It ní a wool fabric: wool suiting. Woolen cloth. Wool. Then particle, with the end of the sentence (a. said questions such as "What do you do?" B. that determine the tone, such as "he did not come to it". C. that action is in progress, such as "I'm eating it." d. make the sentence a little pause, such as "do this year than last year's good harvest"). Stroke: 8; radicals: port; stroke ID: 25151335
呢 ne
用在陳述句末,表示對事實的確認或強調〖usedattheendofadeclarativesentencetoconformafact〗。如:他們都要求比賽呢 用在陳述句末,表示動作或情況正在繼續〖usedattheendofadeclarativesentence,indicatingthenotionthatanactionorsituationisinprogress〗。如:他學習呢 用在句中表示停頓〖usedtoindicateapause〗。如:現在呢,跟過去大不同了
呢 ní
It ne 【Help】 Questions used in the end, that question〗 〖usedinaskingquestionsforpurposesofemphasis. Such as: how do you know? Used in the rhetorical question at the end, strengthen ask〗 〖usedattheendofaninterrogativesentence. Such as: Who does not know anything about this? By the end of the declarative sentence, that the recognition of facts or emphasize〗 〖usedattheendofadeclarativesentencetoconformafact. Such as: they are required to match it In declarative sentences with the end of action or situation that is continuing 〖usedattheendofadeclarativesentence, indicatingthenotionthatanactionorsituationisinprogress〗. Such as: he studied it Said with a pause in the sentence〗 〖usedtoindicateapause. Such as: Now, the big difference with the past See ní It ní 【Name】 People whispered softly whispering〗 〖 It, whisper, whisper too much to say. - "Jade articles" Another example: what do (Xuxubuxiu appearance) Yan Ziming twittering sound〗 〖 Yan Yu weak to fly difficult child, the mother whisper Cheung Yan Fu only. - Zhou Shibin "swallow nest" A thick dense wool over〗 〖woolencloth. Such as: tweed; whipcord; it Yu (refers to wool and silk) See ne Whisper nínán 〗 〖Described as the swallows twittering sounds like whisper Woolen níróng 〖Woolfabrie; woollengoods〗 wool collectively. Refers to use of raw materials such as fur or fake fur fabric woven into a variety of Woolen nízi 〖Woollencloth (forheavyclothing)〗 more dense a thick wool, usually used to make uniforms, coats, etc.
It <help> ne by the end of the questions that ask questions at the end of the sentence used to enhance the end of declarative sentences used to ask that the confirmation of the facts used in the declarative sentence or to emphasize the end of action or situation that is continuing to study it as he used in the sentence pause, said it ne ⒈ particle. ① <Table> Interrogative ~ Where is he? ② <Table> OK tone early ~. And so will be ~. ③ <Table> action is in progress in their learning ~. ④ used in the sentence, "Table> stop now ~ and life much better than in the past. It ní ⒈ a wool ~ wool. ~ Sub-coat. It nī 1. Buddhism, "the mantra" one.
呢 ni、ne
部首 口 部首筆畫 03 總筆畫 08
呢 wool;woollen cloth;
用在疑問句末,表示疑問 [used in asking questions for purposes of emphasis]。如你怎麽知道呢?
用在反問句末,加強反問 [used at the end of an interrogative sentence]。如這件事誰不知道呢?
用在陳述句末,表示對事實的確認或強調 [used at the end of a declarative sentence to conform a fact]。如他們都要求比賽呢 (4)
用在陳述句末,表示動作或情況正在繼續 [used at the end of a declarative sentence,indicating the notion that an action or situation is in progress]。如他學習呢 (5)
用在句中表示停頓 [used to indicate a pause]。如現在呢,跟過去大不同了
人們的悄聲細語 [whispering]
燕子鳴聲 [twittering]
一種較厚較密的毛織品 [woolen cloth]。如花呢;馬褲呢;呢羽(泛指毛織品與絲織品)
[twittering] 形容像燕子叫聲那樣的輕聲細語
[wool fabrie;woollen goods] 毛織品的統稱。泛指用獸毛或人造毛等原料織成的各種織物
[woollen cloth(for heavy clothing)] 一種較厚較密的毛織品,多用來做製服、大衣等
ní ㄋㄧˊ
wool;woollen cloth;
ne ㄋㄜ
It ni, ne Radical Radical port 03 total strokes 08 strokes It wool; woollen cloth; It 1 ne <Help> (1) Questions used in the end, that question [used in asking questions for purposes of emphasis]. Such as how do you know? (2) Used in the rhetorical question at the end, strengthen ask [used at the end of an interrogative sentence]. If this thing who does not know? (3) By the end of the declarative sentence, that the recognition of facts or emphasizing [used at the end of a declarative sentence to conform a fact]. If they are required to match it (4) In declarative sentences with the end of action or situation that is continuing [used at the end of a declarative sentence, indicating the notion that an action or situation is in progress]. If he does learn (5) With a pause in the sentence that [used to indicate a pause]. If now, the big difference with the past See ní It 2 ní <Name> (1) It's quietly-spoken [whispering] It, whisper, whisper too much to say. - "Jade articles" (2) And if it does (Xuxubuxiu appearance) (3) Yan Ziming sound [twittering] Yan Yu weak to fly difficult child, the mother whisper Cheung Yan Fu only. - Zhou Shibin "swallow nest" (4) One kind of thicker and more dense wool [woolen cloth]. Flower it; whipcord; it Yu (refers to wool and silk) See ne Whisper nínán [Twittering] describe sounds like a swallow, as the soft-spoken Woolen níróng [Wool fabrie; woollen goods] wool collectively. Refers to use of raw materials such as fur or fake fur fabric woven into a variety of Woolen nízi [Woollen cloth (for heavy clothing)] one kind of thicker and more dense wool, usually used to make uniforms, coats, etc. It 1 ní ㄋ ㄧ ~ Son of a wool fabric. ~ Velvet. Mao ~. Zheng code jxrr, u5462, gbkc4d8 8 number of strokes, radical population, stroke order number 25151335 wool; woollen cloth; It 2 ne ㄋ ㄜ Particle, with the end of the sentence (a. that question, as you do ~? "B. that determine the tone, as he did not come ~". C. that action is in progress, as I was eating ~ ". D. to make sentences a little pause, as this year ~, better than last year's harvest "). Zheng code jxrr, u5462, gbkc4d8 8 number of strokes, radical population, stroke order number 25151335
Guangyun 【】 【】 ???? female Yiqie _set_ rhyme, sound Nigeria. Jade articles】 【whisper, whisper too much to say. With ????. Guangyun】 【words can not, whisper too. They whisper, Swallows also. They are leaning】 【Ji Yun cut, audio Ni. Sound too. And female shoe cut, audio Ni. This made 䛏. Made to show people.