清仁宗睿皇帝嘉慶 名愛新覺羅·顒琰(公元1760-1820年),原名愛新覺羅·永琰,乾隆皇帝第十五子,乾隆給他皇位,為清代入關後第五帝,在位25年(1796年到1821)。病死,終年61歲。卒謚“受天興運敷化綏猷崇文經武孝恭勤儉端敏英哲睿皇帝”。廟號仁宗。道光帝即位,於“孝恭”前加“光裕”二字。葬河北易縣清西陵昌陵。 嘉慶皇帝是清朝入關之後的第五代皇帝,姓名為愛新覺羅·永琰(後因避皇帝名諱,改為顒琰)。生於公元1760年,卒於公元1820年。他三十七歲即位,在位二十五年,享年六十一歲。廟號仁宗,謚號睿皇帝。與父親乾隆帝相比,嘉慶帝是一位既沒有政治膽略,又缺乏革新精神;既沒有理政才能,又缺乏果敢作為的平庸天子。而嘉慶帝的時代,正是大清王朝由康雍乾盛世走嚮衰落的時期,因此,嘉慶帝本人被歷史性地賦予了大清帝國由極盛轉為衰敗的悲劇命運。 乾隆皇帝在位時,為什麽會在自己衆多的十七個兒子中,偏偏選擇平庸的永琰繼承皇位呢?最終脫穎而出的永琰,到底有着怎樣的個人特點呢? 人物傳記 嘉慶於乾隆三十八年(1773年)被密建為皇儲。乾隆五十四年(1789年)被封為嘉親王。乾隆六十年(1795年)九月三日,被正式宣佈立為皇太子。第二年正月初一日,受乾隆帝禪位即帝位。其後,朝政仍被太上皇乾隆帝控製,顒琰暫時居住在毓慶宮。嘉慶四年(1799年)正月,乾隆帝死後,開始親政。面對乾隆末年危機四伏的政局,嘉慶帝打出“鹹與維新”的旗號,整飭內政,整肅綱紀。誅殺權臣和珅,罷黜、囚禁和坤親信死黨。詔求直言,廣開言路,祛邪扶正,褒奬起復乾隆朝以言獲罪的官員。詔罷貢獻,黜奢崇儉。要求地方官員對民隱民情“纖悉無隱”,據實陳報,力戒欺隱、粉飾、怠惰之風。但其對內政的有限整頓,未能從根本上扭轉清朝政局的頽敗。 國內階級矛盾尖銳,農民起義如大舉圍剿鎮壓川、楚、陝農民大起義。更易統兵大員,嚴懲鎮壓不力的將吏。嚴密軍事部署,實行剿撫兼施的兩手政策,分化瓦解起義軍。實行寨堡團練的堅壁清野政策,割斷了起義軍與人民的聯繫。嘉慶十年(1805年),川、楚、陝農民起義被鎮壓,清統治力量也受到嚴重削弱。嘉慶十五年(1810年),鎮壓了爆發於東南海疆的蔡牽起義軍。嘉慶十八年(1813年),北方爆發天理教起義,部分天理教徒,在太監接應下衝進皇宮,“釀成漢唐、宋明未有之事”。顒琰下詔罪已,同時嚴令對衝進皇宮的起義軍血腥屠戮,無一幸免,並捕殺在城外的頭目林清等。天理教起義被鎮壓。 在對外交涉中,嘉慶帝力主嚴禁鴉片,對英國侵略者在沿海的騷擾活動保持了高度警惕性,對英國提出的幫助清朝鎮壓起義軍,幫助澳門葡人抵禦法國的居心叵測的要求,明智地嚴辭拒絶。嘉慶二十一年(1816年),拒絶了英國提出的建立外交關係、開闢通商口岸、割讓浙江沿海島嶼的要求。而閉關鎖國的傳統觀念,也使其對外來事物采取盲目排斥態度。嘉慶帝在內亂頻仍、外患漸逼中,傾力企圖維護清王朝的穩定鞏固,然而不可逆轉的歷史發展趨勢,使清王朝的敗落於嘉慶末年已完全表面化,並從此日漸走嚮衰亡。 卒謚受天興運敷化綏猷崇文經武孝恭勤儉端敏英哲睿皇帝。廟號仁宗。道光帝即位,於“孝恭”前加上“光裕”二字。葬河北易縣清西陵昌陵 乾隆曾先後立過三個皇太子。第一個皇太子是皇后富察氏所生的皇次子永璉。乾隆認為“永璉乃皇后所生,朕之嫡子,聰明貴重,氣宇不凡”。乾隆即位後,親書密旨,立永璉為皇太子,藏在乾清宮“正大光明”匾額之後,但永璉9歲時死去。第二位皇太子是永琮。乾隆在永璉病故後,又立皇九子永琮,但他2歲時又因痘癥早殤。第三位皇太子是皇十五子顒琰,就是後來的嘉慶皇帝。嘉慶的名字本來叫永琰,為什麽改“永”作“顒”呢?這裏簡單介紹一下清朝皇帝的名諱。清太祖努爾哈赤、清太宗皇太極、清世祖福臨的名字,沒有避諱的規定,衹是在《實錄》、《玉牒》等特定文獻出現的禦名上貼黃(就是將名字用黃簽蓋上)。清帝名字避諱,從康熙帝開始。大致的情況是:康熙名字玄燁的“玄”字,避諱時缺末筆;雍正名字胤禛的“胤”字,避諱時缺末筆,同時命他的兄弟將“胤”字改作“允”字;乾隆名字弘歷(當時寫作“弘歷”)的“弘”字,避諱時缺末筆。“歷”字,則改作“暦”字。到嘉慶永琰時,乾隆考慮君主名諱,“永”字為常用字,避諱不便,命將永琰的“永”字,改為不常見的“顒”字。永琰繼位之後,就改稱為“顒琰”。清朝皇帝的名字,將排輩份的字,改為特別的字,是從嘉慶開始的。 嘉慶二十五年(1820年)七月,嘉慶再次去木蘭遊獵,駐於避暑山莊。頭痛發熱,之後病情日益嚴重,嘉慶知道不好,連忙宣召大臣賽衝阿、托津等入室,宣佈立即傳位於皇次子綿寧(後因避諱改為旻寧),25日死於避暑山莊。 相關記載 乾隆帝退位後,本應住在寧壽宮,讓新皇帝住在養心殿,但他不願遷出,而讓嘉慶居毓慶宮,賜名“繼德堂”。乾隆經常禦殿,受百官朝賀,嘉慶則處於陪侍的地位。朝鮮使臣到北京,目擊記載說:嘉慶“侍坐太上皇,上喜則亦喜,笑則亦笑”。又記載:賜宴之時,嘉慶“侍坐上皇之側,衹視上皇之動靜,而一不轉矚”。《清史稿·仁宗本紀》也記道:“初逢訓政,恭謹無違。” 