animal : Buddhist glossary : ballad : chinese > whale
Poet: Zhang Shunmin

  East China Sea on the 10th the wind, waves breaking valley.
  Whales across ten long search, reverberates in the flat land.
  Thunderbolt from heaven, the Hua then cut open the two projects.
  Cooking and oil skin, joints into homes.
  Xingshan hundred miles, and every household to tired feet.
  I smell the sea of people, Pearl can be used for candles.
  What's wrong with whale recovery, Hairuo a how cool.
  To slander the wind from the primary, Dajun ask do not tell.
  Hesitate undecided complex sigh and cry when the sea ditch.
  ADS-shaped free world, there are subtle Seoul alone.
  Big to not allow, how small those benefits.
  But envy the generation of fish shrimp, Enron Paul family.
Commonly known as whales
  Commonly known as whales. "Wen Zi on benevolence": "I said: whale water loss, then the system in ants." Tandoori just "show for six quatrains," The fourth: "or to see Fei Lan Shao, the no button whales in the sea." Ming Li Dongyang "Spring Xing" Three Poems: "Green Parrot space Grief, the clear blue whale teenage years." Cao Yu "Sunrise," the second act: "﹝ ﹞ Gu grandmother walked eight, like a small whale."
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Refers to the ringing bells pestle shaped like a whale
  Refers to the ringing bells pestle shaped like a whale. "Selected Works of Ban <East Du Fu>": "So fat whale, Keng Wah Chung." Annotation: "Xue Zong" Xijing fu "Note said: 'big fish in the sea, saying whales.' Seaside another animal, name Po prison. Su Wei Po prison whale, whale blow Po prison, Zhe Ming big. Any loud bell hastened to ask those who, pretending to be secured to the Po. it hit the person, as the whale. "according to" Biography of the Later Han Ban Under the "lead article, Li Xian note said:" Whale that has carved pestle for whale-shaped. "Han Heng" Tokyo Fu ":" Son of Heaven is Fu Yu Lu, the time by six dragons, fat whale, Keng Wah Chung. "
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No. 4
  Ocean monster ─ ─ cetaceans
  Cetacean Latin name is the Greek "sea monster" derived from the word, we can see the ancient habitat of such behemoths in the ocean has awe. In fact, the shape of a large difference in cetaceans, small only about one meter in length, the maximum is up to 30 meters or more. Most of them live in the ocean species, only a few species live in freshwater environments, with fish shape is very similar, showed a streamlined shape, suitable for swimming, so called for the whales, but this similarity is only biological An evolutionary convergence on. Because cetaceans have viviparous, breastfeeding, temperature and other characteristics with the lungs, and the fish is completely different, and therefore belong to the mammal. Whale one minute heartbeat only 9 times.
  The common feature of cetaceans is a constant body temperature, is about 35.5 ℃. Bare skin out, no body hair, only a little bristly snout has no sweat glands and sebaceous glands. A subcutaneous fat thickness, can keep the temperature of the body and reduce the proportion of water. Developed skull, but the skull portion of the small, big facial, frontal bone and maxilla significantly prolonged, forming a long snout. Neck obvious, cervical spine healing phenomenon, head directly connected with the trunk. Forelimbs were fin, not separate toes, no claws, elbow and wrist joints can not be flexible movement in the water for a swim. Vestigial hind limbs, but there are still remnants of the pelvis and femur bone pieces were remnants. Degenerate into a tail fin, the skin around the end of the expansion in the horizontal direction, forming a pair of tail lobe, but not supported by the skeleton spine in the narrow tapering tail PERSONNEL finally disappears before entering the caudal fin. Caudal fin and fish different, can swing up and down, is the main organ for swimming. Some species also have a dorsal fin, to balance the body. They have a sponge-like bone tissue, the body cavity more fat can increase the volume of the body, reducing the specific gravity of the body, increasing the buoyancy.
  Their eyes are small, no lacrimal and haw, poor eyesight. No ear shells, ear canal is very thin, but the hearing is very sensitive, and can feel the ultrasound, rely on echolocation to find food or escape predators Contact companion. There are 1-2 outside the nostril, located overhead, commonly known as fumaroles, general nostril position higher on the degree of evolution of the latter. Breathe with lungs, lung around each leaf, which has many capillaries, flexible, able to contribute to the flow of oxygen to adapt gas exchange carried out on the water every so often need surfaced to breathe, but also submersible longer. Ribs 10 to 20 pairs. Stomach is divided into four rooms. Kidney mostly warty. Stallion testicles located within the abdominal cavity. Farrowing and lactating females in the water, the uterus is double angular, with a pair of breasts, located on both sides of the cleavage reproductive crack, elongated nipples, breast milk is rich in calcium, phosphorus, and a lot of fat. During embryonic pups have teeth, but the teeth of baleen whales were born to the time required to be replaced, tooth whale's teeth are lifelong reserved.
