象). The courtesy name of Sun Yat-sen was Zaizhi (載之), and his baptized name was Rixin (日新). While at school in Hong Kong he got the name Yat Sen (逸仙; Hanyu pinyin: Yìxiān). Sun Zhongshan (孫中山), the most popular of his Chinese names, came from Nakayama (中山樵), a form of the Japanese name given to him by Miyazaki Touten.
   Early years
  Sun Yat-sen (back row, fifth from left) and his family.
   Farm lifeSun Yat-sen was born on 12 November 1866 to a Cantonese Hakka family in the village of Cuiheng, Xiangshan (later Zhongshan county), Guangzhou prefecture, Guangdong province in Qing China. He was the third son born in a family of farmers, and herded cows along with other farming duties at age 6.
   Education years
  Statue of Sun Yat-sen as a school boy in Honolulu, Hawaii, age 13At age 10, Sun Yat-sen began seeking schooling. It is also at this point where he met childhood friend Lu Hao-tung. By age 13 in 1878 after receiving a few years of local schooling, Sun went to live with his elder brother, Sun Mei (孫眉) in Honolulu.
  Sun Yat-sen then studied at the ʻIolani School where he learned English, British history, mathematics, science, and Christianity. Originally unable to speak the English language, Sun Yat-sen picked up the language so quickly that he received a prize for outstanding achievement from King David Kalākaua. Sun enrolled in Oahu College (now Punahou School) for further studies for one semester. In 1883 he was soon sent home to China as his brother was becoming afraid that Sun Yat-sen would embrace Christianity.
  When he returned home in 1883 at age 17, Sun met up with his childhood friend Lu Hao-tung at Beijidian (北極殿), a temple in Cuiheng Village. They saw many villagers worshipping the Beiji (literally North Pole) Emperor-God in the temple, and were dissatisfied with their ancient healing methods. They broke the statue, incurring the wrath of fellow villagers, and escaped to Hong Kong. While in Hong Kong in 1883 he studied at the Diocesan Boys' School and from 1884 to 1886 he was at the government Central school.
  In 1886 Sun studied medicine at the Guangzhou Boji Hospital under the Christian missionary John G. Kerr. Ultimately, he earned the license of Christian practice as a medical doctor from the Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese (the forerunner of The University of Hong Kong) in 1892. Notably, of his class of 12 students, Sun was one of only two who graduated.
   Christian baptismSun was later baptized in Hong Kong by an American missionary of the Congregational Church of the United States to his brother's disdain. The minister would also develop a friendship with Sun. Sun attended To Tsai Church (道濟會堂, founded by the London Missionary Society in 1888) while he studied Western Medicine in Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese (香港華人西醫書院). Sun pictured a revolution as similar to the salvation mission of the Christian church. His conversion to Christianity was related to his revolutionary ideals and push for advancement. Sun later became the godfather of Paul Linebarger, a science-fiction writer.
   Transformation into a revolutionary
  Photograph of Sun Yat-sen (seated, second from left) and his revolutionary friends, the Four Bandits, including Yeung Hok-ling (left), Chan Siu-bak (seated, second from right), Yau Lit (right), and Guan Jingliang (關景良) (standing) at the Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese.
   Four BanditsDuring the Qing Dynasty rebellion around 1888 Sun was in Hong Kong with a group of revolutionary thinkers that were nicknamed the Four Bandits at the Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese. Sun, who had grown increasingly frustrated by the conservative Qing government and its refusal to adopt knowledge from the more technologically advanced Western nations, quit his medical practice in order to devote his time to transforming China.
   Furen and Revive China SocietyIn 1891 Sun met revolutionary friends in Hong Kong including Yeung Kui-wan who was the leader and founder of the Furen Literary Society. The group was spreading the idea of overthrowing the Qing. In 1894, Sun wrote an 8,000 character petition to Qing Viceroy Li Hongzhang presenting his ideas for modernizing China. He traveled to Tianjin to personally present the petition to Li but was not granted an audience. After this experience, Sun turned irrevocably toward revolution. He left China for Hawaii and founded the Revive China Society, which was committed to revolution to restore China’s prosperity. Members were drawn mainly from Chinese expatriates, especially the lower social classes. The same month in 1894 the Furen Literary Society was merged with the Hong Kong chapter of the Revive China Society. Sun became the secretary of the newly merged Revive China society, which Yeung Kui-wan headed as president. They disguised their activities in Hong Kong under the running of a "Qianheng Company" (乾亨行).
   First Sino-Japanese WarIn 1895 China suffered a serious defeat during the First Sino-Japanese War. There were two types of response. One group of intellectuals contended that the Manchu Qing government could restore its legitimacy by successfully modernizing. Stressing that overthrowing the Manchu would result in chaos and would lead to China being carved up by imperialists, intellectuals like Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao supported responding with initiatives like the Hundred Days' Reform. In another faction, Sun Yat-sen and others like Zou Rong wanted a revolution to replace the dynastic system with a modern nation-state in the form of a republic. The Hundred Day's reform turned out to be a failure by 1898.
   From uprising to exile
  Letter from Sun Yat-sen to James Cantlie announcing to him that he has assumed the Presidency of the Provisional Republican Government of China. Dated 21 January 1912.
   First Guangzhou uprisingIn the second year of the establishment of the Revive China society on 26 October 1895, the group planned and launched the First Guangzhou uprising against the Qing in Guangzhou. Yeung Kui-wan directed the uprising starting from Hong Kong. However, plans were leaked out and more than 70 members, including Lu Hao-tung, were captured by the Qing government. The uprising was a failure.
   Exile in JapanSun Yat-sen spent time living in Japan while in exile. He befriended and was financially aided by a democratic revolutionary named Miyazaki Toten. Most Japanese who actively worked with Sun were motivated by a pan-Asian fear of encroaching Western imperialism. While in Japan, Sun also met and befriended Mariano Ponce, then a diplomat of the First Philippine Republic.
   Huizhou uprisingOn 22 October 1900 Sun launched the Huizhou uprising to attack Huizhou and provincial authorities in Guangdong. This came five years after the failed Guangzhou uprising. This time Sun appealed to the triads for help. This uprising was also a failure. Miyazaki who participated in the revolt with Sun wrote an account of this revolutionary effort under the title "33-year dream" (三十三年之夢) in 1902.
   Further exileSun was in exile not only in Japan, but also in Europe, the United States, and Canada. He raised money for his revolutionary party and to support uprisings in China. In 1896 he was detained at the Chinese Legation in London, where the Chinese Imperial secret service planned to kill him. He was released after 12 days through the efforts of James Cantlie, The Times, and the Foreign Office, leaving Sun a hero in Britain. James Cantlie, Sun's former teacher at the Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese, maintained a lifelong friendship with Sun and would later write an early biography of Sun.
   Heaven and earth society, overseas travelA "Heaven and Earth Society" sect known as Tiandihui has been around for a long time. The group has also been referred to as the "three cooperating organizations" as well as the triads. Sun Yat-sen mainly used this group to leverage his overseas travels to gain further financial and resource support for his revolution.
  According to Lee Yun-ping, chairman of the Chinese historical society, Sun needed a certificate to enter the United States at a time when the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 would have otherwise blocked him. But on Sun's first attempt to enter the US, he was still arrested. He was later bailed out after 17 days. In March 1904, Sun Yat-sen obtained a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth, issued by the Territory of Hawaii, stating he was born on 24 November 1870 in Kula, Maui. Official files of the United States show that Sun had United States nationality, moved to China with his family at age 4, and returned to Hawaii 10 years later.
  In 1904 Sun Yat-sen came about with the goal "to expel the Tatar barbarians, to revive Zhonghua, to establish a Republic, and to distribute land equally among the people." (驅除韃虜, 恢復中華, 創立民國, 平均地權). One of Sun's major legacies was the creation of his political philosophy of the Three Principles of the People. These Principles included the principle of nationalism (minzu, 民族), of democracy (minquan, 民權), and of welfare (minsheng, 民生).
  On 20 August 1905 Sun joined forces with revolutionary Chinese students studying in Tokyo, Japan to form the unified group Tongmenghui (United League), which sponsored uprisings in China. By 1906 the number of Tongmenghui members reached 963 people.
  Interior of the Wan Qing Yuan featuring Sun's items and photo
   Malaya supportMain article: Chinese revolutionary activities in Malaya
  Sun's notability and popularity extends beyond the Greater China region, particularly to Nanyang (Southeast Asia) where a large concentration of overseas Chinese reside in Malaya (Malaysia and Singapore). While in Singapore he met local Chinese merchants Teo Eng Hock, Tan Chor Nam and Lim Nee Soon, which mark the commencement of direct support from the Nanyang Chinese. The Singapore chapter of the Tongmenghui was established on 6 April 1906. Though some records claim the founding date to be end of 1905. The villa used by Sun was known as Wan Qing Yuan. At this point Singapore was the headquarter of the Tongmenghui.
   Zhennanguan uprisingOn 1 December 1907 Sun led the Zhennanguan uprising against the Qing at Friendship Pass, which is the border between Guangxi and Vietnam. The uprising failed after seven days of fighting. In 1907 there were a total of four uprisings that failed including Huanggang uprising, Huizhou seven women lake uprising and Qinzhou uprising. In 1908 two more uprisings failed one after another including Qin-lian uprising and Hekou uprising.
   Anti-Sun movementsBecause of these failures Sun's leadership was beginning to be challenged by elements from within the Tongmenghui who wished to remove him as leader. In Tokyo 1907–1908 members from the recently merged Restoration society raised doubts about Sun's credentials. Tao Chengzhang (陶成章) and Zhang Binglin publicly denounced Sun with an open leaflet called "A declaration of Sun Yat-sen's criminal acts by the revolutionaries in Southeast Asia". This was printed and distributed in reformist newspapers like Nanyang Zonghui Bao. Their goal was to target Sun as a leader leading a revolt for profiteering gains.
  The revolutionaries were polarized and split between pro-Sun and anti-Sun camps. Sun publicly fought off comments about how he had something to gain financially from the revolution. In 1910 Sun took the time to establish the United Chinese Library in Singapore. But by 19 July 1910 the Tongmenghui headquarter had to relocate from Singapore to Penang to reduce the anti-Sun activities. It is also in Penang that Sun and his supporters would launch the first Chinese "daily" newspaper, the Kwong Wah Yit Poh on December 1910.
  Soldiers of the Wuchang uprising
   1911 revolutionMain articles: Wuchang Uprising and Xinhai Revolution
  To sponsor more uprisings, Sun made a personal plea for financial aid at the Penang conference held on 13 November 1910 in Malaya. The leaders launched a major drive for donations across the Malay Peninsula. They raised HK$187,000.
  On 27 April 1911 revolutionary Huang Xing led a second Guangzhou uprising known as the Yellow Flower Mound revolt against the Qing. The revolt failed and ended in disaster; only the bodies of 72 revolutionaries were found. The revolutionaries are remembered as martyrs.
  On 10 October 1911 a military uprising at Wuchang took place led again by Huang Xing. At the time Sun had no direct involvement as he was still in exile. Huang was in charge of the revolution that ended over 2000 years of imperial rule in China. When Sun learned of the successful rebellion against the Qing emperor from press reports, he immediately returned to China from the United States accompanied by General Homer Lea on 21 December 1911. The uprising expanded to the Xinhai Revolution also known as the "Chinese Revolution" to overthrow the last Emperor Puyi. After this event 10 October became known as the commemoration of Double Ten Day.
   Republic of China with many government
   Provisional governmentMain article: Provisional Government of the Republic of China (1912)
  On 29 December 1911 a meeting of representatives from provinces in Nanking elected Sun Yat-sen as the "provisional president" (臨時大總統). 1 January 1912 was set as the first day of the First Year of the Republic. Li Yuanhong was made provisional vice-president and Huang Xing became the minister of the army. The new Provisional Government of the Republic of China was created along with the Provisional Constitution of the Republic of China. Sun is credited for the funding of the revolutions and for keeping the spirit of revolution alive, even after a series of failed uprisings. His successful merger of minor revolutionary groups to a single larger party provided a better base for all those who shared the same ideals. A number of things were introduced such as the republic calendar system and new fashion like Zhongshan suits.
   Beiyang governmentMain article: Beiyang government
  Yuan Shikai was in charge of the Beiyang Army, the military of northern China. He was promised the position of President of the Republic of China if he could get the Qing court to abdicate. On 12 February 1912 Emperor Puyi did abdicate the throne. Sun Yat-sen stepped down as President, and Yuan became the new provisional president in Beijing on 10 March 1912. The provisional government did not have any military forces of its own, its control over elements of the New Army that had mutinied was limited and there were still significant forces which still had not declared against the Qing.
  Sun Yat-sen sent telegrams to the leaders of all provinces, requesting them to elect and to establish the National Assembly of the Republic of China in 1912. In May 1912 the legislative assembly moved from Nanjing to Beijing with its 120 members divided between members of Tongmenghui and a Republican party that supported Yuan Shikai. Many revolutionary members were already alarmed by Yuan's ambitions and the northern based Beiyang government.
   Nationalist party and Second RevolutionTongmenghui member Song Jiaoren quickly tried to control the parliament. He mobilized the old Tungmenghui at the core with the merger of a number of new small parties to form a new political party called the Guomindang (Chinese nationalist party) on 25 August 1912 at Huguang Guild Hall Beijing. The 1912–1913 National assembly election was considered a huge success for the KMT winning 269 of the 596 seats in the lower house and 123 of the 274 senate seats. The Second Revolution took place where Sun and KMT military forces tried to overthrow Yuan's forces of about 80,000 men in an armed conflict in July 1913. The revolt against Yuan was unsuccessful. Sun was forced to seek asylum in Japan. In retaliation the national party leader Song Jiaoren was assassinated under the secret order of Yuan Shikai on 20 March 1913.
   Political chaosIn 1915 Yuan Shikai proclaimed the Empire of China (1915–1916) with himself as Emperor of China. Sun took part in the Anti-Monarchy war of the Constitutional Protection Movement, while also supporting bandit leaders like Bai Lang during the Bai Lang Rebellion. This marked the beginning of the Warlord Era. In 1915 Sun wrote to the Second International, an organisation of socialist based in Paris, asking it to send a team of specialists to help China set up the world's first socialist republic. At the time there were many theories and proposals of what China could be. In the political mess, even when Sun Yat-sen was announced as President, Xu Shichang was also announced as President of the Republic of China.
   Path to Northern Expedition
  Sun Yat-sen (middle, dressed in white) and Chiang Kai-shek (on stage in uniform) at the founding of the Whampoa Military Academy in 1924.
   Guangzhou militarist governmentChina had become divided between different military leaders without a proper central government. Sun saw the danger of this and returned to China in 1917 to advocate Chinese reunification. In 1921 he started a self-proclaimed military government in Guangzhou and was elected Grand Marshal. Between 1912 and 1927 three governments had been set up in South China: the Provisional government in Nanjing (1912), the Military government in Guangzhou (1921–1925), and the National government in Guangzhou and later Wuhan (1925–1927). The southern separatist government in the South was established to rival the Beiyang government in the north. Yuan Shikai had banned the KMT. The short lived Chinese Revolutionary Party was a temporary replacement for the KMT. On 10 October 1919 Sun resurrected the KMT with the new name Chung-kuo Kuomintang, basically "Chinese Nationalist party".
  Sun Yat-sen (seated on right) and Chiang Kai-shek
   KMT CPC cooperationBy this time Sun had become convinced that the only hope for a unified China lay in a military conquest from his base in the south, followed by a period of political tutelage that would culminate in the transition to democracy. In order to hasten the conquest of China, he began a policy of active cooperation with the Communist Party of China (CPC). Sun and the Soviet Union's Adolph Joffe signed the Sun-Joffe Manifesto in January 1923. Sun received help from the Comintern for his acceptance of communist members into his KMT. Revolutionary and socialist leader Vladimir Lenin praised Sun and the KMT for their ideology and principles. Lenin praised Sun and his attempts at social reformation, and also congratulated him for fighting foreign Imperialism. Sun also returned the praise, calling him a "great man", and sent his congratulations on the revolution in Russia.
  With the Soviet's help, Sun was able to develop the military power needed for the Northern Expedition against the military at the north. He established the Whampoa Military Academy near Guangzhou with Chiang Kai-shek as the commandant of the National Revolutionary Army (NRA). Other Whampoa leaders include Wang Jingwei and Hu Hanmin as political instructors. This full collaboration was called the First United Front.
   Finance concernsIn 1924 Sun appointed TV Soong to set up the first Chinese Central bank called the Canton Central Bank. To establish national capitalism and a banking system was a major objective for the KMT. However Sun was not without some opposition as there was the Canton volunteers corps uprising against him.
  Sun (seated, right) and his wife Soong Ching-ling (宋慶齡) (seated, center) in Kobe, Japan in 1924
   Final speechesIn February 1923 Sun made a presentation to the Students' Union in Hong Kong University and declared that it was the corruption of China and the peace, order and good government of Hong Kong that turned him into a revolutionary. This same year, he delivered a speech in which he proclaimed his Three Principles of the People as the foundation of the country and the Five-Yuan Constitution as the guideline for the political system and bureaucracy. Part of the speech was made into the National Anthem of the Republic of China.
  On 10 November 1924, Sun traveled north to Tianjin and delivered a speech to suggest a gathering for a "National conference" for the Chinese people. It called for the end of warlord rules and the abolition of all unequal treaties with the Western powers. Two days later, he traveled to Beijing to discuss the future of the country, despite his deteriorating health and the ongoing civil war of the warlords. On 28 November 1924 Sun traveled to Japan and gave a speech on Pan-Asianism at Kobe, Japan.
   DeathSun died of liver cancer on 12 March 1925 at the age of 58 at the Rockefeller Hospital in Beijing. In keeping with common Chinese practice, his remains were placed in the Temple of Azure Clouds, a Buddhist shrine in the Western Hills a few miles outside of Beijing.
  A mausoleum was built and completed in 1929. In 1 June 1929, Sun's remains were relocated from Beijing and buried in Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing.
  Chinese Generals pay tribute to the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Beijing in 1928 after the success of the Northern Expedition. From right to left, are Generals Cheng Jin (何成浚), Zhang Zuobao (張作寶), Chen Diaoyuan (陳調元), Chiang Kai-shek, Woo Tsin-hang, Yan Xishan, Ma Fuxiang, Ma Sida (馬四達), and Bai Chongxi.
   Power struggleAfter Sun's death, a power struggle between his young protégé Chiang Kai-shek and his old revolutionary comrade Wang Jingwei split the KMT. At stake in this struggle was the right to lay claim to Sun's ambiguous legacy. In 1927 Chiang Kai-shek married Soong May-ling, a sister of Sun's widow Soong Ching-ling, and subsequently he could claim to be a brother-in-law of Sun. When the Communists and the Kuomintang split in 1927, marking the start of the Chinese Civil War, each group claimed to be his true heirs, a conflict that continued through World War II. His widow, Soong Ching-ling, sided with the Communists during the Chinese Civil War and served from 1949 to 1981 as Vice President (or Vice Chairwoman) of the People's Republic of China and as Honorary President shortly before her demise in 1981.
   Cult of PersonalityA personality cult in the Republic of China was centered on Sun and his successor, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. Chinese Muslim Generals and Imams participated in this cult of personality and one party state, with Muslim General Ma Bufang making people bow to Sun's portrait and listen to the national anthem during a Tibetan and Mongol religious ceremony for the Qinghai Lake God. Quotes from the Quran and Hadith were used by Muslims to justify Chiang Kai-shek's rule over China.
  Statue in the Mausoleum, Kuomintang flag on the ceiling
   Father of the NationSun Yat-sen remains unique among 20th century Chinese leaders for having a high reputation both in mainland China and in Taiwan. In Taiwan, he is seen as the Father of the Republic of China, and is known by the posthumous name Father of the Nation, Mr. Sun Zhongshan (Chinese: 國父 孫中山先生, where the one-character space is a traditional homage symbol). His likeness is still almost always found in ceremonial locations such as in front of legislatures and classrooms of public schools, from elementary to senior high school, and he continues to appear in new coinage and currency.
   Forerunner of the revolutionOn the mainland, Sun is also seen as a Chinese nationalist and proto-socialist, and is highly regarded as the Forerunner of the Revolution (革命先行者). He is even mentioned by name in the preamble to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China. In recent years, the leadership of the Communist Party of China has increasingly invoked Sun, partly as a way of bolstering Chinese nationalism in light of Chinese economic reform and partly to increase connections with supporters of the Kuomintang on Taiwan which the PRC sees as allies against Taiwan independence. Sun's tomb was one of the first stops made by the leaders of both the Kuomintang and the People First Party on their pan-blue visit to mainland China in 2005. A massive portrait of Sun continues to appear in Tiananmen Square for May Day and National Day.
  Lu Muzhen (1867–1952), Sun's first wife from 1885 to 1915Main article: Family tree of Sun Yat-sen
  Sun Yat-sen was born to father Sun Da-cheng (孫達成) and mother lady Yang (楊氏) on 12 November 1866. At the time his father was age 53, while his mother was 38 years old. By the time he was born, he already had an older brother Sun De-zhang (孫德彰), an older sister Sun Jin-xing (孫金星) who died at the early age of 4. Another older brother Sun Dak-you (孫德祐) also died at the age of 6. He had two other sisters Sun Miao-xi (孫妙茜), who was older and Sun Qiu-qi (孫秋綺) who was younger.
