人民大會堂 Great Hall of the People;
人民的心願 people's wishes;
人民公敵 public enemy; common enemy of the people;
人民內部矛盾 contradictions within the ranks of the people; contradictions among the people;
人民是歷史的創造者。 The people are the makers of history
人民大會 the Assembly of the people;
人民大衆 the broad masses of the people;
人民代表大會 people's congress;
人民代表大會製 system of people's congress;
人民法院 people's court;
人民法院院長 president of the people's court;
人民防空 people's air defense; civil air defense;
人民公僕 people's public servants;
人民共和國 people's republic;
人民檢察院 people's procuratorate;
人民檢察院檢察長 chief procurator of the people's procuratorate;
人民教師 people's teacher;
人民教育 people's education;
人民解放軍 the People's Liberation Army;
人民警察 the people's police;
人民軍 the People's Army;
人民軍隊 people's army;
人民軍隊思想 thinking on people's army;
人民來信 letters from the masses;
人民民主革命 people's democratic revolution;
人民民主國傢 people's democratic state;
人民民主專政 people's democratic dictatorship;;
人民陪審員 [法律] people's assessor;
人民起義 people's uprising;
人民勤務員 servant of the people;
人民群衆 the masses;
人民申訴制度 people's appeal system;
人民調解委員會 people's mediation committee;
人民團體 mass [people's] organizations;
人民外交 people's diplomacy;
人民委員會 people's committee;
人民武裝 people's armed forces;
人民武裝部 people's armed forces department;
人民性 affinity to the people; people's character;
人民英雄紀念碑 the Monument to the People's Heroes;
人民政府 the People's Government;
人民主權論 popular sovereignty;
人民資本主義 people's capitalism;
人民自治組織 people's self-governing organization
百科辭典 Encyclopedia
人民 the people