  Cetacean ancestors originally limbs to walk on land with animals, may be the main living area on the waterfront insectivorous or carnivorous, and later as the fish are attracted to water and other foods, after long years, and from land back to the sea, and gradually adapt to ocean life. The earliest whales appeared about 55 million? / Font> mid-Eocene 36 million years ago, the beginning of whales, toothed whales and the beginning of the original late Eocene whales, etc., they compare with existing whale skull is relatively small, located in front of the head above the nostrils, yet moves the head, teeth and ancient insectivores, rodents teeth meat almost all 44 or under 44, tooth, skull, etc. are also very similar, only a few Different points, but they have been adapted to living in seawater, and fish like shape.
  Required cetaceans great shape, the smallest species is also greater than 6 meters in length. Mouth, no teeth, only embryonic development can be seen in the degradation of the teeth, but the left and right sides of the palate to the pharynx maxillary birth to 150-400 pieces each comb-like arrangement was horny required. Subject of colors, shapes and numbers and there are differences due to the different types, is an important basis for classification. There are two external nostrils, located on top of the head, when two jets of water can be sprayed breathing ventilation. Skull great, some kind of body length of up to 1/3, symmetrical. Cervical healing or separation. Sternum small, only 1-2 of the sternum and the ribs connected to the thorax is incomplete. No collarbone. General flippers with 4 fingers. Digestive tract with the cecum. Mainly krill and other small crustaceans for food, some species also eat small group tour of the fish, and benthic fish and shellfish. There are whale baleen whales worldwide Branch, gray whales and fin whales subjects such as Section 3 Division of about 6 genera and 11 species.
  Whales tooth shape variation is relatively large, the smallest species is only about one meter in length, the largest are 20 meters or more. The mouth has a cone-shaped teeth, but the shape of different types of teeth, the number is also a great difference, at least with only a single tooth, there are dozens of pieces up to, some hidden in the gums is not exposed, so also be One important basis for classification. Only one external nostril, so only one jet ejected breathing ventilation. Left-right asymmetry of the skull. The flippers have five fingers. Larger sternum. No collarbone. No cecum. Mainly squid and fish for food, and some also prey on birds, seals and other whales and other large animals. Toothed whales in the world there are puffer Branch, Division sperm whales, beaked whales Branch, narwhal Branch, Division beak dolphins, porpoises Branch, Division of dolphins and pilot whales, etc. Section 8 families, about 34 genera and 72 species.
  The blue whale is the largest mammal. It can grow up to 30 meters, with an average weight of 150 tons, and a mouth can open freely capacity 10 adults out of the width. Blue Whale full of treasure, its fat can soap; whale soft nutritious and rich; whale bone glue can be refined; whale liver contains a lot of vitamins; blood and guts is the official air quality fertilizer.
  As the great economic value of whale, the ancient humans hunted the object, but in the past due to the means of hunting behind, the smaller the amount of hunting, not enough to affect the number of whales. In modern times, people use guns to hunt whales and ships, lethality greatly enhanced, making the sharp drop in the number of whales, many species threatened with extinction.
  Now due to the number of whales around the world each year to capture a strict limit, so whaling has gradually no longer a major problem to monitor the number and survival of whales scientists are worried. However, within the scope of the whole world, unprecedented economic development of marine pollution caused by humans is of great whales constitute a threat far greater than the extent of the threat to kill, the rapid development of industrial fishing in addition also greatly affects whales and other marine mammals food sources, is another major factor in their survival. People in the past always imagine the ocean world and a symbol of freedom to engage in a broad expanse of adventure activities, so wanton plunder of marine resources at the same time, not only due to the large number of ocean noise generated by the shipping industry and emit large quantities of ballast water per year , but also a lot of ground to ocean dumping, there are about 100,000 kinds of chemicals also by the discharge of sewage and air to reach the ocean, it is difficult to increase the decomposition of organic chloride content of marine organisms, so that marine pollution is getting worse, and brought serious consequences.
  Modern scientific studies show that the ocean is a giant container storage of carbon dioxide emissions, hot and cold ocean currents system has a great influence on the Earth's climate, still less in the deep research in, with many unknown plants and animals benefit humanity, including the source of many human potential food and drugs, has an important value. Increasing marine pollution levels, will enable the destruction of these valuable resources. Since the destruction of the ozone layer, the population density of life in the waters around the Antarctic krill drastically reduced, per 1,000 cubic meters of seawater ending krill habitat from 1982 to 1983 before 177.8, sharply reduced to 1984-1985 in 41.2. Krill is a crustacean ocean, the ocean is an important bait fish, whales and other marine mammals, has an extremely important role in the marine food chain, and it is retained on the earth as the largest protein resources has also been of great concern. As the whales and other marine mammals located at the end of the food chain, so marine pollution, especially heavy metal pollution has stimulated tangled effects of substances, severely weakened their immune systems, making them vulnerable to attack viruses and bacteria contamination Females also prevent pregnancy or cause miscarriage, so that their reproductive rate is greatly reduced.
  Cetaceans our resources are very rich, so far discovered in our waters has reached 9 families, 26 genera and 38 species, including both body length of 30 meters above the blue whale, there are only a body length of about 1 meter porpoise in particular also has specialty ─ ─ freshwater cetacean dolphin, is a wonderful work of cetaceans. In addition to our cetacean dolphin and two kinds of Chinese white dolphins i was listed as national protected animals, all other species of protected animals are classified as ii.
