金融 > 裝船通知
No. 1
  裝船通知也叫裝運通知,主要指的是出口商在貨物裝船後發給進口方的包括貨物詳細裝運情況的通知,其目的在於讓進口商做好籌措資金、付款和接貨的準備,如成交條件為fob/fca、cfr/cpt等還需要嚮進口國保險公司發出該通知以便其為進口商辦理貨物保險手續,出口裝船通知應按合同或信用證規定的時間發出,該通知副本(copy of telex/fax)常作為嚮銀行交單議付的單據之一;在進口方派船接貨的交易條件下,進口商為了使船、貨銜接得當也會嚮出口方發出有關通知;通知以英文製作,無統一格式,內容一定要符合信用證的規定,一般衹提供一份。
  1.單據名稱。主要體現為:shipping/shipment advice, advice of shipment等,也有人將其稱為shipping statement/declaration,如信用證有具體要求,從其規定。
  4.製作和發出日期。日期不能超過信用證約定的時間,常見的有以小時為準(within 24/48 hours)和以天(within 2 days after shipment date)為準兩種情形,信用證沒有規定時應在裝船後立即發出,如信用證規定“immediately after shipment”(裝船後立即通知),應掌握在提單後三天之內。
  5.簽署。一般可以不簽署,如信用證要求“certified copy of shipping advice”,通常加蓋受益人條形章。
  1. cfr/cpt交易條件下拍發裝運通知的必要性。因貨物運輸和保險分別由不同的當事人操作,所以受益人有義務嚮申請人對貨物裝運情況給予及時、充分的通知,以便進口商保險,否則如漏發通知,則貨物越過船舷後的風險仍由受益人承擔。
  2. 通知應按規定的方式、時間、內容、份數發出。
  3. 幾個近似概念的區別。shipping advice(裝運通知)是由出口商(受益人)發給進口商(申請人)的;shipping instructions 意思是“裝運須知”,一般是進口商發給出口商的;shipping note/ bill指裝貨通知單/船貨清單;shipping order簡稱s/o,含義是裝貨單/關單/下貨紙(是海關放行和命令船方將單據上載明的貨物裝船的文件)。
  1. original fax from beneficiary to our applicant evidencing b/l no.,name of ship,shipment date,quantity and value of goods.其要求應嚮申請人提交正本通知一份,通知上列明提單號、船名、裝運日期、貨物的數量和金額。製作單據時衹要按所列項目操作即可。
  2. insurance effected in iran by iran insurance co.,the name of insurance co. and the policy no. xxx dd.--- have to be mentioned on b/l, shipment advice to be made to said insurance co. via tlx no. xxx indicating policy no. and details of shipment,a copy of which is to be accompanied by the original docs. 該條款要求貨物的保險由伊朗保險公司辦理,提單上應明確保險公司的名稱、保單號碼和出單日期,所出的裝運通知則應標明保險公司名稱、電傳號碼、保單號碼和貨物的詳細情況,電抄副本隨正本單據嚮銀行提交。
  3. shipment advice with full details including shipping marks,ctn numbers,vessel's name,b/l number,value and quantity of goods must be sent on the date of shipment to us. 該項規定要求裝運通知應列明包括運輸標志、箱號、船名、提單號、貨物金額和數量在內的詳細情況,並在貨物發運當天寄開證行。
  4. beneficiary must fax advise to the applicant for the particulars before shipment effected and a copy of the advice should be presented for negotiation. 根據這條規定,受益人發出的裝運通知的方式是傳真,發出時間是在貨物裝運前,傳真副本做為議付單據提交。
  5. insurance covered by openers. all shipments under this credit must be advised by you immediately after shipment direct to m/s abc insurance co. and to the openers referring to cover note no ca364 giving full details of shipment. a copy of this advice to accompany each set of documents. 該條款要求保險由申請人負責,貨物裝運後由受益人直接發通知給abc保險公司和申請人,通知上應註明號碼為ca364的暫保單,並說明貨物的詳細情況。每次交單都應隨附該通知副本。
  6. beneficiary’s certified copy of fax sent to applicant within 48 hours after shipment indicating contract no. l/c no. goods name,quantity,invoice value,vessel’s name,package/container no., loading port ,shipping date and eta. 按這條信用證要求,受益人出具的裝運通知必須簽署,通知應在發貨後48小時內發出,具體通知內容為合同號、信用證號、品名、數量、發票金額、船名、箱/集裝箱號、裝貨港、裝運日期和船舶預抵港時間。受益人應嚴格按所要求的內容繕製。
  7. shipment advice quoting the name of the carrying vessel,date of shipment,number of packages, shipping marks ,amount,letter of credit number, policy number must be sent to applicant by fax,copies of transmitted shipment advice accompanied by fax transmission report must accompany the documents. 表明船名、裝船日期、包裝號、嘜頭、金額、信用證號、保險單號的裝船通知必須由受益人傳真給開證人,裝船通知和傳真副本以及發送傳真的電訊報告必須隨附議付單據提交。
  8. beneficiary's certificate certifying that they have despatched the shipment advice to applicant by fax(fax no 2838-0983) within 1 day after b/l date advising shipment details including contract no, invoice value, name of the vessel, loadport, quantity goods loaded, b/l date, the vessel movement including time of arrival, time of berthed, time of start loading, time of finish loading and departure time from dalian and this credit no.這條規定來自香港的某份信用證,其對裝船通知的要求是:裝運貨物後一天內受益人通過傳真加以通知,內容包括:合同號、發票金額、船名、裝港、貨物數量、提單日,包括抵達時間、靠泊時間、開始裝貨時間、裝貨完畢時間和駛離大連港的時間等船舶的航行軌跡和本信用證號碼。
  shipping advice
  contract no.
  l/c no.
  gross weight
  net weight
  total value
  shipping marks
  please be informed that these goods have been shipped from xxx to xxx with mv xxx
  shipment date
  b/l no.
  beneficiary's signature