Wrong (wrong) cuò is not correct, and the actual match: error. Fault. Cuoe. Erroneous. Illusion. Wronged. Good. Indulgence. The wrong. Crossed: staggered. Disorder. Mixed. Intricate (vertical and horizontal cross). Dislocation. Scattered (staggered confused.) Intertwined. Deviates: staggered. Wrong car. Missed opportunities. Jade stone for grinding: stones from other hills, can be wrong. Polished jade: polish. Gold, silver, finishing: the wrong payment. Wrong silver. Literary brilliance. Number of strokes: 13; radicals: Jin; stroke order code: 3111512212511
Wrong Wrong cuò 【Activity】 (Phonetic. From gold, past sound. Original meaning: gold finish, inlay) With the original meaning 〖inlaywithgold, silver, etc.〗 Wrong, gold painted also. This so-called gold-plated. Folk characters for plating. - "Said the text" Gold and silver ornaments that the fault is to engrave. - "Popular Culture" Ding daily and less than your wrong. - "Hill said Huainanzi" Another example: the wrong arm (the arm with the Dan-painted decoration) Mutual friction〗 〖grind Wrong, grinding also. - "Guang Ya" So who saw the wrong rule. - "Biography of Women in different views" Gossip-phase fault. - "Gua Yi said." Yu Note: "Morocco also." Another example: the wrong tooth Complex mix〗 〖 Wrong, mixed also. - "Little ELEGANCE" Breaking the numbers. - "Yi Xi Ci Zhuan" Staggered to debate. - "Rites special offerings" Come short car soldiers then the wrong hub. - "War Songs" Another example: the wrong stone (color stone, mixed stone from a variety of laminated paper color); wrong column (jumbled order); wrong brutal (mixed, cross hybrid); the wrong line (alternate run); scattered (staggered confused) Abandon abandoned〗 〖 Yin both the wrong destiny. - "Sub-micro order book" Separately; diverge〗 〖separate. Such as: wrong port children (open); wrong seam (small fault) Turn〗 〖turn. Such as: wrong eyes; the wrong body Wrong Wrong cuò 【Name】 Jade carving with rough millstone〗 〖coarsewetstone Tin Gong Qing wrong. - "Yu Gong books." Kong Chuan: "Jade said, the wrong treatment." For polishing or grinding stone tool quick; grindstone grindstone〗 〖 Stone hills, can be wrong. - "Poetry Xiaoya Heming" Rasp. Consultation tool for copper and iron treatment of bone angle〗 〖file. Such as: the wrong knife (also passed away money name. Suozhu when Wang Mang) Error 〖error; mistake〗. Such as: wrong (something wrong); wrong Miao (error, error. Also be erroneous); wrong see (miscalculation); wrong on the grave (wrong person) Wrong Wrong cuò 【Form】 Clutter; staggered 〖indisorder; alternate〗 Gongchoujiaocuo. - Ouyang Xiu, "Drunkard Pavilion" The state of danger evil, layers, see garbage out, non-human world are worthy. - Wen Tianxiang, "recorded after the sequence Guide" Another example: wrong text (staggered for the text); scattered (inconsistent); wrong jointly (cross-matching) Bad; poor〗 〖bad. Such as: this is pretty good Indulgence cuò'ài 〗 〖Undeservedkindness Qianci, thanked each other's love, culture Thanks indulgence Misjudged case cuò'àn 〗 〖Misjudgedcase means to determine the error and correct the guilty and the innocent, or deal with errors on the severity of the cases Typos cuòbiézì 〗 〖Wronglywrittenormispronouncedcharacters typo and the other characters together, Wrong car cuòchē 〗 〖Onevehiclegivesanothertherightofway opposite driving or overtaking the vehicle, each to get out of both sides, so that the smooth passage of the two sides Fault cuòchu 〗 〖Fault: fault; the wrong place 〗 〖Mix (-chǔ) Mixed Traitor mistakes Dislocation cuòdòng 〗 〖Thechangingoftherelativepositionsofobjects A change in the relative position of things Dislocation of the two 20 cm Changes in the relative position of things Rocks occur in the strong dislocation interaction Misread cuòdú 〗 〖Mispronounce certain specified or implied as the standard changes in the way of pronunciation is considered incorrect Speculated that he probably would "February" the wrong read as "Febuary" the habit of going to the grave Stunned cuòè 〖Startled; astonished