  Whales are mammals that live in the water, and land mammals that he has the same physical characteristics, for example, lungs, and other viviparous, but some shellfish prepared to adapt to special physiological structure evolved in the aquatic environment. Whales in the classification "belonging to the animal kingdom (kingdom animel), chordates (phylum chordata), Mammalia (class mammrha), Cetacea (ordercetacea).
  Under Cetacea and divided into two sub-projects, which are baleen whales suborder (subordermysticeti, blaleenwhales) and toothed whales Yari (suborderodo-ntoceti, toothedwhales). These two categories of clustering, and then academically they are mainly based on different ways of feeding may be, baleen whales suborder main morphological features are no teeth, but there is a large baleen, used to filter plankton. So as filter feeders. The purpose of the main features of toothed whales have teeth Asia, predatory, the number and arrangement of the teeth to have different feeding habits by the shadow of the world there are 13 families about 79 extant species.
  Although there are fish whales word, in fact it is not fish, but mammals and fish it has many very different characteristics, such as general tail fin fish is about to swing the body forward, but it is more than the next whale caudal fin way forward swing. They use the front flippers to keep the body balance and control to the upper end of some whale back there to keep the body vertical fin it!
  Whale is a cluster of animals, they are usually in groups of sea life, but when the whales breathing, you need to swim up to the surface, when the whale is the use of the head of the blowhole to breathe, exhale, the air Moisture condenses to form the familiar fountain shape. Experts even from the height, width and angle of spray, to identify the type of whale it! Many whale species, roughly divided into two categories toothed whales and baleen whales.
  Has a very thick layer of fat under the skin of whales, that is commonly known as whale oil, which can make whale body to keep warm, but also to stored energy supply contingencies. As the whale body has many special structure, making it possible for a long time in the water screen Zhuang breathing, slowed heart rate, so when it sink to the bottom, always after a long period of time before re-surfaced. In addition to the oxygen storage structure outside, when a part of the body needs a lot of blood supply, the body will have a special focus on the supply function of it!
  Baleen whales tall thin jet of water, toothed whales short thick jet of water, some farmers even according to the water column to determine the type of whale it!
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Introduction whales
  ─ ─ monster ocean whale
  Whale's Latin name is from the Greek word for "sea monster" derived, we can see the ancient habitat of such behemoths in the ocean has the feeling of awe. In fact, a large whale shape differences, have a small body length of about 6 meters, the largest up to 30 meters above the heaviest weight up to 170 tons, the lightest have 2000 kg. Most of them live in the ocean species, only a few species live in freshwater environments, with fish shape is very similar, showed a streamlined shape, suitable for swimming, so called for the whales, but this similarity is only biological An evolutionary convergence on. Because cetaceans have viviparous, breastfeeding, temperature and other characteristics with the lungs, and the fish is completely different, and therefore belong to the mammal. Whale one minute heartbeat generally 9 to 10 times.
  Alias: sickle fin dolphin, striped dolphin fin sickle short bottlenose dolphin. Snout very short, but with frontal boundaries clear. Striking tall dorsal fin, was the sickle song, base width wide. Body black or dark gray back, white belly, black front of the head and the upper jaw, lower jaw only snout black, the rest white. After the eye of the ventral side of the body is white or gray, along the dorsal side of the embankment to the side of the tail base from white belt, mouth to fin comb before groups. After crossing the road and limb-based wholly-Ass has a black belt. Dorsal front 1/3 black, the latter part of the whole is gray. The same black flippers leading edge, a trailing edge portion of gray. Below the caudal fin are black or dark gray. Large variation in color. The upper and lower teeth on each side must be 23 to 36.
  A body length of up to 2.5 meters, the male is slightly larger than females, weighing up to 180 kilograms. Multiple head into tens to hundreds of head of large, divided into small groups during feeding, resting or moving time and pooled in large herds. Of lively, swimming speed, often out of the water. Body length of about 1.8 meters.
  The main cluster of small prey fish and squid.
  East China Sea, South China Sea are distributed.
  Whale is an important member of Marine Mammals, shape like a fish, commonly known as whales.
  Many whale species, worldwide there are more than 80 species, 30 kinds of waters. They are generally divided into two categories. There must be a class toothless mouth, called baleen whales, a total of 11 kinds; Another mouth without teeth, called the toothed whales, a total of more than 70 kinds. Whale's body length from 1 m to over 30 m range.
  The common feature of cetaceans is a constant body temperature, is about 35.4 ℃. Bare skin out, no body hair, only a little bristly snout has no sweat glands and sebaceous glands. A subcutaneous fat thickness, can keep the temperature of the body and reduce the proportion of water. Developed skull, but the skull portion of the small, big facial, frontal bone and maxilla significantly prolonged, forming a long snout. Neck obvious, cervical spine healing phenomenon, head directly connected with the trunk. Forelimbs were fin, not separate toes, no claws, elbow and wrist joints can not be flexible movement in the water for a swim. Vestigial hind limbs, but there are still remnants of the pelvis and femur bone pieces were remnants. Degenerate into a tail fin, the skin around the end of the expansion in the horizontal direction, forming a pair of tail lobe, but not supported by the skeleton spine in the narrow tapering tail PERSONNEL finally disappears before entering the caudal fin. Caudal fin and fish different, can swing up and down, is the main organ for swimming. Some species also have a dorsal fin, to balance the body. They have a sponge-like bone tissue, the body cavity more fat can increase the volume of the body, reducing the specific gravity of the body, increasing the buoyancy.
