Explanation: Like a whale swallowed a swallow, like silkworms eat mulberry leaves and gradually occupied. Analogy with a variety of means to embezzle Usage: Joint type; as predicate, object; containing derogatory Source: Qing Wang Tao, "Britain should and soil conservation": "If the soil head_set_ three soil eroded Once swallowed by Russia, the land and the three sea, Tuojiang Miles." Examples: ~ Made the final inspection, has a more powerful enemy weak friends. ★ Liu Yazi "humiliation" Poetry
No. 2
Like a whale swallowing a mouthful, like the silkworms eat mulberry leaves gradually eroded. Analogy with a variety of hair segment embezzlement. Qing Wang Tao, "the British wish to soil conservation": "If the soil once the soil for the three headsets are creeping Russia, the land and the three sea miles Extension Xinjiang." Liang, "Reform Act through the harm of the same arguments": "Central Asian Mikurube , Su No. Xiao defended, and skilled Dou and conservative change, Eren creeping, Scots will do the carry on. "zi" humiliation "Poetry:" creeping made the final examination, has a more powerful enemy weak friends. "
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Swallow like a whale, Swallow like a whale According to Hu