kǒu : kǒu > tūn
fányìtǐ:  (tūn )pīnyīn: tūn, tiānbùshǒu: 
zǒngbǐhuà: 7bùwàibǐhuà: 4UTF-8: E5 90 9E
UTF-16: 541EUTF-32: 0000541EGB 2312: 4544
GB 12345: 4544Big 5: A75Dcāngjié: HKR
sìjiǎomǎ: 2060.3yīzìquánmǎ: tun1tiankouyīzìshuāngmǎ: tutiko
yīzìdānmǎ: ttkhànzìjiégòu: shàng(zhōng)xiàhànzìcéngcì: 5
bǐhuà: 一一丿㇏丨????一bǐshùnbiānhào: 1134251bǐshùndúxiě: héng, héng, piě, nà, shù, zhé, héng
tārénbǐshùn: 1134251
bùjiànzǔgòu: 天(一大(一人(丿㇏)))口(冂(丨????)一)
   jiáo huò jiáo 'ér yān tūn tūn yān tūn shìláng tūn hǔyàn tūn shān rěn tūn shēng
   jiān bìngqīn zhàn tūn méi( m?)。 tūn bìng tūn shí tūn zhàn
   huà shù: 7;
   shùn biān hào: 1134251

  Do not chew or swallow tūn ponder over the pharynx into: throughput. Swallowing. Phagocytosis. Wolf. Full of daring. Swallow. Mergers, occupation: engulfment (m?). Annexation. Engulfs. Throughput accounting. Spit stroke: 7; radicals: port; stroke ID: 1134251
  【 dòng
  ( xíng shēngcóng kǒu , tiān shēngběn : yān xià )
   tóng běn devor;swallow
   tūn , yān héng héngshuō wén
   tūn zhōu héng hénghòu hàn shū · chuánzhù
   tūn cháng jiānghéng héng sòng · fàn zhòng yānyuè yáng lóu
   fēng shuǐxiàng tūn héng héng sòng · shìshí zhōng shān
   tūn wàn héng héng sòng · xīn yǒng · jīng kǒu běi tíng huái
   yòu : tūn tàn ( tūn yān huǒ tàn huǐ sǎng ); tūn shé ( kǒu jié shé yán ); tūn zhōu ( tūn háng tūn zhōu zhī , néng tūn zhōu de ); tūn dāo guā cháng ( tòng xià jué xīn , gǎi guò xīn ); tūn niú ( shàonián gài háo mài ); tūn ( tūn shí ); tūn xià tiáo shàn
   tūn bìng , xiāo miè diào〖 annex〗
   tūn , miè héng héngguǎng
   jiān yòu tūn zhōu zhī héng héngzhàn guó · zhōu
   ér jiāo tūn kuí zhīhéng héngchǔ · tiān wèn
   tūn èr zhōuhéng héng hàn · jiǎ guò qín lùn
   yòu : tūn lóu ( qīn tūn ); tūn duó ( qīn tūn lüè duó ); tūn ( tūn bìng , zhàn ); tūn shēng rěn ( qiáng rěn fèn 'ér chū shēng ); tūn shēng rěn lèi ( xíng róng qiáng rěn bēi shāng ); tūn shēng yǐn hèn ( bào hèn yán ); tūn āi ( yǐn rěn bēi shāng )
   róng 〖 contain〗
   tūn ruò yún mèng zhě jiǔhéng héng xiāng
   rěn shòu〖 suffer〗
   duàn shēng tūnhéng héngliáo zhāi · zhì
   yòu : tūn hèn
  【 xíng
   chī dāi〖 dull-witted〗
   dēng chuāng yín , hán suān tūnhéng héng tānɡ xiǎn dān tíng · tàn
   tūn bìng
  〖 merger〗 bìng
  〖 annex;takepossissionof〗∶ bìng tūn ; jiān bìng
   xiāng tūn bìnghéng héngyīng zhùyán tiān yǎn lùn
  〖 embezzleandexploit〗 qīn zhàn xuē
  〖 godown〗 tūn xià yòng
   gāi yào zài shuì qián bàn xiǎo shí tūn
   tūn jīn
  〖 swallowgold(tocommitsuicide)〗 tūn xià jīn huò jīn shǒu shì ( shā )
   tūn miè
  〖 conquerandannex〗 bìng tūn xiāo miè
   tūn méi
  〖 embezzle;misappropriate〗∶ qīn tūn jīng guǎn de gōng gòng cái huò rén cái
   tūn méi gōng kuǎn
  〖 engulf〗∶ yānmò
   hóng shuǐ tūn méi liǎo zhěng cūn zhuāng
  〖 swallow;devour〗∶ tūn shí
   shā zhāng kāi kǒu xiǎng tūn méi yùnàn hǎi yuán
   hēi jiàn jiàn tūn méi liǎo měi de shān luán
  〖 wrap〗∶ mǒu wán quán lǒngzhào huò yǐn
   cāng wán quán bèi huǒ tūn méi
   tūn shēng
  〖 darenotcryout;gulpdownone'ssobs〗 gǎn chū shēng , zhǐ gǎn chū shēng
   tūn shēng yǐn
  〖 swallowthevoiceandholdthebreath〗 shòu liǎo yuān zhī hòu kēng shēng , chéng shòu
   tūn shēng yǐn
  〖 swallowthevoiceandtears〗 liú lèi kǒu , gǎn chū shēng xiǎngxíng róng shēng bēi
   tūn shí
  〖 devour〗 tūn chī
   tūn shí xiǎo
   tūn shì
  〖 devour〗∶ tūn chī ; tūn yānzhěng tūn xià
   zhǐ yòu dāng zài shuǐ zhōng jìng zhǐ dòng de shí hòu , shā cái huì tūn shì
  〖 engulf〗∶ tūn méi
   ā yòng de wěi tūn shì hóng xuè qiú
  〖 swallowandspit;takeinandsendoutinlargequantities〗∶ tūn chū , liàng jìn chū