  Their eyes are small, no lacrimal and haw, poor eyesight. No ear shells, ear canal is very thin, but the hearing is very sensitive, and can feel the ultrasound, rely on echolocation to find food or escape predators Contact companion. There are 1-2 outside the nostril, located overhead, commonly known as fumaroles, general nostril position higher on the degree of evolution of the latter. Breathe with lungs, lung around each leaf, which has many capillaries, flexible, able to contribute to the flow of oxygen to adapt gas exchange carried out on the water every so often need surfaced to breathe, but also submersible longer. Ribs 10 to 20 pairs. Stomach is divided into four rooms. Kidney mostly warty. Stallion testicles located within the abdominal cavity. Farrowing and lactating females in the water, the uterus is double angular, with a pair of breasts, located on both sides of the cleavage reproductive crack, elongated nipples, breast milk is rich in calcium, phosphorus, and a lot of fat. During embryonic pups have teeth, but the teeth of baleen whales were born to the time required to be replaced, tooth whale's teeth are lifelong reserved.
  Whale is a cluster of animals, they are usually in groups of sea life, but when the whales breathing, you need to swim up to the surface, when the whale is the use of the head of the blowhole to breathe, exhale, the air Moisture condenses to form the familiar fountain shape. Experts can even spray water from a height, width and angle, to identify the type of whale. Many whale species, roughly divided into two categories toothed whales and baleen whales.
  Has a very thick layer of fat under the skin of whales, that is commonly known as whale oil, which can make whale body to keep warm, but also to stored energy supply contingencies. As the whale body has many special structure, making it possible for a long time in the water screen Zhuang breathing, slowed heart rate, so when it sink to the bottom, always after a long period of time before re-surfaced. In addition to the oxygen storage structure outside, when a part of the body needs a lot of blood supply, the body will have a special focus on the supply function.
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Whale features
  The common feature of cetaceans is a constant body temperature, is about 36.0 ℃. Bare skin out, no body hair, only a little bristly snout has no sweat glands and sebaceous glands. A subcutaneous fat thickness, can keep the temperature of the body and reduce the proportion of water. Developed skull, but the skull portion of the small, big facial, frontal bone and maxilla significantly prolonged, forming a long snout. Neck obvious, cervical spine healing phenomenon, head directly connected with the trunk. Forelimbs were fin, not separate toes, no claws, elbow and wrist joints can not be flexible movement in the water for a swim. Vestigial hind limbs, but there are still remnants of the pelvis and femur bone pieces were remnants. Degenerate into a tail fin, the skin around the end of the expansion in the horizontal direction, forming a pair of tail lobe, but not supported by the skeleton spine in the narrow tapering tail PERSONNEL finally disappears before entering the caudal fin. Caudal fin and fish different, can swing up and down, is the main organ for swimming. Some species also have a dorsal fin, to balance the body. They have the spongy bone tissue, the body cavity more fat can increase the volume of the body, reducing the specific gravity of the body, increasing the buoyancy.
  Their eyes are small, no lacrimal and haw, poor eyesight. No ear shells, ear canal is very thin, but the hearing is very sensitive, and can feel the ultrasound, rely on echolocation to find food or escape predators Contact companion. There are 1-2 outside the nostril, located overhead, commonly known as fumaroles, general nostril position higher on the degree of evolution of the latter. Breathe with lungs, lung around each leaf, which has many capillaries, flexible, able to contribute to the flow of oxygen to adapt gas exchange carried out on the water every so often need surfaced to breathe, but also submersible longer. Ribs 10 to 20 pairs. Stomach is divided into four rooms. Kidney mostly warty. Stallion testicles located within the abdominal cavity. Farrowing and lactating females in the water, the uterus is double angular, with a pair of breasts, located on both sides of the cleavage reproductive crack, elongated nipples, breast milk is rich in calcium, phosphorus, and a lot of fat. During embryonic pups have teeth, but the teeth of baleen whales were born to the time required to be replaced, tooth whale's teeth are lifelong reserved.
  Whales are mammals that live in the water, and land mammals that he has the same physical characteristics, such as lungs breathing, viviparous, etc., but also have to adapt to some of the special physical structure of the aquatic environment evolved. Whales in the classification "belonging to the animal kingdom (kingdom Animel), chordates (phylum Chordata), Mammalia (class Mammrha), Cetacea (orderCetacea).
  A whale under one minute only nine heartbeat, because whales are mammals that live in the water, and land mammals that have the same physical characteristics, but also with the lungs, it can screen for a long time in the water, breathing village , slowed heart rate, so in order for a long time lurking in the water.
