國傢 : 南部非洲 > 南非
  南非共和國 Republic of South Africa,南非因地處非洲南部而得名。南非有“彩虹之國”和“黃金寶石之國”之譽。
  南非國歌為《上帝保佑非洲》和《南非的吶喊》Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrica & Die Stem van Suid Afrika合編麯。
  1995年5月,南非正式通過新的國歌,新國歌的歌詞用祖魯、哲豪薩、蘇托、英語和南非語5種語言寫成,包括原國歌《上帝保佑非洲》的祈禱詞,全歌長1分35秒,並以原國歌《南非之聲》雄壯的高音麯調作結尾。 原國歌名為《上帝保佑非洲》,1994年3月15日批準。歌麯由黑人牧師諾剋·桑湯加在1897年譜寫,1912年首次在南非土著人國民大會上作為黑人民族主義贊歌唱出來,在非洲深受廣大黑人歡迎。
  南非是世界上唯一同時存在3個首都的國傢,行政首都比勒陀利亞 Pretoria是南非中央政府所在地,人口:220萬;立法首都開普敦 Cape Town是南非國會所在地,是全國第二大城市和重要港口,位於西南端,為重要的國際海運航道交匯點,人口300萬;司法首都布隆方丹 Bloemfontein為全國司法機構的所在地,人口50萬。
  新年 1月1日
  人權日 3月21日
  受難日 復活節前的星期五
  復活節 每年過春分月圓後第一個星期五至下星期一
  家庭日 復活節後的星期一
  自由日 4月27日(1994年)
  勞動節 5月1日
  獨立日 5月31日(1961年)
  國慶日 5月31日(1961年)
  青年日 6月16日(紀念1976年索韋托慘案)
  婦女日 8月9日
  遺産日(傳統節) 9月24日
  和解日 12月16日(阿非利卡人的節日,祖魯人稱之為和解日)
  聖誕節 12月25日
  友好日 12月26日
  總統塔博·姆武耶盧瓦·姆貝基 Thabo Mvuyelwa Mbeki,2004年4月蟬聯總統。
  南非前總統為納爾遜·羅利赫拉赫拉·曼德拉Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela 、德剋勒剋 de Klerk。
  南非蘭特 Rand
  符號:R,國際標志:ZAR,1 Rand (R) = 100 cents
  由南非儲備銀行(中央銀行)發行,1蘭特等於100分(Cents) 。目前流通的貨幣有5、10、20、5O蘭特紙幣及1、2、5、10、20、50分和1、2蘭特的鑄幣。
  Afrikaans, English, Ndebele, Northern Sotho, Southern Sotho, Swati, Tsonga, Tswana, Venda, Xhosa, Zulu
  東開普省 (Eastern Cape Province)
  奧蘭治自由邦 (Free State Province) (Orange Free State)
  豪登省 (Gauteng Province)
  誇祖魯-納塔爾省 (KwaZulu-Natal Province)
  普馬蘭加省 (Mpumalanga Province)
  林波波省 (Limpopo Province)
  北開普省 (Northern Cape Province)
  西北省 (North West Province)
  西開普省 (Western Cape Province)
  墨西拿 (Messina)
  彼得斯堡 (Pietersburg)
  馬弗京 (Mafeking)
  約翰內斯堡 (Johannesburg)
  斯普林斯 (Springs)
  韋爾科姆 (Welkom)
  萊迪史密斯 (Ladysmith)
  德班 (Durban)
  金伯利 (Kimberly)
  德阿爾 (De Aar)
  東倫敦 (East London)
  伊麗莎白港 (Port Elizabeth)
  莫塞爾貝 (Mosselbaai)
  西博褔特 (Beaufort West)
  伍斯特 (Worcester)
  口蒙斯敦 (Simon's Town)
  卡爾維尼亞 (Calvinia)
  斯普林博剋 (Springbok)
  諾洛斯港 (Port Nolloth)
  口平頓 (Upington)
  南非位於非洲大陸最南端,東、西、南三面瀕臨印度洋和大西洋,緯度自22至35,經度從17至33。海岸綫3,000公裏。位於開普敦東南1,920公裏處大西洋上的愛德華王子島及馬裏昂島亦為南非領土。北與納米比亞、博茨瓦納、津巴布韋、莫桑比剋和斯威士蘭接壤,另有“國中之國”萊索托。南非地處兩大洋間的航運要衝,其西南端的好望角 Cape of Good Hope航綫歷來是世界上最繁忙的海上通道之一,有“西方海上生命綫”之稱。國土面積約122萬平方公裏。全境大部分為海拔600米以上高原。德拉肯斯山脈綿亙東南,卡斯金峰高達3660米,為全國最高點;西北部為沙漠,是卡拉哈裏盆地的一部分;北部、中部和西南部為高原;沿海是窄狹平原。奧蘭治河和林波波河為兩大主要河流。大部分地區屬熱帶草原氣候,東部沿海為熱帶季風氣候,南部沿海為地中海氣候。全境氣候分為春夏秋鼕4季。12月-2月為夏季,最高氣溫可達32─38℃;6-8月是鼕季,最低氣溫為—10至—12℃。全年降水量由東部的1000毫米逐漸減少到西部的60毫米,平均450毫米。首都比勒陀利亞年平均氣溫17℃。   
  南非定期出版的報刊數量居非洲之首。有22份日報、13份周報,百餘種省和地方性報紙。發行量最大的有:《星期日時報》(英文)、《報道報》( 阿非利卡語)、《城市報》(英文)、《索韋托人報》(英文)、《星報》(英文)、《公民報》(英文)。其中《星期日時報》、《報道報》和《星期日獨立報》是全國性報紙。
  南非新聞聯合社(South Africa Press Association), 是全國性新聞機構。南非廣播公司(SABC)下轄廣播電臺和電視臺。廣播電臺用11種語言對國內進行22套節目的廣播,每周播音3492小時;用4種語言以“非洲頻道”名義對國外進行廣播,每周播音208小時。電視臺有6個頻道,其中3個官方頻道使用11種語言播放。M-NET是非洲最有影響力的收費電視頻道。
    2002年4月,非國大、南非共和南非工會大會舉行三方聯盟峰會,通過了《愛庫魯萊尼宣言》和《加快經濟增長和發展的共同綱領》,大會重申三方聯盟的團结和統一,把推動經濟增長和發展確定為三方聯盟的中心任務。12月,非國大召開第51屆全國代表大會,姆貝基等主要領導人當選連任,大會再次呼籲加強三方聯盟團结,強調政府將繼續推進既定的宏觀經濟政策,努力落實"提高黑人經濟實力"目標。 10月,經憲法法院裁定後的《變更黨籍法》首先在地方議會實施。該法允許議員改換黨籍後保留議員資格。年內共有555名地方議員轉換黨籍,22個地方政府因此改為由非國大、新國民黨或兩黨聯合執政。
  1994年臨時憲法是南非歷史上第一部體現種族平等的憲法。1996年,在臨時憲法的基礎上起草的新憲法被正式批準,並於1997年起開始分階段實施。新憲法保留了臨時憲法中的權利法案、三權分立係統、聯邦製政府管理體製和現行司法體係的重大製憲原則和內容, 對臨時憲法做的主要修改是,1999年大選後,各政黨按比例分享權力改為由大選中的多數黨執政。
  南非的議會分為國民議會和全國省級事務委員會。國民議會共設400個議席,200個席位通過全國大選産生,另200個席位由省級選舉産生,其中非國大266席,民主黨38席,因卡塔自由黨34席,新國民黨28席,聯合民主運動14席,非洲基督教民主黨6席,其餘席位由自由陣綫等7個政黨持有。全國省級事務委員會(前身為參議院)共設90個議席,每省10個議席,其中54個永久議席中非國大34席,民主黨、新國民黨各7席,其餘由因卡塔自由黨、聯合民主運動等持有。國民議會議長弗雷納·金瓦拉(Frene Ginwala,女),全國省級事務委員會主席納萊蒂·潘多爾(Naledi Pandor,女)。南非議會現設有兩院共同參與的臨時性特委會1個、聯合常設委員會5個。國民議會下設專門委員會26個、常設委員會1個。全國省級事務委員會下設特別委員會9個。
  政府實行總統內閣製,由總統、副總統及27位部長組成,其中非國大部長24名,因卡塔自由黨部長3名。主要成員如下:總統塔博·姆貝基,副總統雅各布·祖馬(JACOB ZUMA),國防部長帕特裏剋·勒科塔(PATRICK LEKOTA),外交部長恩科薩紮納·德拉米尼-祖馬(NKOSAZANA DLAMINI-ZUMA,女),財政部長特萊瓦爾·馬紐爾(TREVOR MANUEL),貿工部長艾裏剋·歐文(ALEC ERWIN),內政部長曼戈蘇圖·布特萊齊(MANGOSUTHU BUTHELEZI,因卡塔自由黨),農業及土地事務部長托科·姆薩尼-迪迪紮 (THOKO MSANE-DIDIZA,女),礦業和能源部長弗姆齊莉·姆蘭博-恩格庫卡(PHUMZILE MLAMBO-NGCUKA 女),公共企業部長傑夫·拉迪拜(JEFF RADEBE),環境和旅遊部長瓦利·穆薩(VALLI MOOSA),文化藝術和科技部長本·恩古巴尼 (BEN NGUBANE,因卡塔自由黨),安全部長查爾斯·恩誇庫拉(CHARLES NQAKULA)等。
  由憲法法院、最高法院、高級法院、地方法院組成。憲法法院院長亞瑟·查斯卡爾森(ARTHUR CHASKALSON)。最高法院首席大法官伊斯梅爾·馬霍麥德(ISMAIL MAHOMED)。
