brine Fish > Camptocormia trigone Box puffer
No. 1
  Humpback puffer triangular box
  Scientific name: tetrosomus gibbosus
  English name: hunchback boxfish, hunchback turretfish
  Common name: Triangle puffer
  Appearance: body armor with triangular ridges, dorsal and ventral edge ridge developed; dorsal ridge center with a large flat spines; ventral ridge on each side four small spines; ago no orbital spine, but with a weak eye spine; lip with villous projections; scales mostly hexagonal bone plates, a small number of pentagons. Body armor yellowish gray; along the ventral edge with 4 to 5 purple-brown spots; caudal peduncle lavender; each fin pale; around the caudal end of the purple-brown.
  Habits: Indo-West Pacific region. The main area of ​​reef habitat in the kelp beds and sand mud bottom waters. Habitat depth of up to 110 meters. Slow, poor swimming. To benthic invertebrates for food.
  Maximum length: 30cm.
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Camptocormia Trigone Box puffer fish