   zhè gǎng kǒu nián tūn sān qiān wàn dūn huò
  〖 mincetheword〗∶ xíng róng yán wén zhāng tiáo qīng , hán
   tūn tūn
  〖 hemandhaw;mincematters;mutterandmumble;stumbleoverone'swords〗 yán yòu zhǐ , zhǐ yòu yán , yòu yǐn qíng nán yán zhī zhuàng
   hēng hēng , shuō huà tūn tūn de
   tūn yān
  〖 swallow〗 tūn shí ; jiā jǔjué 'ér yān xià
   shí guǎn 'ái zhě tūn yān kùn nán
   tūn yún
  〖 blowacloud;smokeopiumorcigar〗
   fāng shì biàn huàn de shù
   xíng róng chōu yān tūn de shén qíng
   tūn zhàn
  〖 takepossessionofsth.illegally〗 qīn tūn ; qīn zhàn
   tūn zhàn bié rén de fáng
   tūn zhōu
  〖 crime-steepedpersonasbigfishthatcandevorship〗 zhǐ néng tūn chuán de , zuì xíng de rén
   tūn zhōu shì lòuhéng héng nán cháo liáng · qiū chí chén zhī shū

  (Phonetic. From the mouth, loud voice. The original meaning: swallow)
  With the original meaning 〖devor; swallow〗
  Swallow, swallow too. - "Said the text"
  Boat big fish to swallow too. - "Biography of the Later Han Tu Tu" Note
  Swallow the Yangtze River. - Song Fan Zhongyan "Yueyang Tower"
  Throughput compared with feng shui. - Song Su "Shak Chung Shan Ji"
  Swallowing air miles like a tiger. - Song ji "Yong Yule solid Jingkou North Pavilion nostalgia"
  Another example: carbon swallow (swallowing Tan destroyed voice); swallow tongue (closed men can answer without saying); swallow Boat (Air swallowing. Swallow boat the fish, to swallow a big fish in the boat); swallow Daogua intestine (Yu faced up to over a new leaf); swallow cow (compared juvenile spirit of heroic); swallow Tsui (swallowing); swallowed an eel
  Annexation, annex destroyed〗 〖
  Swallow, destroy also. - "Guang Ya"
  Meaning both swallowing weeks. - "Western Zhou Dynasty Warring States policy"
  The cross-Premier of swallowing. - "Songs of the South Heaven"
  Swallow for two weeks. - Han Jia Yi "on the Qin"
  Another example: Tun House (embezzlement); swallow wins (misappropriation of plunder); swallow, according to (annexed, occupied); sufferance Ren Qi (to fight back and not say anything angry); sufferance torn (described endure grief); sufferance grief ( bitterness in silence); swallow sorrow (grief forbear)
  〗 〖Contain accommodate
  If those eighty-nine Yunmeng swallow. - Sima, such as "Zi Xu Fu"
  〗 〖Suffer suffer
  Sound off air swallowing. - "Ghost Story Different Cricket"
  Another example: hate to swallow
  Dementia, dull-witted〗 〖
  Light window assiduously, shabby Caesar swallow. - Tang, "The Peony Pavilion rot sighed,"
  〗 〖Merger: Merge
  〖Annex; takepossissionof〗: annexation; merger
  Each annexation. - 〖English〗 Huxley a, Yan Fu translated "Evolution and Ethics"
  Stripping swallow
  〗 〖Embezzleandexploit occupied exploitation
  〗 〖Godown taking〗 〖swallow
  Half an hour before bedtime swallow the drug
  Swallowing gold
  〖Swallowgold (tocommitsuicide)〗 swallowed gold or gold jewelry (suicide)
  〗 〖Conquerandannex eliminate annexation
  〖Embezzle; misappropriate〗: embezzlement of public property administered by or property of others
  Engulfed public funds
  〗 〖Engulf: submerged
  Flood engulfed the village
  〖Swallow; devour〗: devour
  Sharks open mouth to engulf giant seafarers killed
  Gradually the night engulfed the beautiful mountains
  〗 〖Wrap: the〗 〖something completely enveloped, or concealed
  Warehouse was completely engulfed
  Swallow one's cries
  〖Darenotcryout; gulpdownone'ssobs〗 not say anything, especially not cry out loud
  Sufferance drink gas