dismay hastily〗 Good alternative, stunned families welcome. - Han Yu, "Cao Chengyu Monument" Miss cuòguò 〗 〖Miss: loss of time Missed a chance to win 〗 〖Cross: on the road that pass each other We missed each other on the road Wrong angle cuòjiǎo 〗 〖Alternateangle plane cut a straight line formed by the other two lines are not adjacent angles, staggered at the opposite sides of the angle of cut-off line, located within the two lines of the two parties called the wrong diagonal angle, in two straight lines Two diagonal called foreign "outside the wrong angle" Wrong solution cuòjiě 〗 〖Misexplain interpretation is wrong or wrongly interpreted Illusion cuòjué 〖Illusion; misconception〗 the objective sense of things is not correct An illusion caused by the horizontal, so that objects do not appear on its actual location Stagger cuòkāi 〗 〖Stagger staggered arrangements (such as work and study time) Staggered work hours to reduce urban traffic congestion Mistakes and omissions cuòlòu 〗 〖Errorandnegligence errors and omissions Registration is more convenient and save time, but also easy to cause errors Disorder cuòluàn 〗 〖Indisorder: no order Reverse confusion 〗 〖Waver: neural disorders As has long been the terrorist intimidation, his mental disorder was finally Scattered cuòluò 〗 〖Strewnatrandom arranged staggered During the pines and cypresses scattered Miss cuòshī 〖Fault; mistake〗 error; fault He rarely missed work Dislocation cuòwèi Body parts〗 〖inversion state deviated from the normal position, some or all of the inside and outside the inverted Uterine displacement Dislocation cuòwèi Body parts〗 〖disturb the unusual position change Not broken a bone, a bit right joints Error cuòwù 〗 〖Error: accident Errors in the reasoning process 〗 〖Wrong: is not correct, and the objective reality does not meet the The wrong concept of justice Misuse cuòyòng Misuse〗 〖used incorrectly Misuse of words, so that others can not understand him Mixed cuòzá 〖Mixed; jumbled〗 cross doping; mixed So people tried scratching it, mixed with each other, take the bucket divided, the enemy guns can not be made final. - "Class warfare clean barnyard class notes" Young and old mixed Typo cuòzì 〗 〖Wronglywrittencharacter: write is not the right word 〗 〖Misprint: printed in the wrong row (if different from the original errors, or typographical errors) of the words Intricate cuòzōng 〖Intricate; complex〗: vertical and horizontal cross Complex Synthesize〗 〖: cross tie; comprehensive Intricate group of words
Error (shape sound. From gold, past sound. The original meaning of finishing with gold, inlaid) wrong with the original meaning, gold painted also. This so-called gold-plated. Folk characters for plating. - "Said the text" gold and silver ornaments that the fault is to engrave. - "Popular Culture" Ding your wrong and insufficient daily. - "Huainanzi said Hill," and if the wrong arm (the arm with the Dan-painted decoration) rub each other wrong, grinding also. - "Guang Ya" rule is a man who saw wrong. - "Biography of Women in different views" gossip-phase fault. - "Gua Yi said." Note Mount Yu also. "Another example is the wrong tooth miscellaneous wrong, mixed also. -" Little ELEGANCE "Breaking his numbers. -" Easy to Appendix III, "staggered to defense. -" Special ritual offerings, "Come short wheel wrong car soldiers then. - "War Songs" and if mistakes cuò ① mixed; mixed canines make ~. ② object relative friction ~ teeth. ③ not avoid the hit relative to action ~ car. ④ time to work do not conflict ~ open during rush hours. ⑤ not correct, then ~, ~ words. ⑥ fault; fault I said _set_ ~. ⑦ bad; difference (for negation) Your English is very ~ Well! ⑧ pattern in the concave bordered or painted in gold and silver ~ gold. ⑨ polished jade stones. ⑩ polished jade attack ~. 【】 Qianci indulgence. thank each other love. 【】 typos and other spelling words in general. 【】 rush stunned surprise; consternation. 