Humpback puffer triangular box Scientific name: tetrosomus gibbosus English name: hunchback boxfish, hunchback turretfish Common name: Triangle puffer Appearance: body armor with triangular ridges, dorsal and ventral edge ridge developed; dorsal ridge center with a large flat spines; ventral ridge on each side four small spines; ago no orbital spine, but with a weak eye spine; lip with villous projections; scales mostly hexagonal bone plates, a small number of pentagons. Body armor yellowish gray; along the ventral edge with 4 to 5 purple-brown spots; caudal peduncle lavender; each fin pale; around the caudal end of the purple-brown. Habits: Indo-West Pacific region. The main area of reef habitat in the kelp beds and sand mud bottom waters. Habitat depth of up to 110 meters. Slow, poor swimming. To benthic invertebrates for food. Maximum length: 30cm. |