  〗 〖Swallowthevoiceandholdthebreath suffered injustice do not say anything after that he endure in silence
  Sufferance crying
  〗 〖Swallowthevoiceandtears tears entrance, not Kuchu sound. Described weep silently
  〗 〖Devour devour
  Big fish swallowing small fish
  〗 〖Devour: devour; swallowing. To swallow the whole
  Only when an object is stationary in the water when the shark will eat it
  〗 〖Engulf: engulfed
  Amoeba pseudopod with its red blood cell phagocytosis
  〖Swallowandspit; takeinandsendoutinlargequantities〗: swallowed spit, a large number of out of metaphor
  The port throughput thirty million tons of goods a year
  〗 〖Mincetheword: the article described the language of Article disarray, ambiguous
  Throughput of the words
  〖Hemandhaw; mincematters; mutterandmumble; stumbleoverone'swords〗 paused, like just another word, it seems like there are hidden secrets untold
  He hum ha ha, speaking hesitant
  〗 〖Swallow swallowed; without chewing and swallowing
  Esophageal cancer are difficulty swallowing
  〖Blowacloud; smokeopiumorcigar〗
  Alchemist's magic changes
  Describe the throughput proud look smoking
  Throughput accounting
  〗 〖Takepossessionofsth.illegally misappropriation; occupation
  Housing accounts for other people to swallow
  Zhou swallow
  〗 〖Crime-steepedpersonasbigfishthatcandevorship fish that can swallow the ship, a great man Yu crimes
  Swallow boat is leaking. - Southern Liang Qiu late "and the Uncle of the book"
   tūn dòng
  ( xíng shēngcóng kǒu , tiān shēngběn yān xià )
   tóng běn
   tūn , yān 。 --《 shuō wén
   tūn zhōu 。 --《 hòu hàn shū · chuánzhù
   tūn cháng jiāng。 -- sòng · fàn zhòng yānyuè yáng lóu
   fēng shuǐxiàng tūn 。 -- sòng · shìshí zhōng shān
   tūn wàn 。 -- sòng · xīn yǒng · jīng kǒu běi tíng huái
   yòu tūn tàn ( tūn yān huǒ tàn huǐ sǎng ); tūn shé ( kǒu jié shé yán ); tūn zhōu ( tūn háng tūn zhōu zhī , néng tūn zhōu de ); tūn dāo guā cháng ( tòng xià jué xīn , gǎi guò xīn ); tūn niú ( shàonián gài háo mài ); tūn ( tūn shí ); tūn xià tiáo
   tūn bìng , xiāo miè diào
   tūn , miè 。 --《 guǎng
   jiān yòu tūn zhōu zhī 。 --《 zhàn guó · zhōu
   ér jiāo tūn kuí zhī
   tūn tūn
   jiáo huò jiáozhěng yān xià yān。~ xià lúnzǎo
   jiān bìngqīn zhànmièbìng~。 qīn~。
   rěn shòu zuò rěn shēng
   tūn tiān1. xìng

  Swallow <action "(phonetic. From the mouth, loud voice. The original meaning of swallow) with the original meaning of swallow, swallow too. - "Said the text" big fish swallow the boat also. - "Biography of the Later Han Tu Tu" Note to swallow the Yangtze River. - Song Fan Zhongyan "Yueyang Tower" and Fengshuixiangzao throughput. - Song Su "Shak Chung Shan Ji" swallow air miles like a tiger. - Song ji "Yong Yule solid Jingkou North Pavilion nostalgia," and if swallowed charcoal (swallowing, voice Tan destroyed); swallow tongue (closed men can answer without saying); swallow Boat (Air swallowing. Swallow boat the fish, to swallow boat big fish); swallow Daogua intestine (Yu resolutely determined to turn over a new leaf); swallow cow (compared juvenile heroic spirit); swallow Tsui (swallowing); swallowed an eel annexation destroyed swallow, destroy also. - "Guang Ya" both meaning swallowing weeks. - "Western Zhou Dynasty Warring States policy" and cross-Premier of swallowing do not chew or swallow tūn ⒈ not ponder over the entire swallow ~ pharynx. ~ Down. Wholeness ~ dates. ⒉ merger, occupying ~ out. And ~. Invasion ~. ⒊ bear, do not attack Renqi ~ sound. ⒋ swallow tiān 1. Name.