  Under Cetacea and divided into two sub-projects, which are baleen whales suborder (suborderMysticeti, blaleenwhales) and toothed whales suborder (suborderOdo-ntoceti, toothedwhales). These two categories of clustering, and then academically they are mainly based on different ways of feeding may be, baleen whales suborder main morphological features: no teeth, but there is a large baleen, used to filter plankton. So as filter feeders. The purpose of the main features of toothed whales Asia: In order to have teeth, predatory, the number and arrangement of the teeth to have different feeding habits by the shadow of the world there are 13 families about 79 extant species.
  Although there are fish whale word, in fact it is not fish, but mammals and fish it has many very different characteristics, such as general tail fin fish is about to swing the body forward, but it is more than the next whale caudal fin way forward swing. They use the front flippers to keep the body balance and control to the upper end of some whale back there to keep the body vertical fin it! Whales and fish is the biggest difference between whales and people have the same nose, lungs to breathe with gills of fish; whale's skin is very smooth, without scales, fish are generally long with scales; whales are warm-blooded, Fish are cold-blooded; fish are oviparous, whale calf born to direct; mother of two whales in the stomach below the breasts, whale grew up eating my mother's milk, they are hungry, when rubbed on the mouth mom breast milk of the mother whale with a strong spray directly into the whale's mouth.
  Whales are a cluster of animals, they are usually in groups of sea life, but when the whales breathing, you need to swim up to the surface, then the head of the whale is the use blowhole to breathe, exhale, the air Moisture condenses to form the familiar fountain shape. Experts even from the height, width and angle of spray, to identify the type of whale it! Many whale species, roughly divided into two categories toothed whales and baleen whales.
  Has a very thick layer of fat under the skin of whales, that is commonly known as whale oil, which can make whale body to keep warm, but also to stored energy supply contingencies. As the whale body has many special structure, enabling it to hold your breath for a long time in the water, slowing heart rate, so when it sink to the bottom, always after a long period of time before re-surfaced. In addition to the oxygen storage structure outside, when a part of the body needs a lot of blood supply, the body will have a special focus on the supply function of it!
  Baleen whales tall thin jet of water, toothed whales short thick jet of water, and some can even be judged according to the type of water whale it!
  Whales are mammals live in the ocean. Some large whale body, maximum body length of up to 30 meters. Whale's body like a fish, fusiform. Large head, small eyes, ears completely degraded. Neck obvious. Forelimbs were flippers, hind completely degraded; most types of back fin; horizontal tail fin, is the main sport organs. Teeth or toothless. One or two nostrils open in the head. Adult hairless (there are still many species only save some of the hair in the mouth). A thick layer of fat under the skin, and can reduce the specific gravity of the body heat. Lungs breathing, inhale after dive in the water, you can snorkel 10 to 45 minutes. Generally zooplankton, molluscs and fish for food. Viviparous, usually every births a son to milk feeding whale. But many of the fish it is, in fact, they are not fish, but mammals. Distributed in various marine world.
  Whales, oceans of the world are distributed. It is aquatic mammals, have lungs, the types divided into two categories, baleen whales, no teeth, there are baleen, two nostrils, like fin whales, blue whales, humpback whales, gray whales, etc.; tooth whales , with teeth, no whalebone, nostrils one, like sperm whales, narwhals, killer whales and so on. Majority of the ocean and the atmosphere of 60% oxygen in an oxygen phytoplankton manufacture. Baleen whales able to destroy rival phytoplankton - zooplankton. In addition, the toothed whales also helps to maintain the ecological balance of the fish. Toothed whale meat is a large fish-eating mollusks. So there is no whale in the world, humans will perish.
  Ability to reproduce the poor whale, gave birth to an average of two years before a head whale. Due to contamination of human hunting and the environment, has been dramatic reduction in the number of whales. For example, in the 20th century, blue whales have been killed nearly 360,000, is currently the only remaining less than 50. Life on Earth more than 5,000 years of whales, many species have been endangered.
  Cetacean ancestors originally limbs to walk on land with animals, may be the main living area on the waterfront insectivorous or carnivorous, and later as the fish are attracted to water and other foods, after long years, and from land back to the sea, and gradually adapt to the marine life. The earliest whales appeared about 55 million? / FONT> mid-Eocene 36 million years ago, the beginning of whales, toothed whales and the beginning of the original late Eocene whales, etc., they compare with existing whale skull is relatively small, located in front of the head above the nostrils, yet moves the head, teeth and ancient insectivores, rodents teeth meat almost all 44 or under 44, tooth, skull, etc. are also very similar, only a few Different points, but they have been adapted to living in seawater, and fish like shape.
  Alabama Museum of Natural History paleontologist Mark - You Heen explained, "appeared whale tail piece is perhaps the final step whales from land to the sea change." In order to explore this mysterious process, the latest discovery 尤荷恩ancient fossils were analyzed. These ancient fossil bones by some amateur enthusiasts in Alabama and Mississippi river bank discovered the fossil bones of ancient whale's death 沃洛特 Georgia formed. Woluo Te ancient whales survive in Georgia about 4000 years ago, cruising the waters of the Gulf of Mexico in North America. This ancient whale height of about 3.7 meters, mainly relying on its sharp teeth predator fish for a living. The earliest known piece of the long tail and Woluo Te Georgia ancient whale whales a close relationship. But 尤荷恩 found that when 沃洛特 Georgia ancient whale separated from other whales out only 200 million years, it is clear there is no tail piece.