人物評價 與他的父、祖相比,嘉慶皇帝是一位既沒有政治膽略又缺乏革新精神,既沒有理政才能又缺乏勇於作為品格的平庸天子。“平庸”兩個字,是嘉慶皇帝的主要性格特點。嘉慶朝是清朝由盛轉衰的時代:上承“勵精圖治、開拓疆宇、四徵不庭、揆文奮武”的“康乾盛世”,下啓鴉片戰爭、南京簽約、聯軍入京、帝後出逃的“道鹹衰世”。清朝社會的固有矛盾已經積纍了180年,嘉慶皇帝扮演了大清帝國由極盛而轉為衰敗的歷史角色。然而,嘉慶的平庸,並不是他的性情所致,而是歷史的必然,在乾隆晚期,清朝已經出現了衰敗的跡象,白蓮教的起義,再加上乾隆晚年舉辦壽宴過度的奢華,使得嘉慶初期國庫空虛,所以說乾隆實際上是留下了個爛攤子給嘉慶。而嘉慶卻克勤克儉,還想着法子給老百姓減稅,還有他誅殺大貪官和珅,手段老練,辦事迅速,這樣的皇帝能被稱作平庸嗎?但話又說回來,清朝宮廷的腐敗與黑暗,已將註定了這個封建王朝,必將走嚮滅亡。因此,我纔說嘉慶的平庸,是歷史的必然。 小資料 據一份資料:在嘉慶當政的1800年,中國的GDP(國內生産總值)占全世界GNP(國民生産總值)33%,歐洲占28%,美國衹占0.8%;一百年前即1900年中國GDP衹占全世界6.2%,歐洲占62%,美國占23.6%。1997年中國的GDP占全世界GNP3.5%,而美國占25.6%,雖然中國經濟體係世界排名第七(略低於意大利),但個人所得世界排名第八十二。如果不是1978年的改革開放政策,情況更差。(摘自21/9/199【香港信報】「投資者日記」) 嘉慶登基後對後妃的册封: “奉太上皇帝之命,遣東閣大學士王傑為正使、禮部侍郎多永武為副使,持節賫册寶,册立嫡妃喜塔臘氏為皇后”;“遣禮部尚書德明為正使、禮部右侍郎周興岱為副使,持節賫册寶,册封側妃鈕祜祿氏為貴妃“;“遣禮部尚書紀昀為正使、內閣學士紮郎阿為副使,持節賫册印,册封劉佳氏為諴妃”;“遣禮部左侍郎鐵保為正使、內閣學士那彥成為副使,持節賫册印,册封侯佳氏為瑩嬪”;此時,嘉慶還是皇子時的格格瀋佳氏已經去世。 嘉慶四年(公元1799年)正月初三,乾隆皇崩逝,正月十五嘉慶皇帝正式公佈了和珅的二十大罪狀。 嘉慶帝後妃 孝淑睿皇后,喜塔臘氏,副都統、內務府總管和爾經額之女,仁宗為皇子時聘為嫡福晉,仁宗即位後册為皇后,嘉慶二年二月崩。生一子,宣宗,即道光帝,二女,一殤,一下嫁瑪尼巴達喇。 孝和睿皇后,鈕祜祿氏,禮部尚書恭阿拉之女,仁宗為皇子,册為側福晉。仁宗即位後,封貴妃。孝淑皇后崩後,乾隆帝命其為皇后,先封為皇貴妃,嘉慶六年,册為皇后。嘉慶二十五年八月,嘉慶帝在熱河巡行時崩,孝和皇后傳旨令宣宗道光帝即位。宣宗即位後尊為皇太後,道光二十九年十二月崩,年七十四。生二子,綿愷、綿忻,一女,殤。 恭順皇貴妃,鈕祜祿氏。嘉慶初年,被選入宮,封為如貴人,纍進如妃。宣宗尊為皇考如皇妃,文宗時尊為皇祖如皇貴太妃,薨,年七十四。生一子,綿愉,二女,皆殤。 和裕皇貴妃,劉佳氏。仁宗為皇子時,已為嘉慶帝的福晉,嘉慶初年,封為妃,進封貴妃,宣宗尊為皇考禧皇貴妃,一子,殤,一女下嫁索特納木多布齋。 華妃,侯佳氏,嘉慶初封瑩嬪,一女,殤。 簡嬪,關佳氏。 遜嬪,瀋佳氏。 淳嬪,董佳氏,嘉慶初年賜號淳貴人,嘉慶六年(1801年)四月册封為淳嬪。二十四年(1819年)十月十三日去世。 其他後妃信妃,劉佳氏;恩嬪,烏雅氏;榮嬪,梁氏,皆由貴人進位;安嬪,蘇完尼瓜爾佳氏,由常在進位,並且都在道光帝時受到尊封。 嘉慶共生有5子9女。 長子,未命名,穆郡王。 愛新覺羅旻寧,次子,清宣宗,道光帝。 愛新覺羅綿愷,三子,敦恪親王。 愛新覺羅綿忻,四子,瑞懷親王。 愛新覺羅綿愉,五子,惠端親王。 嘉慶皇上先後有兩位皇后,第一位叫孝淑睿皇后,她生的第一個兒子死了,生了第二個兒子就是旻寧就是道光。但是這個孝淑睿皇后在嘉慶二年病故,這一年旻寧十六歲,那嘉慶又續了一個皇后,就是第二任皇后,叫孝和睿皇后,孝和睿皇后有兩個兒子,一個是皇三子叫綿愷,一個是皇四子叫綿忻。孝和睿皇后對旻寧很好,十六歲孩子沒有母親了,對他倍加愛護和關照,所以旻寧做皇子的時候和他這兩個弟弟,同父異母弟弟,就是綿愷和綿忻的關係也很好,和他繼母的關係也很好,正是因為有這種關係,所以嘉慶皇帝突然駕崩的噩耗傳到北京的時候,皇太後在皇宮立即派人五百裏加急把皇太後的懿旨,因為這時候嘉慶死了,她算太後了,皇太後的懿旨送到承德,大意是說,說皇次子旻寧在嘉慶十八年的重大事件中,立有功勞,她懿旨,皇次子旻寧立即尊位,就是馬上繼承大位,旻寧就是道光接到皇太後的懿旨,叩頭謝恩,感激不已,大傢知道,因為旻寧不是太後的親生子,她自己還有親生的兩個兒子,在沒有找到嘉慶秘密立儲的遺詔的時候,她說讓旻寧,不是自己的親生兒子繼承皇位,應當說這個胸懷還是比較博大的,沒有藉這個機會做手腳,讓自己的兒子繼承皇位,所以道光跪在地上磕頭,感謝皇太後的恩典。 孝和睿皇后在道光年間受到了道光皇帝的格外尊重,道光二十九年(公元1849年)十二月,七十四歲的孝和睿太後病危,道光皇帝經常到壽康宮侍奉湯藥,當時年近七十的道光帝也在受疾病的折磨。孝和睿太後於當月十一日去世。道光皇帝以最沉痛的方式操辦喪事。