   tūn tun
   shǒu kǒu shǒu huà 03 zǒng huà 07
  annex; gulp; swallow;
  〈 dòng
  ( xíng shēngcóng kǒu , tiān shēngběn yān xià )
   tóng běn [devor;swallow]
   tūn , yān 。 --《 shuō wén
   tūn zhōu 。 --《 hòu hàn shū · chuánzhù
   tūn cháng jiāng。 -- sòng · fàn zhòng yānyuè yáng lóu
   fēng shuǐxiàng tūn 。 -- sòng · shìshí zhōng shān
   tūn wàn 。 -- sòng · xīn yǒng · jīng kǒu běi tíng huái
   yòu tūn tàn ( tūn yān huǒ tàn huǐ sǎng ); tūn shé ( kǒu jié shé yán ); tūn zhōu ( tūn háng tūn zhōu zhī , néng tūn zhōu de ); tūn dāo guā cháng ( tòng xià jué xīn , gǎi guò xīn ); tūn niú ( shàonián gài háo mài ); tūn ( tūn shí ); tūn xià tiáo shàn
   tūn bìng , xiāo miè diào [annex]
   tūn , miè 。 --《 guǎng
   jiān yòu tūn zhōu zhī 。 --《 zhàn guó · zhōu
   ér jiāo tūn kuí zhī。 --《 chǔ · tiān wèn
   tūn èr zhōu。 -- hàn · jiǎ guò qín lùn
   yòu tūn lóu ( qīn tūn ); tūn duó ( qīn tūn lüè duó ); tūn ( tūn bìng , zhàn ); tūn shēng rěn ( qiáng rěn fèn 'ér chū shēng ); tūn shēng rěn lèi ( xíng róng qiáng rěn bēi shāng ); tūn shēng yǐn hèn ( bào hèn yán ); tūn āi ( yǐn rěn bēi shāng )
   róng [contain]
   tūn ruò yún mèng zhě jiǔ。 -- xiāng
   rěn shòu [suffer]
   duàn shēng tūn 。 --《 liáo zhāi · zhì
   yòu tūn hèn
  〈 xíng
   chī dāi [dull-witted]
   dēng chuāng yín , hán suān tūn 。 -- tānɡ xiǎn dān tíng · tàn
   tūn bìng
  [merger]∶ bìng
  [annex;takepossissionof]∶ bìng tūn ; jiān bìng
   xiāng tūn bìng。 --[ yīng ] zhùyán tiān yǎn lùn
  [embezzleandexploit] qīn zhàn xuē
  [godown] tūn xià [ yòng ]
   gāi yào zài shuì qián bàn xiǎo shí tūn
   tūn jīn
  [swallowgold(tocommitsuicide)] tūn xià jīn huò jīn shǒu shì ( shā )
   tūn miè
  [conquerandannex] bìng tūn xiāo miè
   tūn méi
  [embezzle;misappropriate]∶ qīn tūn jīng guǎn de gōng gòng cái huò rén cái
   tūn méi gōng kuǎn
  [engulf]∶ yānmò
   hóng shuǐ tūn méi liǎo zhěng cūn zhuāng
  [swallow;devour]∶ tūn shí
   shā zhāng kāi kǒu xiǎng tūn méi yùnàn hǎi yuán
   hēi jiàn jiàn tūn méi liǎo měi de shān luán
  [wrap]∶ [ mǒu ] wán quán lǒngzhào huò yǐn
   cāng wán quán bèi huǒ tūn méi
   tūn shēng
  [darenotcryout;gulpdownone'ssobs] gǎn chū shēng , zhǐ gǎn chū shēng
   tūn shēng yǐn
  tūnshēng yǐnqì
  [swallowthevoiceandholdthebreath] shòu liǎo yuān zhī hòu kēng shēng , chéng shòu
   tūn shēng yǐn
  tūnshēng- yǐnqì
  [swallowthevoiceandtears] liú lèi kǒu , gǎn chū shēng xiǎngxíng róng shēng bēi
   tūn shí
  [devour] tūn chī
   tūn shí xiǎo
   tūn shì
  [devour]∶ tūn chī ; tūn yānzhěng tūn xià
   zhǐ yòu dāng zài shuǐ zhōng jìng zhǐ dòng de shí hòu , shā cái huì tūn shì
  [engulf]∶ tūn méi
   ā yòng de wěi tūn shì hóng xuè qiú
  [swallowandspit;takeinandsendoutinlargequantities]∶ tūn chū , liàng jìn chū
   zhè gǎng kǒu nián tūn sān qiān wàn dūn huò
  [mincetheword]∶ xíng róng yán wén zhāng tiáo qīng , hán
   tūn tūn
  tūntun- tǔtǔ
  [hemandhaw;mincematters;mutterandmumble;stumbleoverone'swords] yán yòu zhǐ , zhǐ yòu yán , yòu yǐn qíng nán yán zhī zhuàng
   hēng hēng , shuō huà tūn tūn de
   tūn yān
  [swallow] tūn shí ; jiā jǔjué 'ér yān xià
   shí guǎn 'ái zhě tūn yān kùn nán
   tūn yún
  tūnyún- tǔwù
   fāng shì biàn huàn de shù
   xíng róng chōu yān tūn de shén qíng
   tūn zhàn