【Silver】 wrong decorations of gold and silver artifacts. gold wire or gold film, said the wrong gold, silver inlay pieces of silver or silver is called wrong. In the Spring and Autumn period has been used in bronze. 【】 staggered scattered confused ~ has caused. 【complex】 describe the situation or circumstances crisscross, very complex. wrong cù 1. pass "measures." placed; placement. 2. pass "measures." Ann. 3. pass "measures." abandon; home instead. 4. Tong "Measures." stop. 5. pass "measures." facilities; implemented. 6. Link "vinegar". "pipe. disciple level": "_set_ dressing the wrong food, not perverse Chen meal. "Guo and so _set_ the school:" Ancient 'wrong' for 'vinegar', Liu ﹑ Zhu Dongguang the same. "One said _set_ placement. _Set_ the school also cited Zhangwen Hu said:" 'fault' is also still home, below the cloud 'where he _set_ food' is also. Zhu is the correct 'vinegar'. "7. Pass" promotion. "Hasty, urgent. See" stunned. "
Cuo wrong Radical Radical Jin total strokes 13 strokes 05 Wrong alternate; complex; fault; wrong; Wrong (1) Wrong cuò (2) (Phonetic. From gold, past sound. The original meaning of gold finish, inlay) (3) With the original meaning of [inlay with gold, silver, etc.] Wrong, gold painted also. This so-called gold-plated. Folk characters for plating. - "Said the text" Gold and silver ornaments that the fault is to engrave. - "Popular Culture" Ding daily and less than your wrong. - "Hill said Huainanzi" (4) Another example is the wrong arm (the arm with the Dan-painted decoration) (5) Mutual friction [grind] Wrong, grinding also. - "Guang Ya" So who saw the wrong rule. - "Biography of Women in different views" Gossip-phase fault. - "Gua Yi said." Note Mount Yu also. " (6) Another example is the wrong tooth (7) Miscellaneous [mix] Wrong, mixed also. - "Little ELEGANCE" Breaking the numbers. - "Yi Xi Ci Zhuan" Staggered to debate. - "Rites special offerings" Come short car soldiers then the wrong hub. - "War Songs" (8) Another example is zircon (color stone, mixed stone from a variety of laminated paper color); wrong column (jumbled order); wrong brutal (mixed, cross hybrid); the wrong line (alternate run); scattered (staggered confused) (9) Abandoned [abandon] Yin both the wrong destiny. - "Sub-micro order book" (10) Separately; diverge [separate]. If the wrong port children (open); wrong seam (small fault) (11) Rotation [turn]. If the wrong eyes; the wrong body Wrong (1) Wrong cuò (2) Jade carving with rough millstone [coarse wetstone] Tin Gong Qing wrong. - "Yu Gong books." Jade said the wrong hole transfer rule. " (3) For polishing or grinding stone tool quick; millstone [grindstone] Stone hills, can be wrong. - "Poetry Xiaoya Heming" (4) Rasp. Consultation tool for copper and iron treatment of bone angle [file]. If the wrong knife (also passed away money name. Suozhu when Wang Mang) (5) Error [error; mistake]. If wrong (something wrong); wrong Miao (error, error. Also be erroneous); wrong see (miscalculation); wrong on the grave (wrong person) Wrong (1) Wrong cuò (2) Clutter; staggered [in disorder; alternate] Gongchoujiaocuo. - Ouyang Xiu, "Drunkard Pavilion" The state of danger evil, layers, see garbage out, non-human world are worthy. - Wen Tianxiang, "recorded after the sequence Guide" (3) Another example is wrong in (staggered for the text); scattered (inconsistent); wrong jointly (cross-matching) (4) Bad; bad [bad]. If this thing is pretty good Indulgence cuò ài [Undeserved kindness] Qianci, thanked each other's love, culture Thanks indulgence Misjudged case cuò àn [Misjudged case] means to determine the error and correct the guilty and the innocent, or deal with errors on the severity of the cases Typos cuòbiézì [Wrongly written or mispronounced characters] typo and the other characters together, Wrong car cuòchē [One vehicle gives another the right of way] opposite driving or overtaking the vehicle, each to get out of both sides, so that the smooth passage of the two sides Fault cuòchu (1) [Fault]: fault; the wrong place (2) [Mix] (-chǔ) (3) Mixed Traitor mistakes Dislocation cuòdòng (1) [The changing of