How can it be said that he is without robes?
He has those of the seven orders;
But it is better that he get those robes from you.
That will secure tranquillity and good fortune.
How can it be said that he is without robes?
He has those of the six orders;
But it is better that he get those robes from you.
That will secure tranquillity and permanence.
How shall it be said that you have no clothes?
I will share my long robes with you.
The king is raising his forces;
I will prepare my lance and spear,
And will be your comrade.
How shall it be said that you have no clothes?
I will share my under clothes with you.
The king is raising his forces;
I will prepare my spear and lance,
And will take the field with you.
How shall it be said that you have no clothes?
I will share my lower garments with you.
The king is raising his forces;
I will prepare my buffcoat and sharp weapons,
And will march along with you.