結果,道光帝的疾病惡化,一個月後,道光三十年正月十四,他死在了圓明園的慎德堂。 清仁宗孝和睿皇后 清仁宗孝和睿皇后鈕祜祿氏(1776-1850年),禮部尚書恭阿拉之女。曾入侍仁宗藩邸為側福晉。生第七女,夭折;生第三子綿愷、第四子綿忻。嘉慶元年(1796年)正月仁宗繼位,册封為貴妃。二年(1797年)四月,孝淑睿皇后卒。五月,太上皇弘歷敕諭繼位中宮,先封為皇貴妃,釋孝服後行册禮。六年(1801年)四月立為後。二十五年(1820年)八月,仁宗卒於熱河,宣宗繼位,尊其為皇太後,居壽康宮,上徽號恭慈皇太後。 道光二十九年十二月十一日(1850年1月23日)卒,享年74歲。次年正月,宣宗卒。文宗為後上謚,祔太廟。鹹豐三年(1853年)葬於清西陵昌陵之西,稱為昌西陵。鹹豐、同治朝纍加謚,為孝和恭慈康豫安成欽順仁正應天熙聖睿皇后。 父親 乾隆帝 母親 孝儀純皇后魏佳氏 皇后 孝淑睿皇后喜塔臘氏 孝和睿皇后鈕祜祿氏 皇貴妃 恭順皇貴妃鈕祜祿氏 和裕皇貴妃劉佳氏 妃 華妃侯佳氏 恕妃完顔氏 莊妃王氏 信妃劉佳氏 嬪 簡嬪關佳氏 遜嬪瀋佳氏 恩嬪烏雅氏 榮嬪梁氏 淳嬪董佳氏 安嬪蘇完尼瓜爾佳氏 皇子 皇長子(早殤,母和裕皇貴妃) 道光帝旻寧(母孝淑睿皇后) 惇恪親王綿愷(母孝和睿皇后) 瑞懷親王綿忻(母孝和睿皇后) 惠端親王綿愉(母恭順皇貴妃) 皇女 皇長女(早殤,母簡嬪) 皇次女(早殤,母孝淑睿皇后) 莊敬和碩公主(母和裕皇貴妃) 莊靜固倫公主(母孝淑睿皇后) 慧安和碩公主(母遜嬪) 皇六女(早殤,母華妃) 皇七女(早殤,母孝和睿皇后) 皇八女(早殤,母恭順皇貴妃) 慧愍固倫公主(母恭順皇貴妃)
The Jiaqing Emperor (Chinese: 嘉慶帝; pinyin: Jiāqìngdì; Mongolian: Sayishiyaltu Yirugertu Khaan, 13 November 1760 – 2 September 1820) was the seventh emperor of the Manchu-led Qing dynasty, and the fifth Qing emperor to rule over China, from 1796 to 1820. He was the son of the Qianlong Emperor. During his reign, he prosecuted Heshen (和珅) (the corrupt favourite of Qianlong) and attempted to restore the state and curb the smuggling of opium inside China. Early yearsHe was born at the Old Summer Palace (圆明园/圓明園), 8 km (5 mi) northwest of the walls of Beijing, and was given the name Yongyan (永琰), changed into Yongyan (顒琰) when he became emperor: the first character of his private name was changed from 永 to 顒, both pronounced Yong, as the former is used commonly. This novelty was introduced by his father the Qianlong Emperor who thought it not proper to use a common character in the emperor's private name due to the long-standing practice of naming taboo. He was the fifteenth son of the Qianlong Emperor. His mother was a Han Chinese concubine of the second rank Ling (令贵妃/令貴妃), who became a favorite of Qianlong. She was posthumously made Empress Xiaoyichun (孝仪纯皇后/孝儀純皇后) when her son became emperor. She was the daughter of Wei Qingtai (魏清泰), an official in the Qing administration whose Han Chinese family had long been integrated in the Manchu elites. In 1818 Emperor Jiaqing made his mother's family officially