  Sun had an arranged marriage with fellow villager Lu Muzhen at the age of 20. She bore him a son Sun Fo and two daughters, Sun Jin-yuan (孫金媛) and Sun Jin-wan (孫金婉). Sun subsequently married Soong Ching-ling, one of the Soong sisters. They were married in Japan on 25 October 1915, though he did not divorce his first wife, Lu Muzhen, due to opposition from the Chinese community. The relation with the sisters' father Charles Soong would play a role in political affairs. Among Sun's descendants was Leland Sun, who spent 37 years working in Hollywood as an actor and stuntman.
   Cultural references
  Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing at 1 May 2011
   Memorials and structures in AsiaIn most major Chinese cities one of the main streets is named Zhongshan Lu (中山路) to celebrate his memory. There are also numerous parks, schools, and geographical features named after him. Xiangshan, Sun's hometown in Guangdong, was renamed Zhongshan in his honor, and there is a hall dedicated to his memory at the Temple of Azure Clouds in Beijing. There are also a series of Sun Yat-sen stamps.
  Other reference to Sun include the Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou and National Sun Yat-sen University in Kaohsiung. Other structures include Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, Sun Yat-sen subway station, Sun Yat-sen house in Nanjing, Dr. Sun Yat-sen Museum in Hong Kong, Chung-Shan Building in the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Taipei. Zhongshan Memorial Middle School has also been a name used by many schools. Zhongshan Park is also a common name used for a number of places named after him. The first highway in Taiwan is called the Sun Yat-sen expressway. Two ships are also named after him, the Chinese gunboat Chung Shan and Chinese cruiser Yat Sen. The old Chinatown in Calcutta (now known as Kolkata), India has a prominent street by the name of Sun Yat-sen street. In Penang, Malaysia, the Penang Philomatic Union had its premises at 120 Armenian Street during the time when Sun spent more than four months in Penang; this house which has been preserved as the Sun Yat Sen Penang Base museum was visited by President designate Hu Jintao in 2002. The Penang Philomatic Union subsequently moved to a bungalow at 65 Macalister Road which has been also preserved as another Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Museum in Penang.
  As dedication, the 1966 Chinese Cultural Renaissance was launched on Sun's birthday on 12 November.
  The Nanyang Wan Qing Yuan have since been preserved and renamed as the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall. A Sun Yat-sen heritage trail was also launched in 20 November 2010 in Penang.
  Sun's US citizen Hawaii birth certificate that show he was not born in the ROC, but instead born in the US was on public display at the American Institute in Taiwan on US Independence day 4 July 2011.
  A marker on the Sun Yat-sen Historical Trail on Hong Kong Island
  Memorials and structures outside of AsiaDr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden is located in Vancouver, the largest classical Chinese gardens outside of Asia. There is the Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Park in Chinatown, Honolulu. In Sacramento, California there is a bronze statue of Sun in front of the Chinese Benevolent Association of Sacramento. Another statue of Sun Yat-sen can be found at Riverdale Park in Toronto, Canada. There is also the Moscow Sun Yat-sen University. In Chinatown, San Francisco, there is a 12-foot statue of him on St. Mary's Square.
  In late 2011, the Chinese Youth Society of Melbourne, in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Republic Of China, unveiled, in a Lion Dance Blessing ceremony, a memorial statue of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen outside the Chinese Museum in Melbourne's Chinatown, on the spot where their traditional Chinese New Year Lion Dance always ends.
  In 1993 Lily Sun, one of Sun Yat-sen's granddaughters, donated books, photographs, artwork and other memorabilia to the Kapi`olani library as part of the "Sun Yat-sen Asian collection". During October and November every year the entire collection is shown. In 1997 the "Dr Sun Yat-sen Hawaii foundation" was formed online as a virtual library. In 2006 the NASA Mars Exploration Rover Spirit labeled one of the hills explored "Zhongsan".
  The plaque shown earlier in this article is by Dora Gordine, and is situated on the site of Sun's lodgings in London in 1896, 8 Grays Inn Place. There is also a plaque commemorating Sun at The Kennels, Cottered, Hertfordshire, the country home of the Cantlies where Sun came to recuperate after his rescue from the legation in 1896.
   In popular culture
  TV series, filmsThe life of Sun is portrayed in various films, mainly The Soong Sisters and Road to Dawn. A fictionalized assassination attempt on his life was featured in Bodyguards and Assassins. He is also portrayed during his struggle to overthrow the Qing dynasty in Once Upon a Time in China II. The TV series Towards the Republic features Ma Shaohua as Sun Yat-sen. In the 100th anniversary tribute of the film 1911, Winston Chao played Sun.
  Sun Yat-sen tribute in Tiananmen Square, 2005.
   PerformancesIn 2010 a theatrical play "Yellow Flower on slopes" (斜路黃花) was made. In 2011 there is also a mandopop group called "Zhongsan road 100" (中山路100號) known for singing the song "Our father of the nation" (我們國父). In 2011 a three-act "Dr Sun Yat-sen opera" was announced by the Hong Kong Leisure and Cultural Services Department.
   BooksThe 1992 novel China Mountain Zhang has a protagonist named Zhongsan of Chinese and Puerto Rican ancestry in a world dominated by the Communist party.
   New Three Principles of the PeopleAt one time CPC General secretary and PRC president Jiang Zemin claimed Sun Yat-sen had a "New Three Principles of the People" (新三民主義) which consisted of "working with the soviets, working with the communists and helping the farmers" (聯俄, 聯共, 扶助工農). Lily Sun said the CPC was distorting Sun's legacy in 2001. She then voiced her displeasure in 2002 in a private letter to Jiang about the distortion of history. In 2008 Jiang Zemin was willing to offer US$10 million to sponsor a Xinhai Revolution anniversary celebration event. According to Ming Pao she could not take the money because she would no longer have the freedom to communicate the revolution. This concept is still currently available on Baike Baidu.
   KMT emblem disappearance caseIn 1981 Lily Sun took a trip to Sun Yat-sen mausoleum in Nanjing, People's Republic of China. The emblem of the KMT had disappeared from the top of his tomb. On another visit in May 2011, she was surprised to find the four characters "General Rules of Meetings" (會議通則), a document that Sun wrote in reference to Robert's Rules of Order had disappeared from a stone carving.
   Father of Independent Taiwan issueIn November 2004 the Taiwan Ministry of Education proposed that Sun Yat-sen was not the father of their independent country, Taiwan. Instead Sun was a foreigner from China. Taiwanese Education minister Tu Cheng-sheng and Examination Yuan member Lin Yu-ti (林玉体) were then attacked with eggs. At a Sun Yat-sen statue in Kaohsiung, a 70 year old ROC retired soldier slit his own throat to commit suicide as a way to protest the ministry proposal on the anniversary of Sun's birthday 12 November.
jiǎn jiè Introduction
   sūn zhōng shān ( 1866.11.12~1925.3.12), yuán míng sūn wén mínghào xiānguó shàng chēng wéi SunYat-sen。 liú wáng běn shí céng huà míng zhōng shān qiáo hòu rén chēng wéizhōng shān xiān shēng”, hòu chēng wèi biàn zhú jiàn yǎn huà wéi sūn zhōng shānzhōng huá mín guó zǒng tǒng - sūn zhōng shān guǎng dōng shěng xiāng shān xiànjīn zhōng shān shìrénshì jìn dài zhōng guó wěi de mìng jiāzhèng zhì jiā lùn jiāzhōng guó guó mín dǎng zǒng shì zhōng huá mín guó rèn lín shí zǒng tǒng sūn zhōng shān bèi zūn chēng wèiguó rén sòng qìng líng shì bèi zūn chēng wèiguó
   céng rèn zhōng huá mín guó rèn lín shí zǒng tǒngzhōng guó guó mín dǎng zǒng guǎng zhōu mìng zhèng yuán shuài shì zhōng guó guó mín dǎng chuàng shǐ rénsān mín zhù de chàng dǎo zhěshǒu chè fǎn fēng jiàn de zhì,“ gòng 'ér zhōng zhì”。 sūn zhōng shān guān guó jiā tǒng de xiǎngduì gòng chǎn dǎng zhōng guó guó mín dǎng lái shuō yīngshì gòng shí sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng duì zhōng guó gòng chǎn dǎng cǎi zhī chí zhèng shuāng sòng qìng líng shì gèng shì tōng guò shí xíng dòng biǎo duì gòng chǎn dǎng de zhī chí chǎng wéi zhōng huá mín de jué 'ér zài zhōng guó de zhù liú lùn zhōng shì xiǎng yòu chóng gāo míng wàng de zhōng guó guó mín dǎng mìng rén shì zhī
   yòu míng xiàngxué míng wénhào xīnhòu gǎi hào xiān běn shí céng huà míng zhōng shān qiáo,“ zhōng shānyīn 'ér míng。 1866 nián 11 yuè 12 shēng guǎng dōng shěng xiāng shān xiàn ( jīn zhōng shān shì ) cuì hēng cūn nóng mín jiā tíng, 1892 nián xiāng gǎng shū yuàn tán xiāng shān chéng xīng zhōng huìshì tuī fān mǎn qīng。 1905 nián zài běn lián huá xīng huìguāng huì děng mìng tuán chéng zhōng guó tóng méng huìbèi tuī wéi zǒng 。 1911 nián xīn hài mìng hòu bèi shí shěng dài biǎo tuī wéi zhōng huá mín guó lín shí zǒng tǒng
  1940 niánguó mín zhèng tōng lìng quán guózūn chēng wéizhōng huá mín guó guó ”。 sūn wén bèi zhōng guó guó mín dǎng zūn wéiyǒng yuǎn de zǒng ”; zhōng guó guó mín dǎng zhōng guó gòng chǎn dǎng chēng wéi mìng xiān xíng zhě”。 shì zhōng huá mín de wěi lǐng xiùzhì zhōng guó guó mín dǎng zài shè zǒng zhè zhí niàn xiàn miǎn huái sūn zhōng shān
guó míng chēng de yóu lái The origin of the name of the father
   sūn zhōng shān 1925 nián 3 yuè 12 yīn gān 'áihòu bèi què zhěn wéi dǎn náng 'áiqǐng kàn shí duàn sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng yīnshì shìyóu sūn zhōng shān zhòng shì guó jiā huán jìng bǎo měi nián 3 yuè 12 dìng wéi zhí shù jié niàn sūn zhōng shāndāng shí běi jīng zhōng yāng gōng yuán shè tán xíng gōng shí jūn zǒng lìng fán zhōng xiù zhì sòng xíng huā héng 'ékuò zhàng gāo chǐ), dāng zhōng shūguó èr de yàn diàn wǎn zhàngjūn chēngguó ”, zhè shì sūn zhōng shān zài gōng kāi chǎng bèi zūn chēng wéiguó zhī shǐ
   kàng zhàn zhēng zhōng de 1940 nián 3 yuè 21 guó mín dǎng zhōng yāng cháng wěi yuán huì 143 huì jué zūn chēng běn dǎng zǒng wèiguó biǎo zūn chónggēn zhōng cháng huì de jué guó mín zhèng sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng chàng dǎo guó mín mìngshǒu chuàng zhōng huá mín guógēngxīn zhèng yǒng diàn bāng móu shì jiè zhī tóngqiú guó zhī píng děngguāng bèi biǎogōng gāo wàn shì tóng nián 4 yuè 1 míng lìng quán guó shì zūn chēng zǒng sūn zhōng shān wéi zhōng huá mín guó guó
   sūn zhōng shān huà xiàng liàng xiāng tiān 'ān mén niàn táng běi   dàn shì dǎng zhèng guānmín zhòng tuán zài tóng de chǎng suǒ shì cóng zhī jiū jìng shì chēng sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng wéi zǒng huò shì guó tóng nián 5 yuè 29 guó mín zhèng yòu míng lìngguī dìng zài zhèng guānmín zhòng tuán yìng gǎi chēng guó zài guó mín dǎng dǎng nèi chēng guó huò zǒng jūn mín jiān yìn jiù zhī shū wén qiáng lìng gǎi zhī hòu sūn zhōng shān zài zhōng guó shǐ shàng què liǎo guó de wèi
   wāng jīng wèi nán jīng jiàn de qīn zhèng quán zūn chóng sūn zhōng shānbìng zuò chū liǎo liè guī dìng。 1941 nián 5 yuè 29 zài wāng zhèng de zhōng yāng zhèng zhì wěi yuán huì 49 huì tōng guò deyóu chén gōng chū deshǒu chuàng zhōng huá mín guó zhī zhōng guó guó mín dǎng zǒng sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng yìng zūn chēng wéi zhōng huá mín guó guó de 'àn shǔ tóng shí guī dìng yòu guāngōng jiào shū bào zhǐkān qiē wén chēng shù zǒng huò sūn xiān shēng shíjūn yìng gǎi chēng guó ”。
   zhōng huá rén mín gòng guó chéng hòu wèi guān fāng míng guī dìng zhōng huá rén mín gòng guó huò zhōng guó de guó wéi sūn zhōng shān huò rèn rénzhōng huá rén mín gòng guó zhèng huò zhōng guó gòng chǎn dǎng zài zhèng shì de chǎng huò wén shū shàng sūn zhōng shān shítōng cháng shǐ yòng de chēng hào shì mìng de xiān xíng zhě”, cóng wèi chēng sūn zhōng shān wèiguó guòzhōng guó gòng chǎn dǎng lùn zài tuī fān zhōng huá mín guó zhèng quán qián huò hòu zūn chēng sūn shì shìzhōng gòng de lǎo shī mìng de zhì”, mín jiān yòu rén yán mín guó shí dài chēng sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng wéiguó de zhè zuò lìng wài sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng zhī rén sòng qìng líng shìyīn wéi zài zhōng huá rén mín gòng guó shí xiǎng yòu jiào zhōng huá mín guó shí gèng chóng gāo de wèiyòu shí bèi rén jìn 'ér zūn chēng wéiguó ”。
   zhōng gòng de [20024] hào wén jiàn, 2002 nián 11 yuè xiū dìng deguān zhèng què shǐ yòng shè tái xuān chuán yòng de jiànzhōngguī dìngduì tái běiguó guó niàn guǎn zhí jiē chēng wèi chēng tái běi zhōng shān niàn guǎn。” lìng wài tái wān de jiào zài 2007 nián jiàn xiū gǎi shìdàng yòng guó sūn zhōng shānyīnggāi wéi sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng”。 yòu xiē rén rèn wéi shì tái wān mín jìn dǎng zhèng jìn xíng zhōng guó huà
jiā Pedigree
孙中山 家系
   sūn zhōng shān jiā de yòu jīn shuōdōng guǎn shuōliǎng zhǒng shuō 。“ jīn shuōyóu guǎng dōng xué zhě luó xiāng lín zài 1920 nián dài chū bìng dào zhōng shān xiān shēng de zhǎngzǐ sūn sūn wǎn guó mín dǎng xiē yuán lǎo jiǎng zhōng zhèng de rèn zài mín guó zhèng de guān fāng wén jiàn zhōng shǐ yòng jīn shuō”。“ jīn shuōrèn wéi sūn zhōng shān de wéi guǎng dōng shěng dōng jiāng liú de jīn xiàn gōng guǎn cuì hēng de sūn shì tóng zōng。“ dōng guǎn shuōwéi sūn zhōng shān xiāng de cuì hēng sūn shì suǒ chū shuō rèn wéi sūn shì wéi hàn wéi guǎng dōng shěng dōng jiāng liú de dōng guǎn shì cháng 'ān zhèn shàng shā cūnzhù yào wéi sūn zhōng shān jiā de luó xiāng lín de jīn shuō chū zhī hòu zhí dōng guǎn shuōzhēn fēng xiāng duì 'ér chǎn shēng liǎo guān sūn zhōng shān de zhēng lùn。“ dōng guǎn shuōbèi chéngzhǎng hǎi wài de zhōng shān xiān shēng de bāo xiōng sūn méi de sūn sūn mǎnsūn qián děng qīn shǔ hòu dài rèn tóngsuī yòu jīn shuōdōng guǎn shuōliǎng zhǒng xué shuō de zhēng dàn sūn zhōng shān de xiān cóng dōng jiāng qiān dào zhū jiāng kǒu 'àn de xiāng shān cuì hēng cūn de qíng kuàng shì bèi gōng rèn de
   sān jiā
    sūn jìng xián( 1789 nián ~1850 nián), huáng shì( 1792 nián ~1869 nián), qīn sūn chéng( 1812 nián ~1888 nián), qīn yáng shì(? nián ~1910 nián)。
   sān xiōng mèi
    cháng xiōng sūn méi sūn miào qiànmèi sūn qiū lìng yòu xiōng jiě zǎo shāng
   sān qiè
    shǒu rèn zhēn( 1867 nián ~1952 nián),( 1884 nián sūn zhōng shān jié hūn、 1915 nián hūn。 ) qiè chén cuì fēn běn yuè xūn (1901 nián héng bīn jié hūn, 1905 nián zuì hòu huí hòuméi yòu zài huí lái ) sòng qìng língbèi zūn chēng wèiguó )( 1893 nián ~1981 nián),( 1915 nián sūn zhōng shān jié hūn )
    sūn ( 1891 nián ~1973 nián), cháng sūn yán( 1894 nián ~1913 nián), sūn wǎnyòu zuò sūn wǎn, 1896 nián ~1979 nián)。 sān réndōu shì zhēn suǒ shēnggōng chuān měi yuè xūn suǒ shēng 1906 nián suǒ shēng (“ měide lìng hàn xiě shìwén )
míng yóu lái Origin of name
孙中山 名字由来
  sūn wén shǐ yòng guò shǎo míng duō shù shì wéi liǎo xuān yáng mìng huò bǎi tuō tōng 'ér de fēn zài biǎo rén shēng wàngchú liǎo xià liè shí shǐ yòng de míng wàisūn wén hái yòng guò chén wénshān yuè jiā ruògōng zhūgāo shēng zhòng děng huà míng yōu gōng zhōng yuán zhú shìnán yáng xiǎo xué shēngnán yáng xué shēng děng míng。 1912 nián mín guó chéng zhī hòusūn shì běn rén suǒ yòu gōng dàng 'àn jūn sūn wénshǔ míngzài fāngsūn shì “ SunYat-Sen”( sūn xiān de yuè de yīng wén yīn zhī míng wén shì
zǎo nián shēng Early career
   sūn zhōng shān zài qīng tóng zhì nián shí yuè chū liù yín shí( 1866 nián 11 yuè 12 chū shēng zhōng guó guǎng dōng shěng xiāng shān xiànjīn zhōng shān shìcuì hēng cūn nóng mín zhī jiāwèijiā zhōng suì shí shú jiē shòu chuán tǒng jiào 。 1879 niánshí suì de sūn zhōng shān shòu cháng xiōng sūn méi jiē suí chéng lún chuán xià wēi shǐ jiàncāng hǎi zhī kuòlún zhōu zhī ”。 sūn zài dāng yīng guó guó jiào huì kāi bàn de yòng yīng shòu de xiǎo xué 'ào lán shū yuàn”( IolaniSchool) xiū yīng yīng guó shǐshù xuéhuà xué shèng jīng děng 。 1881 nián huò xià wēi wáng qīn bān yīng wén wén yōu shèng jiǎngzhī hòu jìn dāng zuì gāo xué měi guó jiào huì xué xiàoào 'ā xué yuàn”( OahuCollege)( xiāng dāng zhōng xué chéng xué 。 1883 nián yóu sūn zhōng shān yòu xìn fèng jiào de xiàngbèi xiōng cháng sòng huí jiā xiāngtóng nián dōng tiān dào xiāng gǎng hào dōng tóng gōng huì shòu jiàobìng jiù cuì shū jīn zhī cuì nán shū yuàn )。 nián jìn zhōng yāng shū yuànjīn zhī huáng rén shū yuàn)。 1887 nián jìn xiāng gǎng shū yuànxiāng gǎng xué de qián shēn), 1892 nián 7 yuè shǒu jiè shēng zhōng 'èr de chéng bìng huò dāng shí zhī xiāng gǎng zǒng wēi lián · luó biàn chén qīn bān jiǎngzhī hòu zài 'ào ménguǎng zhōu děng xíng