  You Heen analyzed the approximately 5 cm long tail vertebrae of a new discovery. This ancient whale vertebrae is Woluo Te Georgia about 20 tail vertebrae of a. The analysis found that the whale vertebrae and vertebrae near the tail piece does not resemble. So You Heen believes Woluo Te Georgia ancient whales mainly rely on their hind legs to swim swing. Previous studies have also think that this ancient whale has a huge hip, that they also have great long legs. Curiously, the scientists also found that they are not connected to the pelvis and spine. Until now, this phenomenon is still a mystery. You Heen said, "Our view is confirmed, this ancient whale in the water mainly by swinging hips, feet paddling swimming through which modern whales swim very similar way, but modern whales mainly rely on the body fluctuations swimming. "
  In the history of biological evolution, from ancient times to the present land quadruped mammal in water, has been the lack of a ring. Thus, scholars believe that ancient whale fossils found just above to fill the vacancy. However, the ancient whale why the move water from the land it? Originally, descendants of the ancient whale reproduction and feeding activities are carried out on land, as are sea lions, fur seals, seals and other amphibians same. However, biological evolution is often affected by environmental changes, about 5000 years ago, as the proportion of water, food and predators relative to the terrestrial environment is easier to ancient whales survive, they began to enter the water; about dating 1000 years, the descendants of ancient whales evolved very similar to modern whales, their long tails and short neck, the hind flippers also reduced to appendages, since they will no longer come ashore.
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Whale species
鲸鱼 鲸的种类
鲸鱼 鲸的种类
  Required cetaceans great shape, the smallest species is also greater than 6 meters in length. Mouth, no teeth, only embryonic development can be seen in the degradation of the teeth, but the left and right sides of the palate to the pharynx maxillary birth to 150-400 pieces each comb-like arrangement was horny required. Subject of colors, shapes and numbers and there are differences due to the different types, is an important basis for classification. There are two external nostrils, located on top of the head, when two jets of water can be sprayed breathing ventilation. Skull great, some kind of body length of up to 1/3, symmetrical. Cervical healing or separation. Sternum small, only 1-2 of the sternum and the ribs connected to the thorax is incomplete. No collarbone. General flippers with 4 fingers. Digestive tract with the cecum. Mainly krill and other small crustaceans for food, some species also eat small group tour of the fish, and benthic fish and shellfish. There are whale baleen whales worldwide Branch, gray whales and fin whales subjects such as Section 3 Division of about 6 genera and 11 species.
  Whales tooth shape variation is relatively large, the smallest species is only about one meter in length, the largest are 20 meters or more. The mouth has a cone-shaped teeth, but the shape of different types of teeth, the number is also a great difference, at least with only a single tooth, there are dozens of pieces up to, some hidden in the gums is not exposed, so also be One important basis for classification. Only one external nostril, so only one jet ejected breathing ventilation. Left-right asymmetry of the skull. The flippers have five fingers. Larger sternum. No collarbone. No cecum. Mainly squid and fish for food, and some also prey on birds, seals and other whales and other large animals. Toothed whales in the world there are puffer Branch, Division sperm whales, beaked whales Branch, narwhal Branch, Division beak dolphins, porpoises Branch, Division of dolphins and pilot whales, etc. Section 8 families, about 34 genera and 72 species.
  The blue whale is the largest mammal. It can grow up to 30 meters, with an average weight of 150 tons, and a mouth can open freely capacity 10 adults out of the width. Blue Whale full of treasure, its fat can soap; whale meat nutritious; whale bone glue can be refined; whale liver contains a lot of vitamins; blood and internal organs is of high quality fertilizer.
  Whale ancestors
  "安比尤罗凯塔 ust"
  Ust from the Pakistani Keita appeared about 100 million years after, the evolution of whales to the ocean has taken a step forward. This phase of the representative body of the animal is a 4 m long "安比尤罗凯塔 Uz", meaning amphibious whales or walking whale, if Pakistan Keita ust similar with Wolves, then Anbiyouluo Keita ust on similar and crocodiles.安比尤罗凯塔 乌斯比巴基凯 Tawu Si to early detection. The researchers believe that 安比尤罗凯塔 ust whales in the development process is a transitional animal.
  Ust biggest ecological characteristics 安比尤罗凯塔 is life in the sea and on land, mostly to fish for food, drinking water. Generally, all mammals are formed by the teeth and bones of the oxygen atoms of water in the food molecules. There are three oxygen isotopes in nature, provided they have a specific ratio, the ratio of seawater and freshwater different. Therefore, when the fossil bones of 安比尤罗凯塔 ust be analyzed to demonstrate multi-isotope ratios of freshwater, which also shows that 安比尤罗凯塔 ust to land animals for food, thus creating its own bones and body.