Manchu, and changed their Chinese family name Wei into the Manchu clan name Weigiya. After the first two original choices for heir to the throne succumbed early to disease, in December 1773 Yongyan was secretly chosen by Qianlong to be the next emperor. In 1789 he was made Prince of the 1st rank Jia (嘉亲王/嘉親王). At the end of his reign, Qianlong worked closely with a Manchu government minister called Heshen. Prince Jia hated the notoriously corrupt Heshen for his abuse of power, and vowed to punish the minister once he became emperor. Accession to the throne Portrait of the Jiaqing Emperor in his studyIn October 1795, in the 60th year of his reign, Emperor Qianlong announced his intention to abdicate in favor of Prince Jia: he did not think it proper to rule longer than his grandfather, the late Kangxi Emperor. Prince Jia acceded to the throne and proclaimed the era name of Jiaqing (Chinese: 嘉慶; Manchu: ᠰᠠᡳᠴᡠᠩᡤᠠ ᡶᡝᠩᡧᡝᠨ saicungga fengšen) in February 1796. For the next three years however, Jiaqing ruled as Emperor in name only. Decisions were made by his father, the Retired Emperor Qianlong. With the death of Qianlong at the beginning of February 1799, Jiaqing took control of the government and prosecuted Heshen. Heshen was charged with corruption and abuse of power. He was stripped of his titles and properties, and ordered to commit suicide. Heshen's daughter-in-law, Princess He Xiao, a sister of the new emperor, was spared from punishment and given a few properties from Heshen's estates. At the time the empire faced internal disorder, most importantly the large-scale White Lotus (1796–1804) and Miao Rebellions (1795–1806), as well as an empty treasury. Emperor Jiaqing engaged in the pacification of the empire and the quelling of rebellions. He endeavored to bring China back to its 18th-century prosperity and power. However, due in part to large outflows of silver from the country as payment for the opium smuggled into China from British India, the economy declined. Court intrigues and incidentsMembers of the Qing royal family (relatives of Jiaqing) tried to assassinate him twice – in 