b Bell Labs-developed language is a common programming language, it was 1969 years ago by the United States after the Bell Labs computer scientist Ken Thompson (ken thompson) at Dennis Leach (dennis ritchie) support designed. Later, Dennis Leach to b language-based development of c language - the world's one of the most commonly used programming language. Since the language was replaced after c, b language almost abandoned. History b language is _delete_d from Thomson bcpl system that non-essential components for small to run on the computer at the time generated. b language also includes Thomson's some personal preferences (mainly in specific programs to reduce the number of non-space characters.) And bcpl and forth like, b language is only one type of data, computer word. Most operations will be treated as an integer (such as +,-,*,/ operation), but the rest of a complex operation as referenced memory address. B language in many ways more like an early version of the c language, it also includes a number of library functions, its role is similar to c language standard input / output library. Example The following is from the ken thompson's b language user manual example: / * The following function will print a non-negative number, n, to the base b, where 2 <= b <= 10, this routine uses the fact that in the anscii character _set_, the digits 0 to 9 have sequential code values .* / printn (n, b) { extrn putchar; auto a; if (a = n / b) / * assignment, not test for equality * / printn (a, b); / * recursive * / putchar (n% b + '0 '); }
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B BCPL system language is _delete_d from Thomson that non-essential components to enable small-scale running at the time generated on the computer. B Thomson language also includes some personal preferences (mainly in specific programs to reduce the number of non-space characters.) And BCPL, and similar FORTH, B language is only one type of data, computer word. Most operations will be treated as an integer (such as +,-,*,/ operation), but the rest of a complex operation as referenced memory address. B language in many ways more like an early version of the C language, it also includes a number of library functions, its role is similar to C language standard input / output library.
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The following is from Ken Thompson's B language user manual example: / * The following function will print a non-negative number, n, to the base b, where 2 <= b <= 10, This routine uses the fact that in the ANSCII character _set_, the digits 0 to 9 have sequential code values. * / printn (n, b) { extrn putchar; auto a; if (a = n / b) / * assignment, not test for equality * / printn (a, b); / * recursive * / putchar (n% b + '0 '); }