idiom > distinguished and admirable condone
Merry sin
  Explanation: Merry: the so-called original elegance of the feudal gentry. Originally referred to as elegance caused the fault. Engage in sex after that relationship because of the crime committed.
  Usage: Partial official; as object, attribute; that style mistakes men and women
  Source: "Northern Qi Chuan books upright officials Lang base": "Pan Ziyi has left the book, saying: 'In the official writing a book, is also a romantic sin'."
  Examples: Gongjin taught me on the 10th after finishing, artisans material objects should not hand this one ~ and understand that to kill me. (Ming Luo, "Three Kingdoms" Forty-sixth back)
No. 2
  Means the fault of men and women style.
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Elegant things but due to the fault committed
  Elegant things by committing mistakes. "Biography of Wei Lang base upright officials": "basic Qing Shen, nothing was quite business demand ... ... the only writing a book. Panzi Yi had left the book, saying: 'In the official writing a book, is also a romantic sin'."
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Minor fault
  Minor fault. Yuan Shang Zhongxian "single whip wins lance" Second off: "You call Yuchi Jingde years, more romantic look for his sins, then said he had Janus-faced, he was in prison the next." "Ion of the Five Precepts Private HL Jackson recorded ":" suddenly on the 1st, look for pieces of degree was prime minister Wang Jinggong Merry sin, banished the degree Huangzhou placed to play a. "" The Water Margin "first two ○ back:" the court already suspicious, certainly Laixun Merry sin. "
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No. 5
  词目 风流罪过
  发音 fēng liú zuì guò
  释义 风流:原为封建士大夫的所谓风雅。原指因为风雅而致的过错。后也指因搞男女关系而犯下的罪。
  出处 《北齐书·郎基传》:“在官写书,亦是风流罪过。”
  示例 公瑾教我十日办完,工匠料物,都不应手,将这一件~,明白要杀我。(明·罗贯中《三国演义》第四十六回)
  1.因风雅之事而犯的过失。《北齐书·循吏传·郎基》:“ 基 性清慎,无所营求……唯颇令写书。 潘子义 曾遗之书曰:‘在官写书,亦是风流罪过。’”
  2.指男女风情过失。 宋 黄庭坚 《满庭芳》词:“些子风流罪过,都说与明月空牀。”
  3.轻微的过失。 元 尚仲贤 《单鞭夺槊》第二折:“你唤 尉迟恭 来,寻他些风流罪过,则说他有二心,将他下在牢中。”《清平山堂话本·五戒禅师私红莲记》:“忽一日,学士被宰相 王荆公 寻件风流罪过,把学士奏贬 黄州 安置去了。”《水浒传》第一二○回:“朝廷既已生疑,必然来寻风流罪过。”
  成语名称 风流罪过 汉语拼音 fēng liú zuì guò 成语释义 风流:原为封建士大夫的所谓风雅。原指因为风雅而致的过错。后也指因搞男女关系而犯下的罪。 成语出处 《北齐书·郎基传》:“在官写书,亦是风流罪过。” 使用例句 公瑾教我十日办完,工匠料物,都不应手,将这一件风流罪过,明白要杀我。