| | - n.: appearance; exterior, semblance, shell, show, similitude, surface, veneer, visage, an outward form, resemblance, face, border, sth appears to be, of sth appearance of being sth, likeness to sth, external, outward appearance, facies, rind, air, appearance, aspect, effect, exteriority, externality, facade, exterior, front, likeness, look, mess, presentation
| | - n. apparence, surface
| | 外貌, 態度, 給人的印象, 外觀, 看法, 評價, 形狀, 某物的構造, 外面, 外部, 意見, 表情, 樣子, 與某物相似, 表面上做出的樣子 | | | | |