  [takepossessionofsth.illegally] qīn tūn ; qīn zhàn
   tūn zhàn bié rén de fáng
   tūn zhōu
  [crime-steepedpersonasbigfishthatcandevorship] zhǐ néng tūn chuán de , zuì xíng de rén
   tūn zhōu shì lòu。 -- nán cháo liáng · qiū chí chén zhī shū
  tūn  wu ˉ
   jiáo huò jiáo 'ér yān 。~ yān。~ shìlánghǔyànshān rěn shēng
   jiān bìngqīn zhànméi( mò)。~ bìng。~ shí。~ zhàn
   zhèng agj, u541e, gbkcdcc
   huà shù 7, shǒu kǒu shùn biān hào 1134251

  Tun tun
  Radical Radical port 03 total strokes 07 strokes
  annex; gulp; swallow;
  (Phonetic. From the mouth, loud voice. The original meaning of swallow)
  With the original meaning [devor; swallow]
  Swallow, swallow too. - "Said the text"
  Boat big fish to swallow too. - "Biography of the Later Han Tu Tu" Note
  Swallow the Yangtze River. - Song Fan Zhongyan "Yueyang Tower"
  Throughput compared with feng shui. - Song Su "Shak Chung Shan Ji"
  Swallowing air miles like a tiger. - Song ji "Yong Yule solid Jingkou North Pavilion nostalgia"
  Another example is the swallow charcoal (swallowing Tan destroyed voice); swallow tongue (closed men can answer without saying); swallow Boat (Air swallowing. Swallow boat the fish, to swallow a big fish in the boat); swallow Daogua intestine (Yu resolutely determined rehabilitation); swallow cow (compared juvenile heroic spirit); swallow Tsui (swallowing); swallowed an eel
  Annexation destroyed [annex]
  Swallow, destroy also. - "Guang Ya"
  Meaning both swallowing weeks. - "Western Zhou Dynasty Warring States policy"
  The cross-Premier of swallowing. - "Songs of the South Heaven"
  Swallow for two weeks. - Han Jia Yi "on the Qin"
  Another example is the swallow House (embezzlement); swallow wins (misappropriation of plunder); swallow, according to (annexation, accounting); sufferance Ren Qi (to fight back and not say anything angry); sufferance torn (described endure grief); sufferance of grief (a gnawing regret silent); swallow sorrow (grief forbear)
  Accommodate [contain]
  If those eighty-nine Yunmeng swallow. - Sima, such as "Zi Xu Fu"
  Bear [suffer]
  Sound off air swallowing. - "Ghost Story Different Cricket"
  Another example is the swallow hate
  Dementia [dull-witted]
  Light window assiduously, shabby Caesar swallow. - Tang, "The Peony Pavilion rot sighed,"
  [Merger]: Merge
  [Annex; take possission of]: annexation; merger
  Each annexation. - [English] Huxley a, Yan Fu translated "Evolution and Ethics"
  Stripping swallow
  [Embezzle and exploit] occupation of exploitation
  [Go down] to swallow [taking]
  Half an hour before bedtime swallow the drug
  Swallowing gold
  [Swallow gold (to commit suicide)] swallowed gold or gold jewelry (suicide)
  [Conquer and annex] annexation of elimination
  [Embezzle; misappropriate]: embezzlement of public property administered by or property of others
  Engulfed public funds
  [Engulf]: submerged
  Flood engulfed the village
  [Swallow; devour]: devour
  Sharks open mouth to engulf giant seafarers killed
  Gradually the night engulfed the beautiful mountains
  [Wrap]: the [something], or hidden completely enveloped
  Warehouse was completely engulfed
  Swallow one's cries
