aesthetic eloquence > distinguished and admirable be cultured and restrained
Merry Implication
  Explanation: Implication: Peace generous, subtle Neixiu. Chic elegance describe people, brilliant. Poetry and the article also described subtle and elegant charm
  Usage: Joint type; as predicate, object, attribute; with compliment
  Source: "Northern Qi Wang Xin Chuan books": "learning the wind training, nine sons, and romantic and refined, the World No. Wang Kowloon."
  Examples: Zhang Shiwen "New Grass Pond," "Purple Yan Flying" two, ~, diminished Zhou and Qin Dynasties. ★ Qing Shen Qian, "said Zhang Shiwen miscellaneous words inspiring lyrics"
No. 2
  词 目 风流蕴藉
  使用频率 较少使用
  发 音 fēnɡ liú yùn jiè
  释 义 蕴藉:平和宽厚,含蓄内秀。形容人风雅潇洒,才华横溢。也形容文章诗画意趣飘逸含蓄
  出 处 《北齐书·王昕传》:“学识有风训,生九子,并风流蕴藉,世号王氏九龙。”
  示 例 清·沈谦《填词杂说·张世文词警策》:“张世文《新草池塘》、《紫燕双飞》二首,~,不减周秦。”
  近义词 风流儒雅、风度翩翩
  反义词 俗不可耐、庸懦无能
  用 法 联合式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含褒义
  成语名称 风流蕴藉 汉语拼音 fēng liú yùn jiè 成语释义 蕴藉:平和宽厚,含蓄内秀。形容人风雅潇洒,才华横溢。也形容文章诗画意趣飘逸含蓄。 成语出处 《北齐书·王昕传》:“学识有风训,生九子,并风流蕴藉,世号王氏九龙。” 使用例句 张世文《新草池塘》、《紫燕双飞》二首,风流蕴藉,不减周秦。
Handsome, bloom of youth, distinguished and admirable cultured