Xiaochang Zhen challenge : apotheosis fictionalized history > height
gāo guì
  : Noble valuable to the solemn, or characterized by magnificent
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No. 2
  Learn from his noble self-sacrificing quality
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No. 3
  : Social status is superior, distinguished manners, or origin
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No. 4
  The emperor with his most noble knights who came in person. - "The Emperor's New Clothes"
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No. 5
  Dignitaries; honorable. Han Gan Jiao "Yi Lin family's plight": "Avoid Crisis escape suffering and beyond the flesh does not hurt. Noble illness Britain, China fierce falling down." Tang yin "Compilation of Miscellaneous": "recognizing his noble as the pro." "Red Building a dream, "the third seven times:" the same people in this room, are more noble than anyone else Who? "Yang Shuo" Kapok ":" light, thin yarn has been put on Portrait Hu noble body, and coolies were naked spine, barefoot, in the push, the pull in the Shoulder. "
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No. 6
  Respect and value. "Three Kingdoms Wei Zhi Xun Yu Chuan" "Although Taejo Expedition out, the military affairs of state are raised and Yu Yan" s Annotations cited San Guowei Yu Huan "Code a little": "﹝ ﹞ Shi Cai Heng Yi pride, rank too bad see who is not with the language than has been, yes hate for everyone. Only a small government Jung, its only noble. "
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No. 7
  Superb rare. Qing Li Yu, "the keeper of birds fish I Yang Xian Qing Ou Ji": "Cape of Good Li Ran good dance, and the difficulty of interference easy to tame deer are all products of a very noble person."
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No. 8
  Gao Shang Zungui (more that character). "Thunder Rain" the first act: "I think she had noble." Chen Yi "Remember the front-line knowledge Huaihai" Poetry: "The most noble comrades with flowers, the pain may subside?" Liu Qing "Pioneering" Part XI: "Although he has a digest corn gooey, Wowotou stomach, he felt the spirit of a hundred times more than the rich peasants to noble."
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No. 9
  The San Guowei Gaoguixianggong Cao Mao. "Selected Works of Gan Bao <Jin Ji-General remarks>": "noble red man, may not resume the provision of child out." Annotation: "" Wei Zhi ", saying: 'Gaoguixianggong taboo mane, word Shiyan. Qiwangji waste that the emperor. '"Southern Liang Xie," Wen Xin Diao Long Timing ":" less is still the main phase, the only noble British elegance, pride and cooperation chapter, moving words of to. "
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No. 10
  ① achieve high ethical standards: ~ Quality.
  ② extremely valuable: clothing ~.
  ③ refer to the special status of enjoyment of life is superior: the ~ character.
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No. 11
  gāo guì
  1.显贵;尊贵。 汉 焦赣 《易林·家人之困》:“避祸逃殃,身外不伤。高贵疾颠,华落堕凶。” 唐 李商隐 《杂纂》:“认他高贵为亲。”《红楼梦》第三七回:“一样这屋里的人,难道谁又比谁高贵些?” 杨朔 《木棉花》:“轻细的縠纱已经披上士女高贵的躯体,而苦力们赤着脊梁,光着脚板,在推,在拉,在掮。”
  2.尊重,珍视。《三国志·魏志·荀彧传》“ 太祖 虽征伐在外,军国事皆与 彧 筹焉” 裴松之 注引 三国 魏 鱼豢 《典略》:“﹝ 祢衡 ﹞恃才傲逸,臧否过差,见不如己者不与语,人皆以是憎之。唯少府 孔融 高贵其才。”
  3.高超珍贵。 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·颐养·畜养禽鱼》:“然鹤之善唳善舞,与鹿之难扰易驯,皆品之极高贵者。”
  4.高尚尊贵(多指品德)。 曹禺 《雷雨》第一幕:“我觉得她更高贵了。” 陈毅 《记淮海前线见闻》诗:“同志带花最高贵,疼痛可减退?” 柳青 《创业史》第一部第十一章:“他虽然有一个消化玉米糊糊、窝窝头的胃,他觉得自己精神上,比这个富农要高贵百倍。”
  5.即 三国 魏 高贵乡公 曹髦 。《文选·干宝<晋纪总论>》:“ 高贵 冲人,不得复子明辟。” 李善 注:“《魏志》曰:‘ 高贵乡公 讳 髦 ,字 士彦 。 齐王 废,即皇帝位。’” 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·时序》:“ 少主 相仍,唯 高贵 英雅,顾盼合章,动言成论。”
  【高贵】 (菩萨)高贵德王菩萨之略。
English Expression
  1. n.:  height,  dignity,  gold,  grandeur,  mark,  nobility,  noble,  royalty,  the highly privileged,  elitist
  2. adj.:  high
French Expression
  1. adj.  noble, généreux
worshipful attribute, really devalue, majesty, dignity, quality that earns or deserves respect, elevation
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