arthur c. clarke所著的''地球帝國''小說中,土衛六成了擁有250000人口的人類殖民地並且在太陽係經濟中扮演主要角色;土衛六大氣中的氫稱為了行星間旅行的動力來源.
stephen baxter所著的''土衛六''小說中,描寫了一項nasa對災難性登陸土衛六的任務幸存者的拯救.
kurt vonnegut的小說''土衛六的警報''有對土衛六驚險旅行的描寫.
bbc的電視秀''紅矮人''中,主人公李斯特非法的從土衛六帶回一隻貓,經過幾百萬年的硬輻射,這種比起祖先漂亮但不是很聰明的物種被稱為''felis sapiens''.
在公元2000漫畫係列judge dredd,泰坦星是一個流放犯人的殖民地,但作者在文中犯了一個致命的錯誤,它被描寫成圍繞木星軌道旋轉.這稍後被歸因於一個遠距傳物科學實驗.
在marvel comics宇宙,泰坦星是eternals的殖民之傢,他們是一個似神的種族.
在日本漫畫cowboy bebop(1998年)中,泰坦星曾經是一個戰爭基地.上面的殖民情況並不清楚.
在一款apple ii是遊戲''titan empire''中,泰坦星上的人類試圖統治整個太陽係.
在trevor mark所著的小說''shattered faith''中,泰坦星是被古代偏見所憤恨的巨大地外文明的中心,他們來到地球是為了復仇.
美國科幻小說作傢alan e. nourse1954年12月用英語發表的的小說,''trouble on titan'',在1971年被以''revolte sur titan''為標題翻譯為法文.
桌面科幻遊戲戰爭之錘40000中grey knightsspace marine這一章中繼續保留着他們在土衛六上是堡壘.
在c64電腦遊戲project firestart故事被設定發生在一個科學探測空間船上,這艘船漂浮在土星係的土衛六附近.
''flight on titan''是一個由stanley g. weinbaum所著的短篇故事
scientists find seas on saturn's moon
updated: 2007-03-14 09:06
los angeles - scientists for the first time have discovered what appear to be sea-size bodies of liquid on the surface of saturn's largest moon, including one about as big as the caspian sea on earth.
the discovery by the international cassini spacecraft was welcomed by researchers, who have long theorized that titan possessed hydrocarbon seas because of methane and other organic compounds in its thick, largely nitrogen atmosphere. until now, cassini had only spotted clusters of small lakes on the planet-size moon.
"they're very obvious. there's nothing subtle about them," said cassini scientist jonathan lunine of the university of arizona, tucson.
researchers using visual and radar imaging uncovered evidence of at least two seas on titan's hazy north pole.
cassini's camera last month imaged a large, irregular feature stretching 680 miles long with a surface area similar to the landlocked caspian sea. its radar instrument swept over the feature's northern tip and determined it likely contains liquid methane or ethane because of its smooth appearance. however, scientists don't know whether the entire area is filled with liquid.
the spacecraft also discerned another body one-fifth the size of titan's "caspian sea." with a surface area of about 46,000 square miles, it is larger than lakes superior and ontario combined, scientists said.
while there's no scientific definition of what constitutes a lake or sea on titan, the newly found features are significantly larger than previously discovered bodies of liquid on the frigid moon and should be considered seas, lunine said.
results were presented tuesday at the annual lunar and planetary science conference in texas.
titan is one of the few objects in the outer solar system that possesses a significant atmosphere and scientists have long puzzled over its source. methane is a flammable gas on earth but liquid on titan because of the moon's intense atmospheric pressure and cold.
judging by their sizes and depths, lunine said the newly discovered seas likely aren't responsible for replenishing the long-term methane found in the moon's atmosphere. instead, lunine said that source likely comes from underground methane reservoirs that vent to the surface.
the discovery raises questions about why hydrocarbon pools are concentrated at titan's poles, said carolyn porco, a cassini imaging scientist from the space science institute in boulder, colo. it also gives researchers confidence that a feature the size of lake ontario spied on the moon's south pole two years ago may also be liquid-filled, she said.
in 2005, cassini launched a probe that parachuted to the surface of titan where it found evidence of an active world with liquid methane rain and a landscape of ridges, peaks and features formed by erosion.
cassini, on a mission to study the ringed planet and its many moons, is a project of nasa, the european space agency and the italian space agency. the spacecraft is managed by nasa's jet propulsion laboratory in pasadena.