| | 附於桌子、櫃子等傢具上可抽動的匣子狀的構件。供盛放東西用 | 桌子﹑櫃子等傢具中放東西用的匣子,有底,沒蓋,可以抽出來推進去 ﹑ Cabinet table, put things such as furniture in the box used, with bottom, no lid, you can go out to advance | 桌子、櫃子等傢具中放東西用的匣子,有底,沒蓋,可以抽出來推進去。 巴金 《傢》十七:“他鄭重地把它放在寫字檯的抽屜裏,又把抽屜鎖上了。” 曹禺 《雷雨》第四幕:“他走到方桌前打開抽屜,取出長槍,走進後邊書房。” | | - n.: drawer, locker, box-like container, with one or more handles but no lid, that slides in and out of a piece of furniture, etc
| | - n. tiroir
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