  [Dare not cry out; gulp down one's sobs] did not dare say anything, especially not cry out loud
  Sufferance drink gas
  [Swallow the voice and hold the breath] subject to the grievance does not say anything after that he endure in silence
  Sufferance crying
  [Swallow the voice and tears] tears entrance, not Kuchu sound. Described weep silently
  [Devour] devour
  Big fish swallowing small fish
  [Devour]: devour; swallowing. To swallow the whole
  Only when an object is stationary in the water when the shark will eat it
  [Engulf]: engulfed
  Amoeba pseudopod with its red blood cell phagocytosis
  [Swallow and spit; take in and send out in large quantities]: swallowed spit, a large number of out of metaphor
  The port throughput thirty million tons of goods a year
  [Mince the word]: the article described the language of Article disarray, ambiguous
  Throughput of the words
  [Hem and haw; mince matters; mutter and mumble; stumble over one's words] speaks, like just another word, it seems like there are hidden secrets untold
  He hum ha ha, speaking hesitant
  [Swallow] swallowed; without chewing and swallowing
  Esophageal cancer are difficulty swallowing
  [Blow a cloud; smoke opium or cigar]
  Alchemist's magic changes
  Describe the throughput proud look smoking
  Throughput accounting
  [Take possession of sth. Illegally] misappropriation; occupation
  Housing accounts for other people to swallow
  Zhou swallow
  [Crime-steeped person as big fish that can devor ship] that big fish can swallow the ship, a great man Yu crimes
  Swallow boat is leaking. - Southern Liang Qiu late "and the Uncle of the book"
  ㄨ ㄣ ˉ tūn ㄊ
  Do not chew or not to ponder over the pharynx into the ~ spit. ~ Pharynx. ~ Bite. Wolf ~ tiger swallow. Gas ~ mountains and rivers. Ren Qi ~ sound.
  Mergers, occupying ~ no (mò). ~ And. ~ Eclipse. ~ Accounts.
  Zheng code agj, u541e, gbkcdcc
  7 number of strokes, radical population, Stroke No. 1134251
chǒu shàng Ugly sets  【 táng yùn gēn qiē yùn】【 yùn huì gēn qiē, ???? yīn ????。【 shuō wényān 。【 xiāng · tūn ruò yún mèng zhě jiǔ。  yòuguǎng yùn tūnmiè 。【 zēng yùnbìng bāo 。【 zhàn guó yīn móu yòu tūn tiān xià zhī xīn。  yòuguǎng yùn qián qiē yùn nián qiē, ???? yīn tiānxìng hàn yòu tūn jǐng yún。  yòu yùnyān 。【 liáng chuán · yǐn sān nián zhù suǒ tūn yān zhěrǎng nèi。【 shì wén tūnchì 'ēn fǎnyòu yīn tiān。【 wáng yún shīhuán huán xìn táng táng níng yòu qiánjiǔ liáng huāng 'ān tūn

  Ipecac】 【Tang Yun Yun cut 【】 【_set_】 rhyme would undercut him, ???? sound ????. Wen also said】 【pharynx. 【】 Fu Simaxiangru Zixu Yunmeng who eighty-nine if swallowed. Also Guangyun】 【swallow, destroy also. 【】 Bing Yun package is also increasing. Warring】 【plot to swallow the heart of the world. Guangyun】 【before they cut him】 【Ji Yun He is cut, ???? sound days. Name also. Han had to swallow King Wan. 【_Set_】 pharynx and also rhyme. 【Note】 Guliang hidden for three years they swallowed, and soil into the inside. 【Explanation】 swallow, Chile en counter. And sound days. Poetry】 【Huan Huan Wang Yun letter invincible, dignified rather have the former. Easy to move nine Qi Liang, history and a glorious enough to swallow safety.