  (1)南非非洲人國民大會(African National Congress of South Africa): 簡稱非國大,主要執政黨,最大的黑人民族主義政黨。主張建立統一、民主和種族平等的南非,領導了南非反種族主義鬥爭。創立於1912年,1925年改現名,有成員70萬。曾長期主張非暴力鬥爭。1960年被南非當局宣佈為"非法"組織,主要領導人流亡國外。1961年决定開展武裝鬥爭,成立名為"民族之矛"的軍事組織,曼德拉任司令。1962年,曼德拉等人被捕。非國大在極其睏難的條件下堅持鬥爭,獲得國內外的廣泛同情和支持,逐漸成為南非影響最大的黑人解放組織。80年代後調整鬥爭策略,確定政治解决南非問題和靈活處理製憲談判的戰略,在南非平穩過渡過程中發揮了關鍵作用。1994年4月成為執政黨。1997年12月舉行第50次全國代表大會,曼德拉辭去主席職務,選舉産生以姆貝基為首的新的領導集體。在1999年6月南非第二次大選中再次獲勝,繼續執政。在9省地方選舉中贏得7省絶對多數,並與因卡塔自由黨在誇祖魯/納塔爾省聯合執政。2000年12月新南非第二次地方政府選舉中,在約翰內斯堡等5個大都市的170個地方政府中獲多數。2002年12月舉行第51次全國代表大會,姆貝基連任主席。副主席雅各布·祖馬,全國主席帕特裏剋·勒科塔,總書記卡萊馬·莫特蘭蒂(Kgalema Motlanthe)。
  (2)民主聯盟(Democratic Alliance):由原民主黨與新國民黨於2000年6月合併而成,第一大反對黨。主要成員為白人。兩黨領導人托尼·裏昂(Tony Leon)、馬蒂尼斯·範斯考剋韋剋(Mathinus van Shalkwyk)分別任一、二把手,指導思想和原則基本沿用民主黨的行動綱領。在2004年大選前,兩黨議員仍將在國民議會中保持各自政黨屬性。雙方在民盟旗幟下參加了2000年12月的地方政府選舉,並在包括開普敦大都市的18個地方政府中勝出。2001年10月,新國民黨退出民主聯盟。現民主聯盟主要由民主黨和部分原新國民黨成員組成,領袖托尼·裏昂。①民主黨 ( Democratic Party ): 1989年4月由原進步聯邦黨、全國民主運動和獨立黨三個左翼白人政黨合併而成,主要代表英裔白人工商金融界利益。是白人"自由派"左翼政黨,主張廢除種族隔離,積極參與南非和平進程。新南非誕生後,該黨定位於更富建設性和進取性的反對黨,實力不斷擴大。1999年大選後取代新國民黨成為最大反對黨。②新國民黨(New National Party):前身為國民黨,1998年9月改稱現名,並更換了新的黨旗和標志。1914年成立,主要代表荷裔白人農牧場主和資産階級的利益。1948年至1994年4月期間單獨執政。曾長期推行種族歧視和種族隔離政策。80年代中期後在南非人民長期鬥爭和國際社會的強大壓力下,政策主張發生變化。1990年嚮所有種族開放,在南非問題政治解决進程中發揮了積極作用。1994年大選後作為第二大執政黨進入民族團结政府,1996年6月退出政府,成為最大反對黨。1997年,內部分化加劇,總書記梅耶退黨,德剋勒剋宣佈辭職。該黨原行政主任馬蒂尼斯·範斯考剋韋剋當選為國民黨第八任領袖。囿於種族隔離歷史包袱,在南非政壇影響日漸勢微,1999年大選中淪為第四大黨,但憑藉其在西開普省有色人中的傳統影響,與民主黨聯手在西省繼續執政。2001年10月退出民主聯盟,並與非國大在西開普省聯合執政。
  (3)因卡塔自由黨(Inkatha Freedom Party):以誇祖魯/納塔爾地區祖魯族為主的黑人民族主義政黨,參政黨。前身是"民族文化解放運動",成立於1928年,1975年重建。1990年嚮所有種族開放,改為政黨並用現名。自稱有成員220萬。以爭取黑人解放為宗旨,主張通過和平談判解决南非問題。1994年4月在大選中得票率居第三位,進入民族團结政府。1996年後在誇祖魯/納塔爾省主政。1999年大選後繼續參加中央政府,與非國大在誇/納省聯合執政。2000年地方政府選舉中贏得36個地方政府多數。2002年《變更黨籍法》引發該黨與非國大矛盾。領袖:布特萊齊。
  (4)南非共産黨(South African Communist Party): 非國大重要政治盟友,"三方聯盟"之一。非國大領導層中近三分之一是南非共成員。1994年在非國大旗幟下參加大選並獲50餘個議席,4人被任命為內閣部長。1999年大選獲得近80個議席,其中6人被委任內閣部長。1921年7月成立。1950年被南非當局宣佈為"非法"組織。1990年2月重新獲得合法地位。現有黨員近1.4萬人。始終將實現共産主義作為其最終奮鬥目標,堅持"社會主義的工人階級政黨"性質,但認為南非基本上是一個經過特殊殖民主義發展的,依附性較強的資本主義社會,當前的任務仍是推進以黑人徹底解放為目標的民族民主革命。總書記布萊德·恩齊曼迪(Blade Nzimande)。
  (5)聯合民主運動(United Democratic Movement):1997年9月成立,是由原新運動進程和全國協商論壇合併而成的跨種族政黨。1999年6月大選中成為第五大黨。2000年地方政府選舉中在1個地方政府獲多數。其主要影響在東開普省的原特蘭斯凱"黑人傢園"地區。領袖班圖·霍羅米薩(Bantubonke Holomisa)。
  (6)阿紮尼亞泛非主義者大會( Pan Africanist Congress of Azania ):簡稱泛非大,黑人民族主義政黨。1959年4月由非國大內一部分反對奉行非暴力政策的成員組成。主張開展武裝鬥爭,推翻白人統治,實現非洲人的自决權,建立泛非社會主義民主國傢。1960年被南非當局宣佈為"非法"組織,主要領導人流亡國外。1961年建立軍事組織"波戈",開展武裝鬥爭。1990年恢復合法地位。1994年和1999年大選中得票率均不高。在城市青年和農村黑人激進組織中有些影響。主席斯坦利·莫霍巴(Stanley Mogoba)。
  此外,其他政黨還有:非洲基督教民主黨(African Christian Democratic Party)、自由陣綫(Freedom Front)、聯邦聯盟(Federal Allies)、聯合基督教民主黨(United Christian Democratic Party)、阿紮尼亞人民組織( Azanian People's Organisation)等。
  南非屬於中等收入的發展中國傢。國內生産總值約占全非22%,對外貿易占全非24%,是非洲經濟最發達的國傢。自然資源豐富,是世界五大礦産國之一。金融、法律體係比較完善,通訊、交通、能源等基礎設施良好。礦業、製造業和農業是經濟三大支柱,深礦開採等技術居於世界領先地位。但國民經濟各部門發展水平、地區分佈不平衡,二元製經濟特徵明顯。80年代初期至90年代初期,受國際經濟製裁經濟出現衰退。新南非政府製定了 "重建與發展計劃"(RDP),強調提高黑人社會、經濟地位。1996年推出"增長、就業、再分配"(GEAR)的宏觀經濟政策,旨在通過國有部門私有化、削減財政赤字、增加勞動力市場靈活性、促進出口、放鬆外匯管製、鼓勵中小企業發展等措施實現經濟增長,增加就業,逐步改變分配不合理的情況。姆貝基政府執行嚴謹的財政和貨幣政策,逐步推動國有資産重組和私有化進程,推進勞動力市場和貿易領域的結構調整,適時增加社會服務投入。新南非經濟總體保持低速增長。2002年,在全球經濟不景氣的情況下,南非經濟增勢強勁,農業、製造業、旅遊業增長較快,外貿盈餘增加,本幣匯率較強反彈。但失業率居高不下、收入分配嚴重不均等問題依然存在,增強黑人經濟實力是南非面臨的長期問題。
    匯率(2002年12月): 1美元=8.75蘭特。
  美國拉斯維加斯在貧脊的沙漠中,成為揚名國際的娛樂之城,而位於南非的太陽城(Sun City),同樣也以豪華而完整的設備及渾然天成的自然美景,吸引了世人的目光,幾乎是所有到南非旅遊的觀光客不會錯過的好地方。
    太陽城是南非億萬富翁梭爾·科斯納(Sol Kerzner)的一個夢想。科斯納在70年代中期,就開始構思設置,希望能夠在非洲叢林內,建造一個如美國拉斯維加斯般的豪華娛樂區。
    在這裏,你可以到人造海去遊泳。別小看它衹是人造海,還可製造2公尺高的浪潮衝浪池、供遊客衝浪。還有5條各種坡度的滑水梯,沿水勢而下,讓遊客享受刺激的快感,其中2條藏於山岩之間,宛若地下急湍水道, 滑下去的時間是大約3秒,膽子稍小者,諒也不敢玩。如果你不喜歡遊泳,那也不要緊,大可去打高爾夫球,在世界級的高爾夫球場,感受一下與世界高手同場打球的滋味;再不,也可以玩水上活動。總之,你想得出的活動,這裏都會有。
    最刺激的是莫過於“時光之橋”(Bridge of Time),這是一座約100公尺長的人行橋,它每隔1小時例會發出“轟隆轟隆”的巨響,給人一種山崩地裂的恐怖地震火山爆發的感覺。科斯納設計這座橋的目的,就想告訴人們:當年美麗的失落之城就是被一場大地震,火山的岩漿淹沒掉。
    太陽城(Sun City)是南非最豪華,也是知名度最高的度假村(Resort)。幾乎是所有到南非旅遊的觀光客不會錯過的好地方。
    在南非,太陽城就是娛樂、美食、賭博、舒適、浪漫加上驚奇的同義字,很少人能擺脫他的迷人魅力。尤其是太陽城內的失落城(Lost City),是個耗資8億3千萬蘭德所打造出來的娛樂城,有處令人屏息的人造森林,和動感十足的人工海浪遊泳池,城內的皇宮飯店(The Palace Hotel),以金碧輝煌和尊貴舒適等特色,名列世界十大飯店之列。
  從莫塞爾港(Mossel Bay)到斯托姆河(Storms River)連續255公裏的一級海濱公路被稱為花園大道,也是南非最著名的風景之一。花園大道與湖泊、山脈、黃金海灘、懸崖峭壁和茂密原始森林叢生的海岸綫平行,沿途可見清澈的河流自歐坦尼科與齊齊卡馬山脈流入蔚藍的大海。在內陸部分,有海拔在1000-1700米的奧特尼誇、齊齊卡馬山脈橫跨東西。越過這個山脈,就是奧茨鬍恩等平原地帶了,從途中的關口要道眺望連綿群山,景色十分壯美。莫塞爾港(Mossel Bay)、喬治(George)、美麗的剋尼斯納(Knysna)和國傢公園之一的原野(Wilderness)、普萊騰貝格灣(Plettenbers Bay)、齊齊卡馬海岸國傢公園(Tsitsikamma Coast National Park)是主要觀光景點。剋尼斯納(Knysna)擁有令人難以置信的海洋與山峰美景,有一個寧靜的礁湖-南非國內最佳帆船遊艇、遊泳與釣魚場所。 此外天然生蚝是當地的特産,最挑剔的美食傢也認為剋尼斯納(Knysna)的生蚝為世上最佳美味。
    花園大道鼕季的平均氣溫在13℃左右;夏季溫度在25℃以上的的時間也很少,氣候溫暖。一年當中都可以進行遊泳、賽艇、帆船、劃水、衝浪、鳥類觀察,以及高爾夫、網球、騎車旅行等大部分陸上、水上運動。此外,有蒸汽機車(Outenoqua Choo-TJoe Train)通過這個地區最美的地帶,也是花園路綫主要觀光內容之一。
