full of interest, esp because unusual
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English Expression
  1. adj.:  full of interest, esp because unusual,  fascinating,  intriguing,  interesting or exciting
appealing, adorable, alluring, inviting, flash, charming, causing happiness, pleasant to cuddle, attraction, beloved, exalting, causing or resulting in affection, likely to attract or occupy the attention, exhilarating, agreeable, accommodating, blessed, bright, breezy, blessed, feeling or expressing pleasure, contentment,satisfaction, etc, filling one with interest and enthusiasm, blithe, lively and very pleasant, agreeable, xinggao, blithe, oddity amused, picturesque, acceptable, agreeable, prepossessing, spellbinding, ravishing, relaxed, attractive, attractive, no hard, casual, attracting attention because of a good appearance, airy, limpid, affirmative, acceptable, witching