  It's somewhat similar to this ecological crocodile now. Eyes small, if the body is in seawater, eyes looked out of the water to observe the situation. Analyze the bones discovered so long thereafter toe in water activities, not so long ago _set_ foot conducive to climb out. They often lurk in shallow water at, Big World, opportunistic attack in the past animals.
  "Lord Keita ust"
  Following the "安比尤罗凯塔 Uz" is an animal with the look and size of otters and still maintained a "安比尤罗凯塔 ust" many of the characteristics of the "Lord Keita ust" and other whales ancestors have appeared. Moreover, this Lord Keita ust animal is believed to have completely adapted to life in water. Since Pakistan Keita Keita ust ust appear to Lord appeared during this time, has experienced about 300 to 400 million years. However, this is a brief moment in paleontology.
  "Dalton" and "巴西洛萨乌 Andrews"
  Thereafter, when about 39 million years ago, "Dalton" and "巴西洛萨乌 Ruth" and has a streamlined body, can be smoothly whales swimming in the ocean appeared. They have no ancestors have long tail, replaced the tail fin. Height of 4.5 meters, "dalton" dolphin bones like now, but there are some vestige of hind foot. "巴西洛萨乌 Andrews" owns slender eel-like figure, a total length of 18 meters, which is better than most of the world's existing cetacean size larger. But it also has two small hind foot.
  Pakistan Keita ust after the "巴西洛萨乌 Ruth" and other cetaceans in the taxonomy are referred to the original whale extinct species. Among them, the better equipped modern cetaceans shape characteristics of the "Dalton" and later evolved into modern toothed whales and baleen whales. However, scientists believe, has not yet been found in animal bones, "Dalton" associated with modern whales.
  However, generally believed that in a period close to the original whale baleen and toothed whales to development, which is about 34 million year ago, is the world's sea level fall period. Then formations can be excavated parts of the world should be a lot, if you're lucky, people will sooner or later be able to find the original whale transitional fossils of modern cetaceans species.
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Value and protection of whales
  As the great economic value of whale, the ancient humans hunted the object, but in the past due to the means of hunting behind, the smaller the amount of hunting, not enough to affect the number of whales. In modern times, people use guns to hunt whales and ships, lethality greatly enhanced, making the sharp drop in the number of whales, many species threatened with extinction.
  Now due to the number of whales around the world each year to capture a strict limit, so whaling has gradually no longer a major problem to monitor the number and survival of whales scientists are worried. However, within the scope of the whole world, unprecedented economic development of marine pollution caused by humans is of great whales constitute a threat far greater than the extent of the threat to kill, the rapid development of industrial fishing in addition also greatly affects whales and other marine mammals food sources, is another major factor in their survival. People in the past always imagine the ocean world and a symbol of freedom to engage in a broad expanse of adventure activities, so wanton plunder of marine resources at the same time, not only due to the large number of ocean noise generated by the shipping industry and emit large quantities of ballast water per year , but also a lot of ground to ocean dumping, there are about 100,000 kinds of chemicals also by the discharge of sewage and air to reach the ocean, it is difficult to increase the decomposition of organic chloride content of marine organisms, so that marine pollution is getting worse, and brought serious consequences.
  Modern scientific studies show that the ocean is a giant container storage of carbon dioxide emissions, hot and cold ocean currents system has a great influence on the Earth's climate, still less in the deep research in, with many unknown plants and animals benefit humanity, including the source of many human potential food and drugs, has an important value. Increasing marine pollution levels, will enable the destruction of these valuable resources. Since the destruction of the ozone layer, the population density of life in the waters around the Antarctic krill drastically reduced, per 1,000 cubic meters of seawater ending krill habitat from 1982 to 1984 before 177.8, sharply reduced to 1984-1985 in 41.2. Krill is a crustacean ocean, the ocean is an important bait fish, whales and other marine mammals, has an extremely important role in the marine food chain, and it is retained on the earth as the largest protein resources has also been of great concern. As the whales and other marine mammals located at the end of the food chain, so marine pollution, especially heavy metal pollution has stimulated tangled effects of substances, severely weakened their immune systems, making them vulnerable to attack viruses and bacteria contamination Females also prevent pregnancy or cause miscarriage, so that their reproductive rate is greatly reduced.
  Whale poor reproductive capacity, an average of two or three years bear a whale ... because of human hunting whales and pollution of the marine environment .. gradually reduced the number of whales, such as blue whales .. ... in the 20th century into the 360,000 are slaughter! ! ! Currently the only remaining less than 50 ~! Many species on the verge of extinction ....
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Our whale
鲸鱼 我国的鲸
  Cetaceans our resources are very rich, so far discovered in our waters has reached 9 families, 26 genera and 38 species, including both body length of 30 meters above the blue whale, there are only a body length of about 1 meter porpoise in particular also has specialty ─ ─ freshwater cetacean dolphin (extinct), is a wonderful work of cetaceans. In addition to our cetacean dolphin and two kinds of Chinese white dolphins are listed as a protected species, all other species are listed as two protected animals.
