idiom > Wind Yanghwa
Wind Yanghwa
  Explanation: Wind Yanghua erratic. No matters or things change compared Dingzhun. Qing Yuan FUJIAN AGRICULTURE "down Mulberry" second off: "exclaimed the mother of this disease, just Piansi wind Yanghwa, water magic bubble." Ming Chiu-Bi "Lyrics in the North butterfly children" song: "Music uncertain, like the wind Yanghua . "" Golden Lotus "seventh at the second:" you are the wind Yanghwa, roll on roll off, and is now the rise of child thieves wishful distortion of bone to the assassination. "
Erratic wind Yanghua
  Wind Yanghua erratic. Change something, or something with no right. Yuan Qing Opinions on "Reducing mulberry" second break: "exclaimed the mother of this disease, just Piansi wind Yanghua, water magic bubble." Ming Chiu-Bi "North butterflies children Exquisite" song: "Music uncertain, as if the wind Yanghua . "" Jin Ping Mei, "the seventh two back:" You are the wind in Yanghua, rolling on rolling down, and is now the rise of child thieves crooked ju stab to the bone. "
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No. 3
  Like the wind in the poplar flowers adrift. Compared the development of things or things volatile.
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No. 4
  【注音】:fēng lǐ yáng huā
  【示例】:你就是那~,滚上滚下,如今又兴起如意儿贼歪刺骨来了。 ★明·兰陵笑笑生《金瓶梅词话》第72回
Containing Phrases
Wind yanghwa although abeyance