biān hào :787 Number: 787  yān cóng kǒu tiān shēng gēn qiē

  Pharynx also. Loud voice from the mouth. Undercutting soil
No. 8
  [ běn ] tūn [ jiǎn huà ]7[ shǒu ] kǒu
  [ fán ] tūn [ fán huà ]7[ wǔháng ] huǒ
  annex; gulp; swallow;
  〈 dòng
  ( xíng shēngcóng kǒu , tiān shēngběn : yān xià )
   tóng běn [devor;swallow]
   tūn , yān ―《 shuō wén
   tūn zhōu 。――《 hòu hàn shū · chuánzhù
   tūn cháng jiāng。―― sòng · fàn zhòng yānyuè yáng lóu
   fēng shuǐxiàng tūn 。―― sòng · shìshí zhōng shān
   tūn wàn 。―― sòng · xīn yǒng · jīng kǒu běi tíng huái
   yòu : tūn tàn ( tūn yān huǒ tàn huǐ sǎng ); tūn shé ( kǒu jié shé yán ); tūn zhōu ( tūn háng tūn zhōu zhī , néng tūn zhōu de ); tūn dāo guā cháng ( tòng xià jué xīn , gǎi guò xīn ); tūn niú ( shàonián gài háo mài ); tūn ( tūn shí ); tūn xià tiáo shàn
   tūn bìng , xiāo miè diào [annex]
   tūn , miè 。――《 guǎng
   jiān yòu tūn zhōu zhī 。――《 zhàn guó · zhōu
   ér jiāo tūn kuí zhī。――《 chǔ · tiān wèn
   tūn èr zhōu。―― hàn · jiǎ guò qín lùn
   yòu : tūn lóu ( qīn tūn ); tūn duó ( qīn tūn lüè duó ); tūn ( tūn bìng , zhàn ); tūn shēng rěn ( qiáng rěn fèn 'ér chū shēng ); tūn shēng rěn lèi ( xíng róng qiáng rěn bēi shāng ); tūn shēng yǐn hèn ( bào hèn yán ); tūn āi ( yǐn rěn bēi shāng )
   róng [contain]
   tūn ruò yún mèng zhě jiǔ。―― xiāng
   rěn shòu [suffer]
   duàn shēng tūn 。――《 liáo zhāi · zhì
   yòu : tūn hèn
  〈 xíng
   chī dāi [dull-witted]
   dēng chuāng yín , hán suān tūn 。―― tānɡ xiǎn dān tíng · tàn
   tūn bìng
  [merger]∶ bìng
  [annex;takepossissionof]∶ bìng tūn ; jiān bìng
   xiāng tūn bìng。―― [ yīng ] zhùyán tiān yǎn lùn
  [embezzleandexploit] qīn zhàn xuē
  [godown] tūn xià [ yòng ]
   gāi yào zài shuì qián bàn xiǎo shí tūn
   tūn jīn
  [swallowgold(tocommitsuicide)] tūn xià jīn huò jīn shǒu shì ( shā )
   tūn miè
  [conquerandannex] bìng tūn xiāo miè
   tūn méi
  [embezzle;misappropriate]∶ qīn tūn jīng guǎn de gōng gòng cái huò rén cái
   tūn méi gōng kuǎn
  [engulf]∶ yānmò
   hóng shuǐ tūn méi liǎo zhěng cūn zhuāng
  [swallow;devour]∶ tūn shí
   shā zhāng kāi kǒu xiǎng tūn méi yùnàn hǎi yuán
   hēi jiàn jiàn tūn méi liǎo měi de shān luán
  [wrap]∶ [ mǒu ] wán quán lǒngzhào huò yǐn
   cāng wán quán bèi huǒ tūn méi
   tūn shēng
  [darenotcryout;gulpdownone'ssobs] gǎn chū shēng , zhǐ gǎn chū shēng
   tūn shēng yǐn
  tūnshēng- yǐnqì
  [swallowthevoiceandholdthebreath] shòu liǎo yuān zhī hòu kēng shēng , chéng shòu
   tūn shēng yǐn
  tūnshēng- yǐnqì
  [swallowthevoiceandtears] liú lèi kǒu , gǎn chū shēng xiǎngxíng róng shēng bēi
   tūn shí
  [devour] tūn chī
   tūn shí xiǎo
   tūn shì
  [devour]∶ tūn chī ; tūn yānzhěng tūn xià
   zhǐ yòu dāng zài shuǐ zhōng jìng zhǐ dòng de shí hòu , shā cái huì tūn shì
  [engulf]∶ tūn méi
   ā yòng de wěi tūn shì hóng xuè qiú
  [swallowandspit;takeinandsendoutinlargequantities]∶ tūn chū , liàng jìn chū