1803 and in 1813. The princes involved in the attempts on his life were executed. Other members of the imperial family, numbering in the hundreds, were exiled. Opposition to ChristianityThe Great Qing Code includes one statute titled "Prohibitions Concerning Sorcerers and Sorceresses" (禁止師巫邪術). In 1811 a clause was added to it with reference to Christianity. It was modified in 1815 and 1817, settled in its final form in 1839 under the Daoguang Emperor, and abrogated in 1870 under the Tongzhi Emperor. It sentenced Europeans to death for spreading Catholicism among Chinese and Manchus. Christians who would not repent their conversion were sent to Muslim cities in Xinjiang, to be given as slaves to Muslim leaders and beys. FamilySee also: Qing Dynasty nobility and Ranks of Imperial Consorts in China#Qing Consort EmpressesPer imperial regulations, there was only one Empress at any given time. However, that did not prevent others from being elevated to that position after the death of an existing empress. During Jiaqing's reign, there were two empresses, each serving in different periods of time: Lady Hitara of the Hitara (Manchu) clan, who became Empress when Jiaqing ascended the throne in 1796. She was the mother of Daoguang Emperor (2nd son of Jiaqing) She is known posthumously as Empress Xiaoshurui (孝淑睿皇后). Empress Xiaoherui, of the Niohuru clan (孝和睿皇后) (1776–1849), elevated after Empress Xiaoshurui died in 1798. Imperial Noble ConsortsPer imperial regulations, only two Imperial Noble Consorts are allowed at any given time. Imperial Noble Consort Gongshun, of the Niohuru clan (恭順皇貴妃) (1787–1860). Imperial Noble Consort Heyu (d. 1833) of the Lugiya clan. ConsortsPer imperial regulations, only four Consorts are allowed at any given time. Not counting those who were later elevated to higher titles and those who were elevated posthumously, there was effectively only two consorts during Jiaqing's reign. Consort Hua (d. 1808) of the Hougiya clan. Consort Zhuang (d. 1811) of the Wang clan. Consort Shu of the Wanyan clan (Posthumously elevated. Never served as Consort in life) Imperial ConcubinesPer