Generic name dichondra jr et g. forst. Horseshoe Metal Description dichondra jr et g. forst. Horseshoe metal, Convolvulaceae, eggplant head ,5-8 species distributed in tropical and subtropical regions, including horseshoe gold d.repens forst. Producing provinces south of the Yangtze in China and Taiwan, the whole plant for medicinal purposes, there is heat diuretic, chills and pain and other effects. Perennial, creeping grass this; round or kidney-shaped leaves; flowers small, solitary and axillary; bracts small; sepals 5, separate; Corolla bell-shaped, dark 5 crack; stamens 5, shorter than the corolla; ovary deep 2 crack, 2 rooms, 2 ovules, style 2, basal; capsule 2 crack. Respective Division Convolvulaceae Distribution volume of the world: 8; China: one kind of Introduction introduction of non-state |