  近年來財政收支情況如下: (單位:億蘭特)
           2000/01  2001/02
    收 入    1984.94  2155.92
    支 出    2164.05  2339.44
    赤字或盈餘  -179.11  -183.52
    南非儲備銀行( The South African Reserve Bank ) ,是中央銀行,始建於1920年,為股份有限銀行,除行長與副行長由政府任命外,享有很大的獨立决策權。總部設在比勒陀利亞。1999年資産725.95億蘭特。
    南非混合銀行( Amalgamated Banks of South Africa Limited )是南非最大的銀行集團,總資産287億美元,成立於1991年。
    標準銀行投資有限公司(Standard Bank Investment Corporation Ltd. ),總資産275億美元,成立於1969年。
    南部非洲第一國民銀行( First National Bank of Southern Africa Ltd. ),成立於1971 年,總資産198億美元。
    萊利銀行( Nedcor Bank Ltd ):總資産175億美元。
  對外貿易總額約占國內生産總值5%。出口産品有:黃金,金屬及金屬製品,鑽石,食品、飲料及煙草,機械及交通運輸設備等製成品。主要進口機械設備,交通運輸設備,化工産品,石油等。目前和世界上絶大多數國傢有貿易關係。歐盟與美國等是南非傳統的貿易夥伴。但近年與亞洲、中東等地區的貿易也在不斷增長。2001年九大主要出口目的地排位依次為:美國、英國、德國、日本、意大利、荷蘭、比利時、中國和莫桑比剋。九大主要進口品原産地排位依次為: 德國、 美國、 英國、日本、沙特阿拉伯、法國、中國、意大利和伊朗。
  總統為武裝力量最高統帥。最高國防决策機構是國傢安全委員會,下轄國防咨詢委員會和國防部。國防部長代表總統處理軍隊日常事務。國防軍司令主持全軍的作戰、指揮和軍事訓練等事務,由總統任命,平時對國防部長負責,戰時由總統直接領導。國防軍總司令西弗維·尼揚達(Siphiwe Nyanda)於1998年6月上任。南非國傢安全部隊包括國防軍和警察部隊。國防軍的陸、海、空軍分別建於1912、1922和1920年。新南非將原種族隔離時期的國防軍同非國大、泛非大武裝力量及前黑人傢園國防軍進行合併整編,並確定其任務是維護國傢主權和領土完整,履行國際義務,協助維護國內治安等。1997年,義務兵役製改為志願兵役製。近年不斷精兵減員,國防預算持續壓縮。現南非國防軍總兵力5.4萬人,其中陸軍約4萬人,海軍約5000人,空軍約9000人。國防軍總司令為西弗維·尼揚達(SIPHIWE NYANDA)。警察部隊12.9萬人。警察總監:傑基·塞萊比(JACKIE SELEBI)。2002年國防預算為18億美元,占國內生産總值1.7%。
  中國與南非於1998年1月1日建立外交關係。建交以來,兩國關係全面、快速發展。2000年4月,中國國傢主席江澤民應邀對南非進行國事訪問,兩國簽署《中南關於夥伴關係的比勒陀利亞宣言》。2001年12月,南非總統姆貝基對中國進行國事訪問。2004年,兩國確立了平等互利、共同發展的戰略夥伴關係,使兩國在政治、經濟、文化等領域內的友好合作不斷深化。2006年6月,溫傢寶總理對南非進行正式訪問,兩國簽署了《中國和南非關於深化戰略夥伴關係的合作綱要》。2006年11月姆貝基總統對中國進行國事訪問。2007年2月,鬍錦濤主席對南非進行國事訪問,兩國發表聯合公報。2007年9月,南非副總統姆蘭博-努卡來華訪問。  中國南非關係快速全面發展
  南非是中國在非洲的第一大貿易夥伴,中國是南非十大貿易夥伴之一,兩國經濟互補性很強。據中國海關統計,2006年兩國貿易額達到98.56億美元,比上年增長36%。 中國成為南非第五大出口目的地國 中國與南非貿易額2007年將大幅增至140億美元
  開普敦(Cape Town)是南非 立法首都,重要港口,好望角省首府。位於好望角北端的狹長地帶,瀕大西洋特布爾灣。始建於1652年,原為東印度公司供應站駐地,是西歐殖民者最早在南部非洲建立的據點,故有“南非諸城之母”之稱,長期是荷蘭、英國殖民者嚮非洲內陸擴張的基地。現為立法機關所在地。

  The Republic of South Africa (also known by other official names) is a country located at the southern tip of Africa. South Africa's coast stretches 2,798 kilometres and borders both the Atlantic and Indian oceans. To the north of South Africa lies Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Swaziland, while the Kingdom of Lesotho is an independent enclave surrounded by South African territory.
  Modern human beings have inhabited South Africa for more than 100,000 years. However, with the discovery of the Cape Sea Route, the Dutch East India Company founded a refreshment station at what would become Cape Town in 1652. Cape Town became a British colony in 1806. European settlement expanded during the 1820s as the Boers (original Dutch settlers) and the British 1820 Settlers claimed land in the north and east of the country. Conflicts arose between the original inhabitants of the land, the Xhosa and Zulu, and the new European settlers. However, the discovery of diamonds and later gold triggered the conflict known as the Anglo-Boer War as the Boers and the British fought for the control of South Africa's mineral wealth. Although the Boers were defeated, limited independence was given to South Africa in 1910 as a British dominion. Anti-British policies focused on ultimate independence which was achieved in 1961 when South Africa was declared a republic. The leading National Party legislated segregation known as apartheid despite opposition both in and outside of the country. In 1990 the then president F.W. de Klerk began to dismantle this legislation, and in 1994 the first democratic election was held in South Africa. This election brought Nelson Mandela and the current ruling party, the African National Congress to power.
  South Africa is known for its diversity, and eleven official languages are recognised in its constitution. English is the most commonly spoken language in official and commercial public life, however it is only the fifth most spoken home language. South Africa is ethnically diverse, with the largest Caucasian, Indian, and racially mixed communities in Africa. Although 79.5% of South Africa's population is Black, this category is neither culturally nor linguistically homogenous, as they speak a number of different Bantu languages, nine of which have official status. In 2006, South Africa's population was estimated at 47.4 million people.