imperial regulations, only six Imperial Concubines are allowed at any given time. Imperial Concubine En (d. 1846) of the Wuya clan Imperial Concubine Xuan of the Chengiya clan Imperial Concubine Jian (d. 1780) of the Guangiya clan Imperial Concubine Rong (d. 1826) of the Liang clan Imperial Concubine Chun (d. 1819) of the Dongiya clan Imperial Concubine An (d. 1837) of the Guargiya clan Children SonsFirst son: Mianmu, son of Imperial Noble Consort Heyu. Second son: Mianning (綿寧) ( 16 September 1782 – 25 February 1850), son of Empress Xiaoshurui (Lady Hitara), succeeded his father as the Daoguang Emperor in 1820 Third son: Miankai (绵恺), son of Empress Xiaoherui, of the Niohuru clan Fourth son: Mianxin (绵忻), son of Empress Xiaoherui, of the Niohuru clan Fifth son: Mianyu (绵愉) (1814–1865). Son of Imperial Noble Consort Gongshun, of the Niohuru clan DaughtersFirst daughter (1780–1783) her mother was Imperial Concubine Xuan. Second daughter (1780–1783) her mother was Empress Xiaoshurui. Heshuo Princess Zhuangjing [庄敬和硕公主] (1781–1811) daughter of Imperial Noble Consort Heyu. Kurun Princess Zhuangjing [庄静固伦公主] (1784–1811) daughter of Empress Xiaoshurui. Princess Hui'an (1786–1795). Sixth daughter (1789–1790) daughter of Consort Hua. Seventh daughter (1793–1795) daughter of Empress Xiaoherui. Eighth daughter (1805) daughter of Imperial Noble Consort Gongshun. Ninth daughter (1811–1815) Kurun Princess Huimin (慧悯固伦公主) posthumously in 1820, daughter of Imperial Noble Consort Gongshun. Death and burialOn 2 September 1820, the Jiaqing Emperor died at the Rehe (Jehol) Traveling Palace (熱河行宫), 230 km (140 mi) northeast of Beijing, where the imperial court was in summer quarters. The Draft History of Qing did not record a cause of death. Some have alleged that he died after being struck by lightning, but others prefer the theory that he died of a stroke as the emperor was quite obese. He was succeeded by his second son, the Daoguang Emperor. Renzong was interred amidst the Western Qing Tombs, 120 km (75 mi) southwest of Beijing, in the Changling (昌陵 – meaning "Splendid tomb") mausoleum complex. |