| | - : liability, dip, dip direction
- n.: individual -ties, predisposition, proclivity, proneness, propensity, strain, streak, tendency, vergence, affection, incline, trend; tendency, direction, yearn for wholeheartedly, feeling that makes sb want to behave in a particular way, inclination, inclination or tendency, penchant, turn, anlage, aptness, bent, climate, disposition, drift, genius, lean, leaning, lurch
| | - n. tendance
| | 傾鄉, 風氣, 思潮, 一般的態度或感覺, 意嚮, 時尚, 風尚, 流行的式樣, 意願 愛好, 嗜好, 令人感興趣的事物, 喜好 親, 嗜 習性, 脾性, 慣常的行為 趨嚮, 趨勢, 方向, 動嚮, 經常發生的事, 趨於 | | | | |