   sūn zhōng shān   sūn zhōng shān zuì chū wèi yán mìngcháng 1894 niánshàng hóng zhāng wàn yán shūzhōng chū duō xiàng gǎi jiàn wéi hóng zhāng duàn shī wàng zhī sūn zhōng shān 11 yuè 24 tán xiāng shān mào dǎo kuǎn zhì xīng zhōng huì chū liǎo zhú huī zhōng huáchuàng zhòng zhèng de kǒu hàojìhuà pái mǎn xiǎng wéi mìng shì 。 1895 nián sūn zhōng shān dào xiāng gǎnghuì jiàn jiù yǒu hào dōngzhèng shì liángchén shǎo báiyáng líng děng rénzhǔn bèi chóuhuà shēng píng mìng zhì xīng zhōng huìzhèn xīng zhōng huáwéi biāotóng nián 2 yuè 12 sūn zhōng shān zài zhōng huán shì dān dùn jiē 13 hào zhèng shì chéng liǎoxiāng gǎng xīng zhōng huì zǒng huì”。 shíyáng yúnxiè zuǎn tài děng rén xiān kāi tōng mín zhìgǎi zào zhōng guówéi zōng zhǐ chuàng rén wén shè”。 sūn zhōng shān zhì xiāng jìnsuì rén huì shè jiē qià yún děng xīn rán tóng quán shè bìng xīng zhōng huì shì lìn zǒng huì suǒ chùtuō mínggān hēng xíng”。 2 yuè 20 sūn zhōng shān zài xiāng gǎng xué zuò gōng kāi yǎn jiǎngbìng dào de mìng xiǎng yuán xiāng gǎng
mìng shēng Revolutionary Life
  1895 nián 2 yuè 21 zhēngyuè 'èr shí ), xīng zhōng huì zǒng huì zài xiāng gǎng chéng yùhuì zhě jiē chú huī zhōng huáchuàng mín guópíng jūn quánwéi shìxīng zhōng huì xuǎn chū yáng yún wéi huì bàndāng shí chēng wéi tiān President), sūn wéi shū。 3 yuè 16 èr yuè 'èr shí shǒu gànbù huì jué dìng xiān gōng guǎng zhōu wéi gēn bìng cǎi yòng hào dōng suǒ shè zhī qīng tiān bái wéi jūn fēn gōng zhǎn kāi zhǒng huó dòng sūn zhōng shān zhù chí qián fāng fānàn rèn yún zhù chí hòu fāng zhī yuán gōng zuò
   sūn zhōng shān jìn guǎng zhōuchuàng nóng xué huì wéi guānbìng guǎng zhēng tóng zhìdìng chóngyáng jié( 10 yuè 26 wéi zhī shì yīn wéi shì xiān xiè zhè shī bài zuò shōu hào dōng wéi shǒu de duō shù chéng yuán bèi chǔxíng sūn zhōng shān bèi qīng tíng tōng zāo xiāng gǎng dāng zhú chū jìngliú wáng hǎi wàisūn 11 yuè wǎng běnbìng shí jiǎn diào biàn gǎi chuān 。 1896 nián chū 'ér xià wēi zài zhuǎn wǎng měi guó wàng zài měi huá qiáo zhōng zhǎn xīng zhōng huì chóu kuǎn
   tóng nián qiū tiān sūn zhōng shān zhuǎn wǎng yīng guó lún dūnzài dāng bèi qīng tíng zhōng guó shǐ guǎnchéng wéi guó shì jiànshì jiàn hòu lái bèi chēng wéilún dūn méng nán ”( KidnappedinLondon), sūn bìng bèi yāo chū shū miáo shù zāo yīn shì 'ér míng shēng zào。 1897 niánsūn jīng jiā zhuǎn wǎng běnxiān jié shí gōng yín cángpíng shān zhōuèr rén hòu lái chéng wéi sūn zhōng shān de cháng zhī chí zhětòu guò gōng píng shānsūn zài jié shí běn jūn zhèngbāng huì zhōng rénbāo kuò quǎn yǎng wēi zhòng xìnshān tián liáng zhèng děng rénbìng jiē chù liáng chāo děng bǎo huáng pài。 1900 nián gēng guó biàn yǐn lái guó lián jūn sūn zhōng shān jiè lián shí rèn liǎng guǎng zǒng de hóng zhāng wàng néng chóuhuà nán fāng zhū shěng chéng lèi měi guó de zhòng guó zhèng dāyìng huì jiàndàn zài běn yǒu rén xié zhù xià què jué guò shì qīng tíng xiàn jǐngér hòu běi jīng xié diào tiáo yuē zhī shì huì miàn 'ér zhōngtóng nián 9 yuè sūn zhōng shān běn yǒu rén yuán xīng zhōng huì gǔgàn rén xiān xiāng gǎngbèi jìn jìng hòu zhuǎn wǎng tái wān dāng běn guān yuán dāyǔn zhī chí zài guǎng dōng dòng chēng huì zhōu sān zhōu tián )。 hòu yīn běn guān yuán lín shí gǎi biàn tài 'ér shī bàisūn fǎn huí běn
  1903 nián xià zài běn qīng shān kāi bàn mìng jūn shì xué xiào gǎi mìng shì wéi chú huī zhōng huáchuàng mín guópíng jūn quán”。 tóng nián 9 yuè sūn zhōng shān zài tán xiāng shān wàng zài zài huá qiáo zhōng zhǎn mìng。 1904 nián chū sūn zhōng shān zài tán xiāng shān jiā hóng ménchéng wéi zhì gōng táng hóng gùntóng nián měi guó bèi měi guó mín kòu liú zài jiù jīn shānhòu jiù jīn shān zhì gōng táng bǎo shì dài pìn shī fāng cái miǎn bèi qiǎn sòng huí zhōng guó sūn zhōng shān zhī hòu dào dōng 'àn xún qiú huá qiáo zhī chí mìngbìng niǔ yuē shǒu biǎo duì wài xuān yán wàng wài guó rén shì duì mìng de zhī chí hǎo gǎndàn bìng wèi shèn chéng guǒnián shōu dào zhōng guó 'ōu xué shēng zhùzhuǎn wǎng 'ōu zhōu huó dòngzài lún dūn sài 'ěr děng zhōng guó liú xué shēng zhōng huó dòng xuān chuán mìngbìng cóng liú xué shēng zhōng chóu kuǎn xiàng 1905 nián zhōng zài yuǎn dōng, 7 yuè běn héng bīnzài gōng yín cáng jiè shào xià huáng xīng jiàn miànbìng kāi shǐ chóuhuà lián mìng zhì
  1905 nián 8 yuèzài běn rén nèi tián liáng píng de qiān xiàn xiàjié sūn zhōng shān de xīng zhōng huìhuáng xīng sòng jiào rén děng rén de huá xīng huìcài yuán péi jìng héng děng rén de 'ài guó xué shèzhāng de qīng nián huì děng zhìzhōng guó tóng méng huì zài běn dōng jīng chéng sūn zhōng shān bèi tuī wéi tóng méng huì zǒng què dìng liǎo chú huī zhōng huájiàn mín guópíng jūn quánde mìng zhèng gāngbìng huá xīng huì guān kān èr shí shì zhī zhī gǎi chéng wéimín bào》, zài kān shǒu chūsān mín zhù xué shuō liáng chāokāng yòu wéi děng gǎi liáng pài liè lùn zhàn biān dìngtóng méng huì mìng fāng lüè”, zhèng shì xuān shì suǒ jìn xíng zhě wèiguó mín mìngjiāng chuàng zhě wéi zhōng huá mín guóbìng suǒ shì zhī gāngdìngjūn zhī zhìyuē zhī zhìxiàn zhī zhìsān chéng chéng zhī
  1907 nián běn zhèng shòu qīng tíng wàn qiān yuán qǐng sūn zhōng shān kāi běn sūn zhōng shān shōu kuǎn hòu 3 yuè kāi běnyóu shì wèi jīng tóng méng huì nèi shāng shì yǐn huì nèi fēn liè sūn zhōng shān nán yáng hòuzài hàn mínwāng jīng wèi děng zhī chí xiàzài nán yáng lìng chéng tóng méng huì zǒng 。 1907 nián 5 yuè mìng chǒu cháo zhōu huáng gāng liù 'ér bàishì sān 。 1907 nián 6 yuè sūn zhōng shān mìng dèng huì zhōu zài jīn huì zhōu shì zhèn), shí 'ér bàishì 。 7 yuè 6 lín 'ān qìngshī bài xùnnàntóng nián 7 yuèsūn jīng yuè nán guǎng zhù chí zhèn nán guān zài gào shī bài sūn zhōng shān bèi guó dāng jué jìng zhí zhì xīn hài mìng chéng gōng hòu cái zài zhōng guó guó 。 1908 nián 3 yuè 27 huáng xīng yóu 'ān nán shuài mìng jūn jìn gōng qīn zhōushì 。 4 yuèhuáng míng táng yún nán kǒushì 。 1910 nián 2 yuè yìng diǎn dòng xīn jūn guǎng zhōushì jiǔ 。 1909 nián zhì 1911 nián jiān sūn zhōng shān fèn shí jiān zài zhī shàngcéng huán yóu qiú duō zài guó huá qiáoliú xué shēng zhōng chóuhuà mìng jīng fèi wài guó zhèng zhī chírán 'ér suǒ wèiyòu xiàn
   lìng fāng miàntóng méng huì zhōu biān zhì kuài kuò zhāng guī bìng 1910 nián yuè chéng tóng méng huì měi zhōu zǒng huì wàng néng shōu gèng duō hǎi wài huá qiáo cānyù mìng wài yòu xiān hòu dòng bāo kuò 1911 nián 4 yuè 27 nóng sān yuè 'èr shí jiǔ huáng xīng lǐng dǎo de huáng huā gǎng zài nèi de duō zhí zhì 1911 nián 10 yuè 10 nóng yuè shí jiǔ de chāng zài wēinàn zhōng fèn chéng gōng hàn dāng guāng shěng tóng zhìxián xiǎng yìng tǒng 1894 nián dào 1911 nián zhī jiān dòng de mìng shì jiàn yòu 29 zhī duōzhì 1911 nián de chāng shì gòng jìn huì běi xīn jūn mìng tuán wén xué shè gòng tóng cèhuà deshèn zhì zhǐ shì 'ǒu rán de qiāng zǒu huǒ shì jiàndāng shí sūn zhōng shān rén zài měi guó luó duō zhōu de diǎn huá chéngjīn dān ), fèng huáng zhōu kānshuō dāng shí de sūn zhōng shān hái zài gōngyīn bìng zhī qíngsuǒ sūn zhōng shān shuō:“ chāng zhī gōngnǎi chéng wài”。
chū rèn lín shí zǒng tǒng Serve as interim president
孙中山 出任临时大总统
  shòu dào qīng cháo zhèng quán zhuī de yǐng xiǎng 1907 nián sūn zhōng shān biàn cháng liú 'ōu měi guó chāng shí sūn zhōng shān rén zài měi guó dān 'ér zài zhōng guóchū wén mìng chéng gōng shí sūn zhōng shān hái yòu xiē dàn suí zài hǎi wài huá rén měi guó de tóng qíng zhě jiān chóu jīn。 12 yuè 20 sūn zhōng shān gǎn shàng hǎibìng 28 bèi tuī xuǎn wéi zhōng huá mín guó lín shí zǒng tǒng 1912 nián 1 yuè 1 xīn hài shí yuè shí sān zài nán jīng xuān shì jiù rènbìng xún mìng jūn yuán shì kǎi de xié shēndiān mǎn zhōu zhuān zhì zhèng gǒng zhōng huá mín guó móu mín shēng xìng zhì zhuān zhì zhèng dǎomín guó zhuó shì jiè dāng jiě lín shí zǒng tǒng zhī zhí”。 yuè chéng lín shí cān yuànmín guó yuán nián 2 yuè 12 qīng tuì wèi zhào shū》, sūn zhōng shān 13 xiàng cān yuàn qǐng bìng jiàn yuán shì kǎi dài hòu xīn xié zhù yuán shì mín zhù chéng xuǎn rènjiù zhí zhí nèi yóu zhòng xiàng guó mín xuān shì shìyǐn dǎo yuán shì mín zhù chéng jiē
   sūn zhōng shān jiù rèn lín shí zǒng tǒng  dāng shí sūn zhōng shān lǐng dǎo de lín shí zhèng shí yòu xiànsuī rán fēn de shěng fèn tuō qīng zhèng de kòng zhì zhù yào de jūn shì píng jiè què shì de tuán liàn xīn jūnhuò shì hùn fēn huá qiáo hóng mén xià lǎo huì de chéng yuán lùn zài zhuāng bèi shì bīng zhì shàngjiē qīng cháo zhù běi yáng jūn kàng héng wài yóu sūn bìng wèi shí tóu mìng zhàn shì shěng de mìng shì fēn fēn tuī chū de lǐng dǎoshǐ mìng shì chéng xiàn duō tóu chē de qíng xíng mìng jūn bèi běi yáng jūn jiē lián bài hòu sūn zhōng shān jué dìng běi yáng jūn de tǒng shuài yuán shì kǎi tán wàng tōng guò jǐyǔ yuán lín shí zǒng tǒng de zhí wèiràng yuán chéng wéi qīng cháo kuǎ tái de zuì hòu guān jiànzuì hòu sūn yuán chéng xié sūn zhōng shān de lín shí zǒng tǒng yóu yuán jiē rènyuán shí xíng dòng shǐ qīng cháo huáng tuì wèitóng nián 2 yuè 12 qīng cháo huáng jiē shòu yuán de tiáo jiànxià zhǐ xùn wèizhōng huá mín guó zhōng wán quán dài guò de guó zhì 2 yuè 13 sūn lín shí zǒng tǒngxiàng lín shí cān yuàn tuī jiàn yuán shì kǎi jiē rèn
èr sān mìng The second, third revolution
孙中山 二次、三次革命
孙中山 二次、三次革命
  1912 nián 8 yuèjīng sòng jiào rén cóng zhōng xuántóng méng huì tǒng gòng dǎngguó mín gòng jìn huìguó mín gōng dǎng bìnggǎi wèiguó mín dǎng。 25 sūn zhōng shān zài běi jīng xíng de guó mín dǎng chéng huì zhōng bèi xuǎn wéi shì chángdàn sūn zhōng shān jué yuàn zhèng jièwéi yuàn zuò yóu guó mín。”, wěi sòng jiào rén wéi dài shì cháng。 1913 nián 3 yuèsòng jiào rén bèi 'àn shāyuán shì kǎi xián wéi yuán xiōng sūn zhōng shān zhù nán fāng shěng bīng fǎn yuánchēng wéi 'èr mìngyóu shí èr mìng xuán shī bài sūn zhōng shān bèi tōng zài běn xún qiú yuán zhù。 1914 nián sūn zhōng shān zài běn jiàn zhōng huá mìng dǎngbìng liǎng biǎo tǎo yuán xuān yánzhōng huá mìng dǎng yào qiú dǎng yuán xiàng sūn zhōng shān rén jué duì xiào zhōngyào 'àn shǒu xuān shìbìng qiě jiāng guó mín 'àn dǎng shí jiān fēn chéng děng xiǎng yòu tóng dài fèn tóng shí liú wáng běn de guó mín dǎng yuán duì fǎn duìyuán tóng méng huì zhōng zhòng yào rén huáng xīng liè jūnbǎi wén wèitán rén fèng děng wèi yòu jiā 。 1915 nián 10 yuè 25 sūn zhōng shān sòng qìng líng zài běn jié hūn
   yuán shì kǎi chēng shī bài hòu sūn zhōng shān zhòng huí zhōng guó。 1917 niánduàn ruì zài zhāng xūn hòuzài zào gòng ”, fèi zhǐ liǎo 1913 nián xuǎn chū de guó huìshēn zài shàng hǎi de sūn zhōng shān zhǎn kāi yùn dòng chēng sān mìng), hào zhào guó huì yuán dào guǎng zhōuzhào kāi guó huì fēi cháng huì zhì zhèng bìng jiù zhí wéi yuán shuàishì shī běi dàn guǎng zhōu zhèng zhú jiàn yóu guìdiān jūn rén kòng zhì sūn zhōng shān shí yòu xiànshèn zhì chū xiànzhèng lìng chū shì mǐn chǎng yuán shuài )” de qíng kuàng sūn zhōng shān céng cháng shì dòng bīng biàn 'ér wèi guǒ。 1918 nián guìdiān kòng zhì guó huì gǎi zhèng zǒng cái dài yuán shuài sūn zhōng shān bèi jià kōngbèi zhí。 1919 nián 10 yuègǎi zhōng huá mìng dǎng wéi zhōng guó guó mín dǎng。 1920 niánchén jiǒng míng chéng gōng tuì pán guǎng zhōu dài de guìdiān qǐng sūn zhōng shān zhòng huí guǎng zhōu niánguǎng zhōu fēi cháng guó huì xiāo jūn zhèng xuǎn sūn zhōng shān wéi zǒng tǒng guàn shàng chēng wéi fēi cháng zǒng tǒng ), kāi shǐ 'èr yùn dòng sūn zhōng shān jiù zhí hòu zhù jūn shì běi zuì zhōng zhù zhāng zàn huǎn jūn shìlián shěng zhì de chén jiǒng míng chǎn shēng liè chōng 1922 nián 6 yuè bào pào zǒng tǒng shì jiàn sūn zhōng shān yuè tuì shàng hǎi
  1921 nián hòu sūn zhōng shān zài xuān jiǎng jiě shì sān mín zhù shí yòu rén yòng shì jiè zhù fǎn duì chàng mín zhù guān shìhòu lái de yán jiū zhě cóng fǎn duì guó zhù de jiǎo jiě shì yǎn jiǎng de nèi róngzhǐ chū fǎn duì shì jiè zhù shì sūn zhōng shān zài hòu huó dòng zhōng wèile xuān chuán mín zhù 'ér jìn xíng de xiǎng pàn zhī 。( zhùzhāng lěi:《 lùn sūn zhōng shān de mín zhù 》,《 sūn zhōng shān cuò fèn de wěi xiān xíng zhě》, guǎng dōng rén mín chū bǎn shè 1996 nián bǎn 102 yuán zàiběi jīng xué xué bào》 1957 nián 4 。) guò sūn zhōng shān dāng shí huí yìng de zhí jiē duì xiàngbìng shì guó zhù shì fàn zhǐ bān de shì jiè zhù jìn nián wáng 'ěr mǐn xiān shēng dezhōng shān xiān shēng mín zhù zhèng jiě》, zhào sūn zhōng shān de yǎn jiǎng zhǐ shuō shì jǐng jiè guó rén zuì xīn xīn wén huà yùn dòngzhùwáng 'ěr mǐn:《 zhōng shān xiān shēng mín zhù zhèng jiě》, tái běizhōng shān xué shù wén huà jīn huì 1999 nián bǎn 186 guān sūn zhōng shān huí yìng shì jiè zhù de suǒ zhǐhǎi nèi wài xué rén jiào shǎo zhí jiē lùn
lián 'é róng gòng Total capacity of United Russia
孙中山 联俄容共
   'èr hòu sūn zhōng shān kāi shǐ kǎo gòng chǎn dǎng zuò de néng。 1923 nián 1 yuè sūn zhōng shān lián zhèng quán quán dài biǎo yuè fēi zài shàng hǎi huì miànzhèng shì tǎo lùn gòng chǎn dǎng zuòsūnyuè huì miàn céng hòu biǎosūn wén · yuè fēi lián xuān yán》。
  1923 nián nián chūchén jiǒng míng bèi zhú chū guǎng zhōu sūn zhōng shān zài 3 yuè huí yuè。 12 yuè 29 sūn zhōng shān luò shí jiē shòu liè níng gòng chǎn guó de xié zhù chóngjiàn yuán shuài gòng chǎn guó pài chū bào luó tíng dào guǎng zhōu wéi sūn zhōng shān wèn gòng wéi shì zhòng zhōng guó guó mín dǎng。 1924 nián 1 yuè zài zhōng guó guó mín dǎng quán guó dài biǎo huì shàng xuān shí xíng lián 'é lián gòng zhèng zài lián yuán zhù xià 3 yuè jiàn huáng jūn xiàobìng jiǎng jiè shí wéi xiào cháng。 11 yuèféng xiáng zài běi jīng dòng zhèng biàn tuī dǎo cáo kūnyāo sūn zhōng shān běi shàng gòng shāng guó shìwéi jiàn kāng zhuǎn zhí xiàzhōng guó guó mín dǎng quán guó dài biǎo huì zài guǎng zhōu zhào kāi shí sūn zhōng shān jiē shòu zhōng guó gòng chǎn dǎng 'é gòng chǎn dǎng bāng zhùgǎi guó mín dǎngshí xínglián 'élián gòng zhù nóng gōngsān zhèng guó mín dǎng de chéng gōngbiāo zhì zhe guó gòng zuò zhèng shì xíng chéngzhè zuò shí xiàn hòu guǎng zhōu wéi zhōng xīnhuì quán guó de mìng liànghěn kuài kāi chuàng chū fǎn fǎn fēng jiàn de mìng xīn miàntóng nián 10 yuè yòu jìn xiǎng de jiànglǐng féng xiáng dòngběi jīng zhèng biàn”, tuī fān pèi kòng zhì de běi jīng zhèng lián fèng jūn zhāng zuò líntuī duàn ruì wéi lín shí zhí zhèngtóng shí diàn qǐng sūn zhōng shān běi shàng gòng shāng guó shì shí de sūn zhōng shān shì zhòng bìng chán shēnwèile guó jiā de qián rán běi shàngbìng chūzhào kāi guó mín huì fèi chú píng děng tiáo yuēliǎng hào zhàotóng guó zhù běi yáng jūn zuò dǒu zhēng sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng 1924 nián 11 yuè kāi guǎng zhōurào dào běnkāi shǐ běi shàng zhī xíng。 12 yuè 4 dào tiān jīnshòu dào liǎng wàn qún zhòng huān yíngyóu diān běi yán hánxiān shēng jiù bìng biān jiē shòu zhì liáobiān jiē jiàn jīng jīn yào rénzhǔn bèi 22 jīng。 18 xiān shēng lín shí zhí zhèng xíng wén guó shǐ shǔyòu zūn zhòng lái tiáo yuē zhī ”, shī suǒ wàngsuì bìng qíng jiā duàn ruì yòu lái diàn xiāng cuīshuō:“ shí wèi dìngshù zhèng dài shāng jià wèi zhòng wàng”; xiān shēng diàn:“ zhǔn shí 'èr yuè sān shí jīng。” sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng 12 yuè 31 jīngshòu dào liǎng wàn duō qún zhòng huān yíngsuí hòu zhù běi jīng fàn diàn
mìng shàng wèi chéng gōng Revolution is not successful
   sūn zhōng shān 1925 nián 1 yuè jīng hòu kāi shǐ bìng , 1925 nián 1 yuè 26 xiān shēng bèi què zhěn wéi gān 'áizài xié yuàn jiē shòu shǒu shù。 2 yuè 18 xiān shēng zhì xíng guǎn jiē shòu zhōng zhì liáo; 3 yuè 11 xiān shēng zhī yóu rén wànzài sūn zhōng shān guó shì zhǔ》、《 sūn zhōng shān zhì lián shūshàng qiān zuì zhōng 1925 nián 3 yuè 12 yīn gān 'ái bìng shì běi jīng xié yuànxiǎng nián 58 suì sūn zhōng shān lín zhōng shí tóng wāng zhào míng suǒ dài dezǒng xùnzhì lián zhèng shū》。 xiāng gǎnghuá bào bào dào liǎo sūn zhōng shān de xùn:“ sūn wén 'ǒu zuò néng jìn shímài zhòu zēng zhì bǎi liù shí shí wēi xiǎn shēng zài zuǒ yòu kānhùzhōng dài tiān chóu wéi sūn cǎo zhǔwéi sūn shàng wèi qiān …… sūn wén bìng zhì shí wǎn biàn zhàng jiā zēng wéi zhī zhēn fàng shuǐjīn shàng jiǔ diǎn sān shí fēn zhōng shì shìdāng liú shídài tiān chóu dài cǎo zhǔsūn diàn yuè mín dǎng yào rén lái jīng。” 1920 nián sūn zhōng shān zài shàng hǎi
   tóng hàn mín chì lìng tíng zhǐ yàn huì:“ shí 'èr shí hàn mín jiē wāng jīng wèi lái diànwèi sūn zhōng shān shí 'èr shàng jiǔ shí shí fēn bìng zhōng jīng hàn mín fēn chì xiǎo guānyóu shí 'èr xià bàn tiānbìng lìng gōng 'ān fēn chì shì nèi jiǔ lóu tíng zhǐ yàn huìshì mín tíng zhǐ tiānzài zhí rén yuán tíng zhǐ yuè guān yòng lán yìn yuèbīng shì guān zhí tíng yuán chán hēi shā yuè。” 1925 nián 4 yuè 2 sūn zhōng shān ān cuò běi jīng shān yún nèi shí zhōngběi chéng gōng hòu 1929 nián 6 yuè 1 yǒng jiǔ qiān zàng nán jīng jīn shān zhōng shān líng
   liú zhī sūn zhōng shān dào guó shì de yán shì:“ píng…… fèn dǒu…… jiù zhōng guó!”
   sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng shì shì hòuzài běi jīng qiān míng diào yàn zhě 74 wàn duō réncān jiā sòng bìn zhě 30 wàn rénzhōng guó gòng chǎn dǎng chuàng shǐ rén zhī zhāo shì zhìsāng chù chéng yuán bìng jìng xiàn cháng wǎn lián
  “ guǎng dōng shì xiàn dài cháo huì zhù zhī míng jīn hàn zhǒng jié wài bāng tōng shìnǎi zhì tài píng jué lèi jiē yùn méng xīng xiāngxiān shēng tǐng shēng jiān zhù mìng zhōng liú hòu chéng xiān xīn táo jiùyáng mín jué jiāng zài zào qián kūn shí niándān xīn cuì shì huàn yóu zhī jīng shényào wéi rén jiān liú zhèng
  “ zhōng huá wéi shì jiè liè qiáng jìng zhēng suǒ zàiyóu tài zhì běnzhèng zhì lüè jīng qīn língshèn zhì gòng guǎn yīn móuzhēng niú 'ěr jiā guó dǎng shì dīng huìsàng shī jiàn guó shān dǒuyún hǎi yān 'àn tiān chóuwèn rén rán zhòng zhěng zhào yòu zhòngwéi gōng nóng běn sān mín quánqún qún zūn shēng fèn dǒu zhū xùnchéng jué wèi yīng líng。”
  1925 nián 3 yuè 11 sūn zhōng shān liú zhī zài sān fèn zhǔ shàng qiān shǔjīn zhōng guó rén cháng dào de mìng shàng wèi chéng gōngtóng zhì réng ”, chū sūn zhōng shān liú gěi guó rén de zhèng zhì zhǔ dāng tuō xiāng níng yàoshàn shì sūn rénsòng qìng líng)”,“ rén chǎn 'ér qīng shì”, xiāng níng huí :“ xiān shēng qīn jìn xiān shēng 'èr shí duō niántóng shòu gān wàn xiān shēng men dāng jìn bǎo rén xiān shēng suī rán zhī shí néng dōuhěn ruòdàn shì zǒng suàn néng gòu qīn shòu zǒng sān mín zhù de jiào huì yòu fēn liàng dìng jìn xuān chuán。” sūn zhōng shān guò zài tuī chí wéi zhǔ qiān shí zài sòng qìng líng zhù xiàzài sān zhǔ wén jiàn shàng qiān míng
shū Suicide note
孙中山 遗书
  1 jiā shì shū
   “ guó jìn cuì guó shì zhì jiā chǎn suǒ zhī shū zhù zhái děng qiē jūn sòng qìng líng wéi niàn zhī 'ér zhǎngchéngnéng wàng 'ài zhì zhǔ!”
  2 zhèng zhì shū
  “ zhì guó mín mìngfán shí nián mùdì zài qiú zhōng guó zhī yóu píng děng shí nián zhī jīng yànshēn zhī dào mùdì huàn mín zhòng lián shì jiè shàng píng děng dài zhī mín gòng tóng fèn dǒuxiàn zài mìng shàng wèi chéng gōngfán tóng zhì zhào suǒ zhùjiàn guó fāng lüè》、《 jiàn guó gāng》、《 sān mín zhù quán guó dài biǎo huì xuān yán》, qiú guàn chèzuì jìn zhù zhāng zhào kāi guó mín huì fèi chú píng děng tiáo yuēyóu zuì duǎn jiān shí xiànshì suǒ zhì zhǔ!”
  3 zhì lián shū
  “ wéi 'āi shè huì zhù gòng guó lián zhōng yāng zhí xíng wěi yuán huì qīn 'ài de tóng zhì
   zài shēn huàn zhì zhī zhèng de xīn niàn shí zhuànxiàng menzhuànxiàng dǎng guó de jiāng lái men shì yóu de gòng guó lián zhī shǒu lǐng yóu de gòng guó lián shì xiǔ de liè níng chǎn bèi mín de shì jiè zhī zhēn chǎn guó zhù xià de nànmínjiāng jiè bǎo wèi yóucóng dài zhàn zhēng piān wéi chǔ zhī guó zhì zhōng móu jiě fàng xià de shì guó mín dǎng wàng guó mín dǎng zài wán chéng yóu guó zhù zhì jiě fàng zhōng guó bèi qīn lüè guó zhī shǐ de gōng zuò zhōng men gòng zuòmìng yùn shǐ fàng xià wèi jìng zhī jiāo jǐn shǒu guó mín dǎng zhù jiào xùn 'ér zhì zhēn zhèng tóng zhì zhī rén zhǔ guó mín dǎng jìn xíng mín mìng yùn dòng zhī gōng zuòzhōng guó miǎn guó zhù jiā zhū zhōng guó de bàn zhí mín zhuàng kuàng zhī wéi dào xiàng mùdì jiàn mìng guó mín dǎng cháng men xié shēn xìn men zhèng qián guó zhī yuán zhùqīn 'ài de tóng zhìdāng men jué bié zhī yuàn biǎo shì liè de wàng wàng jiǔ jiāng xiǎo shí lián liáng yǒu méng guó 'ér huān yíng qiáng shèng zhī zhōng guóliǎng guó zài zhēng wéi shì jiè bèi mín yóu zhī zhàn zhōngxié shǒu bìng jìn shèng jǐn xiōng zhī zhù men píng 'ān!”
   sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng yīn
  1925 nián 1 yuè 26 sūn zhōng shān zhù xié yuàn shí jīng néng jìn shídāng xià wài zhuān jiā jiān xié yuàn dài yuàn cháng liú ruì héng zhù dāo wéi jìn xíng pōu tàn chá shùquè zhěn wéi 'ái zhèng wǎn 2 yuè 17 chū bìng wēi tōng zhī shūzuì zhōng 3 yuè 12 hún guī tiān guóxiàn zài de xié yuàn hái bǎo liú zhe fèn 13 de bào gàoyīng wénbiān hào wéi 9954, shàng miàn de míng shìsūn xiān”, zhōng yòu zhāng guān biāo běn de zhào piàncháng jiǔ lái wài jiè zhí wéi sūn zhōng shān gān 'ái sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng bìng fēi yīn gān 'ái shìér shì yuán dǎn guǎn xiàn 'ái zhuǎn dào gān běi jīng xié yuàn bìng 'àn shì yuán zhù rèn jiā rùn zhǎo dào 1925 nián 1 yuè 26 sūn xiān shēng de bìng 'àn zhèng míng yuán bìng què shì dǎn guǎn xiàn 'áizhí zhì 1999 nián hǎi xiá liǎng 'àn xué zhě jiāo liú sūn zhōng shān shì shíxié yuàn shēng zhǎn shì liǎo zhè fèn bào gàocái jiē shì liǎo sūn zhōng shān dǎn náng 'ái de zhēn xiāng
   zhì wèishénme zhěn duàn huì yòu chā bié xué jiè gěi chū de 'àn shìhuó rén lèi shì zhǒng hěn de shēng xiàn dài xué shè bèi bìng néng wán quán de jiǎn chá chū bìng yīn suǒ shǔ wèizhǐ yòu jiě pōu hòu cái néng wán quán què zhěn
xiǎng jīng shén Thought and Spirit
  sūn wén de xiǎng fēn shì jiāng yáng 'ōu měi jiā xué shuō zōng zhěng 'ér láidàn shì yòu shǎo fēn jiàn jiě shìxiōng suǒ chuàng”( sūn wén )。
   mín mín quánmín shēng desān mín zhù ”。
  “ rén mín yòu quánzhèng yòu néngdequán néng fēn”; guǎng xīng yòu wéi shì dewàn néng zhèng ”。
   rén mín zhī quán yòu chēng wéi zhèng quányòu xuǎn miǎnchuàng zhì jué zhǒng
   zhèng zhī néng yòu chēng wéi zhì quán xíng zhèng kǎo shìjiān chá quán fēn shì wéi quán xiàn ”。
   rén mín xíng shǐ zhèng quán de běn xùn liàn tiáo jiànmín quán chū shì guī
   zhōng yāng fāng dejūn quán zhì ”, xiàn wéi dān wèi de fāng zhì”。
   zài jīng xiǎng fāng miàn chàng shè huì zhù lùncéng shuōrén lèi jìn huà zhī yuán zhǒng jìn huà zhī yuán tóng zhǒng jìng zhēng wéi yuán rén lèi zhù wéi yuán 。”
   zhèng zhì xiàn dài huà jiàn shè fāng miànzhù zhāng jiàn jìn zhù de jūn zhèngxùn zhèngxiàn zhèng sān jiē duàn shuōjūn zhèng shí yōu xiān xiāo miè jūn fěiyìng shí xíng jūn guǎnxùn zhèng shí yōu xiān chǔ jiàn shè mín quán chū xùn liànyìng shí xíng dǎng zhí zhèngxiàn zhèng shí xíng zhī tiáo jiàn shì quán guó bàn shù shàng xiàn shì yòu xuǎn miǎn fāng shǒu cháng zhī tiáo jiàngōng mín yòu dòng chuàng zhì jué zhī tiáo jiàn xuǎn zhào kāi guó mín huì zhì dìng xiàn hái zhèng mínshí xíng duō dǎng jìng zhēng de xiàn dài zhèng zhì zhì
   wáng dào wéi chǔ de zuò zhèng zhì jià gòu zhōu zhù xiàng guó tóu kāi fàng de shí jìhuà
   rén shēng zhé xué:“ zuò guānyào zuò shì。”
   zhé xué zhù zhāng:“ zhī nán xíng ”。
   shuì shōu xiǎng
   píng jūn quán shì sūn zhōng shān chū de jīng gāng lǐng zhī chū de cuò shī shì zài mìng zhèng quán jiàn hòulìng zhù bào jiàguó jiā xiàng chōu 1 de jià shuì,“ bìng yào shí bào jià shōu mǎi zhī”, hòu zēng zhí fēn quán shōu guī guó yòu rèn wéizhēng shōu jià shuì hái jiǎn qīng rén mín de shuì dān,“ rén yǒng yuǎn shuìdàn shōu xiàng chéng wéi qiú zuì zhī guó”,“ qiān nián juān shū de zhèng yǒng yuǎn duàn jué”。 zài zhōng guó gòng chǎn dǎng de bāng zhù xià duì nóng mín zài mín zhù mìng zhōng de wèi yòu liǎo xīn de rèn shí wǎn nián chū liǎogēng zhě yòu tiánde kǒu hào sūn zhōng shān zhù zhāng tōng guò zhēng shōu zhí jiē shuì jié zhì rén běntóng shí zhǎn guó jiā běnjiàn zhǒngguó jiā shè huì zhù ”。 zhēng shōu zhí jiē shuìjiù shì cǎi yòng lěi jìn shuìlǜduō zhēng běn jiā de suǒ shuì chǎn shuìgǎi biàn guó jiā cái yuán zhù yào zhī nóng mín shāng rén de jiù shuì sūn zhōng shān hái zhù zhāng qīng shuì shāng jìn huò chàng liú duì qīng jīn shuì de zhèng shēn 'è tòng jué cóng wéi jīnchù chù liǎn zhēngjié jié zhìshāng jiǎ wéi zhī guǒ fàn cóng 'ér yuàn jiē 'ér bǎi huò chàng liú nán ?” zhǐ chūzhǐ yòu qīng shuì bǎo shāngcái yuán ”。
   tiān xià wéi gōng
   sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng zàn yáng huò yuán jiá shǐ guó qiángfēi rén rén zhī xìn niàn jiāng huò jiā quán gōng zhū shì de gāo fēng liàng jiéqīn xiě xià liǎoshàng jīng shén huì zèng jīng huì
   xiān shēng míng yán
   jūn zhì suǒ xiàng wǎng qián cuò yǒngzài jiē zài 。 60 nián guó qìng tiān 'ān mén sūn zhōng shān huà xiàng
   yòu zhì xué shēngjié wéi tuán rèn guó shì
   fán bǎi shì shōu xiào xiǎoshōu xiào chí
   fēng rán hòu zhī jìngcǎopán gēn cuò jié rán hòu biàn
   mìng shàng wèi chéng gōngtóng zhì réng
   yào zhì zuò shì yào zhì dāng guān
   rén lèi yào zài jìng zhēng zhōng shēng cúnbiàn yào fèn dǒu
   shēng de shì hǎochú liǎo mìng wàizhǐ yòu hǎo shū tiān shūbiàn néng shēng huó
   shì gōng zhě shí zhī róngzhì jié zhě wàn shì zhī
   wéi yuàn zhū jūn jiāng zhèn xīng zhōng huá zhī rènzhì zhī shēn zhī jiān shàng
   zhì guó jīng bāngrén cái wéi
   zhèng zhì liǎng de qiǎn 'ér yán zhīzhèng jiù shì zhòng rén de shìzhì jiù shì guǎn guǎn zhòng rén de shì biàn shì zhèng zhì
   xué zhě guì zhī dāng rán suǒ ránruò 'ǒu néng rán wèi wéi xué
   yìng wéi zhī shì qiú rénjīn yìng wéi zhī shì dài míng
   rén jìn zuì de yóushì zài néng shí xíngnéng shí xíng biàn néng zhīdào liǎo néng zhībiàn néng jìn
   zuò rén zuì de shì qíng shì shénme jiù shì yào zhī dào zěn yàng 'ài guó
   tiān xià shìhào hào dàng dàngshùn zhī zhě chāng zhī zhě wáng
gōng guò píng jià S Evaluation
   shǐ rén de chū xiàn shǐ men néng cóng zhōng xué dào jīng yànzhī shíxiǎo zhī 'ér yán wéi men fēn biàn shì fēi zhī 'ér yán wéi guó jiā de zhǎn zhǐ míng chū suǒ duì shǐ rén men néng yòng piàn miàn de fāng fēn biàn néng yòng jiǎn dān de duì huò cuòjiù zhí jiē kěn dìng huò fǒu dìngér shì yào quán miàn de duì zhōng guó mín zhù mìng de xiān xíng zhě sūn zhōng shān píng jià
   sūn zhōng shān shǒu chè fǎn fēng jiàn de zhì,“ gòng 'ér zhōng zhì”, zhì mìng zhèng dǎng dòng zhuāng lǐng dǎo liǎo zhèn jīng zhōng wài de xīn hài mìngtuī fān liǎo zhōng guó shǐ shàng yán qiān nián de fēng jiàn wáng cháo zhuān zhì tǒng zhìkāi chuàng liǎo zhōng guó mín zhù mìng fēng yún yǒng de shǐ xīn piān zhānggōng zài qiān qiūwàn liú fāng
   zài shè zhěng zhōng guó chǎn jiē mín zhù mìng shī bài de shǐ shí shíyóu rén men suǒ chí de shì jiǎo lùn zhǐ de jìn xiāng tóngquè chū xiàn liǎo zhǒng zhǒng xiǎo 'ér huà zhīyòu rén jiāng sūn zhōng shān ràng wèi yuán shì kǎi shuō chéng shì dǎo zhì mìng shī bài de zhòng shī zhù yào yuán yīn 'ér huà zhīyòu rén jiāng sūn zhōng shān quē kào gōng nóng zhòng zuò wéi mìng zhù jūn de zhǐ dǎo xiǎngquē xiān jìn de jiàn dǎng lùnquē zhèng què de jiàn jūn xiàn rèn zuò mìng shī bài de gēn běn yuán yīnděng děngdàn men yīnggāi rèn shí dàoyóu guān shàng shòu dào guó zhù fēng jiàn zhù de qiáng mìng dǎng běn shēn de huàn sàn sūn zhōng shān jīng guò dǒu zhēng hòu bèi jiē shòu yuán shì kǎi tuǒ xié de tiáo jiànzài qīng tuì wèi hòu 1912 nián 2 yuè 13 xiàng lín shí cān yuàn lín shí zǒng tǒng zhíràng wèi yuán shì kǎizhè shì zhōng guó dāng shí de jiē liàng duì wài guó gān shè de jiēguǒzhè shì yóu zhōng guó ruò shí xíng běn zhù mín zhù zhì jiāng yán zhòng sǔn hài liè qiáng zài zhōng guó de qīn lüè quán cóng zhè jiǎo kàn sūn zhōng shān suǒ lǐng dǎo de chǎn jiē mín zhù mìng yùn dòng yòu fǎn duì fēng jiàn zhù fǎn duì guó zhù zhè liǎng zhòng yào gòng xiàn。)
   ruò cóng de shì jiǎo dān chún kàn dài zhè shǐ shí shì jiànquè shí sūn zhōng shān zhī ràng wèi yuán shì kǎishì dǎo zhì yuán shì kǎi qiè guó mìng zhèng quán bàng luògòng zhì dàotuì de shǐ chéng yīnyòu xiē shǐ lùnshǐ shuō yóu yǐn shēn chū sūn zhōng shān shī de píng jià shùn chéng zhāngrán 'ércóng guān xiàn shí lái kàn shì jiàn fàng zài dāng shí qīng mín chū de shǐ fàn wéi shè huì huán jìng zhōng kǎo cháquè rán 'ér rán chū jié rán xiāng fǎn de píng jià héng héng sūn zhōng shān zhī ràng wèi yuán jǐn shì shī huò xiàn xìngxiāng fǎnshì chéng qīng tuì wèi tuī fān fēng jiàn zhuān zhì zhì shǐ mín zhù gòng zhì piāo yáng mìng cháo shēn mín xīn de shǐ gōng
  1905 nián 8 yuè sūn zhōng shān huáng xīngliú jué mín děng rén xīng zhōng huìhuá xīng huì děng mìng tuán wéi chǔzài běn dōng jīng chuàng jiàn quán guó xìng de chǎn jiē mìng dǎng tóng méng huì sūn zhōng shān bèi tuī wéi zǒng suǒ chū de chú huī zhōng huáchuàng mín guópíng jūn quánde mìng zōng zhǐ bèi cǎi wéi tóng méng huì gāng lǐngzài tóng méng huì guān bàomín bào kān zhōng sūn zhōng shān shǒu chū mín mín quánmín shēng sān zhù tóng méng huì de chéng yòu jìn liǎo quán guó mìng yùn dòng de zhǎn
   sūn zhōng shān dài fǎn kàng fēng jiàn wáng cháo de nóng mín yīng xióng tóng dài chǎn jiē gǎi liáng pài dài biǎo rén zhī xiǎn zhù tóng zhī chù zài shì tōng guò fāng shì dào de rèn zhēn xué shēn kǎojiāng 'ōu měi běn zhù zhì zhī jīng huá zhōng guó luò hòu fēng jiàn zhuān zhì zhì zhī guó qíng xiāng jié cóng mín wéi běnde zōng zhǐ chū jǐn chū liǎosān mín zhù chǔ xué shuōtóng shí hái jiù gǎi zào luò hòu jiù zhōng guó de wěi biāocóng guó zhèng zhìjīng wén huàjūn shìwài jiāo zhū fāng miàn zuò chū liǎo chǎn jiē mín zhù mìng de gāng lǐngshè xiǎng guī huáxíng chéng liǎo tǒng huà de mìng lùnèr shì dòng zhì mìng shǐzhōng shēngzài lǐng dǎo zhěng chǎn jiē mín zhù mìng de chéng zhōngshǐ zhōng jiān chí chè de fǎn fēng jiàn chǎng jiān dìng de mìng fāng xiàngmiàn duì mǎn qīng cháo tíng de tōng fǎn dòng jūn de wéi gōng guó liè qiáng de wēi wéi xīn bǎo huáng pài de lùn zhànzhèn yíng nèi de pàn luàntóng dǎng zhàn yǒu de fēn zài jiān nán chōng mǎn fēng xiǎn de huán jìng zhōng fān zhì gǎi zào mìng zhèng dǎngduō dòng zhuāng ,“ cuò fènzài jiē zài ”, náozhàn dǒu sān shì shǐ zhōng jiān shǒu xīn wéi gōngde chóng gāo jīng shén jìng jiècóng jiàn xīng zhōng huìtóng méng huì dòng guǎng zhōuhuì zhōuhuáng huā gǎng děng shí zhuāng dào lǐng dǎo xīn hài mìngjiàn lín shí zhèng xíng 'èr mìngdào zhì gǎi zào guó mín dǎng jiàn huáng jūn xiàoshí shī guó gòng zuòzhí zhì láo chéng yīng nián zǎo shìpāo què rén míng zhāng xiǎn xiōng huái gōng shēng cāo láo gōng jìn cuì 'ér hòu sūn zhōng shān de lùn xué shuō chǎng xìn niàn pǐn qíng cāo shuō shì xiù zhī qián rén zhèng shì yóu sūn zhōng shān de jiān chí xiè de mìng lùn de xuān yángcái shǐ guǎng zhōng guó mín zhòng bǎi tuō fēng jiàn xiǎng de shù zǒu chū duì mín zhù gòng defǎn dòngzhèng zhì xiǎng rèn shí yòu de jìn liǎo zhōng guó mín zhù mìng yùn dòng de zhǎnkuò liǎo mín zhù mìng yùn dòng de yǐng xiǎngshǐ mín zhù gòng shēn rén xīn biàn shì hòu lái dexīn mín zhù zhù mìng yùn dòng shì zài sūn zhōng shān gōng zuò de chǔ shàng cái zhǎn
