idiom > Ao throw devoured
Ao throw devoured
  Explanation: Analogy magnificent diction, ups and downs. Also as "Ao throw whale ffff."
  Source: Ming CHEN Ru-Yuan "lotus note kai count": "the negative of the map long floating horse has had Jue Games; Ao throw devoured the sentence, all deep research."
  Examples: As to the negative connotation Du, Han Ao throwing whale ffff, there are not caught. ★ Qing Song Luo, "Poetry Man Tong said the" three
No. 2
  Diction has a powerful metaphor Chong, ups and downs.
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No. 3
  Analogy diction tremendous momentum, ups and downs. Yuan Ming YT "lotus note kai total": "Long floating horse bears map has been choice Austria; ao devoured throwing the sentence, are all deep research." Also for "Ao throw Whale Ka." Qing Song Luo "Diffuse tang poetry" three: "The Du beg the indulgence in negative, Han Ao throw whale Ka, there is no catch."
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No. 4
  词 目 鳌掷鲸吞
  发 音 áo zhì jīng tūn
  常 用 常用成语
  年 代 古代成语
  结 构 联合式成语
  词 性 中性成语
  用 法 作定语;用于文章等
  释 义 比喻文辞气势磅礴,跌宕起伏。亦作“鳌掷鲸呿”。
  出 处 明·陈汝元《金莲记·偕计》:“龙浮马负之图,已曾抉奥;鳌掷鲸吞之句,无不深研。”
  示 例 至于杜之海涵地负,韩之鳌掷鲸呿,尚有所未逮。★清宋荦《漫堂说诗》三
  近义词 鳌掷鲸呿
  成语名称 鳌掷鲸吞 汉语拼音 áo zhì jīng tūn 成语释义 比喻文辞气势磅礴,跌宕起伏。亦作“鳌掷鲸呿”。 成语出处 明·陈汝元《金莲记·偕计》:“龙浮马负之图,已曾抉奥运会;鳌掷鲸吞之句,无不深研。” 使用例句 至于杜之海涵地负,韩之鳌掷鲸呿,尚有所未逮。