“a joint iupac-iupap working party (jwp) has contimed the discovery of element number 111 and this by the collaboration of hofmann et al. from the gesellschaft für schwerionenforschung mbh (gsi) in darmstadt,germany.in accord with iupac procedures,the discoverers have proposed a name and symbol for the element.the lnorganic chemistry division committee now recommends this proposal for acceptance.the proposed name is roentgenium with symbol rg.this proposal lies within the long established tradition of naming elements to honour famous scientists.wilhelm conrad roentgen discovered x-rays in 1895.”
柏林10月14日電 經過長期審定,國際理論和應用化學聯合會日前認定,德國達姆施塔特重離子研究所的科學家發現了第111號元素。