the relative positions of objects] (2) A change in the relative position of things Dislocation of the two 20 cm (3) Changes in the relative position of things Rocks occur in the strong dislocation interaction Misread cuòdú [Mispronounce] specified or implied due to some changes in the standard pronunciation of the way that were not correct Speculated that he probably would february "the wrong time for the febuary" the habit of going to the grave Stunned cuòè [Startled; astonished] hasty shock Good alternative, stunned families welcome. - Han Yu, "Cao Chengyu Monument" Miss cuòguò (1) [Miss]: lost time Missed a chance to win (2) [Cross]: the road that pass each other We missed each other on the road Wrong angle cuòjiǎo [Alternate angle] plane, a line cut into the other two lines are not adjacent angles, staggered at the opposite sides of the angle of cut-off line, located within the two lines of the two parties called the wrong diagonal angle, at two The two diagonal lines is called foreign outside the wrong angle " Wrong solution cuòjiě [Misexplain] interpretation is wrong or wrongly interpreted Illusion cuòjué [Illusion; misconception] is not correct on the objective sense of things An illusion caused by the horizontal, so that objects do not appear on its actual location Stagger cuòkāi [Stagger] staggered arrangements (such as work and study time) Staggered work hours to reduce urban traffic congestion Mistakes and omissions cuòlòu [Error and negligence] errors and omissions Registration is more convenient and save time, but also easy to cause errors Disorder cuòluàn (1) [In disorder]: No order Reverse confusion (2) [Waver]: Neurological Disorders As has long been the terrorist intimidation, his mental disorder was finally Scattered cuòluò [Strewn at random] arranged staggered During the pines and cypresses scattered Miss cuòshī [Fault; mistake] error; fault He rarely missed work Dislocation cuòwèi [In version] deviation from the normal parts of the body organs of the state, some or all of the inside and outside the inverted Uterine displacement Dislocation cuòwèi [Disturb] the unusual changes in body parts of organs Not broken a bone, a bit right joints Error cuòwù (1) [Error]: accident Errors in the reasoning process (2) [Wrong]: is not correct, and the objective reality does not meet the The wrong concept of justice Misuse cuòyòng [Misuse] does not properly use Misuse of words, so that others can not understand him Mixed cuòzá [Mixed; jumbled] cross doping; mixed So people tried scratching it, mixed with each other, take the bucket divided, the enemy guns can not be made final. - "Class warfare clean barnyard class notes" Young and old mixed Typo cuòzì (1) [Wrongly written character]: write is not the right word (2) [Misprint]: printed in the wrong row (if different from the original errors, or typographical errors) of the words Intricate cuòzōng (1) [Intricate; complex]: vertical and horizontal cross Complex (2) [Synthesize]: interlaced with; comprehensive Intricate group of words Wrong (Wrong) cuò ㄘ ㄨ ㄛ ╝ (1) Is not correct, does not match with the actual difference ~. Over ~. ~ Correct. ~ Absurd. ~ Sleep. ~ Strange. Not ~. ~ Love. To ~ to ~. (2) Cross the cross ~. ~ Chaos. ~ Miscellaneous. ~ Comprehensive (vertical and horizontal cross). ~ Move. ~ Off (staggered confused.) Packing ~ section. (3) Deviates from the ~ open. ~ Car. ~ Had the chance. (4) Jade stone used to polish stone hills, you can ~. (5) Polished jade attack ~. (6) Gold, silver, finishing ~ gold. ~ Silver. ~ Color Loujin. Zheng code pek, u9519, gbkb4ed 13 number of strokes, radical Jin, stroke number 3111512212511