  South Africa contains some of the oldest archaeological sites in Africa. Extensive fossil remains at the Sterkfontein, Kromdraai and Makapansgat caves suggest that various australopithecines existed in South Africa from about three million years ago . These were succeeded by various species of Homo, including Homo habilis, Homo erectus and modern man, Homo sapiens. Settlements of Bantu-speaking peoples, who were iron-using agriculturists and herdsmen, were already present south of the Limpopo River by the fourth or fifth century (see Bantu expansion) displacing and absorbing the original KhoiSan speakers. They slowly moved south and the earliest ironworks in modern-day KwaZulu-Natal Province are believed to date from around 1050. The southernmost group was the Xhosa people, whose language incorporates certain linguistic traits from the earlier KhoiSan people, reaching the Fish River, in today's Eastern Cape Province. These Iron Age populations displaced earlier people, who often had hunter-gatherer societies, as they migrated
  European colonisation
  Painting of an account of the arrival of Jan van Riebeeck, the first European to settle in South Africa, with Devil's Peak in the backgroundIn 1487, the Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias became the first European to reach the southernmost tip of Africa. The King of Portugal, John II, named it the Cabo da Boa Esperança or Cape of Good Hope as it led to the riches of India. In 1652 a refreshment station was established at the Cape of Good Hope by Jan van Riebeeck on behalf of the Dutch East India Company. Slaves were brought from Indonesia, Madagascar, and India as a labour source for the Dutch immigrants in Cape Town. As they expanded east, the Dutch settlers eventually met the south-westerly expanding Xhosa people in the region of the Fish River. A series of wars, called the Cape Frontier Wars, ensued, mainly caused by conflicting land and livestock interests.
  Flag of the Dutch East Indies Company (Amsterdam Logo)Great Britain took over the Cape of Good Hope area in 1795 ostensibly to stop it falling into the hands of the Revolutionary French, but also seeking to use Cape Town in particular as a stop on the route to Australia and India. It was later returned to the Dutch in 1803, but soon afterwards the Dutch East India Company declared bankruptcy, and the British annexed the Cape Colony in 1806. The British continued the frontier wars against the Xhosa, pushing the eastern frontier eastward through a line of forts established along the Fish River and consolidating it by encouraging British settlement. Due to pressure of abolitionist societies in Britain, the British parliament first stopped its global slave trade in 1807, then abolished slavery in all its colonies in 1833. During the 1830s, approximately 12 000 Boers (later known as Voortrekkers), departed from the Cape Colony, where they were subjected to British control, to the future Natal, Orange Free State and Transvaal regions. The Boers founded the Boer Republics - the South African Republic (Gauteng) and the Orange Free State (Free State).
  The discovery of diamonds in 1867 and gold in 1884 in the interior encouraged economic growth and immigration, intensifying the subjugation of the indigenous peoples. The Boer Republics successfully resisted British encroachments during the First Boer War (1880–1881) using guerrilla warfare tactics, much better suited to local conditions. However, the British returned in greater numbers without their red jackets in the Second Boer War (1899–1902). The Boers' attempt to ally themselves with German South-West Africa provided the British with yet another excuse to take control of the Boer Republics.
  Boers in combat (1881).
  After four years of negotiating, the Union of South Africa was created from the Cape and Natal colonies, as well as the republics of Orange Free State and Transvaal, on May 31, 1910, exactly eight years after the end of the Second Boer War. The newly-created Union of South Africa was a dominion. The Natives' Land Act of 1913 severely restricted the ownership of land by 'blacks', at that stage to a mere 7% of the country, although this amount was eventually increased marginally. The union was effectively granted independence from the United Kingdom with the passage of the Statute of Westminster, which morphed the British king's position within South Africa into that of the distinct King of South Africa. In 1934, the South African Party and National Party merged to form the United Party, seeking reconciliation between Afrikaners and English-speaking "Whites", but split in 1939 over the Union's entry into World War II as an ally of the United Kingdom, a move which the National Party strongly opposed.
  In 1948, the National Party was elected to power, and began implementing a series of harsh segregationist laws that would become known collectively as apartheid. Not surprisingly, this segregation also applied to the wealth acquired during rapid industrialisation of the 1950s, '60s, and '70s. While the White minority enjoyed the highest standard of living in all of Africa, often comparable to "First World" western nations, the Black majority remained disadvantaged by almost every standard, including income, education, housing, and life expectancy. However, the average income and life expectancy of a black, Indian or "Coloured" South African compared favourably to many other African states, such as Ghana and Tanzania as education and health were provided, though selectively. On 31 May 1961, following a whites-only referendum, the country became a republic and left the Commonwealth. The office of Governor-General was abolished and replaced with the position of State President.
  South Africa's national flag, "Prinsevlag", 1928-1994Apartheid became increasingly controversial, leading to widespread sanctions and divestment abroad and growing unrest and oppression within South Africa. (See also the article on the History of South Africa in the apartheid era.) A long period of harsh suppression by the government, and at times violent resistance, strikes, marches, protests, and sabotage by bombing and other means, by various anti-apartheid movements, most notably the African National Congress (ANC), followed. In the late 1970s, South Africa began a program of nuclear weapons, and in the following decade it produced six deliverable nuclear weapons. The rationale for the nuclear arsenal is disputed, but it is believed that Vorster and P.W. Botha wanted to be able to catalyse American intervention in the event of a war between South Africa and the Cuban-supported MPLA government of Angola.
  In 1990 the National Party government took the first step towards negotiating itself out of power when it lifted the ban on the African National Congress and other left-wing political organisations, and released Nelson Mandela from prison after twenty-seven years' incarceration on a sabotage sentence. Apartheid legislation was gradually removed from the statute books, and South Africa also destroyed its nuclear arsenal and acceded to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. The first multi-racial elections were held in 1994, which the ANC won by an overwhelming majority. It has been in power ever since.
  Despite the end of apartheid, millions of South Africans, mostly black, continued to live in poverty. This is partly attributed to the legacy of the apartheid system and, increasingly, as what many see as the failure of the current government to tackle social issues, coupled with the monetary and fiscal discipline of the current government to ensure both redistribution of wealth and economic growth. Since the ANC government took power, South Africa's United Nations Human Development Index has fallen dramatically, while it was steadily rising until the mid-1990s. Much of this could be attributed to the AIDS pandemic and the government's failure to take steps to address it. However, the ANC's social housing policy has produced some improvement in living conditions in many areas by redirecting fiscal spending and improving the efficiency of the tax collection system.
  Government and politics
  The Union Buildings in Pretoria is the home of the South African executive.South Africa is the only country with three capital cities: Cape Town, the largest of the three, is the legislative capital; Pretoria is the administrative capital; and Bloemfontein is the judicial capital. South Africa has a bicameral parliament: the National Council of Provinces (the upper house) has 90 members, while the National Assembly (the lower house) has 400 members. Members of the lower house are elected on a population basis by proportional representation: half of the members are elected from national lists and the other half are elected from provincial lists. Ten members are elected to represent each province in the National Council of Provinces, regardless of the population of the province. Elections for both chambers are held every five years. The government is formed in the lower house, and the leader of the majority party in the National Assembly is the President.
  Current South African politics are dominated by the African National Congress (ANC), which received 69.7% of the vote during the last 2004 general election and 66.3% of the vote in the 2006 municipal election. The current (2004-2009 term) President of South Africa is Thabo Mbeki, who succeeded former President Nelson Mandela. The main challenger to ANC's rule is the Democratic Alliance party, which received 12.4% of the vote in the 2004 election and 14.8% in the 2006 election. The party's leader is Helen Zille (elected 6 May 2007), and the previous leader was Tony Leon. The formerly dominant New National Party, which introduced apartheid through its predecessor, the National Party, chose to merge with ANC on 9 April 2005. Other major political parties represented in Parliament are the Inkatha Freedom Party, which mainly represents Zulu voters, and the Independent Democrats, who took 6.97% and 1.7% of the vote respectively, in the 2004 election.
  Since 2004, the country has had many thousands of popular protests, some violent, making it, according to one academic, the "most protest-rich country in the world". Many of these protests have been organised from the growing shanty towns that surround South African cities.
  South Africa's armed forces, known as the South African National Defence Force (SANDF), was created in 1994 . Previously known as the South African Defence Force (SADF), the new force is an all volunteer army and consists of the forces of the old SADF, as well as the forces of the African nationalist groups, namely Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK), Azanian People's Liberation Army (APLA), and the former Bantustan defence forces. The SANDF is subdivided into four branches, the South African Army, the South African Air Force, the South African Navy, and the South African Military Health Services.
  In recent years, the SANDF has become a major peacekeeping force in Africa , and has been involved in operations in Lesotho, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Burundi, amongst others. It has also participated as a part of multi-national UN peacekeeping forces.
  South Africa undertook a nuclear weapons program in the 1970s and may have conducted a nuclear test over the Atlantic in 1979 . It is the only African country to have successfully developed nuclear weapons. It has become the first country (followed by the Ukraine) with nuclear capability to voluntarily renounce and dismantle its program and in the process signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1991 .
  The primary sources of South Africa law were Roman-Dutch mercantile law and personal law with English Common law, as imports of Dutch settlements and British colonialism. The first European based law in South Africa was brought by the Dutch East India Company and is called Roman-Dutch law. It was imported before the codification of European law into the Napoleonic Code and is comparable in many ways to Scots law. This was followed in the 19th century by English law, both common and statutory. Starting in 1910 with unification, South Africa had its own parliament which passed laws specific for South Africa, building on those previously passed for the individual member colonies.
  Provinces, districts and municipalities
  Map showing the provinces and districts (numbered) of South Africa. Northern Cape
   North West
   Mpumalanga KwaZulu-Natal
   Eastern Cape
   Free State
   Western Cape
  When apartheid ended in 1994, the South African government had to integrate the formerly independent and semi-independent Bantustans into the political structure of South Africa. To this end, it abolished the four former provinces of South Africa (Cape Province, Natal, Orange Free State, and Transvaal) and replaced them with nine fully integrated provinces. The new provinces are usually much smaller than the former provinces, which theoretically gives local governments more resources to distribute over smaller areas.
