冰花 (Bing Hua),曾用英文筆名Rose Lu, 本名魯麗華,1962生人。現為馬裏蘭州私人會計事務所的會計師。為美國華人詩學會副會長,北美中文作傢協會會員。《詩殿堂》詩刊內容總監。80年代開始詩歌創作,出版主要著作有詩集《冰花詩選》(Selected poems of Bing Hua) (漢英雙語,徐英才譯,2019年),《這就是愛》(This Is Love)(2013年),《溪水邊的玫瑰》 (Roses By The Stream) (2008出版,2019年以漢英雙語再版,王大建譯)等。2020年與翻譯傢詩人徐英才共同主編《世界抗疫詩精選》。其詩歌被翻成英、德、韓等多國文字。2009年,獲首屆“梁祝杯”全球華語愛情詩文大賽金奬。 2011年,在第31屆世界詩人大會獲“相信愛情”/ Belief in Love金奬。2014年,The Pushcart Prize/手推車奬提名。2016年,其詩《一個女孩》做為美國詩人被收入《最佳詩百科全書》(Best Poems Encyclopedia)。2017年獲“中國新歸來詩人奬”等。冰花的詩被稱為“冰花體”、“冰花現象”。冰花被譽為“情詩皇后”、“詩壇玫瑰”等。
Bing Hua is the pen name of Lihua Lu, who is also known as Rose Lu. She is an accountant for a private accounting firm in Maryland, vice president of the Chinese Poetry Association, content director of
Poetry Hall
, and a member of the North American Chinese Writers Association. She began writing poetry during the 1980s. Her publications include
Selected Poems of Bing Hua
, a bilingual work in Chinese and English published in 2019,
This is Love
(2013), and
Roses by the Stream
with a Chinese edition published in 2008 and a bilingual edition published in 2019. She co-edited
World Pandemic Poetry
(2020) with Yingcai Xu. Her poems have been translated into English, German and Korean. Two of her poems, “A Hand Fan” and “Neither out of Flighty or Levity” won the Belief in Love Golden Award in the 31st World Congress Poets Contest. “The Lotus Obsession” won the Butterfly Golden Award in the 1st World Chinese Language Love Poems Contest. Bing Hua won the Eastlit
for The Pushcart Prize in 2014. Her poem “A Girl” is included as an American poem in
Best Poems Encyclopedia
. In 2016 she was judged an excellent poet by the Poetry Network. Bing Hua won the China New Regression Poets award in 2017. She has been called “the queen of love poetry” and “a rose in the poetic world” and her poetic style called the “Bing Hua Style”.
Bing Hua’s poetic philosophy is “to see the world with the eye of nature and to express the world with the poems of nature”.
bīng huā bīng huā
No. 3
No. 4
冰初結時所凝成的細碎片塊,形狀如花 Ice during the first knot of fine debris cemented blocks, shape flower