   zhè gǎng kǒu nián tūn sān qiān wàn dūn huò
  [mincetheword]∶ xíng róng yán wén zhāng tiáo qīng , hán
   tūn tūn
  tūntun- tǔtǔ
  [hemandhaw;mincematters;mutterandmumble;stumbleoverone'swords] yán yòu zhǐ , zhǐ yòu yán , yòu yǐn qíng nán yán zhī zhuàng
   hēng hēng , shuō huà tūn tūn de
   tūn yān
  [swallow] tūn shí ; jiā jǔjué 'ér yān xià
   shí guǎn 'ái zhě tūn yān kùn nán
   tūn yún
  tūnyún- tǔwù
   fāng shì biàn huàn de shù
   xíng róng chōu yān tūn de shén qíng
   tūn zhàn
  [takepossessionofsth.illegally] qīn tūn ; qīn zhàn
   tūn zhàn bié rén de fáng
   tūn zhōu
  [crime-steepedpersonasbigfishthatcandevorship] zhǐ néng tūn chuán de , zuì xíng de rén
   tūn zhōu shì lòu。―― nán cháo liáng · qiū chí chén zhī shū
  tūn wu ˉ
   jiáo huò jiáo 'ér yān :~ 。~ yān。~ shìlánghǔyànshān rěn shēng
   jiān bìngqīn zhàn:~ méi( mò)。~ bìng。~ shí。~ zhàn
   zhèng : AGJ, U: 541E, GBK: CDCC
   huà shù: 7, shǒukǒu shùn biān hào: 1134251
  annex; gulp; swallow;
  1. n.:  annex,  gulp,  Swallow,  absorb, annex, engulf
  2. v.:  act of swallowing,   swallow,   take
hóu , yān , tūn yān , dàhè , chōng , guàn , liú dòng , shuàn
bāo hán cí
tūn shìqīn tūntūn méibìng tūnjīng tūn
tūn bìngtūn tūn shēngtūn yānbāo tūn
tūn shítūn jīntūn yǐn tūntūn zhàn
tūn tūn zhōutūn tūn chītūn miè
tūn tūnzài tūntūn xiànèi tūn
tūn yángtūn yīnwàng tūné tūntūn
tūn yún tūntūn suāntūn kǒutūn lóng
tūn jiàntūn yānxiǎo tūntūn zhānwēn tūn
láng tūntūn fèngtūn yáotūn niǎoguāng tūn
tūn tūntūn tūn jīngbāo tūntūn lǒu
tūn jiáotūn tūn nièpíng tūntūn
tūn hèntūn tūn tūn jǐngtūn gōu
tūn hángtūn xiàngtūn tàntūn zāngtūn shí
tūn niúnáng tūntūn shé tūntūn 'āi
tūnshì tūn tūnshēng tūntūn
tūn duótūn tūn bēitūn bàoháo tūn
chù tūn tūnjiáo tūntūn zòngtūn zhì
jiān tūn tūn tūn tūntūn
yuān tūntūn qiāngtūn qiāngtūn xiētūn
tūn bèitūn yúntūn tiānyún tūn tūn
ā tūntūn tūnwéi tūn tūn xiāng
tūn liàngtūn zhèngtūn shì yuán bāo tūnmàn tūn tūn
zài tūn xià kǒu tūntūn bìng zhà yún tūn tūn
lún tūntūn gōng kuǎntūn shí shòushé tūn jīngtūn shí zhě
jiān yún tūntūn shī guǐ tūn yúnjiǔ tūn duì tūn chì
yún tūn tóutūn cūntūn líng zhějīng tūn xiànbǎn shuài tūn
tūn wēn tūn shuǐtūn shí yún tūn miànrùn tūn dǐng
tūn shí 2tūn shì zhě tūn yànfèng tūn chìtūn shì mán
tūn quán tūn zhēntūn yǐn tūn hǎi tíngtūn pán xiāng
líng guì tūnlán tūntūn shé tūn xiàngshùn tūn
wéi tūnpāi lín tūn tūn shìbāo tūn zhuǎnzhuǎn bāo tūn
zhào tūn kǒu lún tūn jiǔ tūn tūn tūn jiàn
tūn jiǔ dǐngtūn shì dàiā tūn shéntūn shuàitūn shēng jīn
guà tūn kǒutūn niǎo mèngtūn chī zhītūn jiě tūn shì
tūn shì dejīn tūn tūn yún kuīqiáng tūn ruòtūn tiān
tūn méi liǎotūn yān shēngtūn shì diàotūn xià láitūn cháng jiāng
yòu tūn miètūn qiū jǐng tūntūn zhuāng cūntūn cāng cūn
ōu tūn cūntūn cūntūn lǐng cūntūn pán cūntūn jiá cūn
tūn cūntūn cūntūn yǒng cūntūn bái cūntūn cūn
tūn cūntūn cūnyún tūn chìkàng tūn shìtūn shí shěn