  The nine provinces are further subdivided into 52 districts: 6 metropolitan and 46 district municipalities. The 46 district municipalities are further subdivided into 231 local municipalities. The district municipalities also contain 20 district management areas (mostly game parks) that are directly governed by the district municipalities. The six metropolitan municipalities perform the functions of both district and local municipalities. The new provinces are:
  Province Former homelands and provinces Capital Area (km²) Area (sq mi) Population (2001)
  Eastern Cape Cape Province, Transkei, Ciskei Bhisho 169,580 65,475 6,436,761
  Free State Orange Free State, QwaQwa Bloemfontein 129,480 49,992 2,706,776
  Gauteng Transvaal Johannesburg 17,010 6,568 8,837,172
  KwaZulu-Natal Natal, KwaZulu Pietermaritzburg 92,100 35,560 9,426,018
  Limpopo Transvaal, Venda, Lebowa, Gazankulu Polokwane 123,900 47,838 5,273,637
  Mpumalanga Transvaal, KwaNdebele, KaNgwane, Bophuthatswana, Lebowa Nelspruit 79,490 30,691 3,122,994
  Northern Cape Cape Province Kimberley 361,830 139,703 822,726
  North West Transvaal, Cape Province, Bophuthatswana Mafikeng 116,320 44,911 3,669,349
  Western Cape Cape Province Cape Town 129,370 49,950 4,524,335
  Total 1,219,080 470,688 44,819,768
  Map of South AfricaSouth Africa is located at the southernmost region of Africa, with a long coastline that stretches more than 2,500 kilometres (1,550 mi) and across two oceans (the Atlantic and the Indian). At 470,979 sq mi (1,219,912 km²), South Africa is the world's 25th-largest country (after Mali). It is comparable in size to Colombia. Njesuthi in the Drakensberg at 3,408 m (11,424 ft) is the highest peak in South Africa.
  South Africa has a generally temperate climate, due in part to it being surrounded by the Atlantic and Indian Oceans on three sides, by its location in the climatically milder southern hemisphere and due to the average elevation rising steadily towards the north (towards the equator) and further inland. Due to this varied topography and oceanic influence, a great variety of climatic zones exist.
  The climatic zones vary, from the extreme desert of the southern Namib in the farthest northwest to the lush subtropical climate in the east along the Mozambique border and the Indian ocean. From the east, the land quickly rises over a mountainous escarpment towards the interior plateau known as the Highveld. Even though South Africa is classified as semi-arid, there is considerable variation in climate as well as topography.
  The interior of South Africa is a vast, rather flat, and sparsely populated scrubland, Karoo, which is drier towards the northwest along the Namib desert. In contrast, the eastern coastline is lush and well-watered, which produces a climate similar to the tropics. The extreme southwest has a climate remarkably similar to that of the Mediterranean with wet winters and hot, dry summers, hosting the famous Fynbos Biome. This area also produces much of South Africa's wine. This region is also particularly known for its wind, which blows intermittently almost all year. The severity of this wind made passing around the Cape of Good Hope particularly treacherous for sailors, causing many shipwrecks. Further east on the country's south coast, rainfall is distributed more evenly throughout the year, producing a green landscape. This area is popularly known as the Garden Route.
  Satellite picture of South AfricaThe Free State is particularly flat due to the fact that it lies centrally on the high plateau. North of the Vaal River, the Highveld becomes better watered and does not experience subtropical extremes of heat. Johannesburg, in the centre of the Highveld, is at 1,740 metres (5,709 ft) and receives an annual rainfall of 760 millimetres (30 in). Winters in this region are cold, although snow is rare.
  To the north of Johannesburg, the altitude drops beyond the Highveld's escarpment, and turns into the lower lying Bushveld, an area of mixed dry forest and an abundance of wildlife. East of the Highveld, beyond the eastern escarpment, the Lowveld stretches towards the Indian ocean. It has particularly high temperatures, and is also the location of extended subtropical agriculture. The mountains of the Barberton Greenstone belt in the lowveld are the oldest mountains on Earth, dating back 3.5 Billion years. The earliest reliable proof of life (dated 3.2–3.5 Billion years old) has been found in these mountains.
  The high Drakensberg mountains, which form the south-eastern escarpment of the Highveld, offer limited skiing opportunities in winter.The coldest place in South Africa is Sutherland in the western Roggeveld Mountains, where midwinter temperatures can reach as low as −15 degrees Celsius (5 °F). The deep interior has the hottest temperatures: A temperature of 51.7 °C (125 °F) was recorded in 1948 in the Northern Cape Kalahari near Upington.
  South Africa also has one possession, the small sub-Antarctic archipelago of the Prince Edward Islands, consisting of Marion Island (290 km²/112 sq mi) and Prince Edward Island (45 km²/17.3 sq mi) (not to be confused with the Canadian province of the same name).
  Flora and fauna
  Fynbos, a floral kingdom unique to South Africa, is found near Cape TownSouth Africa is one of only 17 countries worldwide considered Megadiverse. It has more than 20,000 different plants, or about 10% of all the known species of plants on Earth, making it particularly rich in plant biodiversity. South Africa is the third most biodiverse country in the world, after Brazil and Indonesia and has greater biodiversity than any country of equal or smaller size (Brazil being roughly seven times South Africa's size, and Indonesia more than 50% larger).
  South Africa's most prevalent biome is grassland, particularly on the Highveld, where the plant cover is dominated by different grasses, low shrubs, and acacia trees, mainly camel-thorn and whitethorn. Vegetation becomes even more sparse towards the northwest due to low rainfall. There are several species of water-storing succulents like aloes and euphorbias in the very hot and dry Namaqualand area. The grass and thorn savannah turns slowly into a bush savannah towards the north-east of the country, with more dense growth. There are significant numbers of baobab trees in this area, near the northern end of Kruger National Park.
  The Fynbos Biome, which makes up the majority of the area and plant life in the Cape floristic region, one of the six floral kingdoms, is located in a small region of the Western Cape and contains more than 9,000 of those species, making it among the richest regions on earth in terms of floral biodiversity. The majority of the plants are evergreen hard-leaf plants with fine, needle-like leaves, such as the sclerophyllous plants. Another uniquely South African plant is the protea genus of flowering plants. There are around 130 different species of protea in South Africa.
  While South Africa has a great wealth of flowering plants, it has few forests. Only 1% of South Africa is forest, almost exclusively in the humid coastal plain along the Indian Ocean in KwaZulu-Natal (see KwaZulu-Cape coastal forest mosaic). There are even smaller reserves of forests that are out of the reach of fire, known as montane forests (see Knysna-Amatole montane forests). Plantations of imported tree species are predominant, particularly the non-native eucalyptus and pine. South Africa has lost a large area of natural habitat in the last four decades, primarily due to overpopulation, sprawling development patterns and deforestation during the nineteenth century. South Africa is one of the worst affected countries in the world when it comes to invasion by alien species with many (e.g. Black Wattle, Port Jackson, Hakea, Lantana and Jacaranda) posing a significant threat to the native biodiversity and the already scarce water resources. The original temperate forest that met the first European settlers to South Africa was exploited ruthlessly until only small patches remained. Currently, South African hardwood trees like Real Yellowwood (Podocarpus latifolius), stinkwood (Ocotea bullata), and South African Black Ironwood (Olea laurifolia) are under government protection.
  Numerous mammals are found in the bushveld habitats including lions, leopards, white rhinos, blue wildebeest, kudus, impalas, hyenas, hippopotamus, and giraffes. A significant extent of the bushveld habitat exists in the north-east including Kruger National Park and the Mala Mala Reserve, as well as in the far north in the Waterberg Biosphere.
  Climate change is expected to bring considerable warming and drying to much of this already semi-arid region, with greater frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as heatwaves, flooding and drought. According to computer generated climate modelling produced by the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) (along with many of its partner institutions), parts of southern Africa will see an increase in temperature by about one degree Celsius along the coast to more than four degrees Celsius in the already hot hinterland such as the Northern Cape in late spring and summertime by 2050.
  The Cape Floral Kingdom has been identified as one of the global biodiversity hotspots since it will be hit very hard by climate change and has such a great diversity of life. Drought, increased intensity and frequency of fire and climbing temperatures are expected to push many of these rare species towards extinction. The book Scorched : South Africa's changing climate takes much of the modelling produced by SANBI and presents it in an accessible travelogue-style collection of essays.
  South Africa houses many endemic species, among them the critically endangered Riverine Rabbit (Bunolagus monticullaris) in the Karoo.
  The Victoria & Alfred Waterfront in Cape Town with Table Mountain in the background. Cape Town has become an important retail and tourism centre for the country, and attracts the largest number of foreign visitors in South AfricaBy UN classification South Africa is a middle-income country with an abundant supply of resources, well-developed financial, legal, communications, energy, and transport sectors, a stock exchange (the JSE Limited), that ranks among the top twenty in the world, and a modern infrastructure supporting an efficient distribution of goods to major urban centres throughout the entire region. South Africa is ranked 20th in the world in terms of GDP (PPP) as of 2007.