〔〕 䥘 Ancient Tang Yun】 【【】 Ji Yun Yun position of the cut will】 【Qing Rhymes】 【each cut seven of the cut, ???? sound Clan. 【】 Chin Tu also said the text. 【】 Food and Commodities Former Han wrongly, mistake the text of gold, knife straight five thousand, and five baht money ???? line. 【Note】 wrong knife, Wang Mang money. Why Poetry】 【Zhang Heng presented the wrong knife. Poetry Taiga】 【bamboo mat and Fu-fault value. 【Fax】 wrong value, the text value as well. Zhao family】 【Records haircut tattoos, cross arms left ren. 【Note】 wrong arm has tattoos, that in order to draw the arm Dan Celadon wrong. 】 【Jade articles and polishing tool as well. Tin Gong Yu Gong】 【book chime wrong. Jade said sparse】 【rule wrong. Yu Qing there to whom who chime wrong, wrong that the government is also chime. Li Yun】 【is another stone also. Xiaoya】 【poetry stone hills, can be wrong. 【Fax】 wrong, stone also can be Jade carving. 【Explanation】 wrong, Li Shi also. 】 【Jade articles and miscellaneous as well. 【Books】 Jue Yu Gong Fu but on the wrong. 【Fax】 wrong, miscellaneous out. Shu】 【cross is the meaning of loitering, it is wrong for the complex also. And revolt. 【Order】 Book of Kong Anguo confusion erode, not reusable knowledge. Yi Xi Ci】 【intricate and their number. Shu】 【wrong that staggered. Liwen Wang Shizi】 【staggered in the ritual. Also】 【offering good is defined as. 【Note】 wrong, flying geese also. Accompanied by the parent of the party, brother of the party echelon. Xiaoya】 【poems offer Chou staggered. 【Fax】 things as pay, the evil acts of wrong. 】 【Ji Yun and good too. By Yun】 【mistaken also, it is wrong. 【Fax】 Five Shiluoshaowei military commander Weibo teeth unbridled arrogance, do kill, thus the potential is weak, said: Poly Iron County, Forty-six states, not a cast of a wrong. 【Note】 by Yi, Wu Yu is also wrong. Also 【Notes】 declared before the five elements of Chinese yuan, the Liu Xiang Gu Liang Chunqiu rule, the number of its Huo Fu, transfer to Hong Fan, and Zhong Shu wrong. 【Note】 wrong, that the conflict Wu is also substandard. Guangyun】 【also has toilet, the toilet is also made relative to leisure. Mean】 【ceremony and the provision of fault lines, such as the four seasons. 【Note】 wrong Zhu, Utah Diego also. Also from Gua】 【Yi Lu wrong then. 【Note】 wrong then, respecting the appearance Shen. And Ma Rong Guang Cheng Chung 【】 mountain range Wei Cui wrong. 【Note】 wrong Cui, steep appearance. Shan Hai Jing】 【another animal with a mountain, its like a horse, a corner wrong. 【Note】 angle is a wrong statement also. Also the name of God. 【Notes】 Later Han ritual fasting huge mistake. 【Note】 by epidemics of God. Another name. After Guangyun】 【Song Taizai. And names. Historical Chronology】 【High Zugong Chen and Gao Hou ???? wrong. Note】 【Solitude table for Han Kai, sound arrangements. And insect names. Lufthansa words fill】 【chicken, You state that the Po of people wrong. And with the Houses pass. Geography】 【five parties before the Han miscellaneous Houses, customs impure. 【Note】 Houses, classical and wrong. Also 【】 【Ji Yun Guang Yun Yun will】 【】 【】 ???? positions are so cut rhyme, sound measures. Chin Tu Yun】 【that _set_ the wrong. Also last name. This made 䥄. And liberal arts】 【Tibet also. Nine Chapters】 【Chu and the people of the students, all have the wrong Xi. 【Note】 wrong, was secure. Also 【Fax】 Records Simaxiangru development mining wrong. 【Note】 develop their office, located resting his career also. Wrong sound measures. Gou Yi Xi Ci】 【then put aside to, and be all right. Shu】 【wrong home too. 【Explanation】 wrong, sound measures. Historical Zhou Ji】 【into Hong occasion, world peace, not more than forty years ???? wrong. 【Note】 wrong home too. Also】 【Records Qin Wei Zhang Yi Chuan turn, can be wrong carry on. 【Note】 wrong, to stop too. Sound measures. Han Han Long after they passed 【】 two startled not right. 【Note】 wrong, it is counter-seven. Wrong dread, still too hastily. And dialects】 【Yangtze off also. Zhou and Qin said wrong. 【Note】 tone of Health. Also the same with the vinegar. 【Home】 tube disciple sauce wrong food grade. And seven】 【_set_ rhyme about cutting, music Que. Physical crude also. Research: 〔】 【Gou Yi Xi Ci can be put aside to carry〕 may wish to carry on according to the original instead to carry on.
錯 Wrong 金塗也。從金昔聲。倉各切〖註〗䥘,古文。
Chin Tu also. The sound from the golden past. Note the cut〗 〖Warehouse 䥘, classical.