idiom > Bitazuiwai
  Explanation: Describe the face seriously.
  Source: "The Scholars" Third Nine back: "There was Xiaoyun Xian ban the marbles called, played crooked nose and mouth collapse, nowhere to hide."
  Examples: I saw two people and helped coach the bird out of the temple, the play ~. ★ "Dang," the seventh at the second
No. 2
  Describe face serious condition. "Scholars" third nine back: "There was Xiaoyun Xian ban the marbles called, played crooked nose and mouth collapse, nowhere to hide." "Dang," the seventh two back: "I saw two people and helped the bird coach came out of the temple, playing crooked nose and mouth collapse. "is also a" green lip nasal collapse. " Li Han Autumn "Guang Ling Chao," the sixth five back: "Xiangba look at the Yantai Cheng, Green has played lip nasal collapse is simply not a body."
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No. 3
  词 目 鼻塌嘴歪
  发 音 bí tā zuǐ wāi
  释 义 形容脸部伤势严重。
  出 处 《儒林外史》第三九回:“那里禁得萧云仙的弹子打来,打得鼻塌嘴歪,无处躲藏。”
  示 例 只见两个人搀着那鸟教头走出庙来,打得~。★《荡寇志》第七二回
  用 法 作定语、状语;形容人的伤势