  Advanced development is significantly localised around four areas: Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Durban, and Pretoria/Johannesburg. Beyond these four economic centres, development is marginal and poverty is still prevalent despite government efforts. Consequently the vast majority of South Africans are poor. However, key marginal areas have experienced rapid growth recently. Such areas include: Mossel Bay to Plettenberg Bay; Rustenburg area; Nelspruit area; Bloemfontein; Cape West Coast; and KwaZulu-Natal's North Coast amongst others.
  Even though South Africa has the fourth highest per capita income in Africa, only behind Seychelles, Botswana and the European possessions located in Africa, it suffers from large income gaps and a dual economy marking it as a developing country. South Africa has one of the highest rates of income inequality in the world. A decade of continual economic growth has helped to lower unemployment, but daunting economic and social problems remain. The average South African household income decreased considerably between 1995 and 2000. As for racial inequality, Statistics South Africa reported that in 1995 the average white household earned four times as much as the average black household. In 2000 the average white household was earning 6 times the average black household. The implementation of affirmative action policies have seen a rise in black economic wealth and an emerging black middle class. Other problems are crime, corruption, and HIV/AIDS.
  At the start of 2000, President Thabo Mbeki vowed to promote economic growth and foreign investment by relaxing restrictive labour laws, stepping up the pace of privatisation, and cutting unneeded governmental spending. His policies face strong opposition from organised labour. South Africa is also the continent's largest energy producer and consumer.
  The South African rand (ZAR), the world's most actively-traded emerging market currency, has joined an elite club of fifteen currencies, the Continuous linked settlement (CLS), where forex transactions are settled immediately, lowering the risks of transacting across time zones. The rand was the best-performing currency against the United States dollar (USD) between 2002 and 2005, according to the Bloomberg Currency Scorecard.
  The volatility of the rand has affected economic activity, falling sharply during 2001 and hitting a historic low of 13.85 ZAR to the USD, raising fears of inflation, and causing the Reserve Bank to increase interest rates. The rand has since recovered, trading at 7.13 ZAR to the dollar as of January 2008. However, as exporters are put under considerable pressure from a stronger domestic currency, many call for government intervention to help soften the rand.
  Refugees from poorer neighbouring countries include many immigrants from the DRC, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Malawi and others, representing a large portion of the informal sector. With high unemployment levels amongst poorer South Africans, xenophobia is prevalent and many people born in South Africa feel resentful of immigrants who are seen to be depriving the native population of jobs, a feeling which has been given credibility by the fact that many South African employers have employed migrants from other countries for lower pay than South African citizens, especially in the construction, tourism, agriculture and domestic service industries. Illegal immigrants are also heavily involved in informal trading. However, many immigrants to South Africa continue to live in poor conditions, and the South African immigration policy has become increasingly restrictive since 1994.
  South Africa's principal international trading partners—besides other African countries—include Germany, Japan, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Chief exports include corn, diamonds, fruits, gold, metals and minerals, sugar, and wool. Machinery and transportation equipment make up more than one-third of the value of the country’s imports. Other imports include chemicals, manufactured goods, and petroleum.
  Electricity crisis
  After unsuccessful attempts by the government to encourage private construction of electricity generation capacity, in 2007 the state-owned electricity supplier (Eskom) started experiencing a lack of capacity in the electrical generating and reticulation infrastructure. This led to an inability to meet the routine demands of industry and consumers, resulting in countrywide rolling blackouts. Initially the lack of capacity was triggered by a failure at Koeberg nuclear power station, but since then a general lack of capacity became evident. The supplier has been widely criticised for failing to adequately plan for and construct sufficient electrical generating capacity, although ultimately the government has admitted that it's at fault for refusing to approve funding for investment in infrastructure.
  Workers planting on a farm in the central area of Mpumalanga.
  Farm workers.South Africa has a large agricultural sector and is a net exporter of farming products. There are almost a thousand agricultural cooperatives and agribusinesses throughout the country, and agricultural exports have constituted 8% of South Africa's total exports for the past five years. The agricultural industry contributes around 10% of formal employment, relatively low compared to other parts of Africa, as well as providing work for casual labourers and contributing around 2.6% of GDP for the nation. However, due to the aridity of the land, only 13.5% can be used for crop production, and only 3% is considered high potential land.
  Although the commercial farming sector is relatively well developed, people in some rural areas still survive on subsistence agriculture. It is the eighth largest wine producer in the world, and the eleventh largest producer of sunflower seed. South Africa is a net exporter of agricultural products and foodstuffs, the largest number of exported items being sugar, grapes, citrus, nectarines, wine and deciduous fruit. The largest locally produced crop is maize (corn), and it has been estimated that 9 million tons are produced every year, with 7.4 million tons being consumed. Livestock are also popular on South African farms, with the country producing 85% of all meat consumed. The dairy industry consists of around 4,300 milk producers providing employment for 60,000 farm workers and contributing to the livelihoods of around 40,000 others.
  In recent years, the agricultural sector has introduced several reforms, some of which are controversial, such as land reform and the deregulation of the market for agricultural products. Land reform has been criticised both by farmers' groups and by landless workers, the latter alleging that the pace of change has not been fast enough, and the former alleging racist treatment and expressing concerns that a similar situation to Zimbabwe's land reform policy may develop, a fear exacerbated by comments made by the country's deputy president. The sector continues to face problems, with increased foreign competition and crime being two of the major challenges for the industry. The government has been accused of not devoting enough time and money to tackle the problem of farm attacks as opposed to other forms of violent crime.
  Another issue which affects South African agriculture is environmental damage caused by misuse of the land and global climate change. South Africa is unusually vulnerable to climate change and resultant diminution of surface waters. Some predictions show surface water supply could decrease by 60% by the year 2070 in parts of the Western Cape. To reverse the damage caused by land mismanagement, the government has supported a scheme which promotes sustainable development and the use of natural resources.
  South Africa is a popular tourist destination, and a substantial amount of revenue comes from tourism. Among the main attractions are the diverse and picturesque culture, the game reserves and the highly regarded local wines.
  Historical populations
  Census Pop. %±
  1900 5014000 —
  1910 5842000 16.5%
  1920 6953000 19.0%
  1930 8580000 23.4%
  1940 10341000 20.5%
  1950 13310000 28.7%
  1960 16385000 23.1%
  1970 21794000 33.0%
  1980 24261000 11.3%
  1990 37944000 56.4%
  2000 43686000 15.1%
  2008 (est.) 43786115 0.2%
  * Source: "South Africa", Population Statistics
  Population density by municipality. Large areas of South Africa are sparsely populated.South Africa is a nation of more than 43 million people of diverse origins, cultures, languages, and religions. The last census was held in 2001 and the next will be in 2011. Statistics South Africa provided five racial categories by which people could classify themselves, the last of which, "unspecified/other" drew negligible responses, and these results were omitted. The 2006 midyear estimated figures for the other categories were Black African at 79.5%, White at 9.2%, Coloured at 8.9%, and Indian or Asian at 2.5%. Even though South Africa's population has increased in the past decade (primarily due to immigration), the country had an annual population growth rate of −0.501% in 2008(CIA est.). South Africa is home to an estimated 5 million illegal immigrants, including some 3 million Zimbabweans. A series of anti-immigrant riots occurred in South Africa beginning on May 11, 2008.
  By far the major part of the population classified itself as African or black, but it is not culturally or linguistically homogeneous. Major ethnic groups include the Zulu, Xhosa, Basotho (South Sotho), Bapedi (North Sotho), Venda, Tswana, Tsonga, Swazi and Ndebele, all of which speak Bantu languages (see Bantu peoples of South Africa).
  Some, such as the Zulu, Xhosa, Bapedi and Venda groups, are unique to South Africa. Other groups are distributed across the borders with South Africa's neighbours: The Basotho group is also the major ethnic group in Lesotho. The Tswana ethnic group constitute the majority of the population of Botswana. The Swazi ethnic group is the major ethnic group in Swaziland. The Ndebele ethnic group is also found in Matabeleland in Zimbabwe, where they are known as the Matabele. These Ndebele people are the descendants of a Zulu faction under the warrior Mzilikazi that escaped persecution from Shaka by migrating to their current territory. The Tsonga ethnic group is also found in southern Mozambique, where they are known as the Shangaan.
  The white population is not ethnically homogenous and descend from many ethnic groups: Dutch, Portuguese, German, French Huguenot, English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh. Culturally and linguistically, they are divided into the Afrikaners, who speak Afrikaans, and English-speaking groups, many of whom are descended from British and Irish immigrants (see Anglo-African). Many small communities that have immigrated over the last century retain the use of other languages. The white population is on the decrease due to a low birth rate and emigration; as a factor in their decision to emigrate, many cite the high crime rate and the government's affirmative action policies. Since 1994, over 1 000 000 white South Africans have permanently emigrated. Despite high emigration levels, a high level of non-South African white immigrants have settled in the country, in particular from countries such as Britain and Zimbabwe. For example, by 2005, an estimated 212 000 British citizens were residing in South Africa. Since 2003, the numbers of British expats coming to South Africa has rose by 50%. An estimated 20 000 British expats moved to South Africa in 2007. The reasons cited by many expats are South Africa's family values, the weather and a better quality of life. South Africa recently overtook New Zealand as the 6th most popular destination amongst the British expat community. There have also been a significant number of white Zimbabwean arrivals, fleeing their home country in light of the economic and political problems currently facing the country. As well as recent arrivals, a significant number of white Zimbabweans emigrated to South Africa in the wake of independence in Zimbabwe in 1980. Some of the more nostalgic members of the community are known in popular culture as "Whenwes", because of their nostalgia for their lives in Rhodesia "when we were in Rhodesia"
  The term "Coloured" is still largely used for the people of mixed race descended from slaves brought in from East and Central Africa, the indigenous Khoisan who lived in the Cape at the time, indigenous African Blacks, Whites (mostly the Dutch/Afrikaner and British settlers) as well as an admixture of Javanese, Malay, Indian, Malagasy and other European (such as Portuguese) and Asian blood (such as Burmese). The majority speak Afrikaans. Khoisan is a term used to describe two separate groups, physically similar in that they were light-skinned and small in stature. The Khoikhoi, who were called Hottentots by the Europeans, were pastoralists and were effectively annihilated; the San, called Bushmen by the Europeans, were hunter-gatherers. Within what is known as the Coloured community, more recent immigrants will also be found: Coloureds from the former Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and Namibia and immigrants of mixed descent from India and Burma (Anglo-Indians/Anglo-Burmese) who were welcomed to the Cape when India and Burma received their Independence.
