Scombridae > Tuna
No. 1
  Tuna, also known as tuna, tuna, mackerel is a section of marine life, most are in on the tuna is. Swimming speed, instantaneous speed of 160 km, an average speed of about 60-80 km. Tuna fish flesh is red, it is because tuna muscle to carry a lot of oxygen caused. Some tuna swimming muscle metabolism can be used to make the temperature of the blood, higher than the outside temperature, for example: Bluefin tuna (t.thynnus, t. maccoyii, t. orientalis), the physiological functions, to adapt to the temperature range the larger the tuna can survive in cooler waters.
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棒棒堂成员 鲔鱼
  Personality: lively. Cheerful children
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2 艺人 鲔鱼
  Born: September 19, 1989
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3 2007新春sp 鲔鱼
  Nishida Toshiyuki Fukuhara million times ....
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English Expression
  1. :  Tuna
albacore, tunnayu
Related Phrases
starType Bangbangtangcho7