   zài fēng duō cǎi de sūn zhōng shān shǐ yán jiū de wén zhāng zuò pǐn zhōng jiānyòu zhǒng shǐ shuō huò shǐ lùnzài píng shuō zhōng guó jiù mín zhù zhù mìng shī bài de mìng shíjiāng zhù yào yuán yīn guī jié wéi sūn zhōng shān mìng dǎng lǐng dǎo rén quē jiē fēn de lùn chǔméi yòu kào gōng nóng zhòng zuò wéi mìng zhù jūnquē xiān jìn de jiàn dǎng xiànméi yòu yòng yuǎn xiǎng zhuāng mìng dǎng rén de tóu nǎoquē zhèng què de jiàn jūn xiànméi yòu jiàn zhī tǒng zhǐ huī de mìng jūn duìzhī shǐ xiàn xìngshì de ruò piē kāi sūn zhōng shān suǒ chù shí dài de shǐ fàn wéi shè huì huán jìngyòng hòu dài rén de shì jiǎo shì qián dài rén de shǐ shí lèi píng shuō zhèng yán shùn tiǎo rán 'ér zhīshí chù qīng mín chū liè zhù wèi guó mén sūn zhōng shān yuǎn chóngyáng yóu yīngměi běn zhū guójiē shòu de shì fāng běn zhù zhì xiǎng de jiào huà suǒ cóng shì lǐng dǎo de mìng shì zhǐ néng guī shǔ chǎn jiē mín zhù mìng de fàn chóuhòu rén suǒ chí yòu de liè zhù máo dōng xiǎng de lùn sūn zhōng shān de chǎn jiē mín zhù zhù xué shuō rán huì yòu tóng zhī chù sūn zhōng shān lǐng dǎo de gòng 'ér zhōng zhì gòng chǎn dǎng lǐng dǎo detuī fān sān zuò shānde xīn mín zhù zhù mìng de chéng gōng jīng yàn de mín zhù zhù mìng shí jiàn de jiēguǒ cún zài chā shì zhè zhǒng hòu rén de chéng gōng héng liàng qián rén de shī bài jīn rén de jué shěn shì rén de shí suǒ chū de suǒ wèi sūn zhōng shān de shǐ xiàn xìng”, chéng liǎo kōng zhōng lóu shì de gāo tán kuò lùnshī liǎo shǐ de guān xìng gōng zhèng xìng kuàng sūn zhōng shān dào liǎo wǎn niáncóng jūn cán mín guó guó zhù qīn lüè yòu jìn tuì zhuāng zāo shī gòng qióng de jìng zhōng fǎn zìxǐng tuō shēn 'ér chūkāng kǎi jiē shòu liè zhù chǎn jiē yùn dòng xīn cháo xiǎng de chóngxīn jiě shì jiù sān mín zhù gǎi guó mín dǎngzhù zhāng guó gòng zuòshí xínglián 'élián gòng zhù nóng gōngsān zhèng jiàn huáng jūn xiàochóngxīn péi mìng duì zài xiǎng shàng wán chéng liǎo cóng jiù mín zhù zhù mìng zhě xiàng xīn mín zhù zhù mìng zhě de zhuǎn biàn guǒ shì yīng nián zǎo shì wèi néng chéng wéi máo dōng shì de chǎn jiē mìng lǐng xiùzhè biàn shì shǐ xiàn xìng shuō bìng qiàdàng de shǐ míng zhèng
   chéng ránshí shì qiú shì fēn jīn chìrén wán rén sūn zhōng shān shì rén shì shén de lùn xué shuō bìng fēi shí quán shí měi de xíng wéi shí jiàn fēi wán měi quē duì dāng shí jiù zhōng guó běn zhù de méng zhuàng tài mín chǎn jiē de ruǎn ruò diǎn shàng quē shēn de yán jiū duì yuán shì kǎiduàn ruìchén jiǒng míng lèi xīn jiù jūn de liǎng miàn pài miàn yòu shī dòng chá duì mìng dǎng nèi yán zhòng de máo dùn fēn tuán jié duì jiàn mìng jūn shì liàng de rèn shí shān shān lái chí děng děngdōushì rén xiǎng xíng wéi de xiàn xìngdàn shì dāng shí jiù zhōng guó de shǐ fàn wéi shè huì huán jìng de guān xiàn shí xiāng zhào rén de zhè xiē xiàn xìng jiē shǔ xìng de wēi dào de shī 'ài zhěng jiù mín zhù zhù mìng de fāng xiàng shǐ guǐ gèng sǔn chuàng mìng xué shuōlǐng dǎo mìng yùn dòng kāi chuàng shǐ xīn piān de guāng huī xíng xiàng
   suǒ sūn zhōng shān lǐng dǎo de zhōng guó chǎn jiē mín zhù mìng wèi néng chè shí xiàn mìng biāoshì shí dài de xiàn guó qíng de zhì yuējué fēi sūn zhōng shān rén de xiǎng xíng dòng suǒ néng zuǒ yòutóng zhōng guó jìn dài shǐ shàng zhè chǎng jiù mín zhù zhù mìng suī rán shī bài liǎodàn zhèng shì zhè chǎng hōng hōng liè liè zhèng bēi zhuàng de mìngwéi hòu de xīn mín zhù zhù mìng shèng zuò chū liǎo yǎn shì gōng liǎo jīng yànzhǔn bèi liǎo tiáo jiàn 'ér sūn zhōng shān shì wěi de mìng xiān xíng zhě
   sūn wén bèi zhōng guó guó mín dǎng zūn wéiyǒng yuǎn de zǒng ”; zhōng guó gòng chǎn dǎng zhōng guó shǐ běn chēng wéiwěi de mìng xiān xíng zhě”。 sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng duì zhōng guó gòng chǎn dǎng cǎi zhī chí zhèng shuāng sòng qìng líng shì gèng shì tòu guò shí xíng dòng biǎo duì gòng chǎn dǎng de zhī chí chǎng wéi zhōng huá mín de jué 'ér zài zhōng guó de zhù liú lùn zhōng shì xiǎng yòu chóng gāo míng wàng de zhōng guó guó mín dǎng mìng rén shì zhī
   zhí de shìměi féng zhòng jié guó qìng jiétiān 'ān mén guǎng chǎng shàng huì xuán guà de sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng huà xiàng jiàn zhōng shān xiān shēng zài zhōng guó rén xīn zhōng de wèi
wén shì Anecdotes
孙中山 趣闻轶事
   táng gāng biǎo shì chāng chéng gōng hòudāng shí jiē dào diàn bào de sūn zhōng shān zhèng zài luó duō zhōu diǎn huá chéngjīn dān yǒu rén ruì lián kāi de cān guǎn zhōng dāng tái”, duān pán 。(《 wǎn qīng shí nián( 5) yuán shì kǎisūn wén xīn hài mìng》)
   féng yóu mìng shǐjìzǎi sūn wén huān xià xiàng dàn jīng:“ zhōng shān shēng shì yān jiǔ shū zhī jiān rén xià xiàng rán zhī jīnghǎo gōng shì 'ér xiè fáng shǒu wéi suǒ chéng hàn mín xiāng níng děng jiē cháng shèng zhīwài guó zhǐ pái yóu fēi suǒ hǎorán jīng sān shí nián qián shèng xíng zhī guǎng dōng tiān jiǔ pái qián héng bīn shíměi chén míng xiāng líng)、 zhāng néng zhī wán zhī。”
   guò guó mín dǎng xuān chuán sūn zhōng shān xiāng gǎng shū yuàn( CollegeofMedicineforChinese), bìng qiě zài xué chéng mǎn fēn míng yóu jiào cháng kāng shì( Dr.JamesCantlie) bān zhèng shūdàn shì shí shàngdàng nián de shēng zhǐ yòu 'èr wèisūn shì jiāng yīng huáxiāng gǎng shū yuàn zài dāng shí shì wèi huò 'àn de xué xiàowèi néng huò xiāng gǎng dāng de chéng rèn rán xiāng gǎng de xíng zhí zhàoxiāng gǎng shū yuàn nǎi xiāng gǎng xué de qián shēnzhì jīn xiāng gǎng xué jiāng guó dìng wéi xiāng gǎng xué jiè shēngbìng bǎo liú zhù mǎn fēn zhī shì juànbìng zài LilyPond zhōng shù zhù guó de tóng xiànggōng hòu rén jǐng yǎngguó zài huí xiào tàn fǎng shí shuō guòxiāng gǎng xiāng gǎng xué shì zhī shí de chū shēng
   shí niàn chǎng suǒ
  1 zhōng shān líng jiǎn jiè
   zhōng shān líng shì zhōng guó jìn dài wěi de zhèng zhì jiāmín zhù mìng xiān xíng zhě sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng de líng zuò luò zài jiāng shěng nán jīng shì dōng jiāo zhōng shān dōng fēng xiǎo máo shān de nán lín míng xiào língdōng líng bàng shān 'ér zhùyóu nán wǎng běi yán zhōng zhóu xiàn zhú jiàn shēng gāozhěng jiàn zhù qún shān shì 'ér céng céng shàng shēng shì hóng wěi
  1925 nián 3 yuè 12 sūn zhōng shān zài běi jīng shì shìzūn zhào shēng qián 'ān zàng zài zhōng shān de yuànlíng jiù zàn tíng fàng zài běi jīng xiāng shān yún nèibìng jué dìng zài nán jīng zhōng shān xiū jiàn de líng 1926 nián chūn dòng gōngzhì 1929 nián xià jiàn chéng
   cóng pái fāng kāi shǐ shàng tánggòng yòu shí jiē 392 , 8 píng táipān dēng duō de shí jiē wéi jiān nándàn dāng jiā zǒu wán zhè duàn cháng dǒu jùn de shí jiē hòu dìng huì chūzǒng zhǔzhōng yòu guān de zhǔ :“ mìng shàng wèi chéng gōngtóng zhì réng de hán tái jiē yòng zhōu huā gǎng shí chéngzuì gāo de píng tái yòu huá biǎo liǎng zuòhòu wéi tánghuá biǎo nǎi wéi zhù zhuàng biāozhì biāo zhì táng zài táng yòu sān gǒng ménshàng miàn yòu guó de sān mín zhù :“ mín ”、“ mín quán”、“ mín shēngmén 'ézhè shì fǎng gōng diàn shì de táng táng de mén méi shàng yòu sūn zhōng shān shǒu shūtiān zhèng biǎo liǎo sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng fèn dǒu de xiǎng
   zhōng shān líng sūn zhōng shān bēi zhī míng bìng jiǎn jiè
  2003 nián 3 yuè 21 shān qīng nián bàoyáng guāng kān kān chū liǎo yuán zàitiān yòu chángyóu liú xiǎo fēng zhuàn xiě denán jīng zhōng shān líng sūn zhōng shān bēi zhī míng bìng wényǐn liǎo hǎi nèi wài de qiáng liè guān zhùgāi wén quán piān 1866 zhèng hǎo sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng shēng nián 1866 nián 'àn kān chēng juéwén zhāng dào shì bàng piān duǎn xiǎoér sūn zhōng shān shēng píng shì què lòuér qiě wén zhōng jiā duōyòu duō jīng diǎn xìng de jiā wén zhāng kāi tóu xiān zhuī běn yuánjiè shào sūn zhōng shān mìng suǒ chù guó de shǐ rén wén bèi jǐngzuò zhě xiě dào:“ jiē tiān zhī jiān yòu běnbǎi chuān huì hǎiliú yòu yuánhuá xià xīng yán huáng dǐng shèng kǒng mèng wéi bāng guó wàn dài zhī tǒng zài xià shāngtānɡ mìngsuǒ qióng zhòu tōng biàn zhī shùn zào huà xīn zhī wéi mìng zhī suǒ zōng 。” xiě shàng xià tiān qián hòu jīnshǐ rén dùn shí rán jìng xíng zhōng hōng tuō gāo liǎo sūn zhōng shān mìng de shǐ wèi zài jiǎng liè qiáng guā fēn de wēi xiǎn shízuò zhě xiě dào:“ wàn wàn tóng bāo zāo jié rén huán qiān nián liè tóng tiān shàng”; zài jiǎng sūn zhōng shān shì shì shízuò zhě xiě dào:“ xiān shēng zhī shǐ guó jiā dùn shī liángshǐ mìng dùn shī zhǐ dǎowàn xìng shī cóng piāo yáocǎo xié bēi fēng 'āiháotiān gòng 'ér xià guó shāng tòngshān shī hǎi nèi wài tiān zhī xiàfán huá rén yǎn lèi 'ér zhě 。” yùnkān chēng shén lái zhī shǐ zhě dùn shēngwén zhāng běn tiān chéngmiào shǒu 'ǒu zhīde xiá xiǎng gǎn kǎi
  2 zhōng shān niàn táng jiǎn jiè
   guǎng zhōu zhōng shān niàn táng shì quán guó guǎng dōng shěng zhòng diǎn wén bǎo dān wèishì guǎng zhōu rén mín hǎi wài huá qiáo wèile niàn wěi de mìng xiān xíng zhě sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng 'ér chóu xīng jiàn de niàn xìng jiàn zhù yóu guó zhù míng jiàn zhù shī yàn zhí xiān shēng shè , 1929 nián dòng gōng, 1931 nián wán chéng
   zhè zuò táng huáng de jiǎo xíng jiàn zhùwài xíng zhuāng yán hóng wěi yòu nóng hòu de mín gāng jià gāng jīn hùn níng hùn jié gòukuà 71 de jiàn zhù kōng jiān nèi shè zhù shì huī hóng niàn táng tíng yuán yòng miàn wéi 62000 píng fāng zhù jiàn zhù miàn 6600 píng fāng gāo 52 tái kǒu kuān 15 shēn 20 zuò wèi 3238 guǎng zhōu zhōng shān niàn táng shì guǎng zhōu zuì biāo xìng de jiàn zhù zhī xíng huì yǎn chū de zhòng yào chǎng suǒ jiàn zhèng liǎo guǎng zhōu de duō shǐ shì: 1936 niánguǎng zhōu shì jiè rén shì zài xíng jìn yān yóu xíng; 1945 nián 9 yuèzhù guǎng zhōu de běn qīn lüè jūn zài zhè qiān tóu jiàng jiě fàng hòuměi nián zhǒng niàn sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng de huó dòngshěng shì de zhòng yào huì wén yǎn chū dōuzài zhè xíng。 1949 nián qián niàn táng yīn nián jiǔ shī xiū yán zhòng sǔn huàijiě fàng hòurén mín zhèng cóng shí nián dài chū kāi shǐ zhì 1988 nián céng chū zhuān kuǎn duì xiàng shè shī jìn xíng xiū wán shàn。 1998 nián zài kuǎn 6000 wàn yuánduì niàn táng jìn xíng quán miàn de zōng xìng wéi xiūtáng qián zhōng shān xiàng gǎi yòng tóng cái zhù zàoduì guǎng chǎnghuán jìng zuò liǎo jìn de měi huàcóng 80 nián dài chū xiàng yóu rén kāi fàng lái gèng shì chéng liǎo guǎng zhōu zhù yào de yóu lǎn shèng chéng wéi zhōng wài rén shì 'ài de cān guān yóu lǎn shèng
  3 shàng hǎi sòng qìng líng
   sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng rén sòng qìng líng shì
   sūn zhōng shān rén sòng qìng líng cháng shēng huó de fāng hècóng shì guó huó dòng de zhòng yào chǎng suǒzhù lóu jiàn shàng shì 'èr shí nián dài chū , 1948 nián guó mín zhèng jiāng zhái yuàn guī sòng qìng líng zhù。 1949 nián sòng qìng líng zài zhè xīn rán jiē shòu zhōng guó gòng chǎn dǎng de yāo qǐngběi shàng chū zhōng guó rén mín zhèng zhì xié shāng huì cānyù zhì dìng jiàn guó de zhèng fāng zhēnbìng dāng xuǎn wéi zhōng yāng rén mín zhèng zhù céng zài zhè jìn xíng zhǒng guó huó dòngjīng cháng huì yàn qǐng lái fǎng de guó guì bīn jìn zhōng wài jiāo wǎngwéi guó zhèng suǒ chuàng jiàn de xīn zhōng guó yòu wén huà shì duì wài xuān chuán kān shì zài zhè yùn niàngchóuhuà de。 1981 nián sòng qìng líng zài běi jīng shì hòuzhè zuò wéi zài shàng hǎi de duì wài kāi fànggōng hòu rén zhān yǎng。 2001 nián jīng guó yuàn zhǔn liè wéi quán guó zhòng diǎn wén bǎo dān wèi
  4 sūn zhōng shān xíng guǎn
   zhāng zhōng 23 hàojiù shí de mén pái fēn néng shì tiě shī tóng 5 hàohòu céng gǎi wéi 'ān mén dōng jiē 23 hào sūn zhōng shān xíng guǎn yuán wéi shí rèn wài jiāo zǒng cháng wéi jūn de zhù zhái。 1924 nián sūn zhōng shān yìng féng xiáng zhī yāo bìng jìn jīnggòng shāng guó shìduàn ruì zhí zhèng jiāng wéi jūn zài tiě shī tóng de zhù zhái zuò wéi sūn zhōng shān zài běi jīng de xíng guǎnshú liàozhōng shān xiān shēng zài xíng guǎn zhōng zhù liǎo yuè biàn shǒu rén huán sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng shì shì hòuzhìsāng wěi yuán huì jué dìng zài tiě shī tóng sūn zhōng shān shì mén kǒu xuán guà sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng shì shì niàn shìbiǎngāi shì wéi nèi wài tào jiānshì nèi chén shè jiǎn wài jiān qiáng shàng xiāng zhe cháng fāng xíng hàn bái shíshàng zhōng huá mín guó shí nián sān yuè shí 'èr shàng jiǔ shí 'èr shí fēn sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng zài shòu zhōng”, shí shàng fāng xuán guà sūn zhōng shān xiàng xiàng yòu biān jìng kuàng wéizǒng zhǔ》, zuǒ biān jìng kuàng wéizhì lián shū》, kào qiáng de tiáo 'àn shàng fàng zhejiàn guó fāng lüè》、《 zhōng shān quán shūděng sūn zhōng shān xíng guǎn 1984 nián 5 yuè 24 bèi gōng wéi běi jīng shì wén bǎo dān wèihòu shēng wéi quán guó zhòng diǎn wén bǎo dān wèi
  5 guó niàn guǎn
   wèi tái běi shì wén shì jiēhuán qiú jiǔ diàn shì yīzhuàng huí jiào cǎi de jiàn zhù sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng 1918 nián chū xīng jiàn suǒzuò wéi jiā rén de zhù suǒ hòu zài jiā xiū jiànzhì 1932 niánguó zhī zhé shēng fèng yǎng qīn zhēn shì zhī hòu zhēn shì xiān shì cái 1958 nián míng wéiguó niàn guǎn”。
   zhōng shān xiān shēng shū zèng sòng qìng líng de
   guó niàn guǎn bǎo chí yuán màoguǎn nèi chén shè jūn wéi sūn xiān shēng zài guǎng zhōu rèn yuán shuài shí suǒ yòng de wén jiā zài 'ào mén xíng shí suǒ yòng de pǐn
   guǎn shì sūn xiān shēng shēng qián huān zuò de huā yuánxiàn chù zhe zūn guó de quán shēn tóng xiàng tiān xià wéi gōng gōng yóu rén zhān yǎng
   zhōng gòng de [20024] hào wén jiàn, 2002 nián 11 yuè xiū dìng deguān zhèng què shǐ yòng shè tái xuān chuán yòng de jiànzhōngguī dìngduì tái běiguó guó niàn guǎn zhí jiē chēng wèi chēng tái běi zhōng shān niàn guǎn。” lìng wài tái wān de jiào zài 2007 nián jiàn xiū gǎi shìdàng yòng guó sūn zhōng shānyīnggāi wéi sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng”。 yòu xiē rén rèn wéi shì tái wān mín jìn dǎng zhèng jìn xíng zhōng guó huà
  6 běi jīng zhōng shān gōng yuán
   běi jīng zhōng shān gōng yuán wèi běi jīng shì tiān 'ān mén miàn 22 gōng qǐngyuán wéi liáojīn shí de xīng guó yuán dài gǎi míng wàn shòu xīng guó míng chéng zhū xīng jiàn běi jīng gōng diàn shíàn zhàozuǒ yòu shède zhì gǎi jiàn wéi shè tánzhè shì míngqīng huáng shén shén de fāng