  The major part of the Asian population of the country is Indian in origin (see Indian South Africans), many of them descended from indentured workers brought in the nineteenth century to work on the sugar plantations of the eastern coastal area then known as Natal. There is also a significant group of Chinese South Africans (approximately 100,000 individuals) and Vietnamese South Africans (approximately 50,000 individuals). In 2008, the Pretoria High Court has ruled that Chinese South Africans are to be reclassified as black people. As a result of this ruling, ethnically Chinese citizens will be able to benefit from government BEE policies.
  South Africa hosts a sizeable refugee and asylum seeker population. According to the World Refugee Survey 2008, published by the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, this population numbered approximately 144,700 in 2007. Groups of refugees and asylum seekers numbering over 10,000 included persons from Zimbabwe (48,400), The Democratic Republic of the Congo (24,800), and Somalia (12,900). These populations mainly lived in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Durban, Cape Town, and Port Elizabeth.
  Society and culture
  Prison Buildings on Robben Island, the holding place of several anti-apartheid fighters including Nelson Mandela, who was imprisoned there for eighteen years. Robben Island is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site
  Decorated houses, Drakensberg MountainsIt may be argued that there is no "single" culture in South Africa because of its ethnic diversity. Today, the diversity in foods from many cultures is enjoyed by all and especially marketed to tourists who wish to sample the large variety of South African cuisine. In addition to food, music and dance feature prominently.
  South African cuisine is heavily meat-based and has spawned the distinctively South African social gathering known as a braai, or barbecue. South Africa has also developed into a major wine producer, with some of the best vineyards lying in valleys around Stellenbosch, Franschoek, Paarl and Barrydale.
  There is great diversity in music from South Africa. Many black musicians who sang in Afrikaans or English during apartheid have since begun to sing in traditional African languages, and have developed a unique style called Kwaito. Of note is Brenda Fassie, who launched to fame with her song "Weekend Special", which was sung in English. More famous traditional musicians include Ladysmith Black Mambazo, while the Soweto String Quartet performs classic music with an African flavour. White and Coloured South African singers are historically influenced by European musical styles including such western metal bands such as Seether (formerly Saron Gas). South Africa has produced world-famous jazz musicians, notably Hugh Masekela, Jonas Gwangwa, Abdullah Ibrahim, Miriam Makeba, Jonathan Butler, Chris McGregor, and Sathima Bea Benjamin. Afrikaans music covers multiple genres, such as the contemporary Steve Hofmeyr and the punk rock band Fokofpolisiekar. Crossover artists such as Johnny Clegg and his bands Juluka and Savuka have enjoyed various success underground, publicly, and abroad.
  The country's black majority still has a substantial number of rural inhabitants who lead largely impoverished lives. It is among these people, however, that cultural traditions survive most strongly; as blacks have become increasingly urbanised and westernised, aspects of traditional culture have declined. Urban blacks usually speak English or Afrikaans in addition to their native tongue. There are smaller but still significant groups of speakers of Khoisan languages which are not included in the eleven official languages, but are one of the eight other officially recognised languages. There are small groups of speakers of endangered languages, most of which are from the Khoi-San family, that receive no official status; however, some groups within South Africa are attempting to promote their use and revival.
  The middle class lifestyle, predominantly of the white minority but with growing numbers of Black, Coloured and Indian people, is similar in many respects to that of people found in Western Europe, North America and Australasia. Members of the middle class often study and work abroad for greater exposure to the world's markets.
  Asians, predominantly of Indian origin, preserve their own cultural heritage, languages and religious beliefs, being either Christian, Hindu or Sunni Muslim and speaking English, with Indian languages like Hindi, Telugu, Tamil or Gujarati being spoken less frequently, but the majority of Indians being able to understand their mother tongue. The first Indians arrived on the famous Truro ship as indentured labourers in Natal to work the Sugar Cane Fields. There is a much smaller Chinese community in South Africa, although its numbers have increased due to immigration from Republic of China (Taiwan).
  South Africa has also had a large influence in the Scouting movement, with many Scouting traditions and ceremonies coming from the experiences of Robert Baden-Powell (the founder of Scouting) during his time in South Africa as a military officer in the 1890s. The South African Scout Association was one of the first youth organisations to open its doors to youth and adults of all races in South Africa. This happened on 2 July 1977 at a conference known as Quo Vadis.
  The South African music scene consists of Kwaito, a new music genre that had developed in the mid 80's and has since developed to become the most popular social economical form of representation among the populous. Though some may argue that the political aspects of Kwaito has since diminished after Apartheid, and the relative interest in politics has become a minor aspect of daily life. Some argue that in a sense, Kwaito is in fact a political force that shows activism in its apolitical actions. Today, major corporations like Sony, BMG, and EMI have appeared on the South African scene to produce and distribute Kwaito music. Due to its overwhelming popularity, as well as the general influence of DJs, who are among the top 5 most influential types of people within the country, Kwaito has taken over radio, television, and magazines.
  Kwaito, much like most hip-hop has its own local flavor and originality. However, unlike when hip-hop first burst on the scene as a politically-driven and rebellious underground movement, South Africans wanted to create a happier vibe. As the post-apartheid fog cleared, South African youth found their "own voice in a style of music known as kwaito, spawning a new (and profitable) industry". According to TIMEeurope magazine, "The kwaito sound now regularly incorporates traditional African music, jazz, gospel, and even rock guitar, most notably on Mandoza's 2000 hit Nkalakatha, one of the few kwaito records to cross over onto traditionally white radio" . In the kwaito, the samples from old school Jamaican dancehall, European house, etc., tempos are changed, beats are added, and urban street slang is also incorporated. This local flavor of music more recently has been attacked for its lack of ingenuity and its betrayal of its roots. The melodies and the incorporation of sex and dance have since become very similar to the American standard. In addition Kwaito has been criticised for its absence of influential lyrical content. As Kwaito is still a developing genre, and since the South African population is only around 40 million, sales of only 25,000 CDs are required for "gold" certification in South Africa.
  According to the latest 2001 national census, Christians accounted for 79.7% of the population. This includes Zion Christian 11.1%, Pentecostal (Charismatic) 8.2%, Roman Catholic 7.1%, Methodist 6.8%, Dutch Reformed 6.7%, Anglican 3.8%, and other Christian 36%. Islam accounted for 1.5% of the population, Hinduism about 1.3%. 15.1% had no religious affiliation, 2.3% were other and 1.4% were unspecified.
  African Indigenous Churches were the largest of the Christian groups. It was believed that many of these persons who claimed no affiliation with any organised religion adhered to traditional indigenous religions. Many peoples have syncretic religious practices combining Christian and indigenous influences.
  Islam in South Africa itself is not known to pre-date the colonial period, despite the fact that neighbouring Mozambique had isolated contact with Arab and East African traders. There is no evidence that Islam was known to the Zulu, Swazi, or Xhosa of the east coast prior to the colonial era. Many South African Muslims are described as Coloureds, notably in the Western Cape, especially those whose ancestors came as slaves from the Indonesian archipelago (the Cape Malays). Others are described as Indians, notably in KwaZulu-Natal, including those whose ancestors came as traders from South Asia; they have been joined by others from other parts of Africa as well as white or black South African converts. It is estimated that Islam is the fastest growing religion of conversion in the country, with the number of black Muslims growing sixfold, from 12,000 in 1991 to 74,700 in 2004.
  Hinduism dates back to British Colonial period primarily but later waves of continuous immigrants from India have contributed to a sizable Hindu population. Most Hindus are ethnically South Asian but there are many who come from mixed racial stock and many are converts with the efforts of Hindu missionaries such as ISKCON. Other religions in smaller numbers are Sikhism, Jainism and Bahá'í Faith.
  Map showing principal South African languages by municipality. Lighter shades indicate a non-majority plurality. Afrikaans
   Northern Sotho
   Southern Sotho
   Tsonga Tswana
  South Africa has eleven official languages: Sepedi, Sesotho, Setswana, siSwati, Tshivenda, Xitsonga, Afrikaans, English, isiNdebele, isiXhosa and isiZulu. In this regard it is second only to India in number. While each language is technically equal to every other, some languages are spoken more than others. According to the 2001 National Census, the three most spoken first home languages are Zulu (23.8%), Xhosa (17.6%) and Afrikaans (13.3%). Despite the fact that English is recognised as the language of commerce and science, it was spoken by only 8.2% of South Africans at home in 2001, an even lower percentage than in 1996 (8.6%).