  Found in China over a nearly four-ton whale, about 17 meters long, a large pig tongue have a dozen head so heavy! Four people sitting inside reading very spacious.
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Whales stranded in China
  2008.3.28 morning, a whale corpse was marked by the waves on the beach in Sanya Bay. The body had begun to rot, they will not determine the cause of death and specific species. And before, large whales stranded in Australia appears dead. For the protection of whales should be more attention!
  Whales stranded in the country is not the first time, it is frequent in the world, thought-provoking reasons.
  March 10, 2005, the Guangdong Wuchuan 8 meters long and weighs about 4 tons beached whale deaths
  A height of eight meters and weighing about four tons of marine protected species of large whales national level, on March 10, 2005 in the afternoon, was found dead on the coast stranded Wuchuan City Mountain River Street Yoshimi village.
  March 11, 2008, a 2 tons multiple deaths of whales stranded in Hainan
  March 11, 2008 morning, one weighing more than two tons of whale was found in the town of Wenchang City, Hainan Province, Jin stranded tidal harbor death. Currently authorities have been buried on the whale processing and extraction of the fish skeleton made into specimens for research use.
  September 1, 2008, weighing a ton whale beached three Golden Beach
  Qingdao Morning News, August 30, 2008 in the evening, a head weighing 3000 pounds of adult Japanese beaked whales in the waters of Qingdao Development Zone, Golden Beach aground.
  [Reason] to explore
  Monster does not help - whales stranded helplessly behind
  What makes the frequent occurrence of such tragedies, let us look at the experts say.
  Whale committed themselves confused?
  Scientists have so far can not explain why these whales "stranded", but most interpretations of their echolocation system about the body. A whale's eye is only as big as a small watermelon, and extreme degradation of vision, generally only see objects within 17 meters, which with its huge body very uncoordinated. They do not rely on the eyes to navigate, measure objects and prey, but has a high sensitivity of echolocation skills. They emit a very wide range of ultrasonic frequencies, the ultrasonic obstacle that is reflected back to form an echo. Whales come to judge the distance between themselves and the obstacles to accurately based on round-trip time of this ultrasonic.
  Visceral discomfort due to parasites, or the system itself appears, can make echolocation system fails, so disoriented whales, scurrying around. Scientists also believe that when the whales to prey on flat terrain with water potential strayed into waters that once ran aground at low tide will cause; And when they eat in order to chase the fish swim into the bay and towards a greater slope of the beach transmit ultrasound, echo often error great, or even to accept less than the echo, will therefore become disoriented. Is a group of whales love animals, stormed the beach if there is a whale stranding, and the rest will be rushed to follow up, causing Qunsiqunshang tragedy.
  Back in December 2004, "Science" magazine had reported that the United States, according to U.S. study WHOI scientists, some scientists believe may be the cause of whale deaths are caused by excessive floating in the sea. The two scientists Institute study found a small pit in the death of stranded sperm whale skeleton, they explained that it was the phenomenon of osteonecrosis of the sperm whale skeletons have emerged. Sperm whales can dive to more than 3,200 meters deep underwater where predation if they float shallow rapid in vivo formation of nitrogen bubbles will gush. These bubbles will tangle in nerve tissue, blocking blood vessels, leading to muscle hypoxia, and even affect bone necrosis caused by regional, leaving many small pit. This suggests that sperm whales "suicide" is likely to be too hasty consideration when they pay a premium for food.
  Nature also fueled?
  In 1997, the Malvinas Islands coast about 300 whales "collective suicide." Argentine scholar analysis that sunspot activity was strongly attracted to magnetic anomalies occurred "geomagnetic storms," ​​which destroys the whales are migratory echolocation system, so that it committed "directional" error.
  UK National Marine Aquarium experts have speculated could be the low-frequency sound undersea earthquake shock waves generated by the interference of these mammals echolocation system, so that they mistakenly on the beach.
  It is human to blame?
  Environmental pollution is also environmentalists and scientists believe is the cause of whale strandings. Scientists believe that water pollution chemicals may disrupt the whales feel. In addition, Dr. Kelie De France La Rochelle, deputy director of marine mammal research center that, acoustic sonar and underwater warships and back voice tester noise emitted by the explosion will make whale echolocation system disorder.
  A few years ago, the U.S. Navy's use of sonar equipment of large deep-sea island in Panama, followed by some whales stranded dolphins have died. National Marine Fisheries Service and the Navy Department investigators said the sonar noise caused the death of marine life. They found the whale's ear noise severely damage the brain and ear bones in whales around there blood. Scientists say the fragile marine mammals in fact, a slight sign of trouble will be frightened. Human naval exercises may also make them panic.
  From the above aspects, the reasons for whale strandings occur is diverse, but there are also a large extent is due to the changing environment, we hope that we will able to pay attention to ecological protection, more attention to this information, such tragedies Can not happen.
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Buddhist Encyclopedia
鲸鱼 佛教百科
  [Whale] (animal) Vatican cloud Capricorn. A translation of a whale. (See also: Capricorn)
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English Expression
  1. n.:  whale
French Expression
  1. n.  baleine
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