  1913 nián mín guó zhèng jiē guǎn liǎo shè tánkāi shǐ juān kuǎnzhǔn bèi jiāng wéi gōng yuán。 1914 nián 10 yuè 10 shè tán duì tōng mín zhòng kāi fàngchēng zhōng yāng gōng yuánshì běi jīng zuì zǎo chéng wéi gōng yuán de huáng jiā yuán lín zhī gōng yuán kāi fàng qiánduǎn shí jiān nèi jìn xíng liǎo miàn de zhěng xiūkāipì liǎo miàn duì cháng 'ān jiē de zhèng ménzáo kāi liǎo dōng tán mén de wéi qiángxiū chéng liǎo yuè liàng mén de yàng shì。 1915 nián hòuyòu zài yuán zhōng tiān jiàn liǎo tángdié shí jiàn zhùshè tán de mén bèi gǎi wéi diàn táng。 1925 nián sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng de líng jiù céng tíng fàng zài yuán nèi de bài diàn。 1928 nián gǎi zhōng yāng gōng yuán wéi zhōng shān gōng yuánzài wéi zhōng yāng gōng yuán hòuchú bǎo liú shè tán wàixiān hòu yíng zào liǎo sōng bǎi jiāo cuì tíng yán tínghuì fāng yuán děng jǐng guānhái tínglán tíng zhù tíngbǎo wèi píng fāng běi míng chà de sòng dài shí shī yuán zhōngyuán zhōng hái 'ān fàng liǎo duō kuài qīng dài gōng yuàn zhōng de míng shí。 1937 nián běn zhàn lǐng běi píng hòugǎi wéi běi píng gōng yuán, 10 yuè hòu yòu gǎi chéng zhōng yāng gōng yuán, 1945 nián kàng zhàn shèng hòu huī zhōng shān gōng yuán de míng chēngyán yòng zhì jīn。 1988 nián zhōng shān gōng yuán bèi zhōng guó guó yuàn dìng wéi quán guó zhòng diǎn wén bǎo dān wèixiàn zài zhèng zài zhǔn bèi shēn qǐng shì jiè wén huà chǎn
   gōng yuán de zhù jiàn zhù wéi shè tánwèi zhóu xiàn zhōng xīntán chéng zhèng fāng xíngwéi hàn bái chéng de sān céng píng táitán shàng zhe yóu quán guó jìn gòng lái de tán zhī běi debài diànyòu míng xiǎng diàn huò diànshì zuò hóng de gòu jiàn zhùmiàn kuò 5 jiānjìn shēn 3 jiānhuáng liú dān yán diàn dǐngbái shí tái tiān huā bǎnmíng zhe liáng jià dǒu gǒnghuì cǎi huà。 1925 nián céng zài diàn tíng fàng sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng líng jiùjiē shòu jiè rén shì zhān yǎng diào yàn。 1928 nián gǎi míng zhōng shān táng
  7 guǎng dōng cuì hēng sūn zhōng shān niàn guǎn
   zuò luò guǎng dōng shěng zhōng shān shì cuì hēng cūnzài zhōng shān shì dōng nán fāng 17.6 gōng chùguǎng zhū gōng zhùgàn dào bàngběi guǎng zhōu yuē 100 gōng nán 'ào mén yuē 30 gōng zhū jiāng kǒu shuǐ shēn zhènxiāng gǎng xiāng wàng zhū hǎi shì línyōu yuè de wèi zhì yōu měi de rán huán jìng shǐ sūn zhōng shān niàn guǎn zhì shēn lín cōng lóngniǎo huā xiāng zhī zhōng
   niàn guǎn 1956 nián chéng ,1986 nián bèi guó yuàn liè wéi quán guó zhòng diǎn wén bǎo dān wèi, 2000 nián quán guó shǒu AAAA yóu jǐng diǎnquán guó 'ài guó zhù jiào shì fàn guǎn miàn yòu 12 wàn duō píng fāng xiàng guān zhòng kāi fàng de yuē yòu 7 wàn duō píng fāng kāi fàng de zhù yào jǐng diǎn yòu sūn zhōng shān sūn zhōng shān niàn guǎn sūn zhōng shān tīng tài píng tiān guó fǎn qīng shì de diāo sūn zhōng shān shì yàn zhà yào chù ruì jiē cháng gēng pái fāngcuì hēng mín zhǎn shì cuì hēng nóng zhǎn shì zhōng shān dǐngjǐng shì zhōng sūn zhōng shān zài zhè guò liǎo yòu de tóng niánhòu céng zài zhè xíng cǎo shàng hóng zhāng shū》、 cèhuà zhì jūn duìcān jiā guǎng zhōu zhuāng děng
sūn zhōng shān nián biǎo Chronology of Sun Yat-sen
  1866 nián 11 yuè 12 shēng guǎng dōng shěng xiāng shān xiànjīn zhōng shān shìcuì hēng cūn
   yòu míng xiàng míng wénhào xīn míng
   sūn chéng yáng shìxiōng sūn méi
  1877 nián xiōng sūn méi huí xiāng wán hūn, 9 yuèzài fǎn xià wēi chuàng
  1884 nián zhēn rén jié hūn
  1888 nián sūn chéng shì shì
  1891 nián chū shí chén cuì fēn rén
   sūn shēng cuì hēng cūn
  1894 niánzhǎng sūn yányuànchū shēng
  1896 nián sūn wǎnwǎnchū shēng
  1902 nián yuè xūn jié hūncún
  1906 nián gōng chuān měi chū shēng ( cún )
  1910 nián qīn yáng shì shì shì
  1912 nián chén cuì fēn rén kāi
  1913 niánzhǎng sūn yányuànbìng shì 'ào mén
  1914 nián chén cuì fēn shōu yǎng sūn róng
  1915 nián xiōng sūn méi shì shì
   zhēn rén xié hūn
   sòng qìng líng rén jié hūn
  1925 nián zhōng shān xiān shēng shì shì
  1952 nián zhēn rén shì shì
  1958 nián sūn róng bìng shì
  1960 nián chén cuì fēn rén shì shì
  1973 nián sūn shì shì
  1979 nián sūn wǎn shì shì
  1981 nián sòng qìng líng rén shì shì
  1883 nián hào dōng dǎo huǐ shén xiàng
  1884 niánshǐ yòu zhì mìng
   dòng jìng cháo tíng”, bèi shì wéi dào”, chén shǎo báiyóu lièyáng líng wéi kòu
  《 zhì zhèng zǎo shū
  1894 niánshàng hóng zhāng shū
   xīng zhōng huì chéng
  1895 nián xiāng gǎng móu shī bài hào dōng děng jiù
  1896 nián lún dūn méng nán
  1898 nián bài huì kāngliáng
  1899 nián liǎng dǎng zuò shī bài
  1900 nián huì zhōu shī bài
  1904 nián jiā zhì gōng huì
  1905 nián tóng méng huì chéng
  《 mín bàochuàng kān chū mín mín quánmín shēng de sān mín zhù
  1906 nián chū quán xiàn
  1907 nián cháo zhōu huáng gāng
   huì zhōu
   qīn zhōulián zhōufáng chéng
   zhèn nán guān
  1908 nián qīn zhōulián zhōu
   yún nán kǒu
  1910 nián guǎng zhōu xīn jūn
  1911 nián chāng
  1912 nián 1 yuè 1 zhōng huá mín guó lín shí zhèng zài nán jīng chéng sūn zhōng shān bèi tuī wéi lín shí zǒng tǒng
   biǎosūn zǒng tǒng duì wài xuān yán
   bān zhōng huá mín guó lín shí yuē
   lín shí zǒng tǒng zhí
   shòu rèn quán guó tiě bàn
  1913 nián sòng jiào rén bèi
   dòng 'èr mìng
  1914 nián chéng zhōng huá mìng dǎngrèn zǒng
  1915 nián biǎotǎo yuán shēng míng》, dòng guó yùn dòng
  1916 nián dòng yùn dòng
   fēi cháng huì xuǎn sūn zhōng shān wéi zhōng huá mín guó hǎi jūn yuán shuài
  1917 nián bèi yuán shuài zhí
   zhì diàn liè níng wéi 'āi zhèng
   liè níng hán sūn zhōng shānxiàngzhōng guó mìng de lǐng xiùzhì jìng,“ gòng tóng jìn xíng dǒu zhēng
  1918 niánjiàn guó fāng lüè xīn jiàn shè
   biǎo xuān yán
   gǎi zhōng huá mìng dǎng wéi zhōng guó guó mín dǎng
  1921 nián jiù rèn fēi cháng zǒng tǒngzài zài guǎng zhōu jiàn zhèng quán
  《 jiàn guó fāng lüè zhì jiàn shè
   huì jiàn zhāo
  1922 nián yuán shuài míng dòng yuán lìngmìng lìng jūn fēn chū shī běi
   chén jiǒng míng shī běi shī bài
   zhāo yóu jīng dào huì jiàn jiāo tánbìng jiè shào zhāo jiā guó mín dǎng
  1923 nián biǎozhōng guó guó mín dǎng xuān yán》, gōng zhōng guó guó mín dǎng dǎng gāng》,《 zhōng guó guó mín dǎng zǒng zhāng
   biǎosūn wén héng yuè fēi xuān yán》, mìng liào zhòng kǎi yuè fēi shāng tán zhōng lián jié
   zài jiàn yuán shuài jiù rèn hǎi jūn yuán shuài
   biǎozhōng guó guó mín dǎng gǎi xuān yán》、《 zhōng guó guó mín dǎng dǎng gāng cǎo 'àn
   biǎoguān yuè hǎi guān guān wèn xuān yán》, kàng měiyīng gān shè zhōng guó nèi zhèng
   zhāo guǎng zhōuxié zhù wán chéng guó mín dǎng gǎi zhào kāi quán guó dài biǎo huì de zhǔn bèi gōng zuò
  1924 nián zhōng guó guó mín dǎng zhào kāi quán guó dài biǎo huì
   chóu bàn huáng jūn xiào
   guó mín zhèng jiàn guó gāng
   tōng guòguó gòng zuò cǎo 'àn》、《 guó mín dǎng shì jiè mìng yùn dòng cǎo 'àn
   běi xuān yán》, xíng běi shì shī diǎn
   yìng féng xiáng zhī yāotóng běi shàng
   biǎoběi shàng xuān yán》, chóngshēn fǎn fǎn duì jūn fèi chú píng děng tiáo yuēzhào kāi guó mín huì
   biǎo jīng xuān yán
  1925 nián bìng wēikǒu shòu zhǔ、《 zhì lián shū
   zài zhǔ shūshàng qiān
   bìng shì yán píngfèn dǒujiù zhōng guó
sūn zhōng shān de shū shù Sun's Art of Calligraphy
   sūn zhōng shān bìng shū zhī míngdàn cóng de shū zuò pǐn zhōng kàn chū duì yán zhēn qīng dōng běi bēi fāng miàn de yán jiū shì zào de de shū zuò pǐn yòu zhe tóng xún cháng de yùn wèi héng héng jǐn jǐn yòu háo mài shì huī hóng de bǎng shū zuò pǐn yòu qīng sōng diào qīng xīnyùn wèi mián cháng de xíng shū zuò pǐncóng gòu kànyán de kuān hòu zhòng réng jiàndàn zuò wéi zhǒng fēng zhuǎn huàn zài zuò pǐn zhōng bèishén huà”, róng huà chéng zhǒng jīng shén huò zhě shuō shì jìng jièér wèi bēi de xióng qiáng zài zuò pǐn zhōng bèi dàn huàqián huà zhōng cóng xíng shū zuò pǐn de zhěng fēng cóng zuò pǐn de fēng kàn fēng liúqīng xīn rángèng tòu chū liǎowén huà shàng de shěn měi yùnzhè shì zhōng guó jìn xiàn dài zhī shí fènzǐ shū shù de gòng tōng zhī chù zhōu 'ēn láicài yuán péiliáng chāoguō ruòwáng guó wéi xùn děng míng jiā de zuò pǐndōuzài wén huàcéng miàn shàngchuán zhe tóng de shū shù fēng cǎi rén shēng guān
sūn zhōng shān shēng píng Sun Life
  ( ) zǎo nián shēng mìng xiǎng yuán
  19 suì shí de sūn zhōng shān sūn zhōng shān zài qīng tóng zhì nián shí yuè chū liù yín shí( 1866 nián 11 yuè 12 chū shēng zhōng guó guǎng dōng shěng xiāng shān xiànjīn zhōng shān shìcuì hēng cūn nóng mín zhī jiāwèijiā zhōng sān suì shí shú jiē shòu chuán tǒng jiào 。 1879 niánshí suì de sūn zhōng shān shòu cháng xiōng sūn méi jiē suí chéng lún chuán xià wēi shǐ jiàncāng hǎi zhī kuòlún zhōu zhī ”。 sūn zài dāng yīng guó guó jiào huì kāi bàn de yòng yīng shòu de xiǎo xué 'ào lán shū yuàn”( IolaniSchool) xiū yīng yīng guó shǐshù xuéhuà xué shèng jīng děng 。 1881 nián huò xià wēi wáng qīn bān yīng wén wén yōu shèng jiǎngzhī hòu jìn dāng zuì gāo xué měi guó jiào huì xué xiàoào 'ā xué yuàn”( OahuCollege)( xiāng dāng zhōng xué chéng xué 。 1883 nián yóu sūn zhōng shān yòu xìn fèng jiào de xiàngbèi xiōng cháng sòng huí jiā xiāngtóng nián dōng tiān dào xiāng gǎng hào dōng tóng gōng huì shòu jiàobìng jiù cuì shū jīn zhī cuì nán shū yuàn )。 nián jìn zhōng yāng shū yuànjīn zhī huáng rén shū yuàn)。 1887 nián jìn xiāng gǎng shū yuànxiāng gǎng xué de qián shēn), 1892 nián 7 yuè shǒu jiè shēng zhōng 'èr de chéng bìng huò dāng shí zhī xiāng gǎng zǒng wēi lián · luó biàn chén qīn bān jiǎngzhī hòu zài 'ào ménguǎng zhōu děng xíng zài guǎng zhōu xíng jiāncháng cháng yóu lièchén shǎo báiyáng líng hào dōng děng rén chàng tán píng guó shì cháng tán mìng guǎng zhōu rén jiāng rén míng wéi kòu”, shèn zhì zài wén bàng biān jiā shàng shuǐ bàngchéng wéimén”。
   sūn zhōng shān   sūn zhōng shān zuì chū wèi yán mìngcháng 1894 niánshàng hóng zhāng wàn yán shūzhōng chū duō xiàng gǎi jiàn wéi hóng zhāng duàn shī wàng zhī sūn zhōng shān 11 yuè 24 tán xiāng shān mào dǎo kuǎn zhì xīng zhōng huì chū liǎo zhú huī zhōng huáchuàng zhòng zhèng de kǒu hàojìhuà pái mǎn xiǎng wéi mìng shì 。 1895 nián sūn zhōng shān dào xiāng gǎnghuì jiàn jiù yǒu hào dōngzhèng shì liángchén shǎo báiyáng líng děng rénzhǔn bèi chóuhuà shēng píng mìng zhì xīng zhōng huìzhèn xīng zhōng huáwéi biāotóng nián 2 yuè 12 sūn zhōng shān zài zhōng huán shì dān dùn jiē 13 hào zhèng shì chéng liǎoxiāng gǎng xīng zhōng huì zǒng huì”。 shíyáng yúnxiè zuǎn tài děng rén xiān kāi tōng mín zhìgǎi zào zhōng guówéi zōng zhǐ chuàng rén wén shè”。 sūn zhōng shān zhì xiāng jìnsuì rén wén shè jiē qià yún děng xīn rán tóng quán shè bìng xīng zhōng huì shì lìn zǒng huì suǒ chùtuō míngqián hēng xíng”。 2 yuè 20 sūn zhōng shān zài xiāng gǎng xué zuò gōng kāi yǎn jiǎngbìng dào de mìng xiǎng yuán xiāng gǎng
  ( èr ) mìng jiān
  1895 nián 2 yuè 21 zhēngyuè 'èr shí ), xīng zhōng huì zǒng huì zài xiāng gǎng chéng yùhuì zhě jiē chú huī zhōng huájiàn mín guópíng jūn quánwéi shìxīng zhōng huì xuǎn chū yáng yún wéi huì bàndāng shí chēng wéi tiān President), sūn wéi shū。 3 yuè 16 èr yuè 'èr shí shǒu gànbù huì jué dìng xiān gōng guǎng zhōu wéi gēn bìng cǎi yòng hào dōng suǒ shè zhī qīng tiān bái wéi jūn fēn gōng zhǎn kāi zhǒng huó dòng sūn zhōng shān zhù chí qián fāng fānàn rèn yún zhù chí hòu fāng zhī yuán gōng zuò
   sūn zhōng shān jìn guǎng zhōuchuàng nóng xué huì wéi guānbìng guǎng zhēng tóng zhìdìng chóngyáng jié( 10 yuè 26 wéi zhī shì yīn wéi shì xiān xiè zhè shī bài zuò shōu hào dōng wéi shǒu de duō shù chéng yuán bèi chǔxíng sūn zhōng shān bèi qīng tíng tōng zāo xiāng gǎng dāng zhú chū jìngliú wáng hǎi wàisūn 11 yuè wǎng běnbìng shí jiǎn diào biàn gǎi chuān 。 1896 nián chū 'ér xià wēi zài zhuǎn wǎng měi guó wàng zài měi huá qiáo zhōng zhǎn xīng zhōng huì chóu kuǎn
   tóng nián qiū tiān sūn zhōng shān zhuǎn wǎng yīng guó lún dūnzài dāng bèi qīng tíng zhōng guó shǐ guǎnchéng wéi guó shì jiànshì jiàn hòu lái bèi chēng wéilún dūn méng nán ”( KidnappedinLondon), sūn bìng bèi yāo chū shū miáo shù zāo yīn shì 'ér míng shēng zào。 1897 niánsūn jīng jiā zhuǎn wǎng běnxiān jié shí gōng yín cángpíng shān zhōuèr rén hòu lái chéng wéi sūn zhōng shān de cháng zhī chí zhětòu guò gōng píng shānsūn zài jié shí běn jūn zhèngbāng huì zhōng rénbāo kuò quǎn yǎng wēi zhòng xìnshān tián liáng zhèng děng rénbìng jiē chù liáng chāo děng bǎo huáng pài。 1900 nián gēng guó biàn yǐn lái guó lián jūn sūn zhōng shān jiè lián shí rèn liǎng guǎng zǒng de hóng zhāng wàng néng chóuhuà nán fāng zhū shěng chéng lèi měi guó de zhòng guó zhèng dāyìng huì jiàndàn zài běn yǒu rén xié zhù xià què jué guò shì qīng tíng xiàn jǐngér hòu běi jīng xié diào tiáo yuē zhī shì huì miàn 'ér zhōngtóng nián 9 yuè sūn zhōng shān běn yǒu rén yuán xīng zhōng huì gǔgàn rén xiān xiāng gǎngbèi jìn jìng hòu zhuǎn wǎng tái wān dāng běn guān yuán dāyǔn zhī chí zài guǎng dōng dòng chēng huì zhōu sān zhōu tián )。 hòu yīn běn guān yuán lín shí gǎi biàn tài 'ér shī bàisūn fǎn huí běn
  1903 nián xià zài běn qīng shān kāi bàn mìng jūn shì xué xiào gǎi mìng shì wéi chú huī zhōng huáchuàng mín guópíng jūn quán”。 tóng nián 9 yuè sūn zhōng shān zài tán xiāng shān wàng zài zài huá qiáo zhōng zhǎn mìng。 1904 nián chū sūn zhōng shān zài tán xiāng shān jiā hóng ménchéng wéi zhì gōng táng hóng gùntóng nián měi guó bèi měi guó mín kòu liú zài jiù jīn shānhòu jiù jīn shān zhì gōng táng bǎo shì dài pìn shī fāng cái miǎn bèi qiǎn sòng huí zhōng guó sūn zhōng shān zhī hòu dào dōng 'àn xún qiú huá qiáo zhī chí mìngbìng niǔ yuē shǒu biǎo duì wài xuān yán wàng wài guó rén shì duì mìng de zhī chí hǎo gǎndàn bìng wèi shèn chéng guǒnián shōu dào zhōng guó 'ōu xué shēng zhùzhuǎn wǎng 'ōu zhōu huó dòngzài lún dūn sài 'ěr děng zhōng guó liú xué shēng zhōng huó dòng xuān chuán mìngbìng cóng liú xué shēng zhōng chóu kuǎn xiàng 1905 nián zhōng zài yuǎn dōng, 7 yuè běn héng bīnzài gōng yín cáng jiè shào xià huáng xīng jiàn miànbìng kāi shǐ chóuhuà lián mìng zhì
