Birds : Priority preserve Wilding > Black-necked cormorant
Basic information
  Chinese name: black-necked cormorant
  Latin name: phalacrocorax niger
  English name: pygmy cormorant species named person and the age: (vieillot, 1817)
  Alias: Small Osprey, water crows
  Species Category: Doors → vertebrate subphylum Chordata Aves → → → subclass this birds head this jaw-shaped head pelican → → → cormorant cormorants families are
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  No black-necked cormorant subspecies differentiation. Distributed in western Yunnan, China's domestic Dehong, Lincang, Baoshan, Nu, Mengzi, Tengchong, Yingjiang, Longchuan, Luxi, Gengma other places, for the resident; southeast Yunnan Mengzi migratory birds for the summer.
  Distributed in the following protected areas: Xingkaihu Tongbiguan Gaoligongshan
  Foreign breeds in India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Sumatra, Java and other regions, occasionally in Afghanistan and the Malay Peninsula.
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Endangered Information
  cites endangerment: not included in the age of entry into force: 1997
  iucn endangerment: not included in the age of entry into force: 1996
  iucn endangerment: not included in the age of entry into force: 2003
  National protection: two years into force: 1989
  China Red Data Book of Endangered Animals Level: VU's entry into force: 1996
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  Total length of about 50cm. Similar figures and common cormorants, but smaller. Bright black male plumage and breeding of the head and cheek feathers mottled with white silk; shoulder feathers, wing coverts and on the inside of the secondary flight feathers, silver gray, black feather edge. Female and male plumage color is similar to rendering brown head and neck. Chick whole body brown, lower body nearly white. Green yellow throat pouch, iris green. Beak-shaped side of the flat and elongated, curved into a hook-side men, mouth brown. Webbed toes with the whole, was dark brown.
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  Black-necked cormorants to keep bird habitat in the inland lakes, rivers, reservoirs, ponds, paddy fields and marshes and other areas, in non-breeding season is also a small pond near the village activities. Temperament is more docile, in the water activity is very flexible and can dive more than 10 meters of water. It is a very strong ability to fly, but walking on the ground it appears clumsy, with the rest of the time but also help support the hard tail. Mainly on fish and frogs, tadpoles, etc. for food. The main methods of feeding by diving, underwater hunting food. Sometimes it is said to work together with the pelicans hunt, arranged in a half circle in the water, the pelicans with wings slap on the water, driving the fish, black-necked cormorants dive into the water while playing around with each other to be able to capture sufficient food.
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Breeding habits
  Black-necked cormorants breeding in a variety of suitable nesting and rich food, lakes, ponds and swamps, and even relatively small nest in the pond. Different breeding areas with significant differences in the year to December from March almost a reproduction of the Ministry. Often integrated 5 A small group of 6 on the nest together, occasionally up to 50 with a 60 on the large. Nest in waterside trees, shrubs or between a relatively high among the bushes. 3 to 5 eggs per litter, pointed oval eggs, the size of 45 × 29 mm.
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Population Status
  The number of black-necked cormorant is very rare, the 1992 winter waterfowl survey results, there are 58,110 in South Asia, Southeast Asia, there is 3062, and in our country are unable to see out. Black-necked cormorant in China is only distributed in Yunnan, a narrow geographical distribution, population sparse, research should be undertaken.
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To risk factors
  ● environmental pollution:
  The main risk factors caused by 60 years since, in the distribution area of ​​farmland in the increasing amount of pesticide application, water pollution. Swamps, flood land of fish, shrimp and a corresponding reduction in the number of insects, resulting in a short black-necked cormorant lack of food, resulting in reduction of population distribution.
  ● being hunted for food: hunting has become increasingly serious.
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