保衛 bǎowèi
[defend;safeguard;secur;in defence of] 保護國傢利益、集體財産、人身安全、領土完整使之不受侵犯
One that flanks, especially a soldier so positioned as to protect the flank of a column of troops on the march.
側衛尤指在行軍中為掩護或保衛縱隊側翼而設置的士兵fight for safeguarding socialism
保衛社會主義作戰To defend or protect.
保護,保衛Every one is duty-bound to defend his motherland.
保衛祖國人人有責。None of us will ever forget this day, yet we go forward to defend freedom and all that is good and just in our world.
n.: take up arms against, secur, protection, fence ...against, fence ...from, defend from, defend against, in defence of, take up arms against for, take arms against for, bear arms against for, take arms against, bear arms against, in defense, ward, safeguard, defense