  1905 nián 8 yuèzài běn rén nèi tián liáng píng de qiān xiàn xiàjié sūn zhōng shān de xīng zhōng huìhuáng xīng sòng jiào rén děng rén de huá xīng huìcài yuán péi jìng héng děng rén de 'ài guó xué shèzhāng de qīng nián huì děng zhìzhōng guó tóng méng huì zài běn dōng jīng chéng sūn zhōng shān bèi tuī wéi tóng méng huì zǒng què dìng liǎo chú huī zhōng huájiàn mín guópíng jūn quánde mìng zhèng gāngbìng huá xīng huì guān kān èr shí shì zhī zhī gǎi chéng wéimín bào》, zài kān shǒu chūsān mín zhù xué shuō liáng chāokāng yòu wéi děng gǎi liáng pài liè lùn zhàn biān dìngtóng méng huì mìng fāng lüè”, zhèng shì xuān shì suǒ jìn xíng zhě wèiguó mín mìngjiāng chuàng zhě wéi zhōng huá mín guóbìng suǒ shì zhī gāngdìngjūn zhī zhìyuē zhī zhìxiàn zhī zhìsān chéng chéng zhī
  1907 nián běn zhèng shòu qīng tíng wàn qiān yuán qǐng sūn zhōng shān kāi běn sūn zhōng shān shōu kuǎn hòu 3 yuè kāi běnyóu shì wèi jīng tóng méng huì nèi shāng shì yǐn huì nèi fēn liè sūn zhōng shān nán yáng hòuzài hàn mínwāng jīng wèi děng zhī chí xiàzài nán yáng lìng chéng tóng méng huì zǒng 。 1907 nián 5 yuè mìng chǒu cháo zhōu huáng gāng liù 'ér bàishì sān 。 1907 nián 6 yuè sūn zhōng shān mìng dèng huì zhōu zài jīn huì zhōu shì zhèn), shí 'ér bàishì 。 7 yuè 6 lín 'ān qìngshī bài xùnnàntóng nián 7 yuèsūn jīng yuè nán guǎng zhù chí zhèn nán guān zài gào shī bài sūn zhōng shān bèi guó dāng jué jìng zhí zhì xīn hài mìng chéng gōng hòu cái zài zhōng guó guó 。 1908 nián 3 yuè 27 huáng xīng yóu 'ān nán shuài mìng jūn jìn gōng qīn zhōushì 。 4 yuèhuáng míng táng yún nán kǒushì 。 1910 nián 2 yuè yìng diǎn dòng xīn jūn guǎng zhōushì jiǔ 。 1909 nián zhì 1911 nián jiān sūn zhōng shān fèn shí jiān zài zhī shàngcéng huán yóu qiú duō zài guó huá qiáoliú xué shēng zhōng chóuhuà mìng jīng fèi wài guó zhèng zhī chírán 'ér suǒ wèiyòu xiàn
   lìng fāng miàntóng méng huì zhōu biān zhì kuài kuò zhāng guī bìng 1910 nián yuè chéng tóng méng huì měi zhōu zǒng huì wàng néng shōu gèng duō hǎi wài huá qiáo cānyù mìng wài yòu xiān hòu dòng bāo kuò 1911 nián 4 yuè 27 nóng sān yuè 'èr shí jiǔ huáng xīng lǐng dǎo de huáng huā gǎng zài nèi de duō zhí zhì 1911 nián 10 yuè 10 nóng yuè shí jiǔ de chāng zài wēinàn zhōng fèn chéng gōng hàn dāng guāng shěng tóng zhìxián xiǎng yìng tǒng 1894 nián dào 1911 nián zhī jiān dòng de mìng shì jiàn yòu 29 zhī duōzhì 1911 nián de chāng shì gòng jìn huì běi xīn jūn mìng tuán wén xué shè gòng tóng cèhuà deshèn zhì zhǐ shì 'ǒu rán de qiāng zǒu huǒ shì jiàndāng shí sūn zhōng shān rén zài měi guó luó duō zhōu de diǎn huá chéngjīn dān ), fèng huáng zhōu kānshuō dāng shí de sūn zhōng shān hái zài gōngyīn bìng zhī qíngsuǒ sūn zhōng shān shuō:“ chāng zhī gōngnǎi chéng wài”。
  ( sān ) lín shí zǒng tǒng
   sūn zhōng shān jiù rèn lín shí zǒng tǒng shòu dào qīng cháo zhèng quán zhuī de yǐng xiǎng 1907 nián sūn zhōng shān biàn cháng liú 'ōu měi guó chāng shí sūn zhōng shān rén zài měi guó dān 'ér zài zhōng guóchū wén mìng chéng gōng shí sūn zhōng shān hái yòu xiē dàn suí zài hǎi wài huá rén měi guó de tóng qíng zhě jiān chóu jīn。 12 yuè 20 sūn zhōng shān gǎn shàng hǎibìng 28 bèi tuī xuǎn wéi zhōng huá mín guó lín shí zǒng tǒng 1912 nián 1 yuè 1 xīn hài shí yuè shí sān zài nán jīng xuān shì jiù rènbìng xún mìng jūn yuán shì kǎi de xié shēndiān mǎn zhōu zhuān zhì zhèng gǒng zhōng huá mín guó móu mín shēng xìng …… zhì zhuān zhì zhèng dǎomín guó zhuó shì jiè dāng jiě lín shí zǒng tǒng zhī zhí”。 yuè chéng lín shí cān yuànmín guó yuán nián 2 yuè 12 qīng tuì wèi zhào shū》, sūn zhōng shān 13 xiàng cān yuàn qǐng bìng jiàn yuán shì kǎi dài hòu xīn xié zhù yuán shì mín zhù chéng xuǎn rènjiù zhí zhí nèi yóu zhòng xiàng guó mín xuān shì shìyǐn dǎo yuán shì mín zhù chéng jiē。 4 yuè 1 qīn cān yuàn xuān zhèng shì jiě chú lín shí zǒng tǒng zhí
   dāng shí sūn zhōng shān lǐng dǎo de lín shí zhèng shí yòu xiànsuī rán fēn de shěng fèn tuō qīng zhèng de kòng zhì zhù yào de jūn shì píng jiè què shì de tuán liàn xīn jūnhuò shì hùn fēn huá qiáo hóng mén xià lǎo huì de chéng yuán lùn zài zhuāng bèi shì bīng zhì shàngjiē qīng cháo zhù běi yáng jūn kàng héng wài yóu sūn bìng wèi shí tóu mìng zhàn shì shěng de mìng shì fēn fēn tuī chū de lǐng dǎoshǐ mìng shì chéng xiàn duō tóu chē de qíng xíng mìng jūn bèi běi yáng jūn jiē lián bài hòu sūn zhōng shān jué dìng běi yáng jūn de tǒng shuài yuán shì kǎi tán wàng tōng guò jǐyǔ yuán lín shí zǒng tǒng de zhí wèiràng yuán chéng wéi qīng cháo kuǎ tái de zuì hòu guān jiànzuì hòu sūn yuán chéng xié sūn zhōng shān de lín shí zǒng tǒng yóu yuán jiē rènyuán shí xíng dòng shǐ qīng cháo huáng tuì wèi
  ( ) èr sān mìng
  1912 nián 8 yuè 24 sūn zhōng shān yìng yuán shì kǎi zhī yāo dào běi jīng huì jiànxiàng yuán biǎo shìtuì chū zhèng jièjiàn shè zhōng guó tiě dào。 1912 nián 8 yuèjīng sòng jiào rén cóng zhōng xuántóng méng huì tǒng gòng dǎngguó mín gòng jìn huìguó mín gōng dǎng bìnggǎi wèiguó mín dǎng。 25 sūn zhōng shān zài běi jīng xíng de guó mín dǎng chéng huì zhōng bèi xuǎn wéi shì chángdàn sūn zhōng shān jué yuàn zhèng jièwéi yuàn zuò yóu guó mín。”, wěi sòng jiào rén wéi dài shì cháng sūn zhōng shān chū rèn zhōng guó tiě zǒng gōng zǒng shè zǒng shàng hǎi。 1913 nián 3 yuèsòng jiào rén bèi 'àn shāyuán shì kǎi xián wéi yuán xiōng sūn zhōng shān zhù nán fāng shěng bīng fǎn yuánchēng wéi 'èr mìngyóu shí èr mìng xuán shī bài sūn zhōng shān bèi tōng zài běn xún qiú yuán zhù。 1914 nián sūn zhōng shān zài běn jiàn zhōng huá mìng dǎngbìng liǎng biǎo tǎo yuán xuān yánzhōng huá mìng dǎng yào qiú dǎng yuán xiàng sūn zhōng shān rén jué duì xiào zhōngyào 'àn shǒu xuān shìbìng qiě jiāng guó mín 'àn dǎng shí jiān fēn chéng děng xiǎng yòu tóng dài fèn tóng shí liú wáng běn de guó mín dǎng yuán duì fǎn duìyuán tóng méng huì zhōng zhòng yào rén huáng xīng liè jūnbǎi wén wèitán rén fèng děng wèi yòu jiā 。 1915 nián 10 yuè 25 sūn zhōng shān sòng qìng líng zài běn jié hūn
   yuán shì kǎi chēng shī bài hòu sūn zhōng shān zhòng huí zhōng guó。 1917 niánduàn ruì zài zhāng xūn hòuzài zào gòng ”, fèi zhǐ liǎo 1913 nián xuǎn chū de guó huìshēn zài shàng hǎi de sūn zhōng shān zhǎn kāi yùn dòng chēng sān mìng), hào zhào guó huì yuán dào guǎng zhōuzhào kāi guó huì fēi cháng huì zhì zhèng bìng jiù zhí wéi yuán shuàishì shī běi dàn guǎng zhōu zhèng zhú jiàn yóu guìdiān jūn rén kòng zhì sūn zhōng shān shí yòu xiànshèn zhì chū xiànzhèng lìng chū shì mǐn chǎng yuán shuài )” de qíng kuàng sūn zhōng shān céng cháng shì dòng bīng biàn 'ér wèi guǒ。 1918 nián guìdiān kòng zhì guó huì gǎi zhèng zǒng cái dài yuán shuài sūn zhōng shān bèi jià kōngbèi zhí。 1919 nián 10 yuègǎi zhōng huá mìng dǎng wéi zhōng guó guó mín dǎng。 1920 niánchén jiǒng míng chéng gōng tuì pán guǎng zhōu dài de guìdiān qǐng sūn zhōng shān zhòng huí guǎng zhōu niánguǎng zhōu fēi cháng guó huì xiāo jūn zhèng xuǎn sūn zhōng shān wéi zǒng tǒng guàn shàng chēng wéi fēi cháng zǒng tǒng ), kāi shǐ 'èr yùn dòng sūn zhōng shān jiù zhí hòu zhù jūn shì běi zuì zhōng zhù zhāng zàn huǎn jūn shìlián shěng zhì de chén jiǒng míng chǎn shēng liè chōng 1922 nián 6 yuè bào pào zǒng tǒng shì jiàn sūn zhōng shān yuè tuì shàng hǎi
  1921 nián hòu sūn zhōng shān zài xuān jiǎng jiě shì sān mín zhù shí yòu rén yòng shì jiè zhù fǎn duì chàng mín zhù guān shìhòu lái de yán jiū zhě cóng fǎn duì guó zhù de jiǎo jiě shì yǎn jiǎng de nèi róngzhǐ chū fǎn duì shì jiè zhù shì sūn zhōng shān zài hòu huó dòng zhōng wèile xuān chuán mín zhù 'ér jìn xíng de xiǎng pàn zhī 。( zhùzhāng lěi:《 lùn sūn zhōng shān de mín zhù 》,《 sūn zhōng shān cuò fèn de wěi xiān xíng zhě》, guǎng dōng rén mín chū bǎn shè 1996 nián bǎn 102 yuán zàiběi jīng xué xué bào》 1957 nián 4 。) guò sūn zhōng shān dāng shí huí yìng de zhí jiē duì xiàngbìng shì guó zhù shì fàn zhǐ bān de shì jiè zhù jìn nián wáng 'ěr mǐn xiān shēng dezhōng shān xiān shēng mín zhù zhèng jiě》, zhào sūn zhōng shān de yǎn jiǎng zhǐ shuō shì jǐng jiè guó rén zuì xīn xīn wén huà yùn dòngzhùwáng 'ěr mǐn:《 zhōng shān xiān shēng mín zhù zhèng jiě》, tái běizhōng shān xué shù wén huà jīn huì 1999 nián bǎn 186 guān sūn zhōng shān huí yìng shì jiè zhù de suǒ zhǐhǎi nèi wài xué rén jiào shǎo zhí jiē lùn
  ( ) lián 'é róng gòng
   'èr hòu sūn zhōng shān kāi shǐ kǎo gòng chǎn dǎng zuò de néng。 1923 nián 1 yuè sūn zhōng shān lián zhèng quán quán dài biǎo yuè fēi zài shàng hǎi huì miànzhèng shì tǎo lùn gòng chǎn dǎng zuòsūnyuè huì miàn céng hòu biǎosūn wén · yuè fēi lián xuān yán》。
  1923 nián 1 yuè 16 chén jiǒng míng bèi yōng sūn zhōng shān de diān jūn yáng mǐn guì jūn liú zhèn huán dǎo yuè jūn lián chéng de tǎo zéi jūn bàituì shǒu dōng jiāng bèi zhú chū guǎng zhōu sūn zhōng shān zài 2 yuè 21 huí guǎng zhōu zài chēng zǒng tǒngér shì shè yuán shuài rèn yuán shuài。 12 yuè 29 sūn zhōng shān luò shí jiē shòu liè níng gòng chǎn guó de xié zhù chóngjiàn yuán shuài gòng chǎn guó pài chū bào luó tíng dào guǎng zhōu wéi sūn zhōng shān wèn gòng wéi shì zhòng zhōng guó guó mín dǎng。 1924 nián 1 yuè zài zhōng guó guó mín dǎng quán guó dài biǎo huì shàng xuān shí xíng lián 'é lián gòng zhèng zài lián yuán zhù xià 3 yuè jiàn huáng jūn xiàobìng jiǎng jiè shí wéi xiào cháng。 9 yuè 3 jiāng zhè zhàn zhēng bào 。 9 yuè 4 sūn zhōng shān zài guǎng zhōu jiàn běi tǎo zéi jūn tán yán kǎi wéi zǒng lìnglián yǒng xiángzhāng zuò línduàn ruì,“ gòng kàng zhí ”, zhǔn bèi jìn xíng běi 。 10 yuè 10 guǎng zhōu shēng shāng tuán shì biàn, 10 yuè 15 sūn zhōng shān shuài shī huí guǎng zhōu kuì guǎng zhōu shāng tuán zhuāng
   zhōng guó guó mín dǎng quán guó dài biǎo huì zài guǎng zhōu zhào kāi shí sūn zhōng shān jiē shòu zhōng guó gòng chǎn dǎng 'é gòng chǎn dǎng bāng zhùgǎi guó mín dǎngshí xínglián 'élián gòng zhù nóng gōngsān zhèng guó mín dǎng de chéng gōngbiāo zhì zhe guó gòng zuò zhèng shì xíng chéngzhè zuò shí xiàn hòu guǎng zhōu wéi zhōng xīnhuì quán guó de mìng liànghěn kuài kāi chuàng chū fǎn fǎn fēng jiàn de mìng xīn miàn
  ( liù ) mìng shàng wèi chéng gōng
  1924 nián 10 yuè 23 féng xiáng zài běi jīng dòng běi jīng zhèng biàn tuī dǎo zǒng tǒng cáo kūnyāo sūn zhōng shān běi shàng gòng xiāng guó shì shí jiàn kāng zhuǎn zhí xiàdàn wèile guó jiā de qián rán běi shàngbìng chūzhào kāi guó mín huì fèi chú píng děng tiáo yuēliǎng hào zhàotóng guó zhù běi yáng jūn zuò dǒu zhēng sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng 1924 nián 11 yuè kāi guǎng zhōurào dào běnkāi shǐ běi shàng zhī xíng。 12 yuè 4 dào tiān jīnshòu dào liǎng wàn qún zhòng huān yíngyóu diān běi yán hánxiān shēng jiù bìng biān jiē shòu zhì liáobiān jiē jiàn jīng jīn yào rénzhǔn bèi 22 jīng。 18 xiān shēng lín shí zhí zhèng xíng wén guó shǐ shǔyòu zūn zhòng lái tiáo yuē zhī ”, shī suǒ wàngsuì bìng qíng jiā duàn ruì yòu lái diàn xiāng cuīshuō:“ shí wèi dìngshù zhèng dài shāng jià wèi zhòng wàng”; xiān shēng diàn:“ zhǔn shí 'èr yuè sān shí jīng。” sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng 12 yuè 31 jīngshòu dào liǎng wàn duō qún zhòng huān yíngsuí hòu zhù běi jīng fàn diàn
   sūn zhōng shān 1925 nián 1 yuè jīng hòu kāi shǐ bìng , 1925 nián 1 yuè 26 xiān shēng bèi què zhěn wéi gān 'áizài xié yuàn jiē shòu shǒu shù。 2 yuè 18 xiān shēng zhì xíng guǎn jiē shòu zhōng zhì liáo; 3 yuè 11 xiān shēng zhī yóu rén wànzài sūn zhōng shān guó shì zhǔ》、《 sūn zhōng shān zhì lián shūshàng qiān zuì zhōng 1925 nián 3 yuè 12 yīn gān 'ái bìng shì běi jīng xié yuànxiǎng nián 58 suì sūn zhōng shān lín zhōng shí tóng wāng zhào míng suǒ dài dezǒng xùnzhì lián zhèng shū》。 xiāng gǎnghuá bào bào dào liǎo sūn zhōng shān de xùn:“ sūn wén 'ǒu zuò néng jìn shímài zhòu zēng zhì bǎi liù shí shí wēi xiǎn shēng zài zuǒ yòu kānhùzhōng dài tiān chóu wéi sūn cǎo zhǔwéi sūn shàng wèi qiān …… sūn wén bìng zhì shí wǎn biàn zhàng jiā zēng wéi zhī zhēn fàng shuǐjīn shàng jiǔ diǎn sān shí fēn zhōng shì shìdāng liú shídài tiān chóu dài cǎo zhǔsūn diàn yuè mín dǎng yào rén lái jīng。” 1920 nián sūn zhōng shān zài shàng hǎi
   tóng hàn mín chì lìng tíng zhǐ yàn huì:“ shí 'èr shí hàn mín jiē wāng jīng wèi lái diànwèi sūn zhōng shān shí 'èr shàng jiǔ shí shí fēn bìng zhōng jīng hàn mín fēn chì xiǎo guānyóu shí 'èr xià bàn tiānbìng lìng gōng 'ān fēn chì shì nèi jiǔ lóu tíng zhǐ yàn huìshì mín tíng zhǐ tiānzài zhí rén yuán tíng zhǐ yuè guān yòng lán yìn yuèbīng shì guān zhí tíng yuán chán hēi shā yuè。” 1925 nián 4 yuè 2 sūn zhōng shān ān cuò běi jīng shān yún nèi shí zhōngběi chéng gōng hòu 1929 nián 6 yuè 1 yǒng jiǔ qiān zàng nán jīng jīn shān zhōng shān líng
   liú zhī sūn zhōng shān dào guó shì de yán shì:“ píng…… fèn dǒu…… jiù zhōng guó!”
   sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng shì shì hòuzài běi jīng qiān míng diào yàn zhě 74 wàn duō réncān jiā sòng bìn zhě 30 wàn rénzhōng guó gòng chǎn dǎng chuàng shǐ rén zhī zhāo shì zhìsāng chù chéng yuán bìng jìng xiàn cháng wǎn lián:( shàng lián)“ guǎng dōng shì xiàn dài cháo huì zhù zhī míng jīn hàn zhǒng jié wài bāng tōng shìnǎi zhì tài píng jué lèi jiē yùn méng xīng xiāngxiān shēng tǐng shēng jiān zhù mìng zhōng liú hòu chéng xiān xīn táo jiùyáng mín jué jiāng zài zào qián kūn shí niándān xīn cuì shì huàn yóu zhī jīng shényào wéi rén jiān liú zhèng ”;( xià lián)“ zhōng huá wéi shì jiè liè qiáng jìng zhēng suǒ zàiyóu tài zhì běnzhèng zhì lüè jīng qīn língshèn zhì gòng guǎn yīn móuzhēng niú 'ěr jiā guó dǎng shì dīng huìsàng shī jiàn guó shān dǒuyún hǎi yān 'àn tiān chóuwèn rén rán zhòng zhěng zhào yòu zhòngwéi gōng nóng běn sān mín quánqún qún zūn shēng fèn dǒu zhū xùnchéng jué wèi yīng líng。”
  1925 nián 3 yuè 11 sūn zhōng shān liú zhī zài sān fèn zhǔ shàng qiān shǔjīn zhōng guó rén cháng dào de mìng shàng wèi chéng gōngtóng zhì réng ”, chū sūn zhōng shān liú gěi guó rén de zhèng zhì zhǔ dāng tuō xiāng níng yàoshàn shì sūn rénsòng qìng líng)”,“ rén chǎn 'ér qīng shì”, xiāng níng huí :“ xiān shēng qīn jìn xiān shēng 'èr shí duō niántóng shòu gān wàn xiān shēng men dāng jìn bǎo rén xiān shēng suī rán zhī shí néng dōuhěn ruòdàn shì zǒng suàn néng gòu qīn shòu zǒng sān mín zhù de jiào huì yòu fēn liàng dìng jìn xuān chuán。” sūn zhōng shān guò zài tuī chí wéi zhǔ qiān shí zài sòng qìng líng zhù xiàzài sān zhǔ wén jiàn shàng qiān míng
shū Suicide note
孙中山 遗书
  1 jiā shì shū
   “ guó jìn cuì guó shì zhì jiā chǎn suǒ zhī shū zhù zhái děng qiē jūn sòng qìng líng wéi niàn zhī 'ér zhǎngchéngnéng wàng 'ài zhì zhǔ!”