  There are eleven official names for South Africa, one in each of the official national languages. The country also recognises eight non-official languages: Fanagalo, Khoe, Lobedu, Nama, Northern Ndebele, Phuthi, San and South African Sign Language. These non-official languages may be used in certain official uses in limited areas where it has been determined that these languages are prevalent. Nevertheless, their populations are not such that they require nationwide recognition.
  Many of the "unofficial languages" of the San and Khoikhoi people contain regional dialects stretching northward into Namibia and Botswana, and elsewhere. These people, who are a physically distinct population from other Africans, have their own cultural identity based on their hunter-gatherer societies. They have been marginalised to a great extent, and many of their languages are in danger of becoming extinct.
  Many white South Africans also speak other European languages, such as Portuguese (also spoken by Angolan and Mozambican blacks), German, and Greek, while some Asians and Indians in South Africa speak South Asian languages, such as Telugu, Hindi, Gujarati and Tamil.
  The main sports in South Africa are soccer, rugby, cricket and boxing. Other sports with significant support are swimming, golf and netball. Basketball, surfing and skateboarding are popular among the youth.
  Famous boxing personalities include Baby Jake Jacob Matlala, Vuyani Bungu, Welcome Ncita, "the rose of Soweto" Dingaan Thobela, Gerrie Coetzee and Brian Mitchell. Football players who have excelled in international clubs include Lucas Radebe of Leeds United and Quinton Fortune, formerly of Manchester United, Benni McCarthy of Blackburn Rovers and Steven Pienaar of Everton. South Africa produced Formula 1 motor racing's 1979 world champion Jody Scheckter.
  South Africa hosted and won the 1995 Rugby World Cup at their first attempt and again won the 2007 Rugby World Cup in France, beating reigning champions England in the final. South Africa was only allowed to participate from 1995 since the end of Apartheid. It followed the 1995 Rugby World Cup final by hosting and winning the 1996 African Cup of Nations football tournament. It also hosted the 2003 Cricket World Cup and the Twenty20 Cricket World Cup in 2007. South Africa will be the host nation for the 2010 FIFA World Cup, which will be the first time the tournament is held on the African continent. As the 2010 World Cup Host country the South African national soccer team (Bafana Bafana) will automatically qualify to play in the 2010 World Cup finals. The South African National Soccer team will be coached by Brazilian Coach Joel Santana.
  In 2004, the team of Roland Schoeman, Lyndon Ferns, Darian Townsend and Ryk Neethling won the gold medal at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, simultaneously breaking the world record in the 4x100 freestyle relay. Schoeman, Ferns, and Neethling trained at the University of Arizona. Previously Penny Heyns won Olympic Gold in the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games. Several other swimmers have participated and won in international swimming events.
  In golf, Gary Player is generally regarded as one of the greatest golfers of all time, having won the Career Grand Slam, one of five golfers to have done so. Other South African golfers to have successfully won a major tournament include Bobby Locke, Ernie Els, Retief Goosen and Trevor Immelman, who won the Masters in 2008.
  Current issues
  The spread of AIDS (acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome) is an alarming problem in South Africa with up to 31% of pregnant women found to be HIV infected in 2005 and the infection rate among adults estimated at 20%. The link between HIV, a virus spread primarily by sexual contact, and AIDS has long been denied by the president and the health minister, who have insisted that the many deaths in the country are due to malnutrition, and hence poverty, and not HIV. Recently, in 2007, the government made efforts to fight AIDS.
  AIDS affects mainly those who are sexually active and is far more prevalent in the black population. Most deaths are people who are also economically active, resulting in many families losing their primary wage earners. This has resulted in many 'AIDS orphans' who in many cases depend on the state for care and financial support. It is estimated that there are 1,200,000 orphans in South Africa. Many elderly people also lose the support from lost younger members of their family. Roughly 5 million people are infected with the disease.
  According to a survey for the period 1998–2000 compiled by the United Nations, South Africa was ranked second for assault and murder (by all means) per capita, in addition to being ranked first for rapes per capita. Total crime per capita is tenth (10th) out of the sixty (60) countries in the data set.
  Crime has had a pronounced effect on society: many middle-class South Africans moved into gated communities, abandoning the central business districts of some cities for the relative security of suburbs. This effect is most pronounced in Johannesburg, although the trend is noticeable in other cities as well. Many emigrants from South Africa also state that crime was a big motivator for them to leave. Crime against the farming community has continued to be a major problem.
No. 3
  南非最佳旅遊時間: 由於南非地處南半球,所以氣候季節與北半球恰好相反,每年的6月、7月是南非的鼕季,12月和1月為夏。南非由於各季氣候溫和,一年四季都是晴空萬裏,所以全年不分四季均適於旅遊,但是有時陽光過於強烈。氣候則是從開普半島的地中海式氣候變化到誇祖魯海岸的亞熱帶氣候,但在東北部內陸則是草原氣候。南非的日照斯從約翰內斯堡的265天過渡到德班197天。 南非民俗節慶活動: 在南非年輕的黑人經常會利用一段時間去金礦區工作,以賺取工資購買聘禮用的傢畜,否則一般家庭的子弟想要償還結婚前的藉款恐怕得花好幾年的時間。不過,大多數的部落依然會舉行成人的儀式,並且為年輕人舉行割禮。
  新年 1月1日
  人權日 3月21日
  耶酥受難日 復活節前的星期五
  家庭節 復活節後的第二天
  自由日 4月27日
  勞動節 5月1日
  青年節 6月16日
  全國婦女節 8月9日
  傳統節 9月24日
  和解節 12月16日
  聖誕節 12月25日
  友好節 12月26日
  南非特別提醒: 南非是世界上犯罪率最高的國傢之一。犯罪形式主要是持刀、槍搶劫財物、車輛及施暴、強姦等。 發生意外須知:如不幸遇劫,盡量嚮人多的地方逃跑,如無法逃脫,不要抵抗,馬上將適量現金交給對方,並盡量記清劫持者的個人特徵,案發時間和地點;盡快報警,報警電話:10111;或到最近的警察局報案。 建議性防範措施:1、盡量結伴而行,不要單獨行動;2、貴重物品、寶石飾品、名牌服裝要保管妥當,最好不要外露;3、避免出入特定居民區和無人的街道、場所。4、日出前、日落後,盡量少出門;5、最好使用信用卡或旅行支票,避免在公共場所兌換錢或出示大量現金。
  南非美食: 南非的烹飪有其南非本土之模式。隨着歐洲移民,馬來族奴隸及印度人之到來,又形成了多樣融合之烹飪藝術,尤以芳香濃郁之咖喱料理,慢燉拼盤,傳統非常佳餚,及本土燒烤,最為膾炙人口。
  美食有sosaties烤肉串;bobotie咖哩魚;bredies蕃茄、菜、肉共煮;biltong調味肉幹;potjiekos鐵鍋燉物;stywepap&poetoepup玉米粥燉肉;還有生蚝、竜蝦、紅、白葡萄酒等。 南非購物: 在城市裏,你可以買到任何東西從波斯羊皮外套到鰐魚皮包,古董,手工編織毯以及黃,鑽石及其它寶石精心設計的飾品。多數旅客選購獨特的珠寶,上等皮革製品和時髦款式的名牌精品。服裝店服飾都是流行的款式,在時髦的精品店裏找不到暗示着來自遠地大量生産的貨色。品質和鑒賞力全標顥在設計師的捲標上。
  到南的遊客,採購是划算的,因目前南非幣一蘭德的幣值對您最有利,即使再揮霍也遠低於您的旅費。 南非交通: 南非有九個主要機場,分別是:布隆方丹、約翰內斯堡(國際機場)、開普敦(國際機場)、金伯利、德班(國際機場)、伊利莎白港、東倫敦、阿平頓、喬治。衆多的航班連接着南非主要的城市,還有定期航班和包機服務使來訪客人能夠方便地抵達其他城市和遊覽勝地。
  航空─國傢航空公司是south african airways(saa)及國內數傢航空公司共同組成國內航綫網,外籍旅客可購買africa explorer使用於國內航綫,效期為一個月,另外,若購買standby的票亦可享七折優惠,其它還有多種優惠方式,如supersaver、saver、apex、slumber等。
  水運─starlight cruise在各大港口皆有停泊
  火車─分為二個艙等,有多種列車,包括trans oranje、trans-natal espress、trans-karoo express及最富盛名的blue train豪華快車,值得一試,二歲以下全免,2-11歲半價。
  南非住宿: 南非觀光局有統一的星級評分標準,所有旅館都依此制度劃分,住宿水準普遍偏高,不屬於評分制度的住宿類型包括汽車旅館、渡假公寓、海灘別墅、狩獵茅屋、農場、大衆渡假中心以及青年賓館、家庭式私宅等。一些主要觀光區有許多分時段使用的渡假別墅,全國各地也有公園場地供旅行拖車休憩與露營使用。
  南非娛樂: 南非在國際上最足以自豪的一點是其每日日照率居全球各國之冠,這在主辦國際性網球及高爾夫巡回賽而言,是極為有利的。南非擁有多達400個世界級高爾夫球場,常年吸引全球各地的高爾夫人口來南非一試揮桿身手。南非人民舉國上下都着迷於運動,幾乎每個市鎮內均有設備齊全的體育場可供從事麯棍球、田徑、橄欖球、馬球及足球等運動。
  1. :  SA South Africa
  2. n.:  South Africa,  the South Africa Republic
  1. n.  Afrique du Sud