  2 zhèng zhì shū
  “ zhì guó mín mìngfán shí nián mùdì zài qiú zhōng guó zhī yóu píng děng shí nián zhī jīng yànshēn zhī dào mùdì huàn mín zhòng lián shì jiè shàng píng děng dài zhī mín gòng tóng fèn dǒuxiàn zài mìng shàng wèi chéng gōngfán tóng zhì zhào suǒ zhùjiàn guó fāng lüè》、《 jiàn guó gāng》、《 sān mín zhù quán guó dài biǎo huì xuān yán》, qiú guàn chèzuì jìn zhù zhāng zhào kāi guó mín huì fèi chú píng děng tiáo yuēyóu zuì duǎn jiān shí xiànshì suǒ zhì zhǔ!”
  3 zhì lián shū
  “ wéi 'āi shè huì zhù gòng guó lián zhōng yāng zhí xíng wěi yuán huì qīn 'ài de tóng zhì
   zài shēn huàn zhì zhī zhèng de xīn niàn shí zhuànxiàng menzhuànxiàng dǎng guó de jiāng lái men shì yóu de gòng guó lián zhī shǒu lǐng yóu de gòng guó lián shì xiǔ de liè níng chǎn bèi mín de shì jiè zhī zhēn chǎn guó zhù xià de nànmínjiāng jiè bǎo wèi yóucóng dài zhàn zhēng piān wéi chǔ zhī guó zhì zhōng móu jiě fàng xià de shì guó mín dǎng wàng guó mín dǎng zài wán chéng yóu guó zhù zhì jiě fàng zhōng guó bèi qīn lüè guó zhī shǐ de gōng zuò zhōng men gòng zuòmìng yùn shǐ fàng xià wèi jìng zhī jiāo jǐn shǒu guó mín dǎng zhù jiào xùn 'ér zhì zhēn zhèng tóng zhì zhī rén zhǔ guó mín dǎng jìn xíng mín mìng yùn dòng zhī gōng zuòzhōng guó miǎn guó zhù jiā zhū zhōng guó de bàn zhí mín zhuàng kuàng zhī wéi dào xiàng mùdì jiàn mìng guó mín dǎng cháng men xié shēn xìn men zhèng qián guó zhī yuán zhùqīn 'ài de tóng zhìdāng men jué bié zhī yuàn biǎo shì liè de wàng wàng jiǔ jiāng xiǎo shí lián liáng yǒu méng guó 'ér huān yíng qiáng shèng zhī zhōng guóliǎng guó zài zhēng wéi shì jiè bèi mín yóu zhī zhàn zhōngxié shǒu bìng jìn shèng jǐn xiōng zhī zhù men píng 'ān!”
sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng yīn Sun Yat-sen death
  1925 nián 1 yuè 26 sūn zhōng shān zhù xié yuàn shí jīng néng jìn shídāng xià wài zhuān jiā jiān xié yuàn dài yuàn cháng liú ruì héng zhù dāo wéi jìn xíng pōu tàn chá shùquè zhěn wéi 'ái zhèng wǎn 2 yuè 17 chū bìng wēi tōng zhī shūzuì zhōng 3 yuè 12 hún guī tiān guóxiàn zài de xié yuàn hái bǎo liú zhe fèn 13 de bào gàoyīng wénbiān hào wéi 9954, shàng miàn de míng shìsūn xiān”, zhōng yòu zhāng guān biāo běn de zhào piàncháng jiǔ lái wài jiè zhí wéi sūn zhōng shān gān 'ái sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng bìng fēi yīn gān 'ái shìér shì yuán dǎn guǎn xiàn 'ái zhuǎn dào gān běi jīng xié yuàn bìng 'àn shì yuán zhù rèn jiā rùn zhǎo dào 1925 nián 1 yuè 26 sūn xiān shēng de bìng 'àn zhèng míng yuán bìng què shì dǎn guǎn xiàn 'áizhí zhì 1999 nián hǎi xiá liǎng 'àn xué zhě jiāo liú sūn zhōng shān shì shíxié yuàn shēng zhǎn shì liǎo zhè fèn bào gàocái jiē shì liǎo sūn zhōng shān dǎn náng 'ái de zhēn xiāng
   zhì wèishénme zhěn duàn huì yòu chā bié xué jiè gěi chū de 'àn shìhuó rén lèi shì zhǒng hěn de shēng xiàn dài xué shè bèi bìng néng wán quán de jiǎn chá chū bìng yīn suǒ shǔ wèizhǐ yòu jiě pōu hòu cái néng wán quán què zhěn
wén shì Anecdotes
孙中山 趣闻轶事
孙中山 趣闻轶事
   táng gāng biǎo shì chāng chéng gōng hòudāng shí jiē dào diàn bào de sūn zhōng shān zhèng zài luó duō zhōu diǎn huá chéngjīn dān yǒu rén ruì lián kāi de cān guǎn zhōng dāng tái”, duān pán 。(《 wǎn qīng shí nián( 5) yuán shì kǎisūn wén xīn hài mìng》)
   féng yóu mìng shǐjìzǎi sūn wén huān xià xiàng dàn jīng:“ zhōng shān shēng shì yān jiǔ shū zhī jiān rén xià xiàng rán zhī jīnghǎo gōng shì 'ér xiè fáng shǒu wéi suǒ chéng hàn mín xiāng níng děng jiē cháng shèng zhīwài guó zhǐ pái yóu fēi suǒ hǎorán jīng sān shí nián qián shèng xíng zhī guǎng dōng tiān jiǔ pái qián héng bīn shíměi chén míng xiāng líng)、 zhāng néng zhī wán zhī。”
   guò guó mín dǎng xuān chuán sūn zhōng shān xiāng gǎng shū yuàn( CollegeofMedicineforChinese), bìng qiě zài xué chéng mǎn fēn míng yóu jiào cháng kāng shì( Dr.JamesCantlie) bān zhèng shūdàn shì shí shàngdàng nián de shēng zhǐ yòu 'èr wèisūn shì jiāng yīng huáxiāng gǎng shū yuàn zài dāng shí shì wèi huò 'àn de xué xiàowèi néng huò xiāng gǎng dāng de chéng rèn rán xiāng gǎng de xíng zhí zhàoxiāng gǎng shū yuàn nǎi xiāng gǎng xué de qián shēnzhì jīn xiāng gǎng xué jiāng guó dìng wéi xiāng gǎng xué jiè shēngbìng bǎo liú zhù mǎn fēn zhī shì juànbìng zài LilyPond zhōng shù zhù guó de tóng xiànggōng hòu rén jǐng yǎngguó zài huí xiào tàn fǎng shí shuō guòxiāng gǎng xiāng gǎng xué shì zhī shí de chū shēng
   shí niàn chǎng suǒ
   nán jīng zhōng shān líng
  ● guǎng zhōu zhōng shān niàn táng
  ● shàng hǎi sòng qìng líng  
  ● běi jīng sūn zhōng shān xíng guǎn
  ● tái běi guó niàn guǎn
  ● běi jīng zhōng shān gōng yuán
  ● guǎng dōng cuì hēng sūn zhōng shān niàn guǎn
xiāng guān yǐng shì zuò pǐnhán sūn zhōng shān bàn yǎn zhě): Related to film and television work (including Sun Yat-sen actor):
  1、 diàn yǐng
  《 sūn zhōng shān 》( liú wén zhì shì
  《 shí yuè wéi chéng》( zhāng hán shì
  《 huáng fēi hóng zhī nán 'ér dāng qiáng》( zhāng tiě lín shì
  《 sòng jiā huáng cháo》( zhào wén xuān shì
  《 · míng》( zhào wén xuān shì
  《 sòng qìng líng sūn zhōng shān 》( shǎo huá shì
  《 fēi cháng zǒng tǒng》( sūn dào lín shì
  2、 diàn shì
  《 sūn zhōng shān 》( zhào wén xuān shì
  《 píng mín zǒng tǒng》( shǎo huá shì
  《 zǒu xiàng gòng 》( shǎo huá shì
  《 chū dōng fāng》( shì
bǎi diǎn Encyclopedia
孙中山 百科辞典
孙中山 百科辞典
  Sun Zhongshan
   sūn zhōng shān
     guó wěi de mín zhù zhù mìng jiāmíng wén xiānguǎng dōng xiāng shān xiànjīn zhōng shān xiànrén。 1866 nián 11 yuè 12 shēngzhōng guó tóng méng huì zǒng , 1911 nián 12 yuè 29 xīn hài mìng chéng gōng hòubèi xuǎn wéi zhōng huá mín guó lín shí zǒng tǒng yòu shì zhù gǎi fēng jiàn zhù de jiào xiào fāng zhǎn běn zhù jiào de chàng dǎo zhě
     1894 nián , zàishàng hóng zhāng shūzhōng sūn zhōng shān jiù zhǐ chū :“ tài zhū bāng jué jìn shìshì yīn wéi men jiào ōu měi běn zhù guó jiārén cái zhī zhòng duō zhěshì yóu jiào yǎng zhī dào”。 sūn zhōng shān rèn wéi 'ōu měi běn zhù guó jiā xué shù suǒ xīn yuè chú liǎo guó jiā jiǎng shè huì zhòng shì wàizài jiào fāng miàn shì guǎng fàn shè zhǒng zhuān mén xué xiàopéi yǎng mén lèi de zhuān jiā shuō:“ tài zhì guó zhī guī,…… wéi wén guān zhě yóu shì xué yuànwéi guān zhě yóu xué tángruò wén xué yuān zhě wéi shì shīnóng xué shú zhě wéi nóng chánggōng chéng liàn zhě wéi jiān gōngshāng qíng jiǎng zhě wéi shāng dǒngjiē jiù shǎo nián suǒ xué 'ér rèn zhízǒng zhīfán xué táng guó jiā yòu guānyòu 'ér xué zhě zhuàng zhī suǒ xíng xué 'ér yōu zhě néng shìqiě shǒu yòu shēng qiān 'ér gēngdiào jiǔ rèn yuè shēn guàn zhì qiǎo chū。” duì zhī xià pēng zhōng guó fēng jiàn zhù jiào shǐ yòng rén cái de zhì shìsuǒ fēi suǒ yòngsuǒ yòng fēi suǒ cháng”, jiēguǒ rán chǎn shēngzhì zhě chēng zhíér qiǎo zhě shì fēide liú bìng zào chéng yòu xiáncháo duō jìnde 'è guǒ
     tóng shí sūn zhōng shān bié qiáng diào xué fāng de xué shùcǎi shēng chǎn zhǎn shēng chǎn zhǎn rán xué dào liǎoshēng mín gēn běn zhī de gāo rèn wéi:“ zhì zhī xué míng diàn fēng shuǐ huǒ jiē wéi yòng。” jiàn dāng shí zhōng guó nóng de luò hòu chū zhǎn nóng xué,“ nóng xué míng néng shǐ tóng děng zhī tián chǎn shù bèi zhī ”。 hái jiàn kāi shè nóng shī xué tángpéi yǎng nóng shù rén cái
     sūn zhōng shān chéng wéi chǎn jiē mìng pài de lǐng xiù zhī hòujǐn zhāng 'ér fán máng de mìng huó dòngshǐ hěn shǎo yòu shí jiān biǎo yòu guān gǎi jiào fāng miàn de yán lùndàn shì xīn hài mìng hòu , wéi shǒu de nán jīng lín shí zhèng , zài duǎn duǎn de shí jiān jiù bān liǎo shǎo gǎi fēng jiàn zhù jiào zhǎn běn zhù jiào de lìngdāng shí suǒ zhì dìng derén guǐ chǒu xué zhì shè zhì de chéngchú zhù zhòng zhǎn tōng jiào wàihái zhòng shì shí jiào shī fàn jiào chéng gǎi chǎn jiē de shè huì zhèng zhì xué shuō lái dài guàn shūzhōng jūn”、“ zūn kǒng jīngde fēng jiàn chéngtóng shí hái zēng jiā liǎo rán xué de shíjiā qiáng liǎo shēng chǎn néng de jiào
     zài 1912 nián hòu sūn zhōng shān zài zhōng guó nán běi de xiē xué xiào jiào tuán de huān yíng huì shàng biǎo liǎo shǎo qíng yáng de yǎn shuōzài běi jīng jiào jiè de huān yíng huì shàng , shuō:“ gài xué wèn wéi guó gēn běn , dōng guó zhī wén míngjiē yóu xué wèn gòu lái。” zài guǎng dōng shī fàn 'èr xiào jiǎng yǎn shí zhǐ chū:“ wàn wàn zhī rénjiē yìng shòu jiào rán wàn wàn rén jiē shòu jiào zhòng shī fàn shī fàn xué xiào suǒ bàn zhě ér shī fàn yóu wéi zhòng yào。…… wéi yòu xué shífāng dān rèn jiào gài xué shēng zhī xué shíhéng shì jiào shī wéi jìn tuì jiào shī zhī rèn shèn 。”
     cóng zhōng huá mín guó chéng kāi shǐ , sūn zhōng shān jiù zhù zhāng jiào , guān xīn pín qióng 'ér tóng láo zhòng de jiào wèn zài 1912 nián suǒ biǎo deshè huì zhù zhī pài bié fāng wén zhōngwán quán tóng dāng shí shè huì zhù zhě yòu guān jiào píng děng de zhù zhāng:“ fán wéi shè huì zhī rén lùn pín jiànjiē gōng gòng xué xiàofēi xué shàn děng fèi shū gōng jiā rèn fèi yòng。”
    “ yùn dòng biāo zhì zhe zhōng guó xīn mín zhù zhù mìng de kāi shǐ sūn zhōng shān pāo liǎo xīn hài mìng hòu céng jīng yòu guò dejiào jiù guó”、“ shí jiù guóděng bùqiè shí de xiǎng zài shēng de zuì hòu jiē duàndāng dào liǎo zhōng guó gòng chǎn dǎng de bāng zhù hòu rán cǎi liǎolián 'élián gòng zhù nóng gōngsān zhèng , jiù sān mín zhù zhǎn wéi xīn sān mín zhù suí zhī de wén huà jiào xiǎng xiàng qián tuī jìn liǎo zài 1924 nián 9 yuè deběi xuān yánzhōngmíng què zhǐ chū liǎozhǐ yòu dǎo fēng jiàn jūn zài bèi hòu zhī chí men de guó zhù de tǒng zhìguó mín dewén huà jiào děng wèn zhì fāng luò kōng tán”。 tóng shí hái chǎn míngzhǐ yòu mín jīng huò zhǎn , guó jiā de cái zēng jiā , cái shǐ wén huà shì jiào zhī jīng fèi chóu cuò qiē zhī shí jiē zhī shī xué wèn shī wèn fāng yòu jiě jué zhī duān ”。
     1925 nián 3 yuè 12 sūn zhōng shān xìng zài běi jīng bìng shì de zhù yào zhù zuò biān wéi sūn zhōng shān xuǎn 》。
    ( zhōu chāng
  1. :  Sun Zhongshan
  2. n.:  Sun Yat-sen,  Sun Yat-Sen, founder of the Nationalist Party,  Sun Yatsen
sūn wén , míng , guó , xiān , sūn míng
shǐ zhōng guó guó mín dǎng bǎi diǎn zhōng guó jìn xiàn dài shǐ guó gòng zuò yóu nán jīng líng
niàn xìng jiàn zhù bǎi quán xiǎng guó mín dǎng sān mín zhù chuán mín guó
rén liè shì bēi huáng huā gǎng guǎng dōng xué 211 gōng chéng 985 gōng chéng
chén zhāng jiǔ líng yǒng méi mín yīng xióng xīn hài mìng hàn chǎn jiē mín zhù mìng gèng duō jiēguǒ ...
bāo hán cí
sūn zhōng shān chuánsūn zhōng shān míng
sūn zhōng shān huà xiàngsūn zhōng shān chuán
shàonián sūn zhōng shānzǒu jìn sūn zhōng shān
sūn zhōng shān sūn zhōng shān yán jiū
sūn zhōng shān tóng xiàngsūn zhōng shān jiǎn jiè
sūn zhōng shān zhǔsūn zhōng shān chuán
sūn zhōng shān xíng gōngsūn zhōng shān xíng guǎn
sūn zhōng shān quán sūn zhōng shān chuán
sūn zhōng shān huà chuánsūn zhōng shān xuǎn
sūn zhōng shān zhī sūn zhōng shān dàn chén
sūn zhōng shān shàng hǎisūn zhōng shān niàn xiàng
sūn zhōng shān niàn guǎnsūn zhōng shān niàn bēi
sūn zhōng shān niàn tángniàn jiāo · sūn zhōng shān
sūn zhōng shān sòng qìng líng jiādōu 'ài sūn zhōng shān
sūn zhōng shān xiǎng gài lùnsūn zhōng shān hǎi wài zài xiàn
sūn zhōng shān xiān sūn zhōng shān yuán shuài
shàng hǎi sūn zhōng shān sūn zhōng shān shuì shōu xiǎng
hàn sūn zhōng shān tóng xiàngtiě quán sūn zhōng shān
sūn zhōng shān xiān xiāngsūn zhōng shān niàn zhōng xué
sūn zhōng shān xiàn dài wén míngsūn zhōng shān xiān shēng huà ( jīng )
gòng zhī - sūn zhōng shān chuánxiāng gǎng sūn zhōng shān niàn guǎn
chāng sūn zhōng shān niàn bēisūn zhōng shān zhōng guó shè huì
sūn zhōng shān shì shì niàn hàn sūn zhōng shān niàn bēi
huáng líng wén - sūn zhōng shānguǎng zhōu sūn zhōng shān niàn táng
shí sūn zhōng shān niàn tángsūn zhōng shān nán yáng niàn guǎn
sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng diāo xiàng zàntiān xià wéi gōng sūn zhōng shān chuán
fàng yǎn shì jiè de sūn zhōng shānzhōu gōng guǎn sūn zhōng shān
tán xiāng shān xiàn sūn zhōng shān zhēn guì shǐ liàozhōng shān xué sūn zhōng shān niàn guǎn
sūn zhōng shān míng hào míng yìn sūn zhōng shān shì zhèng niàn gōng yuán
sūn zhōng shān fèng 'ān diǎn niàn zhāng sūn zhōng shān lín shí zǒng tǒng bàn gōng shì
guǎng dōng cuì hēng sūn zhōng shān niàn guǎnshàng hǎi sūn zhōng shān niàn guǎn
niàn sūn zhōng shān shì zhèng gōng yuánguǎng dōng zhī tiě quán sūn zhōng shān
tiān xià wéi gōng héng sūn zhōng shān chuán 38 sūn zhōng shān dàn shēng jiǔ shí zhōu nián
120 sūn zhōng shān dàn shēng bǎi zhōu niánwǎn qíng yuán sūn zhōng shān nán yáng niàn guǎn
sūn zhōng shān xiān shēng fèng 'ān niàn bēisūn zhōng shān (1866-1925)
xīn jiā sūn zhōng shān niàn guǎn sūn zhōng shān zhōng guó jìn dài huà yán jiū
sūn zhōng shān lín cái zǒng tǒng bàn gōng yuán zhǐ sūn zhōng shān shū zhì shì chù niàn bēi
guó sūn zhōng shān de chuán rén shēngmín guó shí nián sūn zhōng shān zhèng miàn xiàng yuán
mín guó shí nián sūn zhōng shān jiā yuánmín guó shí nián sūn zhōng shān zhèng miàn xiàng fān chuán yuán
cóng chuán tǒng lún xiàng xiàn dài lún de zhuǎn huà kuà yuè - sūn zhōng shān lún xiǎng yán jiūyǐng xiǎng hái shēng de rén : sūn zhōng shān
niǔ yuē bǎn sūn zhōng shān xiàng 2 yuán zhōng xīn dǎo yìn guó sūn zhōng shān de chuán rén shēngtiān xià wéi gōng
sūn zhōng shān dàn shēng bǎi shí zhōu nián shǒu fēng sūn zhōng shān dàn shēng bǎi shí zhōu nián fāng lián zhé
guó sūn zhōng shān de chuán rén shēng tiān xià wéi gōng
yuán shuài